Posts: 6
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Joined: Jan 2011
I always hear people talking about S6 and t4 and stuff like that i know they're talking about gear but i wanted someone to explain to me exactly what they they mean, like Where can i get Season gear or tier gear? Are they the same? How are they different? One last thing is 2v2's, 3v3
s, 5v5
s, How does arena team rating help? Because i also understand that people do arenas for gear but what type of gear? does that also have something to do with Season gears or tiers? Thanks.
Posts: 5
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Joined: Jan 2011
Tiered gear and Arena season gear are the different types. Tiered gear is from PvE raiding. Since you mentioned T4, I'll start there. You picked up tokens in T4 content raid instances, for example: the t4 gloves and helm tokens dropped in Karazhan(Curator and Prince), then the leg and chest dropped of of Gruul and Magtheridon. After that you would have raided SerpentShrine Cavern and Tempest keep for the T5 tokens, etc... The only way to get the Tiered gear up until WOTLK was to get the tokens. In wotlk, you can buy to pieces of T7 gear with emblems from heroic dungeons and two pieces of the 25 man T7 gear from with emblems from doing 25 man raids.
Arena gear is for PvP. 2v2, 3v3, etc are different teams that you can set up to compete in arena matches. The best gear requires so many arena points and a certain team rating to be able to purchase.