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Why alcohol slows down our reaction?
Alcohol acts like a sedative on our nervous system. Therefore your speech becomes slower, along with your sight and concentration. It foremost influences the part of the brain responsible for emotions and behaviour. When you're drunk you may consider certain negative things to be quite OK. You feel braver, since your filters are off.
Can we work out a steadiness against alcohol?
The more you drink the more faster your body and organism as a whole will get used to alcohol. Your organs become less sensitive to alcohol.
Why sometimes we feel bad after consuming alcohol?
If you ever got drunk you probably know the very unpleasant feeling that comes after a while. The stomach is aching, you feel sick. Alcohol contains certain substances that are very harmful for the liver. Moreover, it affects your brain and stomach. You may feel heartbvurn.
Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach is bad?
Yes it's bad, especially if you plan to stay until the end of the party. When you drink wine on empty stomach, your organism has no substances for slowing down alcohol's penetration in the blood, thus you get drunk faster.
Do people die because of alcohol?
Yes, due to several reasons. In 2007, 75,000 people in USA died because of alcohol abuse.
How long does it stays in our body?
There is no concrete answer for this question, since the alcohol metabolism speed depends on each person. On average, the speed of alcohol elimination is 14.17 grams per hour. It depends on the food, age, liver etc.
Alcohol and medicines?
Consuming alcohol and taking medicines is not dangerous, but it's obviously not recommended. It slows down the efficiency of the effects. If you really care about your health, don't drink beer when you take medicines.
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In the past few years, I've helped a few of my alcoholic friends back to the normal life and I personally against the alcohol abuse!
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You had alcoholic friends? It's great that they were pulled out of this "sickness". If you were their friends, didn't they take you with them to drink? You were happy to avoid that?
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have you ever asked yourself why your head is aching the next morning after a tough party? Well that's because alcohol dries your brain, and it compresses. Drinking about 2-3 liters of water will help.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."
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You should know that alcohol rubs the walls of your stomach. So make sure that you eat something before having a drink, otherwise you risk catching an ulcer.
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For diabetics, consuming alcohol on emplty stomach may end with death. The point is that while consuming alcohol, the organism will generate 4 times more insulin that in usual state.
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As a whole, consuming regularly alcoholic drinks will make you permanently feel tired. The reaction is slowing essentially. That's why professional sportsmen are not allowed consuming alcohol, as it's a direct way to loss.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."
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consuming alcohol at a low level of 10 grams of alcohol (25 grams of vodka or 200 grams of beer) in a week might provide a certain level of defense against coronary heart disease.
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Alcohol is the reason of unemployment and vice-versa - unemployment is the reason of alcoholism.
Did you know that even one tough alcohol consumption cause essential changes in the brain?
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alcohol is a substance similar to drugs. It's very easy to become dependent on it if you consume it often. Moreover, your body will want bigger and bigger quantities every time. So beware and know your limit.
Benn Wrote:have you ever asked yourself why your head is aching the next morning after a tough party? Well that's because alcohol dries your brain, and it compresses. Drinking about 2-3 liters of water will help.
Wow! That is interesting nad useful information! :mrgreen:
Thank you!
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you're welcome Ivan. I also read that it was detected that chronic alcohols have a smaller brain as it shrank due to alcohol, which strained the brain at maximum possible. So it's true.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."
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Taking a glass of wine everyday will improve your immune system. It will increase the quantity of haemoglobin. It's about red wine.
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people vomit if they had a little bit too much  you probably at least once felt upset stomach and heartburn. If it's too much for the body to handle, it forces the mix out, so it results in a make-out session with a toilet bowl.
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Body weight, the quantity of food in your stomach, and of course the concentration of alcohol in the drink, they all play a role in how your body gets rid of the alcohol.
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click on the link and use the following calculator for estimating the alcohol content in your blood
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Enter here to understand the type of alcohol-consumer you are
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Thank you Peach, due to this test I am an alcoholic, may be it is truth :quoi
The best political regime for the nation is a regime which was saved this nation like an entire one. (M. Montein)
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When consuming alcoholic drinks, you should know the measure, because you might not drink enough :lol: joke
In order not to get drunk, find your special brew, a favourite one. For example, you could notice that beer kills you, while wine doesn't, or vice versa.
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Terry Wrote:When consuming alcoholic drinks, you should know the measure, because you might not drink enough :lol: joke
In order not to get drunk, find your special brew, a favourite one. For example, you could notice that beer kills you, while wine doesn't, or vice versa.
what could really kill you is mixing several drinks at once. Champagne is most dangerous to mix, because it's sweet and carbonized and thereby penetrates quickly into blood. Mixed with beer, champagne is double dangerous
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."
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Initially, alcohol generally produces feelings of relaxation and cheerfulness, but further consumption can lead to blurred vision and coordination problems. Cell membranes are highly permeable to alcohol, so once alcohol is in the bloodstream it can diffuse into nearly every biological tissue of the body. After excessive drinking, unconsciousness can occur and extreme levels of consumption can lead to alcohol poisoning and death (a concentration in the blood stream of 0.40% will kill half of those affected[3][4]). Death can also occur through asphyxiation by vomit. An appropriate first aid response to an unconscious, drunken person is to place them in the recovery position.