Poll: Do you favor Kosovo's independence? (register to vote)
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Kosovo's independence...
clearman Wrote:the Vlachs could be the relatives of Albanians but they are friends of Serbs.

Vlachs and Albanians are relatives as much and as Iracians and Siux

ser_toma Wrote:Vlachs and Albanians are relatives as much and as Iracians and Siux
I found this theory somewhere....It's made by Austro-Hungarians scholars :oops:

Croats support Albanians just to keep Serbs occupied with something, because they are afraid of Serbia (because of unclear own conscience).
Because of that they support all who wants to make some trouble for Serbs.
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?

Croatians and Albanians believe are the same blood "ILIR's". Smile

You "Croats" are ready to believe in anything that separate you from Serbs, good luck whit that. Should I mention that those believes are based in fascist-Ustashi regime

ser_toma Wrote:You "Croats" are ready to believe in anything that separate you from Serbs, good luck whit that. Should I mention that those believes are based in fascist-Ustashi regime
Maybe! :nonnon

How about your ultra-nationalist fascism you comited during decades among neighborings nations. :deg ;(

Kosovo is Serbia.

roki Wrote:How about your ultra-nationalist fascism you comited during decades among neighborings nations. :deg ;(

Yeah, those people that fought for thair rights were fascist? How many Serbs was in Croatia before and how many are left after war. If you seek genocide and ethnic clearing, start there!

Croats and Albanians were fascists, not the Serbs. Today they are free to love each other... :twisted:

Kosovo is serbia forever!

Kosovo is Serbia.

Kosovo is Serbia.
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ANACRISTINAXYZ Wrote:Look at this videos too,please,is about Kosovo,LAND OF SERBIA!
Stolen Kosovo .
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This is not propaganda,this is the truth!

Thanks for sharing, Anna! Very revealing documentary!

roki Wrote:
fim Wrote:
ivfinity Wrote: Why people who knows nothing about Serbian history comment such important and difficult topic?! :quoi
Serbs were minority for a centuries. Kosovo is few of Serbian history, churches, monuments...how would you feel if you had to enter to other's home once, leaving all memories, childhood, photos, everything, knowing that you'll never come back from jail...

wow.., you are talking "sci-fi illusions" are you, or maybe Kosova is your heart land, as you are used to say :quoi
Ops, by the way, if you have left your heart in Kosova Republic, so hurry up go end get it, otherwise is uselles such stinking heart, and the Kosovars made throw in toilet or garbage :deg :langue
But let me refresh your memories first by looking at this original map released by your Ally rusia while a go, where the real Serb-borders and population stud at a year 1817, and as for churches in Kosova republic, they are all actually Albanian-catholic churches, but ex-Yugoslav regime converted them for Serbians, because most of Albanian catholics was murdered by Serb barbar komunists!
[Image: txwRjD040063-02.jpg]
God prove man!

wow Anacshmerc your propaganda sunks.
Kosova Republic Is independent and sowrane State. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Now they are free to chose for their own destiny!
Good bless Albanians Americans NATO and EU nations for right job dun! :mrgreen: :haha Confuseduper :mrgreen:
Som Serbs will newer agree with the reality, it's because silly allergy Serbs are used to have, a free hand to murder, rape children and old people, genocide, mas massacres, torture, burgle, and burn&destroy wot Serbs could not take with them..., :deg :evil and then "It's ours, it's our heartland" :nonnon
and there must be justices in the future the Serbia must pay for atrocities and ruins they created in Kosova-Republic.

Link's about the truth a documentary,
but not the Serb fabricating propaganda!
This is from Spanish TV or Italian TV, I em not sure,
but it's a god facts wot evil Serbs have comited
murder to anyone who is not Serb, children man and woman!
Serbs must be shame of them self, wot a unmoral they are! :evil:


This is one other clip about Serb-terror among civilians in Kosova Republic


during the demonstrations by kosovars, Serbs murdered menu Albanians,
that's a real Serb state-terror and brutal repression against kosovar Albanians


This is the truth about Albanians where ever they live,
about religious tolerance respect and democracy withing decades
among Albanians in our own history. Smile
Albanians are a true example of the world even we did sufer so much
in our past history from evil enemy-Serbia trying to rap us from surface
of this planet with their hegemonist activities! :evil:


This is very strange the Serb-terrorist at the end of 2007
they go to one Albanian-bakery in city Novi-Sad and put the fire and burn,
this thing is still happening in Serbia by Serb-terrorist rebels.
See for your self, if you don't believe in me..! :oops:
This guys recorded them self, they think they are kind of heroes are wot! Cry
If Serbs continue terrorism against Albanians living inside Serbia, Presheva, Bujanovc ectra
than they shall have separation from Serbia, if needed!


Here is thank giving to all the nations that have recognise
the Independent and Sovrane State of Kosova Republic. Smile
Good bless USA, EU and all this people who supported Kosovars for freedom! Smile


Som Serbs will newer agree with the reality, it's because silly allergy Serbs are used to have, a free hand to murder, rape children and old people, genocide, mas massacres, torture, burgle, and burn&destroy wot Serbs could not take with them..., :deg :evil and then "It's ours, it's our heartland" :nonnon
and there must be justices in the future the Serbia must pay for atrocities and ruins they created in Kosova-Republic.

roki, I'm sorry for you, but you're on wrong side here, supporting crazy :evil fim :banghead
These are only poison liars and chauvinism, fascism and separatism. Nobody supports this attitude!

roki, fim or Illirian Sacre, it is the one men. The only one who have internet on Kosovo... Smile
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?


Today, 15 June 2008, a new constitution has come into force in Kosovo, after the territory declared independence from Serbia in February.

[Image: _44291297_kosovo_albanians_map416.gif]

The EU is to deploy several missions to the territory, including a 2,200-strong Law and Justice Mission (Eulex).
The Eulex had been due to start its work over the weekend, but Russia - a staunch Serbian ally - has blocked the handover, saying the move has not been approved by the UN Security Council.
The row means that the UN will not withdraw as had been expected although it has yet to publicly say what its role will now be.
It also remains unclear who will oversee Kosovo's Serb-dominated areas, correspondents say.
Meanwhile, in the predominantly Serb north, the minister for Kosovo in the outgoing Serbian government, Slobodan Samardzic, is expected to announce that a new, rival Serb Parliament will be formed at the end of this month.
On Thursday, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon spelt out his vision of how the country should now be run in letters to the authorities in Belgrade and Pristina.
But, says our correspondent, much confusion remains over exactly who will exercise local authority and where the boundaries of that authority will lie in different parts of Kosovo in the future. (BBC)

I see, You must have miscalculated that kind of map! :nonnon

Well, it is time that i give my contribution to this topic again...

Kosovo is facing a major crisis, by having over 60% of people undeployed, and over 50% of people living in unhumanitied conditions.

Dear citizens of EU, get ready to open your wallets for Kosovo, we are building their country from now on...

This revolution will teach us not to favor everyone's illusions...

Did you know?

-That Albanians are the only nation in the world that has two countries?
-That in 10 years, in every city in the EU, there will be one Albanian on 5 people of other nationalities?
-That The 1244 resloution of the UN Security Council makes Kosovo a full part of at that time Yugoslavia, but now Serbia as Yugoslavia's recognized after-country?
-That Kosovo's independance may cause making of extra 15 countries in Europe?

Thanks to the great George W. Bush

But remember the picture in the link below! What colour Albania is? And in what country is it?
Try to find out...thanks to Tsar/Car Dušan the Mighty:


This is what I was talking about earlier. Kosovo can't develop independently, EU will definitely have to help it advance. People from Kosovo are very naive and they believe that by separating from Serbia they will gain more successes and surpass it. But they are wrong, why couldn't they live together in peace?
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Kosovo's independance was achieved because of one thing:
in Serbian language it is called "inat". that means that a thing is done just to prove the other side that it can be done.

The people from the Balkans are very revengous, and they will do anything to prove they are right...

If Kosovo wasn't Serbs Orthodox Church born place, the Serbs would easily let Kosovo get their independance.
But if anyone reads an article about Tsar/Car Dušan Silni, they will find out that Kosovo was the centre of medieval Serbia. The capital of Dušan's Serbia was Prizren, which was created by Car Dušan.
Serbia was one of the rare countries with a Constitution at the time.

Also Serbs Celebrate the Vidovdan/St. Vitus day on 28th of June. It is the day Battle of Kosovo Field was fought.
The ottoman empire of Turks was expanding towards west and their next stop was Kosovo, at that time still part of Serbia (at that time no longer Dušan's).

The battle was called a tie, even though Turks have counquered Kosovo and a big part of Serbia after that.

Many people ask themselves what is wrong with Serbs, they are celebrating their defeat, but we don't celebrate our loss, we show respect to our ancesters, who gave their lives to save Serbia and Kosovo. Also Turkish sultan Murat was killed in battle, he was killed by a Serbian Prince Lazar. And now it is all gone, the Churches are falling, the monasteries too, Albanians don't respect God at all by taking His houses down.

Also, St. Vitus day was the day Gavrilo Princip killed Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, which led to the begining of World War I. Many think it was because the Austrian Empire didn't help Serbia in their fight against the Turks in Kosovo Field.

I am not saying that Serbs didn't take down mosques and i am against that, but it is not my fault that Slobodan Milošević had a stupid vision in the past, but it is Albanians fault that they have a stupid vision; Kosovo's Independance in real time

So Kosovo separated only because it wanted to prove everybody it's possible? That's stupid and thoughtless. They didn't even think about the consequences. Obstinacy never brought positive results.
Russia, because of Kosovo, might turn against the United States in the UN when Iran's nuclear program is discussed again.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

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Well, that's just my opinion. I don't see any other reason..; I mean, Albanians do already have a country...

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