Do you believe in Karma - Printable Version

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Do you believe in Karma - Hakan G - 09-14-2008

There is a theory that every person is surrounded by a sort of energy, called in some religions Karma.
Do you believe in this?
I'm personally more than 50-60% convinced of its existence.

Re: Do you believe in Karma - Steven - 09-16-2008

I think you confused things a little. That energy, which surrounds the human body is called aura. Karma is something else, it means fate/destiny.

Re: Do you believe in Karma - Hakan G - 09-27-2008

So do you believe in destiny?

Re: Do you believe in Karma - M.Helen - 02-11-2009

In Hinduism , Buddhism, Karma means the principle of retributive justice determining a person's state of life and the state of his reincarnations as the effect of his past deeds. But also Steven, you are right, Karma is destiny'fate

Re: Do you believe in Karma - Terry - 02-13-2009

In Jainism, Karma operates as a self-sustaining mechanism as natural universal law, without any need of an external entity to manage them.

Re: Do you believe in Karma - Andrewz - 02-19-2009

Here is what skeptics say about Karma: "Karma is a law for sheep. We should not wonder that the shepherds advocate it. It is a law for the passive, for those who will not disturb the status quo, who will accept whatever evil is done as "natural" and inevitable. Karma is a law for slaves, for the vanquished. "

Re: Do you believe in Karma - Tsp - 04-03-2009

I think karma is false. karma makes the assumption that crimes you do will return to you . Then look at all the unpunished crimes Governments,police and armies have committed and they have got away with it. Look at murders committed by the governments around the world from the USA to Israel
Look at the murders committed by other governments.
Governments themselves are the real promblem , they have become untoucheable beasts protected by layers of men with guns, they have killed and murdered for years without punishment or any due recompense.

Re: Do you believe in Karma - Nathan - 04-06-2009

Tsp Wrote:I think karma is false. karma makes the assumption that crimes you do will return to you . Then look at all the unpunished crimes Governments,police and armies have committed and they have got away with it. Look at murders committed by the governments around the world from the USA to Israel
Look at the murders committed by other governments.
Governments themselves are the real promblem , they have become untoucheable beasts protected by layers of men with guns, they have killed and murdered for years without punishment or any due recompense.

Nevertheless, let me tell you something. Punishment not necessarily means punishment for the guy who committed the crime. It might come to their wives, children, close friends. It's a collateral suffering. Nothing goes in vain in this world, there is a balance which always tends to give you what you gave earlier to others.

Re: Do you believe in Karma - Riser - 06-26-2009

In a way I believe in destiny, but on the other hand I also believe that the fate is that we build ourselves everyday, and we ourselves are the lords of our lives: we are those who make decisions, no matter right or wrong, who communicate with people, love, hate etc. Smile But it is in my opinion

Re: Do you believe in Karma - Lorry - 12-17-2009

I also think that this kind of energy can exist, and also that it can be changed from good energy to bad energy, it also can influence that person whose Karma is changing. Many people have this property to influence other's people Karma and they even don't know that they have such power. usually this power is situated in a person's eyes. When it looks at somebody the energy behind it is changing.

Re: Do you believe in Karma - Martin - 12-27-2009

The Buddhists says that: for every event that occurs, there will follow another event whose existence was caused by the first, and this second event will be pleasant or unpleasant according as its cause was skillful or unskillful. I think that karma is following just those people who believe in it.

Re: Do you believe in Karma - aimhigh - 02-22-2010

I believe in saying that " what you sow is what you reap" but there were instances that even you sow goodness you still reap unkind words or deeds.