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Laser hair removal is a common medical aesthetic procedure that provides fast, reliable & significant reduction of unwanted hair with the aid of concentrated laser light.
[b]How does laser hair removal work?[/b]
The mechanism of laser is well understood now. Laser energy passes through the skin and is absorbed by the hair follicle that holds the hair. The absorption of radiated energy increases the temperature of the follicle which eventually causes destruction of the cells that are responsible for hair growth.
[b]Is the treatment painful? Is it safe? How long will the treatment take?[/b]
Laser Hair Removal is proven to be very safe and highly convenient. During the procedure, patient may will feel slight pin prick sensations. The sensation is based on your pain tolerance and the area to be treated and passes almost immediately after the laser ceases.
Laser treatment may last from 30 minutes to an hour and a half depending on the treatment area.
[b]How many treatments I need before I see results and how long will it stay?[/b]
You will see immediate results upon your first treatment.
Since Laser Hair Removal only works in actively growing hair, 4-6 treatments may be recommended to see up to 80% reduction of unwanted hair. Results stay for months and sometimes years.
Hair is expected to eventually regrow but they will be finer and lighter. Regrowth is managed with a touch up every 6-12 months to maintain long term hair reduction.

[Image: Laser-Hair-Removal.jpg]