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How to protect your teeth
I am convinced that the health of our teeth depend on the health of the overall organism and on our nutrition. And even toothbrush doesn't protect us against caries. So, what should we do to preserve our teeth healthy?

Four interesting facts about our teeth
1. Specialists say that if during an accident you lose a tooth, do not throw it. Your chances of reimplanting the teeth can be of 50 % if you go to the dentist 30 minutes after the 'incident'. Try to stay calm, as much as possible. Hold the tooth by the corona and rinse it gently with warm water. Don't brush it.

Call the stomatologist and if he/she does not recommend otherwise, introduce the tooth in its alveola. Bite strongly a handkerchief or a clean cloth for up to 5 minutes, to put the tooth back in its place, after which keep on biting moderately till reaching the stomatologist's office.

If you cannot replace the tooth immediately, keep it in the mouth soaked in the saliva. In case of small children, which might swallow it, put the tooth in a plastic bag or in a cup of water
or milk, in which you've added a pinch of salt.

Even if a lot of time has passed, the best thing to do is go to the stomatologist's and let him/her decide.

2. Not only sugar induces tooth decay, but also acid containing foods. Those drinking orange juice at breakfast or acid-containing foods are advised not to brush their teeth for at least half an hour after eating. That's because when the level of acids overcomes a certain value, the teeth enamel softens, and through brushing the outer layer is removed.

To neutralize the acidity eat protein-rich food, like cheese or peanuts, but no later that 20 minutes after eating acid foods.

3. The teeth treatment can be painless. The YAG laser for tooth surgery removes the caries not through a small drill, but by pulverizing decayed tooth tissue. The laser has many advantages compared to traditional mills. Besides being not painful, thus not requiring anesthesia or anesthetic injections, the stomatologist does not have to wait for the effect of the anesthetic chemicals, starting the treatment immediately. Moreover, the patient won't have to stand the annoying vibrations of the high speed mills. One disadvantage is that laser cannot be employed for filled teeth.

4. Drugs can destroy your teeth completely. Methamphetamine (also known as meth, crank, crystal and speed), a powerfully addictive drug, can do this.

The drug releases a high amount of dopamine inside your body, leading to the typical euphoria. Short-term effects include extreme wakefulness, a lasting boost of energy and a lack of appetite. Long-term effects include a high blood pressure, stroke and serious heart problems.

Methamphetamine is used by over 12 million people in the US, taken orally, injected, snorted or smoked. Most users are 18 to 34 years old. In just one year, the users can experience from sensitive teeth to tooth loss, a condition called "meth mouth".

The so-called 'meth mouth' frequently leads to full-mouth extractions and a lifetime of wearing dentures. It is characterized by rampant tooth decay, blackening, staining, rotting, crumbling or falling apart.

The drug inhibits the salivary glands and without the diluting saliva, acids produced by food and bacteria in your mouth start dissolving tooth enamel. Moreover, the consumers may neglect their oral hygiene and the drug's effect can last for 12 hours. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 1253.shtml</a><!-- m -->

It's very important to eat raw fruit and vegetables. When we eat raw products the enamel of our teeth becomes thicker and the tooth is less influenced negatively by the acids. Also, to preserve out teeth in a "good shape" we should eat cottage cheese and diary products which contain calcium.

Don't eat sweets, chocolate, cakes and everything will be fine. Eat more fruit and vegetables, which naturally clean your teeth even better than the toothbrush. Practice running or jogging in the mornings - yes, it helps to strengthen your teeth and also your bones.

Tooth decay, known technically as dental caries, is one of the most common health complaints in the world.
It is particularly common in children and young adults, and rates have been fuelled by an increase in sugars in the diet, and poor dental hygiene.
The problem is caused by sticky deposits called plaque that collect, in particular, around the gum line, the edges of fillings and the grooved surfaces of the teeth.
But this is only from the point of view of the dentists. A tooth can autoclean, you need just to eat raw fruit and vegetables.

I say it is good to eat everything including cheese, meat, fruit, veggies, because all this products provide our organism with indispensable vitamins, minerals etc. When the organism is supplied with all it needs, it develops harmoniously and maintains you healthy.
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Once half of the year should go to a dentist for control. If you noticed a cavity is required to go to a treatment to not extended it. Should wash your teeth after every meal for primary 6-7 minutes with circular movements. It is advisable to consume milk products cause contain calcium needed for teeth

Often interdentare areas are ingnorate, and here you can store a lot of residue that can cause cavities or to yellow teeth. To avoid this is recommended to use dental thread and specially designed toothbrush to reach in less accessible areas.

My dentist told me that is possible and in household to bleach teeth, with sodium bicarbonate or lemon juice. I tried and I liked the effect. So you can try also ... and you will save some money.
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Steven Wrote:My dentist told me that is possible and in household to bleach teeth, with sodium bicarbonate or lemon juice. I tried and I liked the effect. So you can try also ... and you will save some money.

I did not know these tricks. I either buy a special bleaching gel, which is pretty painful for gums, or go to the dentist once every half a year for cleaning and bleaching/
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
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Oral hygiene is very important during the night. During sleep, do not swallow the saliva, and therefore the number of bacteria in the mouth increases. Our goal is not to "feed" the bacteria. Here are three steps for a complete cleaning before going to bed: brushing, cleaning with dental floss and use a mouthwash. The order of these procedures performed is not important as long as food debris and plaque are removed.

With the passing years, both lifestyle and eating habits have changed. The result? November dental problems appeared. Acids in foods and beverages are among important enemies of the teeth. They attack the tooth enamel, causing temporary loss of hardness. Thus, erosion takes place quickly, allowing the appearance of cavities. Acids are found in foods such as citrus fruits, soups, sauces (tomato paste containing products) and vinegar. The drinks are: carbonated juice (diet or not), coffee, citrus juices, beer and wine.

Signs that your teeth are affected by acids
Dentist should examine your teeth at each visit and to tell if they are affected by acids. Even you can search for signs of the action of acids, such as:
1. Transparency. Look carefully cut the edges of teeth. If they are more transparent (compared to the rest of the tooth), they are affected by acids.
2. Discoloration. Discolored teeth more yellow, are affected. Yellow color belongs to the dentine, which is under the enamel. When eroded enamel, dentin is visible.
3. Cracks and zimturi. Another sign is the cracks and jagged edges.
4. Sensitivity. Acids can also cause sensitivity to cold and hot.

How you can protect teeth from acids?
1. The higher your teeth are exposed to acids, the more will be affected. One solution is to reduce consumption of fizzy drinks. Another solution is to consume alkaline products that neutralize acids (milk, cheese or other dairy products). Use straw to sip juice can you remotely acids tooth.
2. Another method by which you can protect your teeth is to chew sugarless gum. This stimulates production of saliva, which neutralizes the acid in the mouth. Water consumption may also help. Water rinse the teeth and reduces the amount of acid in the mouth.

3. Brushing teeth after every meal is a part of the care of teeth. But, to protect, you should not brush your teeth at least an hour after you've consumed food or drinks that contain acids. When enamel is softer.
The best way to fight acid is to go regularly to a dental consultation. Here you get help and advice on how to protect your teeth.

Cold air agitated nerve endings of the teeth.
Dental pain is more intense in winter from cold to stimulate certain nerve endings of your teeth. The most common diseases are pulpitele, popularly known as the rabies and teeth. They are only advanced caries, manifested by pain very strong, long lasting, which is not inferior to treatment with analgesics.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory treat time.
If you experience this problem, doctors dentists recommend a medical emergency to prevent infection. The condition may extend to radicina tooth, causing pus. Strong anti-inflammatory medicines such as aulinul and ketonalul, they take those affected usually can relieve pain temporarily, but does not solve the problem. After two-three days, pain will occur again.

Dental infections can affect the heart.
If teeth are not treated early, infection spread to his entire body, affecting other vital organs like the heart. Cardiacii, for example, can reach infarction, ie heart muscle infections. Pregnant and risks are high enough that infections can attack the fetus, preventing normal development of the bodies. If preschool children, with pus pulpitele prevent development of permanent teeth. Milk teeth begin to elimination of specific pockets (to melt), and the child likely to lose the final to those who are expected to increase. To not maintain the infection, we have to remove and these teeth. Visit the dentist made in advance and bring a faster resolution of problems.

Other diseases which are acutizeza in winter parodontozele, gum disease which is characterized by the formation of local pockets of pus and the destruction of supporting tissue and teeth fixed. In contact with cold air, diseased teeth are twice as sensitive. Along with the preservation of oral hygiene as good nutrition is a difficult word to say in this season. It is better that it be rich in calcium and cold drinks not be consumed alternative warm.

You can have a beautiful and healthy teeth without care. Teeth require daily care that, if no, they will receive, will show through gum disease, cavities or even by their loss. Here you will find some tips to help you keep your teeth beautiful and healthy:
Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day and use floss once a day
Use toothpaste with fluoride,
Clean teeth easily, on all sides, with a soft toothbrush;

Allow time for cleaning the line of gums and teeth. Do not forget to clean the tongue to remove plaque and food debris.
Ask your dentist to show you how to use floss properly
For us toothbrush can remove more plaque, replace your toothbrush every 3 months;
If you wear dentures, take a night and clean it before putting it in your mouth;

Eat healthy and wash your teeth, gums and tongue after each meal;
Do not smoke;
Consume alcohol in moderation;
Go to inspection every 6 months,
Visit your dentist immediately if you deal with frequent bleeding of the gums, patches of red or white gums or tongue, the pain, the wounds are not healed in 2 weeks or if you have trouble chewing or swallowing;
If you suffer from diabetes, more attention given to oral hygiene to avoid gum disease gets.
Your dentist can suggest you several ways by which you can keep teeth healthy. If more than 6 months since the last visit to the dentist, it is time for an appointment.


Some search brought the following results:

Foods which naturally fight bacteria, strengthen enamel and remove plaque are:

= Celery: Chewing it produce more saliva., which neutralizes the bacteria Streptococcus mutans that causes cavities. ( Abrasive foods massage gums, e.g, carrot)

= Green Tea: It kills the bacteria in the mouth which turns sugar into plaque.

= Onion: chewing some fresh and raw onion (in salad) kills bacteria harmful to teeth. (odor of onion in mouth can be neutralized by fresh mint)

= Water: Drinking water helps saliva production which helps to deter plaque (cause of enamel decay) .

= Cheese: it reduces acidity in mouth, strengthen enamel and stimulate saliva production.

= Dates: They are rich in the fluorine - a component of fluoride, which is enamel-friendly compound. Dates are sugary too, so regular brushing and flossing of teeth is must.

= Yogurt is good for enamel too.

Useful acts:
= Extreme reduction of drinking sodas. Use of straw is good so that liquid does not effect teeth much. Also good to use straw for drinking tea or coffee. (but one has to take straw out of cup after each suction.)

= Once a day, massaging gums and teeth with clean index finger gently.

Riser Wrote:It's very important to eat raw fruit and vegetables. When we eat raw products the enamel of our teeth becomes thicker and the tooth is less influenced negatively by the acids. Also, to preserve out teeth in a "good shape" we should eat cottage cheese and diary products which contain calcium.

You are very smart Riser, the principal element which will help our teeth to look wonderful is calcium. For preventing caries we should first of all to bind our immunity system, it can be done with cruel fruits and vegetables, fish and to drink until 2 liter water per day. It will "wash" all the toxins from our organism and it will be able to protect independently our teeth from risk factors.

It is good to wash your teeth with sodium hydroxide, one tea-spoon of sodium hydroxide should be dissolved in a cup of water, and it must be used 2 times a week. besides it will keep your teeth stronger and heathy it will make then whiter.

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