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Gymnastics for pregnant women, a fad or a necessity?
Gymnastics for pregnant women is important. Many pregnant women are increasingly interested in exercises which to keep them fit and to help them pass more easily over the process of birth. Usually exercises for pregnant have the role to train certain muscles that are not included in the normal exercise. That's why in the specialized centers you will hear exercises for labour, for relaxation or for breathing, a little help that restore the confidence in the ability of pregnant women to bring a child.
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Gymnastics for pregnancies is a way to be always in shape
With certainly, sounds familiar the exhortation "it is not allowed to get tired, if you are pregnant, need to sleep, to rest and eat as for two." It is not true! Pregnancy is a delicate and unique period in the life of every woman, but this does not mean a radical change of the mother habits. In addition, it was scientifically proven that Mums who, during pregnancy, have an active physical activity, have a pregnancy and birth more easier.
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Some exercises for pregnant
Exercise for pregnant women should relax the future mother. they are done on a blanket spread on the floor, and the pregnant woman should be dressed just as to be able to move freely. At first, especially in the first trimester (when risk of miscarriage is very high) exercises for pregnant should be less demanding. Focus more on your breathing exercises and relaxation.
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In the second quarter, you can move to more complex exercise, but not dangerous:
1. supine with legs extended lift your foot vertically and then let down. At the descent do some spins of the ankle;
2. lying on back with hands at your sides, bring your knees to your chest and leave to one side till reach the ground. Attention, the shoulders should not be removed from the ground;
3. in knees with palms on the floor and arms perfect stretched, the pregnant arches her back and returns to the initial position;
4. standing with legs apart of the body, is executed the walking ahead on tops, with lifting the arms vertically.
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5. feet slightly apart, go the hands on the shoulders and stretch your arms with bowing of the body. These movements must be accompanied by inspiration and expiration;
6. walk with hands on hip with knee lifting to the breast;
7. lunge with left foot, with right hand up, while left hand is at your side;
8. on back, with arms and legs a little removed from the body, with a pillow under the neck, so that the shoulders to touch the ground and one below the knee, inspire and expire easy.
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Exercises for pregnant women are repeated 3 times and, it takes care that after 5 minutes of the end of the gymnastics, the pulse of the pregnant is not exceed 100 beats per minute. If it happens to exceed this value, means that the exercise carried out, are too demanding.
If you see that the gym for pregnant women is too demanding for your body, then take a long walk every day! Confuseduper Good luck! Smile
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
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M.Helen, this is very interesting - thank you!

However, these exercises sound like yoga and pilates, not gymnastics. I cannot imagine a pregnant women joining a gymnastics club, and vaulting over boxes, balancing on a bar, somersaulting around the room... Smile

If you have never gone in for sport earlier, the period of pregnancy isn't a good perion to start doing it. But if you go for a sport regularly and your body is well-trained, you may continue exercising. But you should except such kinds of sport as cycling, skiing, skating, rowing, weight-lifting. Pregnant woman should walk as much as possible, just short walks several times a day. Also, swimming is an ideal kind of sport for pregnant woman. All exercises should be done under the supervision of the doctor.

The body of a woman knows some changes after it went through a normal birth or a caesarean. Often felt in the body weight, these changes can be corrected with Postnatal exercises recovery. The latter should be made only to the advice of a gynecologist doctor in the presence of a physical therapist or a trainer of Postnatal recovery. To these exercises should be added a healthy food in moderated quantities. So here are the newest exercises for fresh mums!
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Advantages postnatal recovery through exercises
You've become the mummy, but have noticed that after pregnancy you start taking in weight. Have you tried different exercises, but you have not enjoyed any results. Then is time to call the Postnatal recovery exercises that will provide a variety of advantages. Some of them may quickly return at the pre-pregnancy physical condition and the strength to successfully cope with the baby's needs. Also, postnatal exercise help your health, eliminating stress, fatigue, drowsiness or depression. Blood circulation and lymphatics are also improved with postnatal exercises.
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Aerobics gymnastic, aquatic gymnastic, fitness: What to choose?
Have you discussed with your gynecologist and you were allowed to practice exercises of Postnatal recovery. So, you only have to call a physical therapist or trainer to start a rehabilitation program. He will lead you to exercises you need: aerobic fitness, aquatic gym, exercises to strengthen abdominal muscles, buttocks exercises, exercises to alleviate back pain, etc..
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Aerobic gymnastic is composed from light exercises that will not endanger the health and will help you get rid of unwanted pounds after pregnancy. Aerobics involves heating jumps, frontal lunge, turns of arms, stretching of legs, meant to put on the blood circulation and helps you be always in shape. If you chose these exercises of Postnatal recovery, make them at least 3 times a week.
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Postnatal Aquafitness relaxes and strengthens your muscles. In the first sessions, try the slow movements of hands and feet and, only after several weeks of aquatic gymnastics, you can move to more complex exercises or even swimming sessions.
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There are several exercise recovery that may be made at home. To remove back pain, is an easy exercise to perform: on knees and hands on the floor, curved back, bring your pelvis in front and contract your abdominal muscles, rhythmic exercise practiced by 10 times. To relax the feet and to eliminate pain, bent and strench the feet about 30 times, rotate the foot by 8 times in one part and 8 times in the other.
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The exercises should be done after breastfeeding and not in the first weeks after birth. Do not venture into their practice until you have not received the gynecologist permission. I wish health and a beautiful body. And, of course expect advices from your own experience or the experiences of others! Smile Confuseduper
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