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Assuming that the theory of evolution is true, how is it that apes still exist? Did they choose not to evolve? I am not dismissing the theory just curious as to why they (apes, chimps, etc.) are not extinct, and there is a need to find a missing link that is no long with us. Now, before I get attacked I want to make it clear that I have yet to draw my own conclusion, and I am searching for answers from both sides of the fence (evolution/creation). Thanks in advance!!

in regards to my previous question about Atheists
Truth Seeker says

"Someone who intellecually arrives at atheism, stays there. For example, most people claim they understand evolution, but few people really do. If you can go into detail about evolution, and understand exactly how hominds arouse from environmental changes, then you understand evolution and, consequently, soon discrad any silly notions of creationism or "in God's Image".

I disagree but can I have your thoughts on this please ?

( sorry Truth for using your answer but I am curious about this now )
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I disagree that even with knowledge of evolution
we would automatically drop any belief in God/Gods
I disagree that every Atheist stays there
I do admit that most do
I also disagree that if someone believes in God, this means they believe in any creation story
point taken zero
you assume wrong Grazie

Well first we did not evolve from the current apes, rather we all have a common ancestor. Next, even if we did evolve from modern apes, we do not necessarily compete for resources so both could continue on. Just because a species evolves does not mean that the ancestor becomes extinct.

Before I answer this question, where exactly do you disagree?

Do you think scientists will ever be able to reduplicate the process of evolution.

I personally dont believe in evolution, I believe that humans were created by god, uhm so if we share common ancestors with apes, what are those ancestors and can you explain it to me (i'm 13!)

I'm not sure what you mean by "what are those ancestors," but it basically that apes and humans descended from one species. Try looking up "Phylogenic trees" and you'll get it

What, like producing hundreds of breeds of dogs, cattle, and horses?

Evolution is supported by an overwhelming amount of evidence, but first you need to decide whether or not you care about evidence. If you don't care about evidence (as many people don't), of course you're free to believe that "God did it," or you can believe anything else you wish.

Discoveries about the evolution of man have been mainly working backwards in time. There are many fossils of modern man, who first appeared 200,000 to 300,000 years ago. Man's immediate predecessor was Homo ergaster. Going back further, there were several species of ape-like creatures which were man's relatives but which were not on the direct line leading to man. About 3.2 million years ago lived Australopethicus afarensis which may have been man's direct ancestor. Even earlier was the recently discovered Ardipethecus ramidus. Ardi evolved 4.4. million years ago, about 1.6 million years after the great apes split off from the line leading to man. Six million years ago lived the ape-like common ancestor of man and modern apes. No one has yet found fossils of that common ancestor, but scientists are getting closer as the years go by.

You should realize that your question is a little like asking, "Explain cardiac surgery to me," or "Explain Einstein's General Theory of Relativity." These are vast subjects, and people spend their entire lifetimes studying them.

chlaxman is exactly right. Evolution does not mean replacement. Think of a branch forking.

We already have! Consider all the breeds of dogs that we've produced via artificial selection. We've done that in less than 300,000 years.

Farmers have been doing it for thousands of years. If you mean, will they be able to create life, that is a much harder question. It may be possible with some extremely complex computers some day to simulate conditions that might lead to life. They will never know the exact chemistry that created life on this planet. A computer program that could simulate millions of years might be possible one day.

Those common ancesters can either resemble more apes or more humans (but more likely apes). The reason that evolution is supported is because of genetic evidence. We have mutations in our dna called neutral mutations that don't code for proteins. These mutations can be changed and no physical difference in our body will be made because they are in our junk dna. When we compare these junk dna of chimpanzees and humans we find that around 96 percent of the mistakes are the same. You might say that this is no big deal because since we are all made by god it is no surprise that we have similarities in our dna. But this isn't right because these are mistakes we are talking about. They are not genes unique and needed for our survival. In fact we can track human lineages based on these mistakes that happen 1/1000 bp from every generation. So we know that they change very rapidly and have changed over the past 700 million years. So the only way to explain why us and chimpanzees share similar mistakes in our genome is that our common ancester must have had mistakes in their genome and these mistakes were passed down onto us.

How Many Years take to make a human Evolution ?
Answer can make in prediction
My school Does not teach EVO so i have no idea about this

Posted a few minutes ago:

"Religion should not be touched in schools. And that goes for the religion of evolution too."

In reality, however:

1. Evolution merely describes part of nature. The fact that that part of nature is important to many people does not make evolution a religion. Consider some attributes of religion and how evolution compares:
* Religions explain ultimate reality. Evolution stops with the development of life (it does not even include the origins of life).
* Religions describe the place and role of humans within ultimate reality. Evolution describes only our biological background relative to present and recent human environments.
* Religions almost always include reverence for and/or belief in a supernatural power or powers. Evolution does not.
* Religions have a social structure built around their beliefs. Although science as a whole has a social structure, no such structure is particular to evolutionary biologists, and one does not have to participate in that structure to be a scientist.
* Religions impose moral prescriptions on their members. Evolution does not. Evolution has been used (and misused) as a basis for morals and values by some people, such as Thomas Henry Huxley, Herbert Spencer, and E. O. Wilson (Ruse 2000), but their view, although based on evolution, is not the science of evolution; it goes beyond that.
* Religions include rituals and sacraments. With the possible exception of college graduation ceremonies, there is nothing comparable in evolutionary studies.
* Religious ideas are highly static; they change primarily by splitting off new religions. Ideas in evolutionary biology change rapidly as new evidence is found.

2. How can a religion not have any adherents? When asked their religion, many, perhaps most, people who believe in evolution will call themselves members of mainstream religions, such as Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism. None identify their religion as evolution. If evolution is a religion, it is the only religion that is rejected by all its members.

3. Evolution may be considered a religion under the metaphorical definition of something pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion. This, however, could also apply to stamp collecting, watering plants, or practically any other activity. Calling evolution a religion makes religion effectively meaningless.

Why claim evolution is a religion?

You really need to ask?

"Some" creationists are feckin' stupid.

Because creationists aren't just deluded, they're desperate.

never in a billion years!!!

Because it's an unproven system that people believe in without solid evidence. Just like all religions.

michaelhobbsphd: not 300,000 years... domestication of dogs began roughly 13,000 years ago and over 650 different "true" breeds have been produced...although...I would not say this is a definable mechanism of evolution...but rather selective addition, the gray wolf is in the same species as the domestic dog (i.e. the two can interbreed)...thus there has not been a 'speciation'...or creation of a new species...of canis lupus.

One's religion is one's belief; evolution is a belief. Some believe in Gods others in Evolution. Simple as that.

Depends what you call an evolution like growing wings just wont happen, but better sight and hearing that maybe on the cards say another million or 2 years

The thing is, the answer could depend on what part of our evolution you want to look at.

You could say that it began when life itself began, since we are distant descendants of those first cells. That's about 3.5 billion years ago.

If you want to drop in on our history where we start naming the species homo, like homo erectus or homo heidelbergensis (sp.?) as the point when the first "humans" lived, then you only go back a couple of million.

Because the people pushing creationism are FLAT OUT LIARS! THEY will even KILL to get their LIES taught! They are EVIL people that want to teach LIES AS TRUTH!

Evolution's been going on since life appeared on Earth, almost 4 billion years ago. You can see it in action over much shorter time scales though e.g. the peppered moth, which has gone from a light colour to a dark one and back to light in about 200 years.

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