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Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Printable Version +- Forums (https://eu-forums.com) +-- Forum: EU Forums (https://eu-forums.com/forum-19.html) +--- Forum: Hot Topics (https://eu-forums.com/forum-4.html) +--- Thread: Georgia and South Ossetia at war (/thread-1703.html) |
Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - VeNoM2137 - 08-14-2008 I've read news that western press published. Hey, it's so unfair! It just can't be true! I don't know why western channels show the scenes such selectively, but I saw SUCH scenes shown on our Russian TV that I couldn't believe my eyes. It's a total, worldwide lie, double standarts and unbelievable injustice. Just imagine: about 30-40 THOUSAND S. Ossetian PEOPLE HAVE NOWHERE TO LIVE NOW! Because of that damn Georgian president! They say freedom, ah? Have ur goddammn western mass media said that during the conflict (and still) all Russian channels and internet sites with .ru domain names were blocked in Georgia? Have they shown the video, where the Georgian artillery purges the peaceful Zhinvali? Have they said how the georgian tank had run over a running old woman carrying her grandkids? Or how the fleeing georgian troops threw frag grenades into people's vaults? And these r not kinda mythical stories about russian bombs everywhere, it's true, every day we in Russia watch over the TV the thousands of crying ossetians that lost everything in a few days. Omg! CNN shows that american plane with humanitarian help... lol... we have already sent several planes with hum. supplies, 2 mobile hospitals, numerous resquer squads and so on. Sakhashvili must be cursed forever. He ordered the army to attack peaceful citizens on the day the Olympic games were starting. It's a crime, terrible anti-human crime. P.S. ah, do u remember the Kosovo? The Iraq? The Yugoslavia? American authorities do what they want. They can attack a country just because it has a lot of oil. But Russian army defended its citizens. Our army could easily erase the georgian government, as its american colleagues do, but we didn't do that. We don't want war! Stop seeking an enemy in Russia. P.P.S. I want to thank everyone here, who expressed the same point as I. Thank u! Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Caucasus - 08-14-2008 Tutor Wrote:Well, I'm afraid we're never going to learn the truth about all this. Russian TV channels try to show Georgia as a monster attacking the innocent. Meanwhile in Georgia it's the same but against Russia. Some of my friends from SO wrote that it was Georgia who attacked them. At the same time, my very close friend (she is a Russian) wrote me that the same night she heard bombings not far from Gori (she is still in Georgia). So, it's difficul tu judge. Gori is not far from Tskhinval. Your friend heard the bombings at Tskhinval. Take a look at the map. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - VeNoM2137 - 08-14-2008 solo Wrote:It is funny that russians don't even bother to cover their real aims.Ah, maybe americans cover their real aims? Don't be so blind. There were no killed american citizens in Iraq or Yugoslavia when the U.S. army invaded these countries. But there were so many of them in Tskhinval. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - solo - 08-14-2008 Caucasus Wrote:abkhazs were cutting heads of georgian civilians and playing football by cutted heads (in gagra), they cut people apart and wrote on their bodies - georgian meat, for free. and russian regular army was supporting them. all those facts are taken on video, but i do not think you have seen them^^^^ Wrote:listen, how can you tell who is bombing. can you say who started shooting first? i mean, what facts do you have? video? what do you see there. the fact is both sides were shooting. russia is trying to separate georgia, i know there are ossetians who want to live in russia, but there are other people, inhabitants of that region, who want to stay in georgia, and the number of the last ones is much more large. russian politics has nothing to do with peacekeeping operation now, they are just destroing my country, they were going to do more, but. . . you know what happened next. and, russians are now behaiving like mongols. robbing, killing people, setting mines in cities (this is an important part of a peacekeeping operation, you know) and burning civilians houses. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - John K - 08-14-2008 solo, it's very hard to debate with you. :nonnon: You never heard your opponents and not try to understand them ![]() It's very bad way of discussion when you hear nothing. South Ossetians may be criminals too, but starting the war it's not the way to solve the problem! A person or a country who was the first who started fighting - will be guilty anyway, if we speak in modern language, it's not the Middle Ages now. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - VeNoM2137 - 08-14-2008 solo Wrote:Caucasus Wrote:abkhazs were cutting heads of georgian civilians and playing football by cutted heads (in gagra), they cut people apart and wrote on their bodies - georgian meat, for free. and russian regular army was supporting them. all those facts are taken on video, but i do not think you have seen them^^^^ Wrote:listen, how can you tell who is bombing. can you say who started shooting first? i mean, what facts do you have? video? what do you see there. the fact is both sides were shooting. Solo, r u crazy?! Just look: Ur army violated the peace agreement and invaded first into Ossetia. Ur GRADs were shooting the city without declaring the war, like german fashists in 1939-1942. Ur troops attacked Russian peacekeepers' camp first and killed 12 innocent soldiers. And don't lie, enough said! U started this conflict - u r guilty and u paid for it. Ur president has lost his honest name (however, I doubt he had one), lost all respect and was defamed forever. And please don't shout u were offended or unfairly attacked by russian army! If u do a crime - be ready to pay for this. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Caucasus - 08-14-2008 Pay attention that there are no other people here on this EU forum but only Georgian, Russian, Kazak, Ossetian and other people of former USSR... There is no German, Dutch, French or Enlishman here. They really have a very little interest in the war which is VERY important to us... I think that it is a SIGN... Think about it. Похоже кроме нас самих мы никому не нужны. И я не представляю как грузины смогут без Москвы, а Москва без Тбилиси. Душе народа можно причинить боль,но украсть ее думаю невозможно. Я не хочу верить, что все это время начиная с момента когда русские штыки защитили грузин от истребления ( аналогичного тому , что произошло в Армении) грузины просто притворялись друзьями и братьями... слава Богу мои друзья не дают мне этого забыть, а их у меня много... и армяне, и таджики, и адыги, и поляки, и украинцы, и ПРЕДСТАВЬТЕ СЕБЕ осетины с грузинами... но так тяжело удержать себя от тотальной ненависти когда видишь то что сотворили с Цхинвалом. За беззащитных детей, женщин и стариков хочется мстить по закону гор... я утром просыпаюсь с кровью под ногтями... и пытаюсь себя убедить, что не все грузины добивали раненых и кидали гранаты в подвалы с врачами и детьми... With great respect to the language of Jack London and Maugham... Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - IamGEORGIA - 08-14-2008 Caucasus Wrote:^^^^ Wrote:listen, how can you tell who is bombing. can you say who started shooting first? i mean, what facts do you have? video? what do you see there. the fact is both sides were shooting. You are very funny :haha This is the most reliable website in the world.. You are reaaaally funny all with your modern feshists PUTA-in and Medvedev.. :haha Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - solo - 08-14-2008 John K Wrote:solo Wrote:dear john k you are right about negotiations, sure, you are right. but russia is pushing too hard, it won't stand independent state of georgia by it's neighbourhood. . . but i admire azerbaijan, they managed to have good relations with russia as well as with west, but they have karabak, and russia was involved in that too. I do not think that comparing kosovo and ossetia is correct. ossetia is georgian land, it's georgian name is samachablo, it belonged to georgia for more then 10 centuries, and only in 17 th century ossetians were settled in that region, now called s.ossetia. the problem is russia is using that problem for it's purposes. . . but, the land is georgian, it was so for centuries. killing people is not acceptable, but, believe me russians were not throwing flowers, they were shooting too, and lots of georgian civilians had died. and as for politics, georgians do not invade the land of other country. as for double standards, the question is: if russia was backing serbs in kosovo case, why is it backing ossetians now? is it logical? Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - IamGEORGIA - 08-14-2008 Caucasus Wrote:Pay attention that there are no other people here on this EU forum but only Georgian, Russian, Kazak, Ossetian and other people of former USSR... There is no German, Dutch, French or Enlishman here. They really have a very little interest in the war which is VERY important to us... I think that it is a SIGN... Think about it. You can be sure that more than 95 percent of all georgeian do not want to be friends of yours, after you are killng peaceful people in whole georgia.. Our firnedship is over... This friendship was for you a sweet memory of Soviet union.. But not any more.. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - VeNoM2137 - 08-14-2008 And now u and ur president Sakhashvili r in panic, cause u have nothing to do. Ur government is foolish, bloodthirsty and foolish. U thought, that nobody will notice ur anti-human crimes, ah? Or maybe u hoped that there would appear kinda USA forces that will shoot russians? Haha. If u r guilty - just try to save the rest of conscience, no need to blame others. The georgian authorities certainly knew that Russia will reply the invasion as it is said in the agreement. So what was the aim of the invasion? To provoke the agression of Russia? U did it, u knew it would be so as Russian government can't authorize unpunished killing it's citizens. So what have u achieved? Totally destroyed city, 2000+ dead people, 30-40k refugees. Now what? And now Russian government (not georgian!) transfered 10 billion rubles (~$500 mln) for the re-building of the destroyed city and villages. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - IamGEORGIA - 08-14-2008 VeNoM2137 Wrote:And now u and ur president Sakhashvili r in panic, cause u have nothing to do. Ur government is foolish, bloodthirsty and foolish. U thought, that nobody will notice ur anti-human crimes, ah? Or maybe u hoped that there would appear kinda USA forces that will shoot russians? Haha. If u r guilty - just try to save the rest of conscience, no need to blame others. The georgian authorities certainly knew that Russia will reply the invasion as it is said in the agreement. So what was the aim of the invasion? To provoke the agression of Russia? U did it, u knew it would be so as Russian government can't authorize unpunished killing it's citizens. So what have u achieved? Totally destroyed city, 2000+ dead people, 30-40k refugees. Now what? And now Russian government (not georgian!) transfered 10 billion rubles (~$500 mln) for the re-building of the destroyed city and villages. haha..you are really kind of stupid.. :haha Whole world now can see who the putin is..This is most important.. ![]() Very soon in S.Ossetia will arrive international peacekeepers in place of russian terorists.. You can punish whoever you want on your own teritory..On our land we will do what we think is the most important for our countries. ITS NOT YOUR BUSINESS...SOVIET UNION PERIOD< WHEN EVERYTHING WAS ON YOU TO DECIDE IS OVER..WE WILL DECIDE WHAT WE WANT.. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Caucasus - 08-14-2008 solo Wrote:I do not think that comparing kosovo and ossetia is correct. ossetia is georgian land, it's georgian name is samachablo, it belonged to georgia for more then 10 centuries, and only in 17 th century ossetians were settled in that region, now called s.ossetia. If South Ossetia is Samachablo so should we call Georgia such case GRUZIYA and not Georgia? Let us have Gruziya then, and you may go freely to Georgia. Georgia is situated in USA. ![]() solo Wrote:killing people is not acceptable, but, believe me russians were not throwing flowers, they were shooting too, and lots of georgian civilians had died. and as for politics, georgians do not invade the land of other country. Why Georgian civilians have died ? When your army was setting up artillery or army units in the yards of georgian civilians and firing at Tskhinval or Russian army they should have thought that answer-fire can reach civilians. As for the other counry - South Ossetia has independece for more than 14 years. It cost them much suffering from Georgian terrorists or army (call it as you wish), and your "freedom" costs you just some licking USA asses when they come to you and some showing of disrespect or even hate to Russia. Have you rewritten history books for schooll alredy? solo Wrote:as for double standards, the question is: if russia was backing serbs in kosovo case, why is it backing ossetians now? is it logical? IT IS VERY LOGICAL. We tried to back Serbs in the legal way. So we do now. Just re-read the peace agreements that were signed by Georgia "on June, 24th, 1992 in Sochi Russia, Georgia and South Ossetia signed an agreement on principles of peace settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict according to which on July, 14th, 1992 the forces consisting of Russian, Georgian and South ossetian peacemakers entered on the lawful bases of the given agreement and the word right in a zone of the conflict" In that agreement it is clearly stated that in case some of the conflicting parties attcks another Russia is OBLIGED to take another under protection. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - IamGEORGIA - 08-14-2008 Caucasus Wrote:solo Wrote:If South Ossetia is Samachablo so should we call Georgia such case GRUZIYA and not Georgia? 1. Lets call the Sakartvelo then ![]() 2. Its not another country..its the same country :GEORGIA..small part of georgia.. (you always forget that another country chechny didn't want to live with you but..you made ethic cleanse in chenchy and killed almost everyone there..so you have no right to speak about anyrhing ) 3. whenever you want its legal, whenever you dont its illegal..strange. These agreements were signed under aegis os SNG, but now we are leving SNG so they are annulized..and reussian peacekeepres will habe no right to be ther in Ossetia and Abkhazia..Its legal act.. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Caucasus - 08-14-2008 IamGEORGIA Wrote:haha..you are really kind of stupid.. :haha So you have spent so many lives just in the attempt ( I stress once more ATTEMPT) to make an IMAGE DOWNSHIFTING PROVOCATION for Mr. Putin? Who you are after that? We will punish the war criminals at our territory. The so much spoken land is not YOURS it's Ossetian land. The history will show who was a Great Nation and who was just a small coin for expence (or should I say a prostitute for a minute blow-job)? Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - IamGEORGIA - 08-14-2008 Caucasus Wrote:IamGEORGIA Wrote:haha..you are really kind of stupid.. :haha what sence of idiotizm..really russian..bravo.. LAND OF GEORGIAN AND OSSETIAN PEOPLE UNDER GEORGIAN JURISPRUDENCE.. calm down...Keep your sexual fanrasies for yourself..would be better.. You are great nation.. :haha medvedev negotiating with KoKoity abd bagaoh, and USA with france.. :haha Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - k4despair - 08-14-2008 solo Wrote:I do not think that comparing kosovo and ossetia is correct. ossetia is georgian land, it's georgian name is samachablo, it belonged to georgia for more then 10 centuries, and only in 17 th century ossetians were settled in that region, now called s.ossetia. If you spend just a minute to find out something about history of kosovo, u will be surprised. Slavs have setled in kosovo in 6th century, i.e. allmost 1,5k years ago. This is the region of "old serbia", where serbian state was born. Before NATO operations in kosovo it was full with ortodox christian churches built in 14th century and later. Even now one can found some of them and ruins of the rest. Don't you think albanian muslims were building those churches? Until 20th century started, population majority belong to serbians. So kosovo was serbian for centuries. From now on u can start to think that comparision of kosovo and S.O. is correct. And yes, it is logical to support ossetians now. Logic of Russia is simple - there should be no double standarts in international relationships. Law should be the same for all cases, otherwise it is not the law, but a caprice of the strongest one. Russia insisted that "kosovo law" will be a very bad law. But today it is already the law - good or bad, but the only one for all cases. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Caucasus - 08-14-2008 IamGEORGIA Wrote:1. Lets call the Sakartvelo thenHave you asked Ossetians? They have another opinion. Why shoud it be neglected? Because you Georgian are "civilized" and they are "barbarians" ? You are European forpost, they are stupid asian that cannot understand their happiness of being ruled by such a progressive peole with limited internet and switched off TV channels... IamGEORGIA Wrote:(you always forget that another country chechny didn't want to live with you but..you made ethic cleanse in chenchy and killed almost everyone there..so you have no right to speak about anyrhing ) I am very close to Chechnya. I want hope you were just misinformed. In other way you are - my personal enemy. Believe it o not. There was much crimes from both sides, especially in the first war campaign. BUT the reasons of war had nothing to do with the situation round Ossetia. Do Ossetins make slaves of Georgian? IamGEORGIA Wrote:These agreements were signed under aegis os SNG, but now we are leving SNG so they are annulized..and reussian peacekeepres will habe no right to be ther in Ossetia and Abkhazia..Its legal act..What will be to Georgia (I mean not USA state) if then ALL contracts , treatys, agreements are changed? Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - IamGEORGIA - 08-14-2008 k4despair Wrote:solo Wrote:I do not think that comparing kosovo and ossetia is correct. ossetia is georgian land, it's georgian name is samachablo, it belonged to georgia for more then 10 centuries, and only in 17 th century ossetians were settled in that region, now called s.ossetia. who sais that kosovi is not part of serbia..it is..and it hsould be part of it..no doubt.. S. Ossetia is alos part of georgia and shoudl be part of it..thats it.. ok then..we dont need double standards, do we? Lets support Chechnya for tei independence, ingushetia, and other caucasian lands..only moscow will be left from russia. ![]() Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Caucasus - 08-14-2008 I am finishing for today. Wish everyone to find his family, relatives and friends alive and helthy at least by the next day evening. This all I can do for you. God loves me, I am not his slave, I am his weapon. ![]() بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ) Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - SiD - 08-14-2008 IamGEORGIA Wrote:Caucasus Wrote:IamGEORGIA Wrote:haha..you are really kind of stupid.. :haha Wow you comdamn Russia but from your posts i can see that you abbsolutly happy. Are you under drugs? Or were our planes in fact were spreading happiness across georgia? If that is so that it is GREAT, i am glad for happy people of georgia. ![]() Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - PetrN - 08-14-2008 Several facts: Georgia was blocking water supplies to capital of South Osetia.South Osetia made ultimatum to Georgia to renew water supplies till 16:00 31.7.2008. After this the goverment of South Osetia will not block youth and public organizations that required to close irigation channels from Osetia to Georgia as retaliation. 1.8.2008 are announced first shootings of Osetia from Georgia.Some people are killed.During week till 8.8.2008 are comming to territory of South Osetia volanteers from North Osetia for protection of the country. 8.8.2008 Georgia attacks South Osetia. The rest you know. I do not understand why goverments of western countries are all supporting Georgia against Russia. Russia had in South Osetia peace keeping forces from time of previous conflicts. After Georgia attacked South Osetia then Russians were defending Osetians. Why western countries supported Kosovo and they are not supporting South Osetia though cases seems to be very similar? The only similarity is that USA is trying to enlarge its zone of influence by separating countries into pieces. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - PetrN - 08-14-2008 Some links: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://rbth.rg.ru/articles/2008/08/08/ossetia_war.html">http://rbth.rg.ru/articles/2008/08/08/ossetia_war.html</a><!-- m --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://eng.kavkaz-uzel.ru/newstext/engnews/id/1226373.html">http://eng.kavkaz-uzel.ru/newstext/engn ... 26373.html</a><!-- m --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://en.rian.ru/world/20080805/115774293.html">http://en.rian.ru/world/20080805/115774293.html</a><!-- m --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.warandpeace.ru/en/hots/view/25773/">http://www.warandpeace.ru/en/hots/view/25773/</a><!-- m --> Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Tiporg - 08-14-2008 Dear friends, if your opinion is based on CNN and BBC news, it's not right. As they show only what is favorably for US goverment - and you tell us that it is FREE PRESS. And you think that everething on TV is the truth. I am from Moscow and I have a lot of friends in South Osetia - and my opinion based not on TV - they tell me about the genocide. Georgian soldiers started to attack South Ossetian capital, that caused killing of 12 Russian Peace-Keepers, and 1600 civilians were killed by Georgian Army. And nobody tells about it. Why did not CNN and BBC show the reports from South Osetia? Why did not they show video and photo from blasted Tskhinvali ??? And we hope that Europe will help them like Russia does it. Germay, France, Italy please hark to our opinion. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - clearman - 08-14-2008 Russians go home. Georgia is a free state. Osetia and Abhazia belong to Georgia and Kosovo to Serbia. :evil |