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Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Printable Version +- Forums (https://eu-forums.com) +-- Forum: EU Forums (https://eu-forums.com/forum-19.html) +--- Forum: Hot Topics (https://eu-forums.com/forum-4.html) +--- Thread: Georgia and South Ossetia at war (/thread-1703.html) |
Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - solo - 08-13-2008 gift, they really rob gori, this is no propaganda, unfortunately. they are robbing other georgian villages near gori (that is outside s.ossetia) as well. i cannot show you the video, because only russian tv companies are allowed in there. and i do not think they will show something like that. and russians sank sea ships in poti, there were humanitarian help products in it. this is no propaganda, russia just said: georgia is with me or it is not at all. you know the funny story (анегдот такой) about lenin and stalin? so listen: lenin is ill, and everybody thinks he will die soon. at that time lenin is talking to stalin - iosif besarionovich (stalin), your political plans are very bad, i think soviet people will not follow you. stalin answered - if they will not follow me, then they will follow you. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Caucasus - 08-13-2008 Not the whole territory!!! What for? Only the places from which you kan fire at South Ossetian territory. For example "Grad" can fire at a distance of 40 km. We don't want have Grads in that distance. If you use airports for military aircrafts - they must be destroyed. And pay attention - we do not attack bridges as USA did in Serbia. It was the Georgian army who set the explosives under the briges in South Ossetia. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - tamuna - 08-13-2008 [quote="GiftAnd it's up to Ossetia people and Ossetians themselves to decide whether they want to be a part of Georgia. We don't crave for this region.[/quote] and what about 100,000 displaced people and wounded which are in georgia, all civilians, ossetians and so on, there are women children and olds as well, u r looking only one direction, but there is al;wys the other as well. Of course they should decide themeselves russians say so, cause they ve already blinded these people with lies that georgians are their oppressors and russia's true vocation is to free them from "insane" president of Georgia, very good plan, cheers Its years Russians are inciting this conflict, from the very begining, and its not very difficult u know to influence people who r poor and u r right russia doesnt crave for this region, its just a mean of manipulation on Georgia, and russia does nt care for Ossetian people as well, and if it does why it has bombed ossetian villages several times and killing them, or u think that only georgian attack killed so many people? Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - aranar63 - 08-13-2008 And, well, if the US is so strong, why didn't it do something with Russia? This is a simple question, baby. No "would" or "could" - Why they didn't? Why Dick and Bush behave like teenagers with their pants soiled? Do something - make them bad Russians pay! And don't tell me "they will" - 'cause they won't.qwerty Posts: 37 Joined: 11 Aug 2008, 21:17 Private message Top Just watch, your economy tank in the next 6 months, we will you will see, in America my parrusky friend it does not matter where you come from, once you are american you are american, what is matter is money, either you have it or you don't, maybe in yours is not, doubt it dough, Now will america do something we will, sooner rather then later, that you can be assure of, by the way watch your stock market over the next 2 weeks if this campaign persist. And listen my SOB friend, i go to your country anytime i please, i do not even need to go to your embassie for a Visa, you know why, it is because russia needs all the money it can get, can you come to america whenever you please? there is not need to get personal, but if you wish, i will. You really want a confrontation between the US and russia, i hope you get your wish, all i know is that if the american people see a treat in russia we will act, be to increase our defense spending wich by the way it takes your country 8 month to produce just the 1 trillion dollars we spend right now, us barely 28 days. Bid diff, just tell your leaders of the good job they are doing and keep up, i see you when your train come to a screaching stop.because it will. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - solo - 08-13-2008 Gift Wrote:aranar63 Wrote:and guess what? there is nothing little russia can do about it, bet putin/hitler is not intersted in another arm race that he can't win, he might make a lot of noise about it, but at the end the xpansion of NATO in to Ukraine and the deployment of this anti-missile syatem will be a reallity. So much killing for nothing, how many of you, your mighty stalin killed? for what, so the mighty SU (yeah the one that was supposed to bury us) cease to exist 30 years after his death, think about it, and all that you hitler revisited will do is point nuclear missile at Ukraine, Poland and Chez Republic, but they understand that as part of NATO this will happen anyways, so it doe not change anythig.I don't speak of how mighty Russia or US or European countries are and I don't make any historical forecasts. I speak of genocidal Georgian deeds here and now - have you seen crying Ossetian civilians? Try and find the video-chronicles, without comments from any side, if you think that every official news lie. now you can talk about genocidal russian deed, my friend. now you can Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Nana - 08-13-2008 Caucasus Wrote:And think over this fact: 1. There WERE NOT kiled 1500 PEOPLE in Tskinvali!!! All Osetians were left the town 10 days before war started!! Can anybody tell me what does it mean????? 2. If you think that we can not watch CNN or BBC you're quite wrong!!! That's a big lie! what about Russuan sites, we can see them also, but IN RUSSIAN CHANNELS THERE ARE ALL LIES!!!! and you, of course, don's know this!!! your government lies to you, of course they won't tell you that they began the war, whole world knows that Russia always was ocupant of little nations! Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - tamuna - 08-13-2008 Caucasus Wrote:Not the whole territory!!! What for? Only the places from which you kan fire at South Ossetian territory. For example "Grad" can fire at a distance of 40 km. We don't want have Grads in that distance. If you use airports for military aircrafts - they must be destroyed. And pay attention - we do not attack bridges as USA did in Serbia. It was the Georgian army who set the explosives under the briges in South Ossetia. ok, why then they bombed the civilian airport radar station near Tbilisi tell me, why are they bombing Gori dispite the medvedev's agreement that the fire will stop, and in Gori there is just nothing no military bases and nuclear bombs just nothing, and why are they attacking Upper abKhazia?u want to make me believe that there are military bases all over georgia, i wish it was so, but its not so, and i dont klnow if u ve seen that they killed Dutch journalist yesterday in gori and u r saying that they are only attacking military bases Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Caucasus - 08-13-2008 solo Wrote:gift, "there were humanitarian help products in it." - why did they try to attack Russian ships with missiles? You see Russian ships have prevented some weapon from getting to Georgia/ And there is nothing to rob in Gori. It is a small town, quite poor. Many citizen from it have gone to work in Russia. There are more than 1 000 000 of Georgians in Russia now. They earn money and send them home. http://www.georgia-lies.narod.ru Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - egg - 08-13-2008 The real losers in the Georgian-South Ossetian four day War are the USA. For an intelligent assessment of the situation read George Friedman's essay on The Russo-Georgian War and the Balance of Power, which can be found at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.stratfor.com/weekly/russo_georgian_war_and_balance_power">http://www.stratfor.com/weekly/russo_ge ... ance_power</a><!-- m -->. He writes regularly for the Stratfor Geopolitical Intelligence Report and is usually pretty deep-thinking - and right. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Nana - 08-13-2008 "Приказ Медведева никто не выполняет. В Гори идут ожесточенные бои Время публикации: Сегодня в 14:29 по Джохару В районе города Гори и непосредственно в городе идут боевые действия. Объявленное формальным главарем Кремля Медведевым перемирие не действует. Российские оккупационные войска просто проигнорировали приказ своего главнокомандующего. В бою участвуют танки и артиллерия, все пространство вокруг простреливается снайперами». Минувшей ночью во время боев в Гори был убит телевизионный журналист из Нидерландов. С заявлением, что российские войска в настоящее время находятся в Гори выступил в среду на брифинге секретарь Совета национальной безопасности Грузии Александр Ломая. Грузинская сторона насчитала там 50 танков. «Утром в среду российские войска на бронетехнике вошли в город Гори. Административные здания они не занимали…», — сказал он. По его словам, вместе с российскими регулярными войсками в Гори находятся и банды казачьих формирований. По данным российских и грузинских источников в Гори также находятся чеченские муртады из банды «Восток», которая является подразделением ГРУ МО РФ. Российские самолеты бомбили Гори и во вторник. Накануне здесь погибли не только грузинский и голландский оператор, но и греческий журналист. Бомбовый удар был нанесен по расположенной в Гори телестанции. Большая часть территории Южной Осетии контролируется русскими оккупационными войсками и кокойтовцами. Все грузинские анклавы находятся под контролем осетинских формирований и русских оккупантов. Кроме того, под их контролем и села, расположенные уже на собственно грузинской территории, — это Эргнети, Мегврекиси и Тквиави. Возле грузинского села Квемо-Никози, находящегося также на территории Грузии, стоят части 58-й армии и формирования банды «Восток» во главе с Сулимом Ямадаевым, разыскиваемого за убийство. Присутствие в районе Гори ямадаевских муртадов подтверждает «Эхо Москвы». «Наши танки и БМП в большинстве своем находятся здесь, в частности, это батальон «Восток», который практически безвылазно находится на подступах к Гори», — рассказал корреспондент радиостанции. По его словам, сегодня в районе Гори идут «в основном танковые бои и бои с применением тяжелой артиллерии». «Речь идет уже, скорее, о позиционной войне, — сказал корреспондент. — Борьба идет на подступах и в самом городе». Корреспондент отметил, что «самое опасное место» сейчас — грузинские деревни вблизи Гори. «Мирным людям, которые там оказались, можно только посочувствовать, — сказал он. — Это самое настоящее «гуляй-поле», задымленное пожарами, где носятся самые разные части и идет стрельба». Также, по словам корреспондента, «фронты сейчас смыкаются» и «журналисту из Бразилии, пришедшему с грузинскими частями, удалось пересечь фронтовую зону и попасть к российским войскам». КЦ " I'm sorry for Russian. this is citation Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - qwerty - 08-13-2008 aranar63 Wrote:And, well, if the US is so strong, why didn't it do something with Russia? This is a simple question, baby. No "would" or "could" - Why they didn't? Why Dick and Bush behave like teenagers with their pants soiled? Do something - make them bad Russians pay! And don't tell me "they will" - 'cause they won't.qwerty No, my shit-recycling Spanish patriot. What WILL happen - will happen. No one knows this, even you, my future-embracing stutterer. I repeat: WHY THEY DID NOT DO ANYTHING? Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - IamGEORGIA - 08-13-2008 Caucasus Wrote:Not the whole territory!!! What for? Only the places from which you kan fire at South Ossetian territory. For example "Grad" can fire at a distance of 40 km. We don't want have Grads in that distance. If you use airports for military aircrafts - they must be destroyed. And pay attention - we do not attack bridges as USA did in Serbia. It was the Georgian army who set the explosives under the briges in South Ossetia. whole teritory, whole! Because our military bases are far the 100 km from conflict region. Russian Fashist troops are bombing this teritories just because they wanna destroy strategic bases, and occupy whole georgia without any problem.. U mena civilian aeroports also should be destroyed?you have no idea what a builshit u are talking about Maybe russian red army do not attack bridges, but they attack buildings where the civilians are living..they atacl and burn vilages, at the moment, wright now, they are detroying georgian city Gori and georgian vilages, killing people, and robbing peaceful residents.. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Caucasus - 08-13-2008 tamuna Wrote:Caucasus Wrote:Not the whole territory!!! What for? Only the places from which you kan fire at South Ossetian territory. For example "Grad" can fire at a distance of 40 km. We don't want have Grads in that distance. If you use airports for military aircrafts - they must be destroyed. And pay attention - we do not attack bridges as USA did in Serbia. It was the Georgian army who set the explosives under the briges in South Ossetia. Have you seen the difference between CIVIL and MILITARY RADAR STATION ? I have grown up in the settlement close to an Airport in one of the Ukrane Cities. There is no difference. There were Georgian Troops in Gori. They were hiding bihind the civilians back. As for killed journalist and for all dead (even for Georgian Army privates).... I am really sorry. But do you know how many people have been killed by YOUR 16 (sixteen) hour bombing by GRAD of Tskhinval? DO YOU KNOW THAT? Are your brothers were telling you about the joy of cutting Ossetian throats, raping Ossetian women ? Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - freevoice - 08-13-2008 Can anyone tell me why, if Russia is the agressor why did 30000+ Refugees try to escape into Russia, as to anyone saying that there were no civilians in Tsinvali when the Georgian troops attacked, then who are all the civilians being treated in Russian hospitals, or would you say that it is all propoganda and that it's staged? As to civilians leaving 10 days before, are you out of your mind? how would they know that the whole Georgian army would descend upon them at NIGHT?! Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Nana - 08-13-2008 Quote: Are your brothers were telling you about the joy of cutting Ossetian throats, raping Ossetian women? WHO TOLD YOU THIS, PUTIN? OR IVANOV? ALL THAT IS THE LIE!!! Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Nana - 08-13-2008 freevoice Wrote:Can anyone tell me why, if Russia is the agressor why did 30000+ Refugees try to escape into Russia, as to anyone saying that there were no civilians in Tsinvali when the Georgian troops attacked, then who are all the civilians being treated in Russian hospitals, or would you say that it is all propoganda and that it's staged? 1. PLEASE, BE MORE CONSTRUCTIVE. 2. OF COURSE THEY KNEW, WHAT RUSSIAN OCUPANTS WERE PLANNING! Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Caucasus - 08-13-2008 IamGEORGIA Wrote:Caucasus Wrote:Not the whole territory!!! What for? Only the places from which you kan fire at South Ossetian territory. For example "Grad" can fire at a distance of 40 km. We don't want have Grads in that distance. If you use airports for military aircrafts - they must be destroyed. And pay attention - we do not attack bridges as USA did in Serbia. It was the Georgian army who set the explosives under the briges in South Ossetia. As for me Georgia shold give up the idea of attacking other people with its army. They have right to be free , with Russia, Georgia, Europe or Emirates... But I think , in order to know whom with they want to live we should ask Ossetins and Abkhazians, and not Georgians and Russians, shouldn't we?.. I don't think YOUR 16 hour bombing and shelling of Tskhinval were devoted to trying to hear THEIR opinion. It was devoted to clear Ossetia from Ossetins.. Ordinary genocide made by Georgia... And historically it was the THIRD GENOCIDE OF OSSETIAN PEOPLE made by Georgia. http://www.georgia-lies.narod.ru Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Kate - 08-13-2008 Several things I want to say to our dear friends from Russia: 1. Georgia is and will be independent country with raising economy, peaceful people and Russia CAN NOT change this... 2. Georgian people DO NOT NEED Russians poor employment, there is NOTHING in whole world they need from you! 3. There will come a day when Russia will get what it deserves from every country in the world, especially from Georgia..And that time will come very soon, believe me.. thank you bye bye Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - solo - 08-13-2008 Gift Wrote:Internet here is cheap and fast enough to allow watching videos and free surfing the web, we don't pay for minutes, just for you to know first of all, all channels were talking about that from the beggining. That happens only in russia, when tv channels talk what and when russian government wants to. second , you cannot say russians chase georgians from ossetia, when russians bomb georgian cities even after georgian troops are defeated. By the way, CNN's voting results tell that it's peacekeeping, not invasion -- where did you read that? Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - freevoice - 08-13-2008 IamGEORGIA Wrote:Caucasus Wrote:Not the whole territory!!! What for? Only the places from which you kan fire at South Ossetian territory. For example "Grad" can fire at a distance of 40 km. We don't want have Grads in that distance. If you use airports for military aircrafts - they must be destroyed. And pay attention - we do not attack bridges as USA did in Serbia. It was the Georgian army who set the explosives under the briges in South Ossetia. I understand that you may not have been told this by your goverment, but Tsanvili is a smoking ruin, just like Stalingrad was. Their Hospital and nurserys were destroyed in the first days. I have seen it on TV, yes on Russian TV, but those pictures could not be made up. I do not know what has happened in Gori, but your goverment has already mistaken their own tanks for Russian ones once. If you are an eyewitness, then please say so, if you have any video footage please show them, I am an open-minded person. As for why Russian Army attacked military basses inside actual Georgia, military in the 21st century is not close combat anymore, so just to repell your invasion is not enough as you can still launch missiles from a long distance away. If you are so convinced that Russia wanted to take over Georgia, do you seriously think that we would have not done so? I mean no offence, but even though you have the largest GNP to Military spending ratio, we do still have the larger military, if we wanted to invade, we, not you would have called for a general mobilisation calling up reservists. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - solo - 08-13-2008 freevoice Wrote:Can anyone tell me why, if Russia is the agressor why did 30000+ Refugees try to escape into Russia, as to anyone saying that there were no civilians in Tsinvali when the Georgian troops attacked, then who are all the civilians being treated in Russian hospitals, or would you say that it is all propoganda and that it's staged? we have 60000 refugess in here Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - tamuna - 08-13-2008 Caucasus Wrote:[? Are your brothers were telling you about the joy of cutting Ossetian throats, raping Ossetian women ? that is really crazY!!!!!!!!!!!what cutting throats and raping!!!!who tells u that, come on people open up ur eyes, there is great difference b/w military and civilian radar bases, it was controling the departure and arrival of CIVILIAN planes, and u r saying there s no difference!there is!!!and cutting throats and rape is such an utter lie, how can u believe that, don't be so gullible, u believe every word russian tv chanels tell and it is full of lies, absurd lies Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Nana - 08-13-2008 Quote: But I think , in order to know whom with they want to live we should ask Ossetins and Abkhazians, and not Georgians and Russians, shouldn't we?.. I don't think YOUR 16 hour bombing and shelling of Tskhinval were devoted to trying to hear THEIR opinion. It was devoted to clear Ossetia from Ossetins.. Ordinary genocide made by Georgia... And historically it was the THIRD GENOCIDE OF OSSETIAN PEOPLE made by Georgia. OH, REALLY?? WHY NOBODY DID ASK 10 YEARS AGO THEN GEORGIAN PEOPLE LIVING ON SO CALLED "SOUTH OSETIA" WHAT THEY WANTED, AND MADE THEM LEAVE THEIR HOUSES??? AND THE SAME WITH GEORGIANS LIVED IN ABKHAZIA??? I want to remember you that the teritory was named "South Osetia" by Soviet Union (Mother of Putin and Ivanov). and at that time there was living only 5 family of osetians! that's a historical fact! nobody can tell that this teritory belongs to osetians. there till last week still were living georgian families, there were georgian villages! before one century , its name was "SAMACHABLO" the historical center of Georgia! Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - freevoice - 08-13-2008 More constructive, fine. I was talking about the Georgian invasion of South Ossetia. It was started at night, by Georgian troops. THey made no warnings, in fact they were even holding peace talks right up to the attack. 30000 South Ossetians (civilians) have crossed into Russia for protection as refugees. Surely if Russia attacked first, they would not run to the country that has attacked them? Better? Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - tamuna - 08-13-2008 Nana Wrote:Quote: But I think , in order to know whom with they want to live we should ask Ossetins and Abkhazians, and not Georgians and Russians, shouldn't we?.. I don't think YOUR 16 hour bombing and shelling of Tskhinval were devoted to trying to hear THEIR opinion. It was devoted to clear Ossetia from Ossetins.. Ordinary genocide made by Georgia... And historically it was the THIRD GENOCIDE OF OSSETIAN PEOPLE made by Georgia. very true!!!!it is part o georgia and people who came to live on them are now taking this land as if it was theirs, but everybody knows it is not, and i think its the duty of every country to defend its territorial integrity, nobody on earth believes that Russia cares for Ossetians, NOBODY!!Russia doesnt care for peoples' lives as they never did, they only care for theer ambitions and they try to achieve their goals by all means be they legal or illegal, the one is open up to U_EMBITTERING ETHNIC CONFLICTS and it tries to capitalize on that |