
Full Version: How long did it take you to say,"I love you," to someone you're dating?
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I was wondering how long it took you to say,"I love you," to the person you're dating. Love is a very strong word and I was just wondering about when one should say it. Tongue Thank you for your input and experience Big Grin
you should say it when you feel you truly are in love.
I've been dating someone for about 9 months, and we still haven't said it. We're conservative though about that phrase Smile

I'm in my early 20s if that means anything
Whenever you feel ready too ! I told my girlfriend about 2 weeks into our relationship...Hope This Helps !!!!!!!!!!
im onli juz turned 14 and wit ma last boyfriend we started sayin it afta a little less than a month n we both really did well at least i know i did bcuz we went out for 5 motnhs n he borke up wit me about 3 weeks ago n im stil not over him but he claims he really did love me and i believe him but dont rush into falling in love bcuz if ur my age it wont last 4eva n it really hurts 2 lose it Sad