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When a little girl breaks her doll, what does she do? Obviously she goes to her Mommy.
In fact she appeals to a higher knowledge. When two people are in conflict, what should they do?
If they don't rise above mutual resentment and disappointment, the conflict will continue, isn't it?
So, what should you do if you are part of this conflict, or problem?

You should to appeal to a higher knowledge. Rise above your conflict with a sense of peace, look at your problem through other eyes. For instance, tell to other person, with whom you are in conflict, about your dream.
Yes, tell him, what you dream about your future relations. By doing this you will discuss not the present conflict situation, but you will talk about the new highs in your relationships. And when you rise up high, your conflict will appear so small from a distance.

So rise above the conflict situation in such an emphatic way as to rise other person to new higher level in your relationship.
I thought that silence is gold. Your advice is applicable not for everybody, but mostly to children. I don't think a grown-up man should complain about his issues. I also obviously exclude from this category businessmen, since the secret is the key to a successful affair.