We make fun of dumb athletes, but most sports require some level of mental focus for the athlete to be good at it. But what are some sports for complete idiots?
I think those strongman contests where they carry refrigerators and such is one contender. Maybe the 100-meter dash.
basketball. it sounds complicated, but it isn't once you get the hang of things.

Curling. I think that anyone can use a broom to scrub the ice in front of that big cement thing that is sliding on the ice.
I mean seriously, how can that even be a sport?
Hide and Seek
That's all I can think of at the moment.
Any sport requires mental focus....even if it is caroms, hide and seek or scrabble etc....i am sorry i cant agree with you.
Demolition Derby. No brains needed, just keep crashing until your the last car running.
javelin throwing?
that olympic winter one. the one with the brooms. how hard could it be to sweep ice???

well, with me, sex games require only one thing from the guy!!