Has the man really been on the moon? - Printable Version

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Has the man really been on the moon? - Faw_Peter - 05-20-2008

There are opinions which say that the moon landings were faked by the US government, what do you think guys?

Re: Has the man really been on the moon? - LION - 05-26-2008

I think that americans really had been on moon,but they just made the famous videos here,on a secret military base :-)
But still,that is not a excuse that since then the NASA hadn't sent any human expedition to the Moon :nonnon

Re: Has the man really been on the moon? - Guest - 05-26-2008

LION Wrote:I think that americans really had been on moon,but they just made the famous videos here,on a secret military base :-)
But still,that is not a excuse that since then the NASA hadn't sent any human expedition to the Moon :nonnon
Leon, how do you know all this?
Is there any proof that the movie is fake? :quoi

Re: Has the man really been on the moon? - Steven - 05-29-2008

the movie is fake. It was long time ago officially proven. Pay attention to the shadow on those photos, you will understand.

Re: Has the man really been on the moon? - M.Helen - 05-31-2008

I think they were on the moon. This is just made up stories about photoshop work and movie making in the 70s. this is silly, it is made for entertaiment puproses only, or by people interested in a negative face of the american history. we know that people can be really easy manipulated by things that they WANT to bealive.

Re: Has the man really been on the moon? - Terry - 06-03-2008

M.Helen Wrote:I think they were on the moon. This is just made up stories about photoshop work and movie making in the 70s. this is silly, it is made for entertaiment puproses only, or by people interested in a negative face of the american history. we know that people can be really easy manipulated by things that they WANT to bealive.
Helen these are not fairy-tales, try reading more literature and you'll understand that, or maybe you must be an American if you protect them?

Re: Has the man really been on the moon? - Benn - 06-08-2008

the moon trip here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Re: Has the man really been on the moon? - Andrewz - 06-18-2008

Why did NASA not allow the TV cameras to hook up to the transmissions being sent to them from the lunar surface, instead the pictures that we all saw had to be filmed straight off the big screen in mission control

Re: Has the man really been on the moon? - Benn - 06-18-2008

The astronauts suits where too big to fit through the doorhatch of the Eagle (landind module). I also questioned the lack of any stars on the moon. As this is perhaps the most unusual phenonemae, and i've never heard NASA explain any reason for this.

Re: Has the man really been on the moon? - M.Helen - 06-27-2008

It is considered that men have been six times to the moon, we can't admit that all the six times were fake.

Re: Has the man really been on the moon? - Benn - 07-01-2008

These are the 12 "heroes" considered to have been to the moon:

July 20, 1969
Neil Armstrong "One small step for (a) man, One giant leap for mankind..."
Buzz Aldrin

November 19-20, 1969
Pete Conrad
Alan Bean

February 5-6, 1971
Alan Shepard
Edgar Mitchell

July 31-August 2, 1971
David Scott
James Irwin

April 21-23, 1972
John W. Young
Charles Duke

December 11-14, 1972
Eugene Cernan
Harrison Schmitt

Re: Has the man really been on the moon? - Benn - 07-06-2008

In about 5 years Russia is planning to make a trip to the moon together with China.

Re: Has the man really been on the moon? - Terry - 07-30-2008

That's very good. I mean when such power like Russia tries to achieve success in the area of IT, space etc., this makes the other powers (USA, EU) seek new solutions.

Re: Has the man really been on the moon? - Benn - 07-31-2008

this is the only good advantage of competitiveness - it brings new results and solutions.

Re: Has the man really been on the moon? - Faw_Peter - 08-02-2008

certainly, competitiveness is the key to success for any business. We would still be in the stone age if not competetitiveness.

Re: Has the man really been on the moon? - willyoumind - 08-12-2008

I think maybe 1/3 of the six times moon's trips will be the real facts, but I also admitted that the first moon conquer is the fake one.

Re: Has the man really been on the moon? - Faw_Peter - 08-12-2008

why is that willyoumind? I mean the first moon land is the one that is considered to be rather true than fake

Re: Has the man really been on the moon? - Hakan G - 09-12-2008

willyoumind Wrote:I think maybe 1/3 of the six times moon's trips will be the real facts, but I also admitted that the first moon conquer is the fake one.

I am not agree with your last statement. There is a video footage of the first trip on the moon.