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#2 - Have some hot tea an hour prior to sleep time.  
Hot tea is relieving and useful for the body. An buy mobile database assortment of quieting sleep time teas are accessible at your neighborhood market.
#3 - Read a most loved magazine or book 30 minutes before bed.
This can't be business related material. This would invalidate the point. Try not to peruse to get up to speed yet for unadulterated delight. Lose all sense of direction in the story. Make certain to set a clock. In some cases perusing a decent book can keep you up just in light of the fact that it is so acceptable.
#4 - Write down the best 5 things you should do the following day.
Get this off of your mind and on paper. Hold it to close to 10 minutes. Compose the same number of subtleties varying to get them off of your mind.
#5 - Count down from 350 by fours.