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It depends whane were you a student  Time line is important
because one of my friends that is student here in Tirana ( albanian from Kosova) she told me that nope, there were no schools in albanian from 1981 or sth , if you need precise data tell me I can call her right away
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i was start study on 1989...and in Prishtina's University was serbian and albanian students...and we are study on our languages
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so, call your friend...and tell her for this..
Da vam lepo mater ja svima jebem.I pišite Srpski,da vas ceo svet razume,pizda vam materina,ona od 50.?%.
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Guest Wrote:Quote:True, and they have owned up to what they have done, never tried to hide the fact the atrocities that were done to the Indian people. Whomever is left form the Indian population does not pay any taxes any school fee, etc. What the serbs have done since they came and even to the modern world where things are recorded and shown to them. They still think is ok to kill and massacre people as they want, to fulfill their purposes.
So lets leave history aside for a moment, how can you deprive almost 2 mill people the rights of anything and freedom. And you say that you are a modern western country, how can that happen. Where's your tolerance as a modern and so called Christian state. I'll tell you the way I saw the video after the protests non of them cared about their religion or any thing, some people just hide under a name so to show they are noble. You are noble when you do good by human race, not just for some buildings that you claim you build for that God
AuLoNa, I was a student in Prishtina...and my 'index' (i dont know the english word for that) was written first on albanian language...and they was studdy on albanian language...And school was free, too. For everybody in SFRJ. So, what rights they (albanian) dont have in Serbia, in SFRJ? Tell me, please...
sorry, the english language is not my first language
this is my post. sorry, i was registrated later
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Guest Wrote:Quote:True, and they have owned up to what they have done, never tried to hide the fact the atrocities that were done to the Indian people. Whomever is left form the Indian population does not pay any taxes any school fee, etc. What the serbs have done since they came and even to the modern world where things are recorded and shown to them. They still think is ok to kill and massacre people as they want, to fulfill their purposes.
So lets leave history aside for a moment, how can you deprive almost 2 mill people the rights of anything and freedom. And you say that you are a modern western country, how can that happen. Where's your tolerance as a modern and so called Christian state. I'll tell you the way I saw the video after the protests non of them cared about their religion or any thing, some people just hide under a name so to show they are noble. You are noble when you do good by human race, not just for some buildings that you claim you build for that God
AuLoNa, I was a student in Prishtina...and my 'index' (i dont know the english word for that) was written first on albanian language...and they was studdy on albanian language...And school was free, too. For everybody in SFRJ. So, what rights they (albanian) dont have in Serbia, in SFRJ? Tell me, please...
sorry, the english language is not my first language
So you are saying that none of the things that happened did. WOW, are you for real, so all the people are lying then. By the way what are you serb or some other minority other than Albanian ethnicity?
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Guys stop, it won't work anymore, you guys have not have only problems with albanians who are there in the first place in their own rights and their land. Our problem that we happened to be cut off in so many parts was that we are very tolerant people, very believing, and because of that we have always paid the price.
Another thing, I can't believe it how Greece is supporting you, when you guys were having the conflict of Macedonia, I did not see any love or solidarity from orthodox brothers. Why was that I wonder, maybe the personal interest were just in the right side. Now that is what i call hypocrisy.
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Romania support Serbia!
Orthodox Brothers 4 ever :lol: :lol: :lol:
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mikhail Wrote:Romania support Serbia!
Orthodox Brothers 4 ever :lol: :lol: :lol:
No mystery there... :lol:
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And school was free, too. For everybody in SFRJ. So, what rights they (albanian) dont have in Serbia, in SFRJ?
AuLoNa, answer me
And I will copy my index, and post that copy .
maja Wrote:Vlad, ne psuj Neću više...Al od ovih mi se sve teže diše,Majo
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maja Wrote:And school was free, too. For everybody in SFRJ. So, what rights they (albanian) dont have in Serbia, in SFRJ?
AuLoNa, answer me
And I will copy my index, and post that copy .
Europe has a free school system anyway is not like here in USA where the school has become a business enterprise. How can you even try to make something beautiful when your government had left that region in a living conditions in 19th century, so they could migrate and live their own land. When that did not succeed than the ethnic cleansing started. What rights are this when you have an education, but not allowed to hold an office and other position when most of the population in that region is of Albanian ethnicity.
And also the schools were mostly run in the homes with no benches, in subhuman conditions. How come in year after year the students came out to protest.
I like this song:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
And you, guys?
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Quote:left that region in a living conditions in 19th century,
what conditions?in the same condicions lived serbs and albanians.
сербы и албанцы жили под одним и тим же условиами
Quote:but not allowed to hold an office and other position
??секретарём филологического факультета был албанец, нпр.
Quote:And also the schools were mostly run in the homes with no benches, in subhuman conditions
when I was a student, (1989), albanian and serbian students goes in the same University...same shcools..
когда я была студентом (1989.г), сербские и албанские студенты ходили в одни и те же школы, на одни и те же факультеты..у албанцев, преподаватели были албанцы.
а на факультеты в домах, ушли самы. никто им не запрещал ходить на старые факультеты.
i hope, you will understeand post on the russian language.
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maja Wrote:Quote:left that region in a living conditions in 19th century,
what conditions?in the same condicions lived serbs and albanians.
сербы и албанцы жили под одним и тим же условиами
Quote:but not allowed to hold an office and other position
??секретарём филологического факультета был албанец, нпр.
Quote:And also the schools were mostly run in the homes with no benches, in subhuman conditions
when I was a student, (1989), albanian and serbian students goes in the same University...same shcools..
когда я была студентом (1989.г), сербские и албанские студенты ходили в одни и те же школы, на одни и те же факультеты..у албанцев, преподаватели были албанцы.
а на факультеты в домах, ушли самы. никто им не запрещал ходить на старые факультеты.
i hope, you will understand post on the russian language.
I hope you go back and check all the videos that I have posted, and if you think that they are fake and made up, or the atrocities that the serbs have inflicted not only to Albanians but also to the other slav minorities, than I guess all the world is lying. My dear a picture is a thousand of words, and this is more frighting with you guys than anything, that you do not owe up to your mistakes like civilize people. The problems my dear do not just start out of the blue, we also have greek minority in south, and they had better thing than us, yeah they complained, but it was examined by the world police and it did not hold any water. The problem that it held water with yours, cause you guys forget that everything in the modern world is recorded, you can't shut people down when they show you a million pictures and even videos.
Yes I did understand the language. And you have to know that this issue has not been an issue only in 1989, but for centuries. You guys still refuse to except it.
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europa Wrote:The kosovo citizens have decided in a democratic referendum that they want to be a sovereign state.
So, EU must respect the democratic decision of Kosovo.
And I expect that the democratic EU countries will accept this decision. We'll see...
Sometimes I have a feeling that you people turn on your TV once in a year,
but somehow you are convinced that you know everything about democracy
all over the world
Somewhere along that way, it seems that all of that DEMONcratic society
just forgot who Hashim Thaci was, and still is!
Or that day you forgot to watch tv? :mrgreen:
Democratic EU countries....
Let me ask you something...
Does that mean that Spain (for example) is less democratic country?
Or you are going to quote some of politicians and reply me on that something like this:
"every country chooses whether or not to aprove independence", bla, bla, bla....
Seems like USA is playing a song, and all of EU knows steps very well!
Very democratic!
stvarno...pishite srpski...
mozete do sutra da pishete o nezavisnosti, ali doci ce dan kad cemo ga vratiti nazad i bice etnichki chista srpska sredina...jebala vas evropa, pizda vam materina "evropska"...doci cete i vi na red...samo polako...
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E neka si im ochitao Oche nash!
Baki legendo! :mrgreen:
pa kad mi idu na q... sve sami slepci i degenerici...i svi su neshto kao fol proevropski a nemaju veze s'mozgom...koja to od njihovih omiljenih evropskih drzava daje svoju teritoriju nekome...? ma nema to mozga ni gram...eutanazija je majka... :mrgreen:
e sad samo fali da me izbace zbog govora mrznje, kao da eutanazija nije milosrdje... :mrgreen:
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maja Wrote:so, call your friend...and tell her for this.. Actually I did not even need to talk to her
have a look at this :
Burimet: Përveç në rastet ku është shënuar, shifrat e vitit 1991 janë bazuar në vjetarin statistikot të
Jugosllavisë (1990).
Kur i analizojmë këto shifra, është me rëndësi të kihet parasysh s e arsimimi në gjuhën shqipe në
Kosovë u anulua në vitin 1991, dhe rezultoi me krijimin e sistemit arsimor paralel të popullatës
shqiptare kosovare. Përkundër rezultateve pozitive të këtij sistemi, këto masa drastike e ngadalësuan
progresin e arritur në arsimin e lartë, dhe mbyllja e shkollave shkaktoi një valë të madhe të të
mërguarëve. Arsimi i integruar ende nuk është normuar në Kosovë, dhe shumica e pakicave ndjekin
mësimin në shkolla të ndara dhe me planprograme të ndryshme.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... banian.pdf</a><!-- m -->
that would be in english:
In 1991 education in Albanian was resulted with a parallel educational system of the albanians in Kosova , this made that the education decreases and the closing of schools caused a big wave of migration.
In the other hand let me give you some other facts :
by the way It seems the literacy in Albania is higher  ))than yours  ))
Literacy: Albania
definition: age 9 and over can read and write
total population: 98.7%
male: 99.2%
female: 98.3% (2001 census)
Literacy Serbia And Montenegro
definition: age 15 and over can read and write
total population: 96.4%
male: 98.9%
female: 94.1% (2003 census)
note: includes Montenegro
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... nt/rb.html</a><!-- m -->
anything else
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This is the most funniest picture yet from the so called hypocrite orthodox priests and their brainwashed society.... :lol:
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vlahu Wrote:I like this song:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
And you, guys?
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... re=related</a><!-- m -->
I like this song too and everyone that loves us...
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Rocky Wrote:europa Wrote:The kosovo citizens have decided in a democratic referendum that they want to be a sovereign state.
So, EU must respect the democratic decision of Kosovo.
And I expect that the democratic EU countries will accept this decision. We'll see...
Sometimes I have a feeling that you people turn on your TV once in a year,
but somehow you are convinced that you know everything about democracy
all over the world
Somewhere along that way, it seems that all of that DEMONcratic society
just forgot who Hashim Thaci was, and still is!
Or that day you forgot to watch tv? :mrgreen:
Democratic EU countries....
Let me ask you something...
Does that mean that Spain (for example) is less democratic country?
Or you are going to quote some of politicians and reply me on that something like this:
"every country chooses whether or not to aprove independence", bla, bla, bla....
Seems like USA is playing a song, and all of EU knows steps very well!
Very democratic!
Really now, please enlighten us the poor stupid us who is Thaci. What to hell do you think people are gonna do, just stay while the animal government of Serbia strted killing everyone. Please do me a favor and look it your own leaders before you go and judge others around.