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Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Printable Version +- Forums (https://eu-forums.com) +-- Forum: EU Forums (https://eu-forums.com/forum-19.html) +--- Forum: Hot Topics (https://eu-forums.com/forum-4.html) +--- Thread: Georgia and South Ossetia at war (/thread-1703.html) |
Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Gift - 08-18-2008 Tamar Wrote:Dear Gift, I can understand your point of view, but these days we are on the edge. Well we are told now in official news that our troops are leaving Georgian territories now - including South Ossetia and Tskhinval. That's why we're surfing the web - to be aware of both truths - and both lies. What can I personally or other common Russians do for you? Do you think we're proud for these soldiers' actions? And remember that in any war soldiers feel like gods-on-earth - that's PSYCHOLOGY. ANY army can act and acts not properly in foreign territories. There are soldiers that loot and maraud - and there are soldiers that take Georgian wounded soldier (wounded by them!) and give him water and carry to hospital - not shoot his head. That's a question of personal moral. Don't judge all Russian army by actions of individuals. Now we can only hope that all guilty will be punished. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Lenus - 08-18-2008 independent Wrote:I'm afraid You don't get the point Youself - those people are living in those areas. It is not acceptable to tell And again, how can you justify expelling Georgian Abkazians and Georgian Ossetians??? most of them were shot or expelled only because of their nationality, nothing else. In our case the situation will be clear - either they take the passports and stay with us or choose their future whereabouts somewhere else. their choice. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Lor - 08-18-2008 Mariam ![]() Independent you are being really NAIVE to think that giving independence to those regions will stop the conflict. It will be the beginning of a new one!!! Plus you think that USSR is dead. I hope so as well!! Looking at Putin i'm getting scared of him wanting to revive it!((PLEASE READ THE PUTIN ARTICLE I POSTED) Isn't it obvious for you that a man that was a president for 8 years is now being a prime minister( actually the real leader since Medvedev doesn't even breathe without him) for another... god knows how many years..... doesn't make his Federation too democratic? Do you ever watch his statements on TV??? He's continuously talking about NATO and gas, as if that matters more than his army killing people as he was speaking. Also!! I don't hate Russians nor Americans. I don't hate anybody!! I'm very tolerant! I am different than Russians!! I have family and friends in both USA and Russia. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Tatiana_Kirovsk - 08-18-2008 I would be only glad to see prosperoius and welthy not only Goergia, but Ukraine as well in the future! Sorry, I can't translate article written by Ryslan Iarmolnic, I haven't got english written skills (but I can read very well). It's semms to me it' is useless to write in here, it's like to pour water into a sieve. I can see only fear and hatred, it's too bad for all of us... Tatiana Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Lor - 08-18-2008 Gift Wrote:Tamar Wrote:Dear Gift, I can understand your point of view, but these days we are on the edge. Gift i wish all the Russians will be like you! Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Tamar - 08-18-2008 Gift Wrote:Tamar Wrote:Dear Gift, I can understand your point of view, but these days we are on the edge. Dear Gift, we really appreciate this. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Gift - 08-18-2008 Lor Wrote:Gift i wish all the Russians will be like you!Thank you Many assholes and many good people here - as in any other country. :livre Believe me, there are lots of people in Russia that think like me. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Eka - 08-18-2008 Gift Wrote:INformation For you:Tamar Wrote:Dear Gift, I can understand your point of view, but these days we are on the edge. Russian solgers are not leaving Georgia few hours ago they move deeper into our teritory ( vilage LAmiskana) and there tanks trow away our police vehicles, so agresion is going further. To Tatiana who rushed from here maybe to russian forums were nobody will harm her "russian soul" - tanechka you ar so naiv and childish that i am waiting with great pleasure when your vizion will be more cleasr and mainfull - your Rusian "brave army "represents drunken solgers and maniak Generals who are killing children and women soon will be estroyd because in your own govermant son very serious problems wiil arise and your " barve spirit" will be totally destroid. Patriotka ti moia nenagliadnaia. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Mariam - 08-18-2008 independent Wrote:Mariam Wrote:Listen I think I have explained u everuthing in an accurate and smooth way, with arguments, But seems that u DON'T want to hear what doesn't suit YOU. FOR YOU AGAIN I REPEAT. THIS IS A TERROTRY OF GEORGIA and if (???) OSETIANS and ABKHAZS DON't WANT TO LIVE HERE, RUSSIA IS HAVING THE BIGGEST TERRITORIES IN THE WORLD AND CAN SOMEHOW KEEP THOSE PEOPLE. BUT I THINK THAT THIS IS RUSSIANS PROVOCATIVE POLITICS AND THOSE PEOPLE REALLY are not AGAINS OF LIVING WITH US!!! Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Eka - 08-18-2008 Gift Wrote:ey are only 100-200 not more. So be carefull with your posts KGB is not dreaming. FSB is working hard to kill those second Russsia which is small and can not have any influance on "Russians real soul"Lor Wrote:Gift i wish all the Russians will be like you!Thank you Eto est zagadochnaia ruskai dusha?? Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - solo - 08-18-2008 Чем отливается ложь 15 АВГУСТА 2008 г. ВИКТОР ШЕНДЕРОВИЧ (Городские кварталы города Гори) Свой прошлый текст, посвященный югоосетинской войне, я начал с цитаты из Ежи Леца — не будем менять структуру, тем более что Лец умудрился заранее прокомментировать почти все, что происходит с человечеством. Итак: «Ложь отличается от правды тем, что не является ею». …Около двух тысяч погибших в Цхинвали — эта цифра появилась сразу после грузинского обстрела и крутилась в прессе целую неделю. Уже суммировались помаленьку данные о количестве раненых из больниц и госпиталей — счет явно шел на сотни, а «две тысячи погибших» продолжали фигурировать в виде факта, хотя военная наука ясно указывает пропорцию убитых и раненых минимум один к трем, и при двух тысячах погибших раненых должно было быть никак не меньше шести тысяч… И вот к исходу недели информационный дым рассеялся: в морге городской больницы Цхинвали, куда свезены все тела, — сорок четыре трупа. Еще четверо умерли от ран. Позволим себе трагическое допущение, что многие тела еще остались в руинах — порядок цифр очевидно останется тем же. Речь идет о десятках погибших. Сразу оговорюсь — трагедия Цхинвали от этого трагедией быть не перестает, и мою оценку действий Саакашвили новая арифметика ничуть не меняет. Он по нескольким пунктам тянет на звание «военного преступника», и его место в Гааге. Но следует заметить, что наша дурацкая официозная ложь в данном случае только усиливает карты этого авантюриста, давая возможность тыкать в нее носом Россию — и ставить под сомнения даже то, в чем мы по случайности не соврали. А радостная бомбежка грузинских городов — как будто мы только и ждали повода — это, по Талейрану, больше чем преступление. Это ошибка. Россия вообще сделала все, чтобы укрепить позиции противника. После нашего лихого «принуждения к миру» Саакашвили для всего мира стал в первую очередь жертвой агрессии и главной целью атак съехавшей с глузду России, которая впервые в своей новейшей истории совершила акт открытой интервенции… Кремль — сдуру или по расчету, лежащему уже совсем в иной парадигме — сделал все, чтобы мир забыл о параноидальной авантюре грузинского руководства и снова схватился за голову по нашему поводу. А в мире к произошедшему отнеслись очень серьезно. Это уже не убийство Политковской и даже не полоний в чашке чая. Холодная войнушка, в которую поиграл в Мюнхене Путин, перестала быть шуткой. Мы, несомненно, будем понижены в международном статусе — и можно сколько угодно делать вид, что мы большие и нам это по барабану, но впереди у страны очень серьезный и, боюсь, печальный поворот сюжета. Доигрались, кажется. Если все пойдет туда, куда идет сейчас, наше руководящее жулье так и будет вопить о великой России, поднимающейся с колен, пока отсюда не уедут все мало-мальски свободные и талантливые люди. А то мы не были аванпостом мира и прогресса, а то мы не знаем, чем это заканчивается. (Дорога на Цхинвали, фотография Аркадия Бабченко, альманах "Искусство войны") Но вернемся от общего к частному. Ко лжи. Это, в сущности, и есть основа нашей политики — внешней, внутренней, любой. Это воздух, которым дышит наш официоз. Заметим в скобках, что любой официоз — не папа Иоанн Павел, и в любом министерстве лукавства выше крыши, но наше вранье отличается от окрестных масштабами и полной безнаказанностью. Вся картина отечественной политики, как Кандинский из геометрических фигур, состоит из этих трех компонентов: ложь, воровство и смертоубийство. Ничего четвертого. Ну еще патриотическая лапша для орнамента, но ее можно смело считать разновидностью вранья… Вранье отродясь состоит на обслуге у воровства и часто отливает деньгами. Кремлевское — все чаще отливает еще и кровью. Нет живых после взрыва на подлодке «Курск», за захватом «Норд-Оста» стоит Масхадов, никаких политических требований у бандитов в Беслане, заложников — чуть больше трехсот… И как прямое следствие каждого вранья — трупы, трупы, трупы… За свежим враньем о двух тысячах погибших в Цхинвали последовали десятки убитых жителей Гори. Кремлю нужно было эмоциональное оправдание интервенции — нужно было, чтобы кровь бросилась в голову россиянам, застилая остатки мозга и логики… Власти снова соврали и снова добились своего. Вот только теперь выясняется — агрессор Саакашвили убил меньше мирных людей, чем либерал Медведев. Я ведь не ошибаюсь: фамилия нашего президента — Медведев? Обсудить на форуме ВИКТОР ШЕНДЕРОВИЧ Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Lor - 08-18-2008 Gift! On this forum ALL the Russians that visited were very rude and wouldn't listen to anything we say! You are the only person from Russia that said that he's not proud of what their army is doing!!! I was SHOCKED to see this reaction of cheering for this war. I have nothing against Russians. My husband is Russian(nationality, he's from Ukraine)! It's just that if EU army would invade Georgia, EU citizens would be AGAINST it and you would see demonstrations on the streets. NOW for example people in Bucharest went in front of Russian Federation Embassy to protest, while Russians cheer for it! For me is amazing. I am VERY happy to hear that not all the Russians think like that!! ![]() Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Lor - 08-18-2008 solo Wrote:Чем отливается ложь ENGLISH PLEASE!! WE DON'T HAVE RUSSIAN IN EU!!! AND THIS IS A EU FORUM!!! Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - independent - 08-18-2008 Mariam Wrote:Listen YOUr way of thinking is very funny. With that mentality, everyone in the world can say they wnat indefandance and start fighting? Villeages, CIties, even street can be a state? IS it your was of thinking? :quoi Funny You ask that :nonnon In Finland we have an territory called Ahvenanmaa (Island between Finland and Sweden )and its people found that they might want to be a part of Sweden better than Finland. There has been local polls of that issue - and so far polls has shown that more than half of them are wiling to remain with Finland. When votings there shows that majority will not belong to Finland - Thats it, they will immediately get what they want. AND we are not telling them - move away, we keep that Island. Ahvenanmaa - Population ca. 30000 people - area ca. 2000 km2 ( half of South-Ossetias) Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Eka - 08-18-2008 independent Wrote:Mariam Wrote:Listen YOUr way of thinking is very funny. With that mentality, everyone in the world can say they wnat indefandance and start fighting? Villeages, CIties, even street can be a state? IS it your was of thinking? :quoi Oh indepandant so soon only Helsinki wll remain if you will go ahaead with giving your teritories to nebghors ( viborg, now this island). ![]() ![]() But untill 1801 Finland was totally under Swedish state and they gain indepedance in 1918 as I remeber, so you are giving back to sveden what is theres. Good egsample for pro-russian members of forum. You are great!! ![]() Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - SiD - 08-18-2008 Lor Wrote:Lenus Wrote:Vitiumm Wrote:first of all,I should say that I live in Barcelona,but I have been studying in Russia soon after the Beslan tragedy,and what I saw(I tell this seriously,not trying to deceive anyone) I personally saw in the flats of russians small cards with the words "Beslan.I remember." placed next to icons!!It was a great tragedy,and YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!!! to talk this way,your country has done nothing for the victims of the tragedy!!and you do nothing at the moment to help your beloved brothers in Osetia!why are your children healed in Belorussian hospitals(yeah,another american enemy), why do russians collect money for repairing Tshinvally , but not you georgians?! Wrong again! ![]() It was written by "IamGeorgia" in topic Who started the war in S. Osetia: Georgia or Russia? right in the first page look by yourself Keep your mouth closed...better for you and for the rest.. You have no right speeking about anything.. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - independent - 08-18-2008 Eka Wrote:But untill 1801 Finland was totally under Swedish state and they gain indepedance in 1918 as I remeber, so you are giving back to sveden what is theres. Good egsample for pro-russian members of forum. You are great!! Oh really ? What I have been told we had so called union with Sweden - and we remains friends even today. We are btw. giving nothing back to Sweden - we are accepting that people living in Ahvenanmaa has right to decide themself what they want to do. Our army could easily smash those Island and force it to remain with Finland. But it is not the way thinks are dealed in democratic countries. If we fall short of areas - we can easily gome and take some of Yours :langue (...just kidding...) I already can imagine how easily that could be justified - You indeed were part of USSR - and hell no, we don't forgive You that ! (...still kidding) Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Lor - 08-18-2008 SiD Wrote:Lor Wrote:Wrong again!Lenus Wrote:I Think you definitely are Russian, not Spanish ))) And if you were Catalonyan you wouldnt say you were Spanish, so Vitya, you are busted... ANOTHER Russian argument ..." keep your mouth closed" ... Why because truth hurts? Or maybe you don't want to hear it? Why is it better for us to shut up? Are you gonna invade us like you did to Georgia?? UHHH i'm scared!! As usual the fascist in you says:"You have no right speeking about anything".... because you think that only you, Russians have all the rights!!!! WE, the rest of the world are complete idiots!!! :nonnon Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Eka - 08-18-2008 independent Wrote:Eka Wrote:But untill 1801 Finland was totally under Swedish state and they gain indepedance in 1918 as I remeber, so you are giving back to sveden what is theres. Good egsample for pro-russian members of forum. You are great!! at last we understand who you are - member of komusnist party of Finland< maybe even General secretary of this oragnization. you can ask what you wnat from russians? and then soon ( I predict it )even without asking for your teritorees they will ask you to go in new union they are soon organizing. Union of baltik Soviet States. ;-) Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Eka - 08-18-2008 To SiD SHUT UP? Way? YOu will arrest us - georgians on this forum! Or maybe you are coming with russian troops to capture us? When on forums someone behave like this it meens he failed with arguments. Same was with NAZIS - " Shat Up!!" WE ARE BLU BOODED AND YOU ARE JEWS.WE SEND YOU TO CAMPS! BRAVO ! YOU LUSTRATED YOURSELF! Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Mariam - 08-18-2008 Eka Wrote:independent Wrote:Eka Wrote:But untill 1801 Finland was totally under Swedish state and they gain indepedance in 1918 as I remeber, so you are giving back to sveden what is theres. Good egsample for pro-russian members of forum. You are great!! THIS IS A WAY HOW HE THINKS. VERY GENEROUS PERSON I WOULD SAY :ange I THINK YOU HAVE TO WORK IN A CHARITY ORGANIZATION. WELL PEOPLE THERE IS NO NEED TO KEEP ARGUing WITH INDEPENDENT ABOUT THIS ISSUE> HE HAS HIS OWN OPINION AND WE HAVE OURS. We will tell russian about your generoucity and I'm 100% sure they will take it inot consideration (kidding) :haha Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - independent - 08-18-2008 Eka Wrote:at last we understand who you are - member of komusnist party of Finland< maybe even General secretary of this oragnization. :haha You know even I commonly don't agree with Your views - I like Your sense of humour :haha Eka Wrote:you can ask what you wnat from russians? and then soon ( I predict it )even without asking for your teritorees they will ask you to go in new union they are soon organizing. Union of baltik Soviet States. ;-)[/quote] ![]() Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Andres - 08-18-2008 independent Wrote:Our army could easily smash those Island and force it to remain with Finland. But it is not the way thinks are You are absolutely right, this is true democracy! But what Georgia is doing is Violence! Georgia don`t let to S.Osetia and Abhazia to be independent. It simple to understand. And Georgia call it Democracy, it`s hypocrisy. And instead of peacfull negotiations began to use arms. USA lost true value of word 'democracy' with their wars, and Georgia trying to copy it. Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Eka - 08-18-2008 independent Wrote:Eka Wrote:at last we understand who you are - member of komusnist party of Finland< maybe even General secretary of this oragnization. ![]() Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein[/quote] YOU YOUR OWN OR NATO? i SUPPOSE YOU ARE NOT fINLAND BECAUSE THEY HAVE MORE CALM CHARACTERS! BY THE WAY WE HAVE GOOD HUMOR SENS ! Re: Georgia and South Ossetia at war - Mariam - 08-18-2008 Andres Wrote:independent Wrote:Our army could easily smash those Island and force it to remain with Finland. But it is not the way thinks are I have a question? WHY RUSSIAN U DISGUISE YOURSELVES? ANDREAS - THE SAME ANDREI. DON'T U LIKE YOUR NAME? :haha |