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The sleep
Your bedroom must be destined for sleep (and making love Smile ) only, don't spend hours watching TV or working there! Although people tend to make their bedroom a multifunctional room, it's all wrong. House equipment (TV, computer, phones) disrupt sleep and therefore make it impossible to like spending time in bedroom. Make a clear difference between the office and your home.

Avoid caffeine, alcohol and tobacco by 4-6 hours before bedtime!
Caffeine is found not only in different types of coffee or tea, but also in some sorts of food, such as chocolate. If you consume these products shortly before going to bed, your sleep would not be good. Nicotine has the same effect on the body.
Avoid eating or consuming various beverages heavy just before bedtime!
Food can create some discomfort, your body will be forced to "work" to digest the products consumed.

Although many times you may have a tendency to snatch naps during the day, it will only hinder you from creating inside your organism a useful and good sleeping regime.
Do exercise every day, but avoid sport 4 hours before bedtime!
Exercise helps you maintain both mental and physical form and also assures you a restful sleep. However, the movement with less than four hours before sleep is not recommended. Ideally, you should book your time for sport in the morning after you wake up.

Respect your "rituals" before you sleep!
Children have certain habits they use to conduct before sleeping. One of them is reading a story. So why don't you create and follow your own rituals, such as reading (about 15 minutes before sleep), taking a relaxing bath, ambient music or relax.

If you have problems with the sleep, don't be afraid to go to bed. Many consider it an anxiety - they stay in beds in keep saying inside "When will I fall asleep?? I need a sleep". It's wrong, because your thoughts must be anywhere you like, EXCEPT for the thoughts causing anxiety and concern. If you think about something pleasant, you'll fall asleep in no time.

Specialists have found that snoring is not given, as is believed, of nasal congestion, but the conformation of the neck. The more open neck is thinner, the snoring is so loud. It can be increased by nasal blockage and is getting worse along with aging. Throughout the day, we have enough muscle power to keep the airways open, regardless of the thickness of the neck.
Instead, when sleep, this power is lost and is snoring by blocking partial airway. Therefore, the best sleeping position is on the belly. Snoring problem can be solved with surgery, but that the intervention does not always work, long-term results are not convincing.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Vegan news | Vegan forums

Snoring is a noise that occurs during breathing during sleep. This sound may be soft, velvety, high, rough and hoarse. Sometimes your partner see the person you are sleeping, snoring or sleep with his mouth open and has a restless sleep. If snoring is disturbing for snorers or her partner could occur subsistence fatigue (tiredness during the day). If during sleep breathing pauses (apnea) might have a serious disease called sleep apnea.
People that snorers often wake up from sleep tired. Studies show that snoring can cause daytime sleepiness and snoring intensity is inversely proportional to the quality of sleep, meaning the more sound has a higher intensity with both sleep is less restful. Snoring can cause sleep apnea syndrome or upper airway resistance. They shall be of a greater severity than simple snoring.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Vegan news | Vegan forums

Factors which may increase the risk of snoring are:
- male: snoring occurs more often in men than women
- age: snoring is most common in middle-aged people, there are studies that have shown that among men the risk of snoring increases with age, until around the age of 50-60 years
- hereditary factors: snoring can occur in several family members
- weight gain and obesity;
- Smoking: children's exposure to tobacco smoke can increase risk of snoring
- alcohol and sedative drugs
- congestion (abnormal accumulation of blood in an organ or a tissue, known as the hyperaemia) chronic nose during sleep : is often caused by allergies or acute upper respiratory infections (colds)
- Malformations of the mandible, as retrognatia (mandible is smaller than normal, giving the impression of small chin) and reverse bite, the latter is a mal-occlusion (bad settlement of teeth on a jaw in relation to the of the jaw the other) of the second class in the jaw and teeth during biting superior beyond lower jaw and teeth, these malformations are more common among women.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Vegan news | Vegan forums

Help of a specialist should be sought when:
- snoring is low tone and high intensity
- snorers feel tired during the day
- snorers sleep in inappropriate moments, such as during conversations and during meals;
- besides snoring during sleep, occurring periods of apnea, moments when the person seems to drown, or mistake.
Snoring is the primary symptom of sleep apnea, which is a more serious disorder, characterized by periods of stopping breathing (apnea) during sleep.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Vegan news | Vegan forums

Watchful waiting is a period in which the practitioner with the patient, supervise disease and its symptoms, without using medical treatment. Watchful waiting period is required when snoring is disturbing to others or if the snoring does not cause excessive daytime sleepiness. If outpatient treatment does not help in stopping snoring, the practitioner should be contacted. The period of watchful waiting is indicated if the snoring is low tone and high intensity if the patient has a restless sleep or sleepy during the day or show periods during sleep apnea. These symptoms may indicate that the patient has sleep apnea and in these circumstances indicate carrying a medical specialty.
Snoring can be treated by medical specialists following:
- family doctor
- doctor of internal medicine
- your Pediatrician
- Specialist in ENT (otorhinolaryngology).
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Vegan news | Vegan forums

Snoring is treated with lifestyle modification, including weight loss (if necessary), quitting smoking, changing the way of sleeping (sleeping on one side instead of sleeping on your back) and avoiding alcohol and sedatives before bedtime. If nasal congestion is due to chronic snoring, it can use medicines that vasodilatatoarele nose, nasal decongestants and inhaled corticosteroids. Oral breathing devices push the tongue and lower jaw forward, thus improving breathing. If snoring persists despite the above treatment, you can try using devices that provide a continuous positive airflow pressure. Another treatment option is surgery.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Vegan news | Vegan forums

- Snoring can be prevented by:
- avoiding alcohol and drugs that slow down breathing, such as sedatives and tranquilizers
- soft diet, exercise and maintaining body weight close to normal weight
- the same bedtime every night and one during enough sleep, regular sleep schedule provides a better rest and a more restful sleep, reducing snoring;
- It is recommended that position during sleep to be on one side and not back, such a position can be maintained during sleep this: is sew a small pocket in the middle of the back of blouses underwear, in introducing a tennis ball
- quitting smoking: it leads to reduction in airway inflammation, which may contribute to tightening
- raising the head of the bed by 10-15 cm by means of bricks placed under the foot of the bed (use pillows to raise head and upper chest is not an efficient method)
- Prompt treatment of respiratory diseases such as allergies and colds, respiratory problems increase the risk of snoring.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Vegan news | Vegan forums

There are hundreds of remedies to stop snoring, but not all are equally effective.Well I can surprise you that your bad habits such as consuming alcoholic drinks, smoking, overeating, lack of exercise, caffeine - all these "improve" snoring, so there's another reason for which you should reject them. Don't believe it? Then try to remember somebody who keeps a healthy lifestyle snoring. I bet you can't!

Correct your sleep position
Choose a correct position of sleep. Be flexible and try many of them. You may like sleeping on your back or, on the contrary, on the belly, on your side, with legs clasped to your breast etc.

For avoiding snoring Correct breathing
Many people would be snoring less if they learn to breathe through nostrils. At least make the breathe through nostrils and let it go through mouth.

If untraditional methods aren't helping you in controlling snoring, then you should make a surgery. It stands for moving or removing certain of tissues for easing the breathe.
Another, unusual method is to conduct hypnosis upon yourself. Not every person can be subject to hypnosis, however you should try contacting a specialist and arrange an appointment for determining whether you can be hypnotised and thereby healed from snoring.

I think that you are right that sleep and our dreams are the result of the brain interpretation, is like a hard disk defragmentation. Unfortunately our science doesn't find the means of our dreams, but some people affirm that all the dreams have a direct sense in our life. It is like our brain works on the night and try to interpretate that events that we should pass over our life. We just should try to understand all this signs.

Laurentine Wrote:Go to bed every day (even on weekends) at the same time in order to avoid restless sleep.
This compliance of time will help the body to meet the biological rhythmrhythm that regulates your sleep and keep you in normal condition.

It is considered that if we go to sleep before midnight, then one hour of sleep is 3 times more beneficial than one hour of sleep after midnight. Not sure about the reasons for that, but I noticed it tends to be true...

First of all sleep gives body muscles possibility to be loosened up and get "charged" for the next day. But I think that scientists are not yet sure what is sleep all about.

But it is for sure that good night rest is necessary for everyone. I remember when my husband used to snore and I was not able to get a good night rest. I was looking for the solution and finally some snoring remedies managed to give me a good night rest.

Well to me six hour a day,deep sleep is enough for us,it keeps us healthy and active. Confuseduper

ferienhäuser spanien, Costa Mallorca

7 or 8 hours necessary to sleep. proper sleep provide us good health.

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