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Smoking, why and for what?
Cigarettes will kill 6 million people
At least six million people will die next year of cancer, heart disease or other diseases that result from tobacco use, says a report by cancer experts.
Why do people prefer to bury themselves, when they have a chance to live? :?
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M.Helen Wrote:Cigarettes will kill 6 million people
At least six million people will die next year of cancer, heart disease or other diseases that result from tobacco use, says a report by cancer experts.
Why do people prefer to bury themselves, when they have a chance to live? :?

Start smoking from stupids like ... "why not try cause I still do not become addicted to a" "at a drunk", "to relieve nerves ... the first time is a play, but every day it becomes a habit for the body so be careful when you say that" if I was still smoking a cigarette does not mean that depend on them", with each step you close to the last scale...
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

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Why? because they feel they have too much health ,and for what? cause they have too much money, so to spend for cigarettes

All smokers know that smoking is injurious to their health but they continue because it's an addiction. Many attempt to get rid of this habit. Some succeed, some don't.
An important point to note is that a passive smoker (a person who inhales smoke left out by smokers in smoke zones or public places) is more susceptible to the chemicals than a an active smoker (who smokes cigerettes with filters)
All that glitters is gold

the strangest is that 50% of medical staff smokes ... There are many possibilities to quit smoking .. does not exist "can not" ,but "not want" exist

Peach Wrote:the strangest is that 50% of medical staff smokes ... There are many possibilities to quit smoking .. does not exist "can not" ,but "not want" exist

I agree ...are methods with medicines, herbs, which help to give up of this addiction ... but basically people do it by willing .... my father smoke for 10 years, until I was born, he left by desire and until today does not smoke ... so it is possible ... but ,I have a friend, who likes to smoke and "does not want to give up this pleasure" as she says! So it depends
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Smoking begins of a stupid, it becomes dependent of a stupid, and not quit this addiction of a stupid... :banghead regretful but i smoke too.. and already do this foolishness for years! I know i must finish with it but the problem is when i will do.. :? :fi

Most of people begin to smoke in most circumstances and presents of people that are smokers.

Laurentine Wrote:Most of people begin to smoke in most circumstances and presents of people that are smokers.

which urges to try to smoke, as if he would propose to eat chocolate. the most painful is when they are young and do not even understand what they do
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
A really nice forum for Parisians

Was invented a cigarette that mimics the taste of tobacco and smoke but do not damage to the body. This is imitation of smoke, flavor and can be used several times. At the same time decreases body against tobacco addiction.

tricker Wrote:Was invented a cigarette that mimics the taste of tobacco and smoke but do not damage to the body. This is imitation of smoke, flavor and can be used several times. At the same time decreases body against tobacco addiction.

I don't believe in it... it is too simple to be true..
I have heard that due to crisis the cigarettes business earn less money than up to this period..
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

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Currently, worldwide more than 85% of lung cancer cases are caused by cigarette smoke, but 10-15% of people with lung cancer never smoked.
Did you know that...If the partner is a smoker, the risk of lung cancer among non smoker wives is 4 times greater than if the husband does not smoke, and because of that women who have a smoking partner die an average of 4 years earlier. In coronary heart disease, exposure for 30 minutes at work to cigarette smoke is associated with increasing risk with 97% of acute coronary syndrome, while 30 minutes exposure to cigarette smoke at home is associated with growth of 33 % risk of acute coronary syndrome.
So think twice, when you take a cigarette, were you want to smoke it...

Benn Wrote:I don't believe in it... it is too simple to be true..
I have heard that due to crisis the cigarettes business earn less money than up to this period..
I will disappoint you maybe with saying that is true about that cigarette...I have see one ... About crisis and cigarettes business also true... people chose to spend money on something more useful Smile

Smoking proves to be more than a typically bad. Tobacco addiction is a chronic disease. and, like any disease, benefits of drug treatment and care from the doctor. How to Get a gesture apparently social attitude, sexy, cool, to become a disease? Easy. Nicotine delivered by tobacco smoke, 6.7 seconds to reach the brain, which cause the secretion of dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline, substances that activate the rewards circuit . It is a network of neurons responsible for producing state of physical and mental satisfaction, pleasure, regardless of stimulus, nutrition, sex, other drugs. Over time, the association with cigarette smoker status determines certain times and reactions as in Pavlov's experiment: stimulus appears, is the anticipation of reward and immediate action to obtain Its cigarette ignition. Thus the need to take possession of compulsive tobacco object that makes you feel better rewarded.
“Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it.”
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When I was in school, at a sports lesson our teacher had to lead us a lesson about the damage of smoking. He was a smoker,so he took a plastic bottle and put cotton in it, lit a cigarette, inhaled smoke and expired in the bottle . After few seconds cotton became yellow ." here how is submitted tar on your lungs" he said. After I never tried to smoke...

so it was a good lesson for you what is the best what that teacher do to you... i often see children of 12-16 years that hides in parks or in dark places to smoke a cigarette, and i can not understand why are they doing this? for what? why they do not have such lessons? or when they do is too late? :quoi

Tobacco worsens digestion, Irritates the stomach. When a person smokes more toxins get into all the cells of our body. Because it reduces appetite, skin color changes, it decreases muscle strength, even the nervous system is affected. Many people have the wrong impression that smoking helps them lose weight. In reality, tobacco only increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The only way to lose weight is to have a healthy, balanced nutrition.
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

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A team of U.S. scientists from the University of Medicine in North Carolina have found some foods that "spoil" the taste of cigarette, determining up to reduce their number. The experiment was conducted on a sample of 200 people who smoke tobacco associated with alcoholic beverages and those based on caffeine (tea, coffee, cola). Also, meat is considered a food that favor smoking. Study results show that foods that cut your craving for smoking are somewhat dairy, no alcohol and caffeine drinks, fruits and vegetables.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Vegan news | Vegan forums

Smoking cessation is accessible to you including you. Do not forget that every year thousands of smokers who let this defect.
How to start?
Make your own motivations! Gather as much information about smoking cessation. Learn from those who have left! You will be rewarded with a motivation and desire in a way which will not withstand any obstacle. May not hesitate! With every second delayed, your lungs and your entire body are suffering!

Ten steps to get rid of smoking!
Nicotine is addictive and one of the most toxic substances on earth. A drop of pure nicotine can kill more people. One in three people who experience a day smoking or chewing tobacco become dependent.
Nicotine, like any other addictive substance, it is difficult to eliminate. Whether you are using a nicotine patch, dezvatul out or simply stop the smoking, it is necessary to succeed a physical training, mental and emotional. Tips below are meant to succeed.
First, to be successful, the person must want to quit smoking or chewing tobacco. It's good to decide what he wants to quit. - It is because of risk of lung cancer or heart disease, emphysema or stroke? - To have more energy and a general feeling of well? - Considered the economic benefits? More money to spend or save, less illness and medical expenses? - More opportunities for service? Or social benefits? - Improving the appearance of skin, teeth and fingers, a person who smells more beautiful, more self confidence and influence celolalti? - More psychological benefits?
The person feels better in its part that has control: after all not everyone can get rid of an addiction so strong. The person will be more involved in his life so you can see beyond the smoke and is caught in pressing situations, conversations tension or anxiety. He finished with enslavement!

Preparing to quit.
It's good if the program begin with the question: "what situations or feelings trigger my desire to smoke or chew tobacco"?
May be hold and a journal:
- When is a person tends to use nicotine most?
- What happens before smoke or chew? Each time the person recognize a factor that triggers smoking, is one step closer to giving up the habit.
It is best to start with physical factors.
- What experience withdrawal symptoms when the level of nicotine in the body fall? Morning when the nicotine level is the lowest, the person may feel shaky, irritable or headache. After a movie or a long meeting, the mind may feel uncertain or malaise.
Psychological triggers are situations that make people to want a cigarette.
- Traffic jams are per person in a case to want a pack of cigarettes?
- Or chew when it is frustrated? Anxious? Nervous? Upset? I
- and light cigarette every time on the phone or when we learn?
- But in breaks between hours? By identifying as many physical and psychological triggers that wants to give up will find you have to overcome. Be prepared to face triggers, will allow it to be one step ahead of them every time.

Understand barriers;
Program success continues when the person is asking: what barriers occur to stop smoking? What obstacles adicitia protecting me? Here are some of the most common barriers:
-I could MISS. What if the person is not successful this time? We learn a number of things that will help you be successful closer next time will be ready to quit smoking. Most people who quit smoking have tried several times to have success.
- I could lose my CONTROL. Maybe the person had a harder time last time you tried to quit smoking. This happens when a person is addicted to nicotine to overcome stressful situations. But this time will be able to control the factors that trigger use and replace them with other strategies to reduce stress.
-Weight gain. There may be a temporary increase in weight a few pounds. But nobody should be discouraged, they can be taken down in the first year after quitting smoking. If he prepares to eat healthy, you do not take no weight.
-I do need nicotine. Many smokers are based on nicotine to calm or to perform their duties. You can learn new ways to cope! But exercise is needed to learn these skills.
-IF I'm NOT a smoker, THEN WHO I'm? Who thinks it is a person who uses nicotine long: lighting a cigarette or chewing tobacco has become second nature. Change can be difficult. It's good for everyone to remember the benefits of loose tobacco.
-EVERYONE must die of something. Sure, each may choose. But who wants a slow and painful death caused by lung disease, cancer and cardiac disease? Withdrawal from nicotine greatly reduce the risk of illness. The benefits of this change will be felt almost immediately.

Now is the time best
It's best to set a date of cancellation. A final point. Besides the moments in which the person was under significant stress, the waiver must be as soon as possible, preferably next week. Although there is a bad time to quit smoking, the best time is now! The difference between a goal and a dream is action. After setting a date of dropping, it's good for people to respect the decision and to note this.
Physical training. As an athlete in training, dropping smoking success depends on adequate preparation. It can start with: 8 hours of sleep a night, consuming eight glasses of water a day, a balanced breakfast. Quick Tour at every opportunity (Many people who begin an aerobic program has lost the desire to smoke). Can be useful for a dentist appointment for teeth cleaning once has been decided to quit smoking. A general medical advice is also recommended.
MENTAL PREPARATION. Just as studying for an exam, the study of reactions that person will have when you quit smoking. Person can see enjoying the benefits of loose tobacco. Can verbalize joy repeating frequently: I like to be free of nicotine. If he thinks he can be free of tobacco, will be. Maybe ask a friend moral support from nonsmokers. If you need further assistance, the person may decide to seek individual counseling or group.

Observation and inform non-smokers
People use tobacco for a variety of reasons for the stimulation, an occupation for the hands, reduce tension, and comfort of a habit. It is recommended observation are non-smokers to learn how they handle the situation which triggers the ignition of cigarette smoking. It's good to note how smokers cope with stress, how they handle or how they spend timul hands free, then imitating these methods to prevent smoking.

Plan of motivating rewards
This can be useful notation of rewards for each successful step
- giving up
- first week without smoking
- the first month without smoking
- no smoking three months
- six months without smoking
- one year without smoking
Is best to avoid food rewards to limit gains in weight.

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