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AuLoNa Wrote:maja Wrote:Quote:The Serbs at that time were the "Catholic" population since at that time there was only the "Catholic" Church with either Latin or Byzantine tradition.
there is no Catholic church..what means word ORTODOX?
WOw there's no Catholic churches, are you for real. You guys leave in denial, I feel sorry sometimes. my mistake...since 1054. there was one, Cristian church. i know, now is ortodox, and catolic church..and I think, you know what I am try to tell...
I said, english is not my first language.
jes, vala, pravi se nije razumela sta sam htela da kazem...a inace, rece da je i ona pravoslavne veroispovesti.
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Ovo pravoslavka??? Sramoti nas ,jbt.
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AuLoNa Wrote:mikhail Wrote:Kosovo is a sacre place for the ortodox christian, USA have sale a piece of Europe to Saudi..... why they not sale Texas to Saudi?
Oh man please I am Orthodox myself, .
Aulona, i didn't know, that albanian are ortodox...i know catolics and muslims
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all the offense that you made on our account
Quote:You are animals and have no clue how to treat people
Quote:Sorry little dumb
Quote:I love how people make an ass of themselves
Quote:Man what a shame that you guys are not anywhere close to any reality for being brainwashed by your own priests
Quote:Now buzz off
Ohh dear Aulona
Do not spend energy with comments that are not worth of an answer[/quote]
Quote:What to hell do you think people are gonna do, just stay while the animal government of Serbia strted killing everyone
Quote:How come in the Balkans since you have arrived has always been destruction and atrocities
Quote:Greece is supporting you, when you guys were having the conflict of Macedonia
what conflict?
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AuLoNa Wrote:Really now, please enlighten us the poor stupid us who is Thaci. What to hell do you think people are gonna do, just stay while the animal government of Serbia strted killing everyone. Please do me a favor and look it your own leaders before you go and judge others around.
"Poor, stupid us" - yeah!
That's the word's I was looking...
That's the spirit!
Let's now take a look at one great picture,
actually anfas - photo of your leader,
shall we? :mrgreen:
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for Aulona:
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see you soon...
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Dear AuLoNa please let antiques in peace!
You are Albanians (not Illyrians), the Serbs are Serbs, the Romanians are Romanians (not Dacians)…bla,bla,bla. Who care about Illyrians and Dacians, today? :?:
In our history, the best friends for Romanians was only the Serbs and the Black Sea.(not Russia, Bulgaria and Hungary…sorry, this is the truth!) The Romanian minority from Serbia don’t ask autonomy or independence; they fought in Serbian army last years and now help their adoptive country to progress to EU .
Romanian autorities-the President, the Prime-Minister, the Parliament – said No to Kosovo independence (Romania is member in UE and NATO !!!). :!:
It’s enough for our Serbian brothers?
We are Christian Orthodox people with Latin language (not Panslav…bla,bla,bla) and our Orthodox Church appreciates the Serbian heritage in Kosovo!
You Albanians destroyed and desacralised churches in Kosovo!
God save the Patriarch Pavle!
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mikhail Wrote:In our history, the best friends for Romanians was only the Serbs and the Black Sea.(not Russia, Bulgaria and Hungary…sorry, this is the truth!)
That's wright, brother!
Let's take me as exapmle - I adore Yarabi! :mrgreen:
Quote:Romanian autorities-the President, the Prime-Minister, the Parliament – said No to Kosovo independence (Romania is member in UE and NATO !!!). :!:
Quote:We are Christian Orthodox people with Latin language (not Panslav…bla,bla,bla) and our Orthodox Church appreciates the Serbian heritage in Kosovo!
You Albanians destroyed and desacralised churches in Kosovo!
I agree!
Quote:God save the Patriarch Pavle!
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neka neko kaze ovoj kravi shiptarskoj da ne kachi pokojnog predsednika na ovaj odvratni forum...jel to shto je predsednik ubijen u Hagu menja stvari i oravdava shiptarski terorizam?
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O,vidi koza razumela
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shrt ,izgleda nema potrebe da se prevede...
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sta mislis, da li ce i tebe razumeti?
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AuLona...a po mor vesh...?
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Nadam se samo da neko iz drustva za zastitu zivotinja ovo ne cita. Najebacu potpuno u tom slucaju.
Oooo,kozooooo,(a sta li su mi koze skrivile) KOSOVO JE SRBIJA, a vi, siposi, mozete samo da lajete kako nije  I to sto ste proglasili nezavisnu drzavu mozete da okacite macku o rep
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mozda me nece razumeti u potpunosti, zato molim prevod...citiracu pokojnog predsednika...
"Iluzija o nezavisnom Kosovu pochiva na krilima NATO bombardera. Kada oni budu odleteli, vi cete se probuditi u Srbiji"
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ShOrTcut Wrote:AuLona...a po mor vesh...?
Jo, nuk ka problem, se ato qe si marr vesh nuk me ngacmojne............ :lol:
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vidimo se uskoro...
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maja Wrote:all the offense that you made on our account
Quote:You are animals and have no clue how to treat people
Quote:Sorry little dumb
Quote:I love how people make an ass of themselves
Quote:Man what a shame that you guys are not anywhere close to any reality for being brainwashed by your own priests
Quote:Now buzz off
Ohh dear Aulona
Do not spend energy with comments that are not worth of an answer Quote:What to hell do you think people are gonna do, just stay while the animal government of Serbia strted killing everyone
Quote:How come in the Balkans since you have arrived has always been destruction and atrocities
Quote:Greece is supporting you, when you guys were having the conflict of Macedonia
what conflict?[/quote]
AAuuuloooooooooooonaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...why you are so quiet?
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AuLoNa Wrote:ShOrTcut Wrote:AuLona...a po mor vesh...?
Jo, nuk ka problem, se ato qe si marr vesh nuk me ngacmojne............ :lol:
shum bukur...qeni shqiptar...
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maja Wrote:maja Wrote:all the offense that you made on our account
Quote:You are animals and have no clue how to treat people
Quote:Sorry little dumb
Quote:I love how people make an ass of themselves
Quote:Man what a shame that you guys are not anywhere close to any reality for being brainwashed by your own priests
Quote:Now buzz off
Ohh dear Aulona
Do not spend energy with comments that are not worth of an answer Quote:What to hell do you think people are gonna do, just stay while the animal government of Serbia strted killing everyone
Quote:How come in the Balkans since you have arrived has always been destruction and atrocities
Quote:Greece is supporting you, when you guys were having the conflict of Macedonia
what conflict? AAuuuloooooooooooonaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...why you are so quiet?[/quote]
Maya I am at work and have a life too, when I see I have time I will answer, plus I don't speak Serbian language. So for me to answer to you will be mostly in the International language english.
And yeah what is that list for, is not like is not well deserved.... :lol: