08-15-2009, 10:12 AM
The author may briefly prove the origin of the whole of modern logic of the system to guide animals in the surrounding space (I have to go from that to get to), which then passes from the horizontal plane (reference point, I target) in the vertical, based on the social (the authority, I, outcast). A more complex process - the analysis is the result of the accumulation of many different options for solving the problem. In the psyche of the person affirms habit without step-by-step plans to begin implementation of the conceived. The connection with orientation is obvious. The more reference points, the less the need to think about the strict adherence to a particular route. With the uniqueness of the primary objective of all the points are lying on one line, associated, that is possible to provide a way of thinking in a similar graphical form (!).The presented work (disman3"."com"/"index6.htm) deal with identify the type of person, of a particular logic of thinking (1/2L, 1/2A, L * A, 1/2L * 1/2A, Ponte, deceit, humor, a mixture of different combinations) on the basis of graphical techniques and structured tables.