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ShOrTcut Wrote:AuLoNa Wrote:ShOrTcut Wrote:AuLona...a po mor vesh...?
Jo, nuk ka problem, se ato qe si marr vesh nuk me ngacmojne............ :lol:
shum bukur...qeni shqiptar...
Whatever.... :lol:
qeni serb...
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AuLona...funny science fiction tube... :mrgreen:
qeni shqiptar...
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ShOrTcut Wrote:AuLona...funny science fiction tube... :mrgreen:
qeni shqiptar...
I think mythology belongs to you, I think you invented it since we have the reality.
qeni serb. :lol:
Anyway nice chatting and spending time with you guys, talk to you later as I have to go on with my reality...
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AuLoNa Wrote:mikhail Wrote:Kosovo is a sacre place for the ortodox christian, USA have sale a piece of Europe to Saudi..... why they not sale Texas to Saudi?
Oh man please I am Orthodox myself, stop with that claim, if your existence started with the Orthodox religion than you have no claim whatsoever. Be a true Gods person and do good by people and that is what it means to be a good christian.
You are Orthodox?! Do you really know anything about that?
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Quote:Maya I am at work and have a life too, when I see I have time I will answer, plus I don't speak Serbian language. So for me to answer to you will be mostly in the International language english.
And yeah what is that list for, is not like is not well deserved....
Аулона, когда я написала этот пост, ты уже была на форуме. значит, ты могла и ответить мне.
ты не говоришь, по сербски, ладно, я не говорю по албански, но говорю по русски. И если тебе можно писать по английски, тогда мне можно писать по русски. Это тоже язык, признан официальным в ООН.
А я не вижу чем мы заслужили такие обиды? Впрочем, полно обид послано в мой адрес, но я не вижу почему. Можешь объяснить мне это? Заранее благодарна, Мая
Note by Moderator: Please in main forums use English language, if you need a forum in your local language we will open one provided you have enough people. Here is the same content translated by moderator through <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> :
Aulona when I wrote this post, you already had at the forum. hence, and you can answer me.
You do not say, for Serbian, okay, I do not speak Albanian, but speak English. And if you can write in English, then I can write in Russian. This is also the language found in the official United Nations.
And I do not see how we deserve such resentment? However, the full grievances sent to me, but I do not see why. Could you explain this to me? We are grateful, May
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maja Wrote:Quote:Maya I am at work and have a life too, when I see I have time I will answer, plus I don't speak Serbian language. So for me to answer to you will be mostly in the International language english.
And yeah what is that list for, is not like is not well deserved....
Аулона, когда я написала этот пост, ты уже была на форуме. значит, ты могла и ответить мне.
ты не говоришь, по сербски, ладно, я не говорю по албански, но говорю по русски. И если тебе можно писать по английски, тогда мне можно писать по русски. Это тоже язык, признан официальным в ООН.
А я не вижу чем мы заслужили такие обиды? Впрочем, полно обид послано в мой адрес, но я не вижу почему. Можешь объяснить мне это? Заранее благодарна, Мая
Note by Moderator: Please in main forums use English language, if you need a forum in your local language we will open one provided you have enough people. Here is the same content translated by moderator through <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> :
Aulona when I wrote this post, you already had at the forum. hence, and you can answer me.
You do not say, for Serbian, okay, I do not speak Albanian, but speak English. And if you can write in English, then I can write in Russian. This is also the language found in the official United Nations.
And I do not see how we deserve such resentment? However, the full grievances sent to me, but I do not see why. Could you explain this to me? We are grateful, May
I already am speaking English to you and answered you in every post and the other ones, don't you see who has answered here to almost everyone. I never send you grievance my dear, I just answered to the statements given here, so you can decide to take it as you wish. I know truth sounds harsh, but hey what can you do, after all we do live in a harsh world. Also I have responded in the Russian too.
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elpida Wrote:AuLoNa Wrote:mikhail Wrote:Kosovo is a sacre place for the ortodox christian, USA have sale a piece of Europe to Saudi..... why they not sale Texas to Saudi?
Oh man please I am Orthodox myself, stop with that claim, if your existence started with the Orthodox religion than you have no claim whatsoever. Be a true Gods person and do good by people and that is what it means to be a good christian.
You are Orthodox?! Do you really know anything about that?
Yes I do more than you. And what gives you the right to tell other people that you are more orthodox than them. .
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mikhail Wrote:Dear AuLoNa please let antiques in peace!
You are Albanians (not Illyrians), the Serbs are Serbs, the Romanians are Romanians (not Dacians)…bla,bla,bla. Who care about Illyrians and Dacians, today? :?:
In our history, the best friends for Romanians was only the Serbs and the Black Sea.(not Russia, Bulgaria and Hungary…sorry, this is the truth!) The Romanian minority from Serbia don’t ask autonomy or independence; they fought in Serbian army last years and now help their adoptive country to progress to EU .
Romanian autorities-the President, the Prime-Minister, the Parliament – said No to Kosovo independence (Romania is member in UE and NATO !!!). :!:
It’s enough for our Serbian brothers?
We are Christian Orthodox people with Latin language (not Panslav…bla,bla,bla) and our Orthodox Church appreciates the Serbian heritage in Kosovo!
You Albanians destroyed and desacralised churches in Kosovo!
God save the Patriarch Pavle!
Good for you, I am glad that you know you are serb and you should be proud, and we know who we are and that we were there before you. As I have said in many posts, is not good to vandalize any kind of buildings, but with that said, you guys I will stress it over and over again, have vandalized the most beautiful creation that God Made, "Human". It does not matter what Romania says, this is something that should have not had been given to you in the 1913 when Albanians territories were cut in a million pieces. What do you accept it would've happened when people that live in their own land but under different rule will accept that. It was very wrong of Europe to do that in the first place, what they are doing now is fixing the mistake that was made. I am sure that now that there will be a state and there will be laws, they will not do anymore damage, cause even the government of Kosova itself would not like to be viewed like that in the eyes of the world.
God save people that think that buildings are worth human lives.
Anyway you became Christian Orthodox after you came to Balkans and not before that, so history does matter where you come from. Well you language is not latin, it may be written in latin, but is not latin, just like ours.
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Anyway I knew the history but this was very detailed, and very interesting, so I thought to bring it here for everyone to read it, just for knowledge.
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Please read it....
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AuLoNa Wrote:elpida Wrote:AuLoNa Wrote:Oh man please I am Orthodox myself, stop with that claim, if your existence started with the Orthodox religion than you have no claim whatsoever. Be a true Gods person and do good by people and that is what it means to be a good christian.
You are Orthodox?! Do you really know anything about that?
Yes I do more than you. And what gives you the right to tell other people that you are more orthodox than them. .
I haven't said that you are less orthodox than I am, I am just wondering if you really know anything about that. And what gives me the right to ask you that? Hmm well, what about studing a college of an Othodox Church? :roll:
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AuLoNa Wrote:Good job guys....
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Bush's babies... :mrgreen:
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What does albanian baby know about guns? :mrgreen:
Šta zna beBče šta je puška? :mrgreen:
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[quote="mikhail"][color=#FF0000]Dear AuLoNa please let antiques in peace!
You are Albanians (not Illyrians), the Serbs are Serbs, the Romanians are Romanians (not Dacians)…bla,bla,bla. Who care about Illyrians and Dacians, today? :?:
Biippppp  I totally agree
Albanoi was an Illyrian tribe  you like it or you do not like it that is the truth (AsK Ptolemy 
Secondly keep fighting "Kosova je Serbia" you really did not get it ,Kosova belongs to its citizens , for your bad luck and Milochevic's more than 92% are Albanian (one of the most homogeneous States in EU  )
So what ever If you are happy in dreaming that Kosova is Serbian
"Bonne courage avec la realite"
Still I believe Serbian nation has chosen a moderate President and I wish good luck to him because it is not going to be easy for him with all those radicals around him. :roll:
Ultranationalism wrong path for a Nation
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mir dita AuLona...
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keep dreaming serbian ultranationalists
Reality is so different
Actually to my view in some years they will have to change the name to DARDANIA
Long live " DARDANIA E LIRE "
I love albanian language
YOU see LIRI  commes from Illyria
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elpida Wrote:You are Orthodox?! Do you really know anything about that?
Yes I do more than you. And what gives you the right to tell other people that you are more orthodox than them. .[/quote]
I haven't said that you are less orthodox than I am, I am just wondering if you really know anything about that. And what gives me the right to ask you that? Hmm well, what about studing a college of an Othodox Church? :roll:[/quote]
It gives me the right since you asked the question of me being Orthodox when I said I am one and knowing anything about it. Well because most of you as much as I have observed do not learn the real lessons of God, but mostly to be nationalistic and then you use the religion to justify that. I have read the bible and haven't noticed anything of extreme of what you guys do or believe, all I see you are taking a beautiful religion and turning it to your advantage, and in my eyes as Christian is worse than the muslim extremists.
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I know about the Illyrians,Ofelia.... :roll: but you are a modern nation now –Albanese.
J’ai connais l’attrocite de regime dicatorialle de Milosevici contre vous.
Tell me, Ofelia next year you will celebrate the Great Albania, your dream?
So, I said: Kosovo is Albanian now, but belongs to Serbian people!
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Quote:I never send you grievance my dear,
and what is this, Aulona?
Quote:I love how people make an ass of themselves.
Quote:Sorry little dumb
Quote:Continue reading and learning is good for your brain
Quote:Yes and what he wrote about it, do you know how to read or are you blind, or do you want me to spell it to you word for word... AuLoNa
Aulona, gaga = maja
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post to the Moderator:
What is dhis????
Code: Ibrahim on 22 Feb 2008, 13:20
Po kukat Rusia, po kallet Serbia URIME TE QOFT KOSOVE PAVARSIA
Code: on 23 Feb 2008, 09:16
Kosova ska qen dhe s'do te jet kurr e Serbise.Gjithnje ka qen toke e ilireve...Serbia ka okupuar
Kosoven pas vitit 1912.Keshtu qe ajo ka fituar ate qe i ka takuar me shekuj,mirepo nga
padrejtesit qe jua kane ber nga Evropa ajo ka mbetur e okupuar.
this is not english languige...and this is OK? and russian its not OK?
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Quote:So you are saying that none of the things that happened did. WOW, are you for real, so all the people are lying then. By the way what are you serb or some other minority other than Albanian ethnicity?
Aulona, i dont know, but i was there, in Prishtina, in 1989...and you?
By the way, Kosovo is part of Serbia, and Albanian is minority in Serbia, and they have a shcools on albanian language, and University. They are leave facultets and shcools, and works. Nobody is nog pushing them from the shcools, or university.
and, please, dont laughing on my enlish language, just as I dont laugh on your russian..
By the way, your translator its wery bad.
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Quote:Dardania(Kosova) is ALbanian.
and than:
Quote:,Kosova belongs to its citizens
So, you want indipendend kosovo, or great albania, like in the first post?