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A Post Doc. Modeling: OKA Theory/ Turkey-2007
(The Operational “Kindred Application” Theory)
M. Erdogan Surat*

Summary: The title represented in the phrase beginning with “OKA” i.e. with the first letter of the terms “Operation, Folk or Kindred and Application” the reader must understand that the future statements of this study will cover social, biological, socio-medical and medical operations, and both pro and post applications of their relevant procedures.
The purpose of this study was to determine the possible success in applying scientific comparisons to or with the pro- operational situation and the result after making any intervention to reach that of the post-operative phase.

Key Words
Operation: The common term of any reproduction by means of scientific or professional traumatic intervention.
Surgery: Operation specifically covering the application of lancet type traumatic apparatus set used by surgeons or reflected from/implied by, the operational centers.
Successful Operation: Common physical or social healing or/and products of certain medium needed for improvement
The safe and sound aftermath of the Operation: Those with which only in the narrowest scale of operational harmfulness can be put up.

.* Dr., Dr. (MD. Ph. D.) Mustafa Erdoğan Sürat (1951)—scientist, author and pacifist, but above all the first and only Family Health Academician of Turkey, holder of official trustee of patent rights appointed by Turkish Republic Justice Ministry—lived in Ankara during the years 1987 to 2007, some of the most important years in a person's life. He grew accomplished his post graduate studies, received his academic and administrative titles, (Lecturer, the member of academic board, chairman of the department, vice-dean, Associate Professor and lector of IEP: successively: Anadolu Uni., Atatürk Uni.,Hacettepe Uni. Niğde Uni and Southeastern&Huron Uni.s was shaped as a human being in the cosmopolitan atmosphere of the Turkish capital where different nationalities and cultures mixed and where inter disciplinary sciences and health service policies developed in a dynamic interaction between Western European tradition and the aspirations of the Turkish intelligentsia. Here are the roots of his international titles—the member of European Community Health Study Group, the Honorary Prince of Derbent, the columnist of Turkish National Press Network and Judeo-Espanola Press—which made him world-famous

This is one of the several studies by me, humbly, which presents both theoretical and practical problems of The Operator’s scientific life of his alter ego the “man making traumas on purpose”. The term "Operator" is not about single people who opens, restores and shuts, it is about his team in the small or big organization of “Operation”!
My aim is to present this highest level science study-“Post Doc. Modeling” living the operational adventure in its special discipline and style.
The reader have not had an ordinary life well knows the phases of an ordinary operation: First the puzzling start or the phase before opening the God closed mystery, then anatomizing for the sake of an open and clear, even simplified procedure, and in the last phase of the Operator Protectorate, restoration and the FIN. The Operator can not quickly withdraw from the operational front as fast as the complications advance towards there, while the aftermaths and side effects prepare a "complaining list" against Him.
Methinks in this study the reader shall also find operational way styling of to create a great confusion in the phase-INTRODUCTION then welcome gradually more simple parts of the writing-METHOD AND MATERIAL, to be understood and finally the most clear and distinct phase- DISCUSSION to solve the PUZZLE at the beginning of this OPERATONAL POST DOC: MODELİNG!
I promise I will "liberate" the readers when concrete clients’ files take their place to be used in comprehension and appreciation phase-the main intention of the author, from every point of view, to remark that both the operation and the healing through trauma are not a complete farce, that History, as written in books, is a great deal of falsified propaganda against the operations made by sorcerers.
Some of my friends of the social or medical operation bands are by no means interested in heroic feats nor care about pragmatism but about the members of their teams. But I give a moving view of my scientific speculations and events, an intimate vision, tender, dramatic, satirical, funny, critical, full of humor and nostalgia, as only The Operator can, because I have always found that operators have the incredible ability to combine the trivial with the deep, the ordinary with the remarkable, the comical with the dramatic, the harsh with the tender. Of course, this study, being one of the latest by me, lacks the maturity of "The Surgery of Kindred-Human Souls"; nevertheless, it is worth while to read it and realize that nothing is what it seems and that social, psychiatric and pure medical operation-surgery is subject to countless mathematical manipulations.


First of all, let’s imagine the forward section in continuous line and the backward part of the main wheel of a bicycle-like machine marked by intervals show weight carrying strings to be made tense for the purpose. The full circle, up—way on the first page of figures, throws a clear light on the postulate. The string-shaped porters are not tense presently and the ship motionless.
On the near brink of the wheel f the derrick booms of the foremast jant porter strings out at an angle of forty—five degrees, slack against the stable position. In the rear the dark outline of the port brink and its components are sharply defined against a distant strip of coral equilibrium, unstressed in the beginning, fringed with screws whose tops rise not clear of the horizon. On the foremost is the continuous line with an open doorway in the center leading to the stretching and loosening unit's compartments. On either side of the disc are two open radial doors opening on the semi-semi quarters of the radius bunch, the wheel's regulators, and the mess room arrangers. Near each brink there is also a short stairway, like a section of tense escape, leading up to the tensed brinks center (the top of the disc)—the edge of which can be seen on the right and left.
In the center of the disc, and occupying most of the space, is the large, raised circle of the number one hatch, covered with radial lines, battened down for the function.
About the stretching or loosening forces—(a powerfully built wave which are on the edge of the hatch, front and rear plan—irritably) They will accord the porter strings.
Of the radiuses—(a multiple continuous and non-continuous lines symbolizing the direction of force applied to the porters, supported on their hands) It doesn't make a one direction force applying.
Of the force wave—(a wizened jant of a wheel’s changing response to the force applied to it with a straggling momentum—slaps response to the force applied) Changing situation changes the, response direction downwards or upwards

About the Operator: (He turns away from stretching to loosening and falls to producing a new force wave again, staring toward the proper spot of aftermath.
Of the traumatic intervention Sad A huge operation sprawls out on both the right and left the hatch waving a hand toward the reconstruction) They bury also something like reaction so from way it sound.
Of the equilibrium: (A rather good-situation yet rough which is depending beside from where the process is to be started) What do the definitions mean, bury? They don't plant them down here or there. They conceal them to save interventional effort. We can guess this force seeds if we call them from the point of biology went, down the wrong way sometimes and they induced pain, indigestion, dysfunction etc.
Of the Aftermath: Incapability to feel better! Hoy us, not 'arf! Don't we know as them blokes 'as two stomachs like a bleeding scar? Yes that is it.
Of the mathematical concepts instead of aftermath: (A shortened, vague conclusion could be seated on the ridge of a limit) And we see the two- negative or positive limits, without any suspect about properness.

Abstract & Logic Functional Argument

-What's the “pn”’s value, after the value is changed as big as tense “k1” or “kn”?

-What's the value of stretching force is their relative value as slack than theirs.
-When the stretching force rate changes will its changing bring back enough ps?
-It will only be trying to emanate something a bit.
-Is it a numeral proof, what we told before? We’ve shown it from a bloke it was.
-It was a rare treat that the mathematicians tell what 'happened to the numbers.
-It's mathematical proof what we told before. Is it from a bloke what was before?
- It doesn't be so relative in the marginal stretching forces applied,
-So captured strings’ tense situation by they- mate strings’ tenseness on them.


All “k”s are equal to all “p”s as all of them are the radiuses of:
1-A pair of circles in the space,
2-Dependently changing in dimensions after “Tension Operation”

The radiuses of “a” and “b” circles are symbolizing both stretching power direction and stretched strings to carry weight, and to create a functional role against resistances.
As mentioned previously in the space the two circles are equal to each other because they are making the twin rims of a wheel: a jant!
While we stretch the force porter strings shown as radiuses here shown here with lines towards the continuous circle circumscribing or those towards the other-wise drawing.
Now let’s do suppose that one is to begin stretching strings-radiuses
Striped area shows the width between a-b (the rims of the Wheel)
Now, let's apply tense strings procedure to an infinite list of changing initials in position and numbers. There are many different ways we can choose the directions of the new beginning point, the only requirement being that the direction must differ in at least one independent place from each string’s fixation points on the list.
Deformation wave on “a” circle

Deformation wave off “b” circle

As we know, each of these forces is to change ends in an infinitely repeating finite sequence according to the number and position of the strings under the procedure of stretching. For example, 1/2 kg stretching power’s changing factors= 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.5 and so on. Conversely, if the unstable representation of a stretching force does not eventually turn into a repetition of a finite sequence of 1/1 1/2 1/3…then (by definition) it will be a factor of sequence.

There'll be also a technical requirement to avoid any of the alternate too much about stretching powers and their positions, because for example 1= 0.0000001+ 000001+ 0.00001+0.001+0.11…+0.85 and we know we don't want to get into every detail here.


The Community Organization Agent, the Psychoanalyst, the Surgeon are all operators. From westernized tongues in its singular form; but this objection vanishes at once when we look at the plurals for the Arabic Ameliyah' is as close a reproduction of the Greek Anatomy as there is any need to demand. We may therefore assume that the word was borrowed in its plural form, and that the singular operator was formed from that in accordance with one of the rules of correspondence between singular and plural forms in Arabic. If now we ask who the surgeons' were, it strikes us at once that in the language of the Indo-European speaking Christians, the unconverted Arabs would be referred to as Cerrah-Surgeon, who cuts, opens and restores. As a first step, then, we may conclude that the Cerrah' were the Arabs who were neither Jews nor Christians, but who continued to follow the ancient native traumatizing methods.
But how then comes the word to be used by Turkish People of Ottoman Empire as the very antithesis of traditionally pacifist, and as practically equivalent to passive approach towards the operational interventions with kindred-humanity? For whenever in the classical Kindred Operating books the operator is said to have been a cerrah-cutter, it is also added that he was not one of those who associate not (other remedies with Surgery). The answer to this question requires some wider consideration of the Operator's ideas and their development.
The operator, generally, began his traumatic mission as the messenger of Anatomy to his own client of hospital or community. He believed, probably sincerely enough, that Anatomy had called him to proclaim the great doctrine that there is no healer but Surgeon, and to combat the old passive, non-traumatic healing. The clients had risen in comparatively recent times to wealth and prosperity. On the material side of life it was in touch with the mysteries of human body from being a human to kindred-the folk which lay just beyond the bounds of passive healing methods. But it was almost untouched by the spiritual side of the life of these problems. Any influence which that had exerted had probably been negative, tending to undermine the non-traumatic methods. In any case the new conditions of wealth were playing havoc with the kindliness and equality of the old life. The operator saw his clients materially prosperous, but spiritually backward. He set himself therefore to transplant into their minds some of the "knowledge" of things terrorizing which those who dwelt in more enlightened psycho-social lives possessed. His own acquaintance with that "knowledge" was limited enough; and the opposition of the Classical to his fundamental doctrine of Anatomizing gave a denunciatory cast to the bulk of his deliverances there. But a certain amount of positive teaching he had acquired and promulgated in the Therapy before he attained Modern apparatus set. For this he had looked to those who had been very passive healers before him. It is almost impossible to decide in particulars whether he drew upon cutting or sewing sources. Nor does it greatly matter for he does not in the early stages appear to have distinguished between them. All therapy was for him revealed positive knowledge and practice, and the content of the revelation given by the Science must be one. In any case, he had been in the habit of looking to previous anatomizing Sorcerers as the source of his knowledge, and he naturally assumed that they would agree with him.


When now we came to the meaning of social or medical trauma as a meaning of healing, we were brought into close association with The Client’s complaints. Some passages in my clinic’s files seem to suggest that before one went the variety of complaining one must had received some promise of support from the healer. One accuses them afterwards of having broken the covenant of Therapy, but it is not clear whether that refers to some definite pledge, or to some theoretical moral obligation under which they lay, as followers of a former sampling, to support a new cure when one came Hegel’s 1 definition of definitive attitude. It is, however, fairly clear that the interventions, or some of them at least, did support client to begin with, and that he was quite disposed to accept, and did accept, certain practices from operations, the “ameliyah” or direction of scientific trauma towards ideal therapy amongst them. Differences, however, soon began to develop. Socio-medical disciplines had already to a certain extent taken shape in the modern world, and did not quite agree with classic pacifism. Perhaps too the Operator, ready as he was to borrow from the sorcerers, had functioned too long as an independent "healer" to brook with patience the tutelage to which at close quarters his mentors were probably disposed to subject him. There is some petulance in the remark that neither the traditions nor the modern understandings would be satisfied with him until he followed their form of scientific practice, Camus’s 2 pure disciplinary way of practice. Worst of all, kindred and his operator had schemes of their own, involving hostilities with the pathological situations, from which no healer or client shrank. Their hopes of support from each other were not to be disappointed.
The outward sign of a new orientation Odar’s 3 anatomic speculation on the Body’s parts and the functions of the Body was the change of conservative therapy from sorcery to surgery. This was not carried through without difficulty, as the confusion of the passage in this study (ibid) dealing with the subject, shows. But it was important, and he pressed it. It was indeed a momentous change.
But why do we need the Operation? The way of relatively new traumatic discipline which we had rejected, against which crippling methods one was planning revenge, the center of the therapy which one had hitherto been combating!
It was not only the Client’s own differences with the healers which had been troubling the translator translating the complaints in pre and post operative phases. We found also differences between the understanding of “feeling better” in the case of sufferers and healers. How was this possible in scientific procedure which ought to be professed to be founded on revelation from the positive principles? We had found, too, in the course of our enquiries into the histories of former clients, that it was not a case of one healer being sent to each patient, as we had at first apparently assumed. The Operators had had a whole succession of sorcerers sent to them. Of the great surgeons not only Dr. De Bakey4 but Dr. K. Beyazıt5 also had been sent to the Turkish famous clients such as President T. Özal6 of Turkey.
Our having once received the complaints of the Case, therefore, did not preclude the necessity of another body of translation service being afterwards sent. Our answer to the problem of the differences amongst those who had received the complaint based words , as formulated in Anamnesis is: "Surgeon as it is with science is practice; those who have been given the operational ability did not differ, except after the practical knowledge had come to them, out of skilful predecessors among themselves. That is, the original revelation had been the same, but in course of time clients and operators had both departed from the purity of the mutual understanding, and had gone their own ways. The basic content of true understanding was always the same - the necessity of surrender to the one surgeon - but the Operation as being a modern discipline degenerated and needed to be restored in not catching only the meaning of the complaints but the feelings carried by them.
Now the Operator had to do with another practice besides cutting and restoring - the skill of the surgeons, or in the language of those from whom he had hitherto taken his information on surgical matters, the ameliyah'.
This was the science, then, which the operator now conceived himself as commissioned to restore. His face is henceforth set, not towards anatomizing or traumatizing, but towards the assumed pure original of the organ went under surgery already. That is why he chooses Freud as his prototype, makes intimate closures open, the center of operational sciences, his altar, and from now on deliberately incorporates into the feelings of the Case such portions of the operational practice as seemed to him consistent with traumatic healing.
To sum up: the post-operative complaints are the followers of the ideal original of the Operation. They are no sect or party of people’s bubbling, but the product of the Operator's untrusting mind.

Starting points
We can begin by studying the beliefs and practices of both social workers in charge of people organization, surgeons and psychoanalysts community as depicted in some textbooks and manuals. Like all the international social and medical publication editing teams and their directors, Turkish publishers ought to call the specialist groups as community. Maybe some scholars disagree with this designation, but it does seem consistent with references in the Freudian, De Bakeyian and even politically Neo-Conservative era writers like Healing Essayists. These so many authorities correspond with the work of by-passing main roads of intervened function.
The obvious links between the practices at motivation of social bodies, all types of surgery or psychoanalyst interview are well known. They include the pre operational sufferings and post operative complaints. The healing and new feelings share common possessions; antagonism towards the operational changes which couldn’t be described by the clients easily or using classical statements as a routine way of corporation. Looking to the aftermaths of the operation and the coming of a new way of life some imagery recurs: the lost cornerstone in one’s functions, the spring of watery metamorphosis in one’s self consciousness, the inflicting goodness; the hewing of light; the poor vividness; the crippled selection in resting modes; the paradoxical hard meek; the worsening type of reduction.
The most obvious difference between the ordinary restlessness and above mentioned worsened perceptions is that the post operational complaints are to be written both in the client’s relatively absurd words or fragments and with professional terms. The discharging report later may show therefore some distortion from oral tradition, and it is possible from professional platitudes. Secondly, both the operators and the clients are very different characters. As our study put it, "Nothing in Post Operative Complaints literature anticipates a totally efficient specialist who would be a professional reconciliatory service agent and companion of clients and their family members, and one so apparently well-disposed towards the hated traumatic healer of his own kindred." And fundamentally, the operational bodies hope that their messiah-science would lead them to victory on earth; the scientific messiah aimed to save sick souls from the complaints within humble operations rather than bring magical triumph.
The owner of the complaints hopes can be unexpectedly crashed with the fall of the client to bed. But on the evidence of both surgical and social writings, strands of their religion would remain unbroken; in average people’s eyes there was much greater continuity than some of the post operational story writers and all of the early psychoanalyses, community organization and surgery fathers would have us believe.
What changed in the Operational History of the World? How were the fervent post operative care doctrines of an exclusive Surgeons sect transformed into a universal corporation that spread like fire? Was it all down to one man who ended many years of improbable adventures of opening living the body’s most sealed depths with an ignominious result on a operation table? Or were the themes that had powered the concrete and abstract operation of the Social and Medical Sciences strong and pliable enough to adapt to circumstance, to survive in a highly sophisticated world under modern healing methods? To what extent did complaining body represent a flowering from much deeper and older roots of mankind?
There seemed to be a gap in the contemporary evidence, for the queer complaints were traditionally being presumably written before the inception of analyzing methods while the New Operational Disciplines nowhere mention the absurd or unordinary oral corporation. This study tried to fill the gap in two ways. First I tried to look at what was known of twentieth-century Science through the eyes of the people who were there. Secondly I looked at today texts of the social and medical disciplines, exposed at every traumatizing institution till 2007, and here I found a missing link: an insight into complaint reporting or/and complaint making.
The Client File documents of this study included the writings of the healer, their corporation and cooperation fruits, and social, psychological or medical texts such as those of manual books, the complaining styles of the client which seem to offer alternatives to the stories about the case in the files. Professional beliefs and practices were also reported, usually disapprovingly, in the writings of early healing fathers such as Freud7, C. Bernard8, A.Yuksel Bozer9 et al. By comparing hospital files, case recordings, and scientific texts, I brought out common themes and approaches. I found a continuity of thought running from German sorcerers into what the classical German Philosophy called the "nonsense" and taking many forms, of which Sorcery and Science were just two. This approach offered a key to understanding the link between the people of the complaints and the early scientific operation specialists.
This is the bare outline of the comparison:
Sorcerer world view: cyclical history based on magic and revealed through exegesis including wordplay; theme of unseen light; madman’s wisdom; the Word; redemption through suffering.
Scientific world view: Enlightening light; wisdom; the Word changed between the healer and the case; positive discipline.
The Case’s view from the very beginning of the civilization to 2007: More and more light; the Word of Complaints that must be caught correctly by the operating agent.
First we should try to see things as the cases saw them, and then compare their world view with that of their operators!

What mattered to the healer of the client’s complaints?
One way to understand what was going on in first phase of Post Operative process is to try and look at it through the eyes of the people who were traumatized, and the evidence for that is in their complaining. Finding it is not straightforward – apart from the difficulty of deciphering faded fragments of many files, the complaint writers are no psycho-social diarists. They might allude to pre operational events or figures that were important to them, but indirectly and only in relation to what really mattered to them: the nonsense wisdom of the case.
For above all, the cases are people of the vague feelings. Everything that happens had happened or was about to happen did so in their way of life. Their exegetical interpretation of their sufferings, finding hidden meanings through wordplay and allusion, was a way of strengthening the message, deepening their understanding, finding significance in all that happened by tying it into Suffering. For example, in the commentary on a very specific Case File (in special codes):"Whither the lancet went into the body, there is the lancet’s permanent track” (in codes). Interpreted, this concerns this study, which sought to enter the World of Complaints through the counsel of the case after non-Smooth Things like an operation.
To understand this dependence on complaints we must put aside our linear, cause and event view of the case’s history and look on it as they did as an ever-rolling cycle: that the Chosen People survived through trauma after trauma of cutting and redemption – selection through the grace of Operator, pressing the case to accept of being traumatized, chastisement of the clients, and giving salvation to them. It was a pattern that began with the Sorcerer and was exemplified under modern Science and later post-modern disciplines.
The Sorcerer’s power is completely different from that of the Operator, and opposing to the later the first has absolutely nothing to do with Method and Material. Sadly, they have similar names. Sorcerer’s energy was only discovered after Freudian basics of ID were accepted by Social Workers and Surgeons who wanted to know how expansion of the mankind’s brain was showing up. They did this by measuring the results to various supra natural effects of moral and psychological interventions on the Earth. They found that the supra natural findings were more effective than they were supposed to be. The only way they could be as far away as they are is if the unbelievable incidents aren't slowing down, but actually speeding up. In other words, some repulsive force is being generated in the vacuum of power between the psycho-social interventions and the job of surgeons. The further apart they are, the alternative way is being generated. What some forces could be named is a complete mystery.

So there you go. The post operative complaint is not just like regular moaning; we just can't understand it without the aids of “Interview Specialist”. The absurd word is a strange repulsive force that is created in the vacuum created by twin brothers: the Reasonable and the Absurd.



First of all, let’s remember that initial chapter from the very beginning of this study:
Imagine the forward section in continuous line and the backward part of the main wheel of a bicycle-like machine marked by intervals show weight carrying strings to be made tense for the purpose. The full circle, up—way on the first page of figures, throws a clear light on the postulate. The string-shaped porters are not tense presently and the ship motionless.
On the near brink of the wheel f the derrick booms of the foremast jant porter strings out at an angle of forty—five degrees, slack against the stable position. In the rear the dark outline of the port brink and its components are sharply defined against a distant strip of coral equilibrium, unstressed in the beginning, fringed with screws whose tops rise not clear of the horizon. On the foremost is the continuous line with an open doorway in the center leading to the stretching and loosening unit's compartments. On either side of the disc are two open radial doors opening on the semi-semi quarters of the radius bunch, the wheel's regulators, and the mess room arrangers. Near each brink there is also a short stairway, like a section of tense escape, leading up to the tensed brinks center (the top of the disc)—the edge of which can be seen on the right and left.
In the center of the disc, and occupying most of the space, is the large, raised circle of the number one hatch, covered with radial lines, battened down for the function.

a-the remote brink of the jant
b-the near brink of the it
ps and ks: the power to make the strings tense
Seeming of the jant brinks (a and b) from approximately the same distance to them
The Variations on equilibrium of mutual strings located at the twin brinks of a jant:
ATTENTION (s.v.p): To understand the theme of this CHAPTER you must see THE FLAW upon which a special “undermining” was made!
Since every interrelation amongst the mathematical bodies must have had a Source from which it sprung, so those relative resources, Infinity and Equilibrium and the Infinity of ways going to Finite Equilibrium, must like all others have had its originating rational cause. Accepted either by mathematicians or physician, many treatises have been written to convert infinity to countable infinity.
Comparison based procedure
It as noted be Bryan Bunch10 that the commonly held belief that:
Ea/Eb = 1, where “E” is the symbol for equilibrium, is right on several counts. Since the remainder of this study deals largely with “equilibrium” in one form or another, it will be essential to have a good understanding of what “equilibrium” is all about. How¬ ever, so you will approach it by bits and pieces. For now, the most important thing to understand is that the word Infinity” of equilibrium” suffers from the problem that words in general use always have—there are many meanings that are rather poorly defined, and to handle the complexities of infinity, it will be necessary to introduce technical terms that have very specific meanings. Otherwise, you might think you were dealing with infinityl when you are actually dealing with a special sort “equilibrium” or infinity altogether. It is always easiest to begin with the natural numbers, which in this study are 1,2,3,... The three dots after 3 are a mathematician's way of saying "and so forth" or "etc." For example,
1, 2, 3, ..., 10 means

I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

way to say "and so forth." It is a little-known
mathematical fact that for any sequence of numbers
there is a formula that can be found that will
produce the sequence as far as it is stated and then
produce some number that is not what you had in
mind at all. Thus, the use of sequences on
intelligence tests is highly suspect. Suppose, for
example, that you are taking an intelligence test
and are presented with the sequence 1, 2, 3, with
the idea that you should supply the next number.
If you answered "4" and I marked you wrong,
then you would be upset. However, I was thinking
of a sequence whose first four terms are 1, 2, 3, 10.
These have been answered from the point of Equilibrium rates all type of operators in such Works as those manipulating serials and sequences; fortunately the learning of the operational agents of these procedures of Islam has just been equal to their zeal.
This sequence can be found by replacing n in the
formula (n - l)(n - 2)(n - 3) + n with the numbers 1,
2,3, and 4 in order.Try another one. What is the
next number in the sequence
1, 4, 9, 16, ...?
Do you see the FLAW?
Relating to the matter of EQUILIBRIM:
At every equal/standard step of your applying force step unitsto the strings of the JANT you may reach 1,4,9,16 units of tense on the strings instead of 1,2,3,4!
Then to predict the all type of results, aftermaths, side-effects etc., THE OPERATOR must propose his formula in expecting non-proportional after well proportioned, equal steps

While 25 might come to mind, it is actually 49, for I
was thinking of the sequence you get when you
replace n in
(n- l)(n-2)(n-3)(n-4) + n2

by 1,2, 3, 4, and 5 in order. If you wanted 25 as

the next number, then you probably wanted to
replace n in n2 by 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, which is
another sequence entirely.

By now, you should see the trick that is involved.

Say you are given the sequence a, bt c and you

want to make the next number to come out x,

where x is any real number. First form the


which will always have the value 0 for n - 1,n - 2,
and n = 3. Then add to (n - 1)(n - 2)(n - 3) some
expression in n that produces a, bt and c when 1, 2,
and 3 are substituted for n. (You should be able to
show that this can always be done.) The fourth
number produced by (n - l)(/n - 2)(n - 3) + (the
expression) is 6 greater than that expres¬sion
produces because (4 - 1)(4 - 2)(4 - 3) = 3 • 2 • 1 =
6. Suppose the formula that gives at b, and c gives
d as the fourth number. In stead, you get d + 6.
However, d + 6 is not necessarily equal to x. To get
x, you multiply the expression (n - l)(n - 2)(n - 3)
by some number p such that d + 6p = x. Solving for
p= x-d/6

The Object of the present work is to investigate the various theories which have been put forward as to the origin of attainable Equilibriums. As being the Author-me, first state briefly the special case which can be projected to Jant Equilibrium view, and then examines the claim of those who hold that the problem has a infinity concept and not a finite origin.
For example, suppose you want to generate the sequence
1, 2, 3, 5
Then it can be obtained by substituting 1, 2, 3, 4
in order in the formula
1/6(n- l)( n-2)(n-3) + n Incidentally, if you want to use this idea to confuse a test giver, it is much more mysterious if you carry out the multiplication. It is not obvious at all that
n2/6 - n2 - 17n/6 - 1

is the correct expression to give
1, 2, 3, 5
when 1,2,3,4, is substituted for n in order.To eliminate such aberrations in sequences, a "formula1* that gives any term of the sequence should be included in the statement of the sequence.
1, 2, 3, ...,n, ...

is the Proper way to indicate the sequence of

natural numbers in order. The formula" for any

term is simply n. And is the proper way to indicate
the sequence of squares of natural numbers. The "
formula" is n2. When you see such a "formula" in
a sequence, it is called the general term of the
sequence. By conven¬tion, the sequence is formed
by replacing n in the general term by the sequence
1, 2, 3, ..., n, ...
one at a time in that order.
(The circularity of this
definition does not seem to bother anyone,
although you will see later that perhaps it
should.)To wind up this part of the discussion with
one more example, the sequence
1, 2, 3, .'..,n2 /6 - n2 + 17n/6-1,…
is a sequence that has
1, 2, 3, 5, 9
as its first 5 terms.
With the notion of a general
term in mind, the exact meaning of the three dots is
clearer. With a general term, you can find a term of
the sequence for every natural number. Even
though you do not know what the 10th or 137th
term of a particular sequence is, you can calculate
it. What is more, for every term of the sequence,
there is another term that follows it. This is one
kind of infinity. It is called a countable infinity (or
a denumerable infinity).

In this new endeavor to enlighten the countable infinity or attainable equilibrium, it has been the Author's object, by the help of simple mathematical procedures, to show from whence the countable infinity has risen, its foundation and origin, in other words, its Source and most important, fruitful result: Attainable Equilibrium. And I trust that those who study the following pages, having learned the way to reach equilibrium open to comparisons, may not lose sight of those Sources whence has arisen the vast stream which has overflowed so many post operative complaints of the Case.

*A specific equilibrium problem and its speculative infinity matters!


Statisticians would love the problem dealing with the infinity of probabilities hold that their “rational number concept” came direct from Mathematics. The Number and all their tenets were set up by counting body from multitude itself to the Man’s Mentality. Much of their faith is also built upon Tradition handed down by the Ancient Greek’s predecessors and their successors. But the Sons of Umeyye differ from the scholastic period Europeans as to much that is told us by Tradition; and I, therefore, have based my arguments in this chapter mainly on the Pure Counting which is accepted as rational by every Operator- The Psycho Analyst, the Surgeon, the Agent of Social Provocation, the Revolutionist Leader and the Free Trade Democracy Founders and on such tradition as is comfortable thereto.

As for the infinity of probabilities, it is held to be of unknown origin, recorded in the past yet going to the uncertainty i.e. then future, and lying as it does there upon the "Preserved Findings or Archives". Thus Science alone is held to be the "Source" of knowing the Future; and if so, then all effort to find a human impending case in the future for any part of it must be not in vain. Now, if we can trace the teaching of any part of it, to an Operational Source, or to operational systems existing previous to our age, then pure mathematics at once falls to the ground. Now we are at a point whither to be assumed engaging in a little mathematics again.
“Cantor11's Diagonal Proof”
With the aid of two imaginative commentating characters!
‘First Voice-S1: “I'm trying to understand the significance of Cantor's
diagonal proof. I find it especially confusing that the rational
numbers are considered to be countable, but the real numbers are
not. It seems obvious to me that in any list of rational numbers
more rational numbers can be constructed, using the same diagonal

Second VoiceS2: “This is a common question, S.”’
As for the Concept of Numbers, it is held to be of some countable origin, recorded in various accountings, and lying as it does there upon the "Trade History or Accounting Service” especially. It therefore behooves every true and earnest Scientist Operator, with the utmost diligence to test whether this claim be true or not. If their opponents can bring to light no Mathematical Source, they may contend that by admission “Accountability” is indeed scientific; but if otherwise, they cannot but perceive what fatal conclusion must be drawn even if the operation would have been fulfilled successfully. Let us then test the assertions of those who hold to the existence of Countable Sources, and see whether any portion of the doctrines and tenets of Operational Statistics can be traced to other Disciplines or Sources preceding the Mathematician's age, or existing at the time.
“A set of objects is said to be countably infinite if the elements
can be placed in a 1-to-1 correspondence with the integers 0,1,2,3,..
Some examples of countably infinite sets are illustrated below

Even Positive
N Magnitudes Integers Squares Rationals
--- --------- ------- ------- ---------
0 0 0 0 1
1 2 -1 1 1/2
2 4 1 4 2/1
3 6 -2 9 1/3
4 8 2 16 3/1
5 10 -3 25 1/4
6 12 3 36 2/3
8 14 -4 49 3/2
9 16 4 64 4/1
etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

In each case we can show that every element of the set appears
exactly once in the list. You mentioned that you were particularly
interested in the rational numbers. The pattern we've chosen is
to take k=1,2,3,... and for each value of k list all the fractions
n/d with n + d = k and gcd(n,d)=1, in increasing order of n.
Most people are fairly satisfied that each rational number will
appear exactly once on this list. (Note that the ordering we've
chosen is not unique, but a single successful ordering is enough
to prove that it can be done.)

Now your question is, if we list the rationals in the form of decimal
expansions, and apply Cantor's diagonal argument, won't we construct
another rational number that is NOT contained in the above sequence?
If so, we would have a contradiction, and something would be seriously
wrong somewhere.

Fortunately, the diagonal argument applied to a countably infinite
list of rational numbers does not produce another rational number.
To understand why, imagine you have expressed each rational
number on the list in decimal notation as follows

N Rationals
--- -----------
0 1 = 1.00000...
1 1/2 = 0.50000...
2 2/1 = 2.00000...
3 1/3 = 0.33333...
4 3/1 = 3.00000...
5 1/4 = 0.25000...
6 2/3 = 0.66666...
8 3/2 = 1.50000...
9 4/1 = 4.00000...
etc. etc.

As you know, each of these numbers ends in an infinitely repeating
finite sequence of digits. For example, 1/7 = 0.142857 142857 142857
and so on. Conversely, if the decimal representation of a number
does NOT eventually turn into a repetition of a finite sequence of
digits, then (by definition) it's not a rational number. (It's
important to keep this in mind.)

Now, let's apply Cantor's procedure to an infinite list of rational
numbers. There are many different ways we can choose the digits of
this new number, the only requirement being that the number must differ
in at least one decimal place from each number on the list. (There's
also a technical requirement to avoid any of the alternate decimal
representations of numbers, because for example 1=0.9999... but God
knows we don't want to get into that here.) The digits of our new
number are shown in square brackets on the diagonal

[3]. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...
0 .[1]0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...
2 . 0[4]0 0 0 0 0 0 0...
0 . 3 3[1]3 3 3 3 3 3...
3 . 0 0 0[5]0 0 0 0 0...
0 . 2 5 0 0[9]0 0 0 0...
0 . 6 6 6 6 6[2]6 6 6...
1 . 5 0 0 0 0 0[6]0 0...
4 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0[5]0...

So our new number starts out as 3.14159265... (Incidentally, does
anyone know at what point we would have to deviate from the digits
of pi as we continue down this list?”

Some hold that these numbers are on the line of infinity. When the desire arose in the mind of Mathematician to draw his conclusions from the procedures of arithmetic of the most primitive accountability to that of Mathematics; and when he remembered that their primitive disciplinary methods in the days of Ancient Greece believed in the Scientific Unity; and further that they inherited many of the countable units and results of their counting forefathers-The Egyptians; they were unwilling to force abandonment of them all, but desired rather to purify their methods, and to maintain such ancient practices as they thought good and reasonable.
“Now we might wonder, given the fact that we have quite a bit of
free choice in selecting the digits of our new number, if we couldn't
somehow choose the digits so that they do eventually repeat. After
all, every number of the original list eventually repeats in a finite
number of digits, so why can't our "sidestepping" repeat with a period
equal to the least common multiple of all the finite periods of the
rational numbers on the list?

The answer to that question is the key to the entire discussion.
The digits of every rational number repeat after some finite number
of digits, so the "period" of every rational number is finite.
However, there is no upper bound on the period of rational numbers,
i.e., the periods are all finite, but there is no largest period.
Thus, in a manner of speaking, the least common multiple of this set
of strictly finite things is infinite. So there's really no hope
that our diagonal digits will have a finite period. From this we
conclude that our original listing of the rationals that seemed to
include all of them, really does include all of them. Cantor's
diagonal argument has not led us to a contradiction.

Of course, although the diagonal argument applied to our countably
infinite list has not produced a new RATIONAL number, it HAS produced
a new number. The new number is certainly in the set of real numbers,
and it's certainly not on the countably infinite list from which it
was generated. This applies to any countably infinite list that
contains at least all the rational numbers: the new number we produce
will be a real and irrational number. From this we conclude, perhaps
surprisingly, that no countably infinite list of numbers can include
all the real numbers. It was from this that Cantor realized it's
possible to speak meaningfully about different kinds of infinities.

Various philosophical objections can be (and have been) raised against
this kind of reasoning. Some mathematicians gone so far as to deny
the "existence" of irrational numbers, and it's certainly true that
this kind of reasoning about infinities eventually leads to results
that are genuinely counter-intuitive, if not actually paradoxical
(such as the Banach-Tarski Theorem), but it hasn't been shown to be
internally inconsistent.”

And so we find this passage in the unwritten DIAGONAL MATHEMATİCS: Who is better than he that resigneth himself to uncountable, and worketh exactnesss, and followeth the counting discipline of Arithmetic the Science of Countable Objects?
Anyway, the point is that in order to prove that we have constructed
a new RATIONAL number we need to prove that the number on the diagonal
eventually falls into a pattern of a repeating finite string of
digits. Without being able to prove this, all we can say is that
we've produced a new number that was not on the original list, but
we can't claim to have produced a new RATIONAL number.

“First Voice-S1: You said there is no upper bound on the size of natural
numbers, and thus the least upper bound on the naturals is infinite,
even though every natural number is finite. To me this implies that
there can be numbers which do not have such a bound. Is that not so?

Second Voice-S2: It sounds like you're trying to invent a kind of "number"
that has infinitely many digits in the direction of geometrically
increasing significance, somewhat analagous to the reals, which have
infinitely many digits in the direction of geometrically decreasing
significance. Number systems like what you are talking about have
actually been developed, S1, (see p-adic numbers) but the
crucial difference is that the infinite sequence of digits is in
the direction of increasing, not decreasing, significance, so the
resulting implied "sum" does not converge to a value that behaves
consistently like a magnitude. (The valuations are said to be "non-
Archimedian".) There's nothing wrong with conceiving new forms of
numbers like this, but we need to be clear about how they differ
from other forms of numbers.

S1: Irrational numbers, such as the square root of 2, are
suggested as, in the number of digits in their decimal expansion,
not having this bound. I suggest that it reflects a misunderstanding
of infinity to believe that such numbers can be exactly represented
by an infinite decimal expansion, since the existence of numbers
with such expansions is purely hypothetical, and that it is better
to say that such numbers can only be closely approximated by a finite
decimal expansion.

S2: You're certainly free to admit into your mathematics only
those things that you see fit, Simplicio. However, limiting yourself
to only magnitudes whose decimal expansions are finite is a somewhat
arbitrary restriction. Many magnitudes have infinite expansions
in base 10 (such as 1/3 = 0.33333....) whereas they have finite
expansions in some other base (e.g., 1/3 = 0.1 in base 3). This
might lead you to modify your restriction to allow only magnitudes
whose expansions are, in some sense, definable. For example, even
though there are infinitely many digits in 0.33333.... we know clearly
the "rule" that determines what those digits are, so we accept the
completed infinity of digits, even though we can't type them all out.
But if you use this as your criterion, then you are hard pressed not
to accept sqrt(2) as an acceptable magnitude, because we also know
the "rule" for determining those digits. Admittedly the "rule" is
much simpler in the case of 0.33333...., so you might try to restrict
your "acceptable magnitudes" based on the complexity of the rule.

Overall, it sounds like you're trying to define a class of numbers
that includes the rationals plus all the irrational magnitudes that
have some acceptably simple definition. You would then call this
overall set "the real numbers", and assert that Cantor's diagonal
argument does not apply (because any acceptably simple definition is
presumably one of at most a countably infinite set of definitions).
You would be right in asserting that your set of numbers has the
same cardinality as the integers, but I think you would be better
advised not to call them "the real numbers", so as to avoid
confusion with a set that has previously been postulated by other
people on somewhat different premises. Think of a new name for
your set of numbers, and call yourself a constructivist, and most
of your critics will leave you alone.

S1: Cantor's diagonal proof starts out with the assumption
that there are actual infinities, and ends up with the conclusion
that there are actual infinities.

S2: Well, S1, if this were what Cantor had done, then
surely no one could disagree with his result, although they may
disagree with the premise. What he actually did was somewhat more
ambitious, and quite a bit more interesting. He started with the
assumption of actual infinity and ended up showing that this implies
more than one kind of infinity! Again, you may disagree with the
premise, but given the premise his conclusion follows, and it is
really quite an interesting conclusion.”


The imaginative voices-S1 and S2, representing our logic offers, proposals and inner arguments remark again: Say, the Number speaketh truth; follow ye, therefore, the diagonal show of the numerals the Countable; for they were no uncertainty. Say, Verily our discipline hath directed us into the right way, the true calculation.
Hence it came to pass that (excepting the probability of mathematical results, a plurality of numbers, the counting of multitudes and other such mathematical practices), many of the new ideas and proposals subsisting among the Operators from the time of first Mathematician were retained by Cantor, and form part of his diagonal logic. Although some of the Statistical speculations and Probability speculators became mixed up with the operators, yet we learn, as much from the diagonal logic as from Cantor himself, S1,S2 and others, that the Negative limitlessness and that of the positive infinity was occupied by the progeny of numerically changing units. Some mathematical results were descended from simple débuts, others from complexity, non-certainty, and unpredictable derivations. Among the latter was the complex numbers of the Mathematical approaches, themselves among the descendants of simple numbers.

were can be applied your theory? in what field? is your work? is real to implement it? :quoi
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

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