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    Thread: Why do you think Islam needs to adapt to the 21st century?
Post: Re: Why do you think Islam needs to adapt to the 2...

You are delusional if you think 600s mentality (barbarism) would lead to the most advanced place on earth. On the contrary, that is exactly what hindered man's progression for centuries. Science leads...
Lulu Philosophy and Religion Forum 0 6,229 01-28-2011, 01:44 AM
    Thread: How can I get the motivation to clean on my only day off?
Post: Re: How can I get the motivation to clean on my on...

It helps me get motivated if I air out the house and turn on my favorite music. Turn the TV on to a channel that you like but put it on mute. Crank up the stereo and just start to tackle everything po...
Lulu Motivation and Psychology Forum 0 10,129 01-27-2011, 10:48 PM
    Thread: What are you sports fanatics doing tonight and tomorrow to fulfill your sports fix?
Post: Re: What are you sports fanatics doing tonight and...

Work on some trades for my fantasy football teams.
Lulu Sports Talk Forum 0 8,153 01-27-2011, 10:03 PM
    Thread: What are some sports a total idiot can be good at playing?
Post: Re: What are some sports a total idiot can be good...

basketball. it sounds complicated, but it isn't once you get the hang of things. ;)
Lulu Sports Talk Forum 0 6,015 01-27-2011, 08:02 PM
    Thread: Islam???????
Post: Re: Islam???????

Pick me Pick me Pick me!! I am a Muslim who knows well about my religion Friday is special to Muslims because its our hoy day, just they way christians have it on Sunday, and Jews on Saturday. Howeve...
Lulu Philosophy and Religion Forum 0 5,841 01-27-2011, 07:17 PM
    Thread: What competitive sports or competitions can women enter after the age of 35?
Post: Re: What competitive sports or competitions can wo...

Try ballroom dancing or salsa dancing in competitions, that what I do and I started competing at the age of 40... I haven't won yet but I'm good in my mind, simply because most of my competitors are y...
Lulu Sports Talk Forum 0 5,499 01-27-2011, 07:16 PM
    Thread: How can the knowledge of a terrorist motivation assist in planning counterterrorist strategy?
Post: Re: How can the knowledge of a terrorist motivatio...

You would focus your resources on things terrorists would be "motivated" to destroy.
Lulu Motivation and Psychology Forum 0 3,710 01-27-2011, 01:25 PM
    Thread: How do I get my weightloss motivation back?
Post: Re: How do I get my weightloss motivation back?

here is my advice: take a break for the holidays but try not to way-overdo it. resume new year's day.
Lulu Motivation and Psychology Forum 0 6,601 01-27-2011, 12:58 PM
    Thread: What sports would you consider to be safe and what sports would you consider to be dangerous ?
Post: Re: What sports would you consider to be safe and ...

Bythe way ping pong is NOT safe i mean that little ball could like knock your eye out!
Lulu Sports Talk Forum 0 10,297 01-27-2011, 11:49 AM
    Thread: Islam???????
Post: Re: Islam???????

"what type of literature does the qur'an contain?" Stuff like this: [2:126] "As for him who disbelieveth, I shall leave him in contentment for a while, then I shall compel him to the doom of Fire" ...
Lulu Philosophy and Religion Forum 0 5,841 01-27-2011, 03:19 AM
    Thread: How do I reclaim my motivation to lose weight after losing and gaining the same weight?
Post: How do I reclaim my motivation to lose weight afte...

I know HOW to lose it, it's just the motivation I need. Thanks!
Lulu Motivation and Psychology Forum 0 4,353 01-26-2011, 09:30 AM
    Thread: What is the biggest PROFESSIONAL spectator sport in the world?
Post: Re: What is the biggest PROFESSIONAL spectator spo...

in the world? its hands down soccer i myself dont care for the sport much. but in every part of the world besides the US its HUGEEE and to your dad NASCAR isnt even closeeeeee. http://wiki.answers....
Lulu Sports Talk Forum 0 4,403 01-26-2011, 06:25 AM
    Thread: What Olympic sport could I start in time for London 2012?
Post: Re: What Olympic sport could I start in time for L...

I agree with others here that you have probably not enough time to develop the skilss of a sport where strategy and instinctive action or reaction are required. You best bet is to figure out ONE fitn...
Lulu Sports Talk Forum 0 8,205 01-25-2011, 03:08 AM
    Thread: What is the most exciting sport and what is the most boring sport?
Post: Re: What is the most exciting sport and what is th...

football-exciting curling- BORING!or golf
Lulu Sports Talk Forum 0 10,159 01-25-2011, 03:02 AM
    Thread: How do I get enough motivation to stick to a diet and lose weight?
Post: Re: How do I get enough motivation to stick to a d...

Think about how great your body/muscles will look after you work out.
Lulu Motivation and Psychology Forum 0 9,328 01-25-2011, 02:39 AM
    Thread: How can I regain motivation as a bassist?
Post: Re: How can I regain motivation as a bassist?

Honestly, just take a break from it. I had the same thing happen with the piano and when I tried to force myself into playing it, I hated it. I didn't play for 3 months and then one day I felt like ...
Lulu Motivation and Psychology Forum 0 3,378 01-25-2011, 02:34 AM
    Thread: What is the motivation of demons when possessing people?
Post: What is the motivation of demons when possessing p...

I'm not saying it's real, or it isn't real, I just want to know, when they make those films about demonic possession, what is the motivation for the demons posessing the people? What do they get out ...
Lulu Motivation and Psychology Forum 0 3,839 01-24-2011, 03:34 AM
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