
Full Version: Why divorce is so rampant in-spite of liberal & diverse premarital dating & love marriages?
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What, where and how the things go wrong?

True love is supposed to last for ever especially when decisions are made with long and liberal dating and cohabitation!
No, that has nothing to do with it. Divorce exists because of sometimes developed incompatibility and people changing their minds about what they want out of life...

but mostly, divorce is probably because of a lack of maintenance of a marriage. One or both partners refuse to oil the parts and replace the engine.
internet, wide spread of porn stores , prostitution, gambling, sticking to traditon way too much
I think its becuase, times are so fast paced and we want new, new, new, that we always will want something different. And we get sick of things easier, and they get old, and we want variety. People fool themselves into thinking that they are in love and that they will WANT to be with them the rest of their lives...They want different, new, young, hott, and now.

Its sickening if you ask me.
lack of oral sex.
People use to go into a marriage with the thought of this is going to be forever, and worked at making it so. Now people get married with the expectations of it all being perfect, and when an argument comes up - they don't try to cooperate, compromise, or work at making it right, they just head out the door.
Your question is too easy to answer: Marriage is obsolete in the US. Family and extended family's true concepts/actions died out in the early 1970s. The govt was the evil doer and this year is showing them how much that mistake is costing the US right now. Some tools used by the govt were/are porno stores, a lack of songs that sing about love-dedication to family, elder citizens care locations, daycare for children, abortion, allowing children to date at far too early an age, dropping of massive amounts of illegal drugs into US communities, soft sentences on crime, no death penalty, denial of the fact men are usually polygamists by nature, etc.,etc.,etc. Besides, in a christian-based society, women are always seen as EVIL!