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I see, you are calling some nations to provoke terorism, and that religious teror....,
hmm you stil halucinating your self..., to much hate, and in the other way, you call "brothers"
we are not your brothers that way when you call for teror against that kind of brother you are calling!
You sem wery unamoral person, here you call "brother" and then call about teror against brother...,
and then you call Grecs, Rusians and rumanians brother....,
I gues the same menings, than I gues in the future you made terorise them too, just like you do the foren ambasies!
Shamn on you, I think you shall be deleted from forum, "clearman" you are acting terorist! :evil:
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clearman Wrote:I know it's hard to do for you , Serbian brothers , but the great fast has come, try not to fall in the anger for now. The time will come and with Lord's help you will get your lands back.
God bless.
Damn, what a shame that my govt. reconized that puppet albanian state!! Almost everybody here is against it. What a shame to make enemies from our brothers, all of that because of the USA. Please forgive us.. Polish patriot.
I am american, I am also orthodox...please know that we are not all like that (giving Kosovo to muslim extremists and the like) and there are many american orthodox praying for you!!!!
God Bless You Serbians!!!!
KOSOVO JE SRBIJA! Romanian people orthodox is praying for you. Soon or later KOSOVO WILL BE SERBIAN TERITORY.
I love you and I support you, brothers!
May God Bless our Godfathers Greeks and our Brothers Russinas and all Orthodox Christians!
Kosovo is Serbian Jerusalem!
Kosovo is Serbia!
kosovo is serbia and north epirus is greece
GREECE-SERBIA-RUSSIA=brothers for ever
stop the albanian nazionalism
Богородице Дево,
радвай се Благодатна Марийо, Господ е с Тебе,
благословена си Ти между жените,
благословен е Плодът на Твоята утроба, защото си родила спасителя на нашите души. Амин.
Pétition sur Kosovo à signer sur la petition.
Поздрав Вльгария!
Извини за правописне грешке
Warm Regards from Greece
God bless you my friend
We love Muslims but Islam (religion) don't teach peace or love ...
Greetings from Greece.Orthodoxy United against barbarism from all over the world.
There are not my words. I just pick-up!
The truth hurts you, isnt?
Can you see…. how loved are Albanians in the world.
God bless the Orthodox monasteries from Kosovo and Metohija!
I leave this forum now !
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hmm, you are not american, but serb-bandit-ultranationalist slot!
There is no truth there nothing but rhetorik propaganda hegemonism,
and you are calling for teror, because of your agresion, "it's against your evil will"
and bicause of your blindnes, unable to accept the todays reallity!
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It is really laughable to see the reactions of slavic people and especially those who are not capable of thinking without leaving the religion out of the context. Most of the slavic people together with orthodox turks, oops sorry, assyrians, sorry once again, greeks, or so called greeks of today, are themselves true religious fundamentalists who can not differ church from real life, they do use Islam as pretext to say anything against Albanians. They have been using this in last 200 years, and Europe, such an old lady she is, she really did accept these claims, serbs were the guardians of Christianity and greeks were the guardians of civilisation, Europe was so blind or she decided not to see everything, and it gave serbians and greeks to litteraly make genocide on Albanians for approximattely 100 years, deporting many of us, all in the name of religion.
Serbs have sadly for those who were killed shown their true face. They are simple thieves, looters, childrapers and childkillers, they have shown their face. We knew that face. But Europe, as the old whore she is, she did not wanted to see that face. We albanians lost most of our territories since 1878, but we never lost the desire to survive, to keep our own language, culture alive. Serbs do make propaganda, furious propaganda based on religious hatret towards us, most of slavic people keep shouting things against us, mostly based on their religious beliefs, but I wanna say to these brave internet warriors. It is over.
Republic of Kosova is free, is secularised and will grant its inhabitants all the right. Those who will not respect that, well, those will sadly have to leave Kosova then.
Now I understand that many of western europeans really are tired by now, listening to how egocenthric balkan people blame on their neighbour for everything evil that has happened to them. I understand that. And my post may be one of those posts.
Greetings from Republic of Kosova.
to serbians, I heard NIKE opened a new store in Belgrade, come on loot it too
Pellasgian by roots, Illyrian by blood, Albanian by heart.
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Hello to all,
my oppinion about this topic is divided. I support democratic rights, and respect wish of Albanian people to try to build an independant country. But on other hand, I am very disappointed with Albanians and their role in Yugoslav society. They couldn't overcome their hate for so long, and what are the reasons for it? Why they try to constantly provoke incidents with Serbs? Could they come to peace with Serbs? Is the independent country road to frendship with Serbs, or final divide of two hostile societies?
I think that Serbs was naive and tried to became more than friend with Croats and Albannians in brotherhood relations, but have stoumbled on unfrendly thieves. Those want to steal teritory, haritige, history and even teritory from Serbs. Why? What are countries and borders?
Everyone tried to be a passanger on a big luxury ship, and nobody wanted to be crew on it. When it got dirty and rusty, everybody wanted out - rats first, and they blamed Serbs because they refuse to be their servants anymore.
There are some mistakes on history perspective here, there is a reasonable doubt about Albanian Iliric background. In the Byzantine times, there are province of Iliria. Albania and parts of Serbia are on their eastern borders. There couldn't be no Albanian pedcestors on this region before rehelenisation of Peloponesia, which was conducted to return Greaks wich was demographically weakened and owerpowered by Serbs. Serbs was then moved to borders of empire to be "stratiots", so there are Serb blood in Syria, Egypt, Turky, etc. Albanians could be Normans, or Sicilians, or Venicians wich came here in first half of 2nd milenium AD.
At Kosovo, Albanians was real minority, until Tito "erased" the word minority because "in Socialism there could not be minorities" which was a good idea. Many thoulsands of Albanian fleed from Comunist Albania, and reasons were poverty, or running from law - pretending to run fom poverty (similar to Cubans at Miami). So, you should compare demographic flow after 1945 and you should see what happend. Those criminals from Albania was welcomed to Serbia, but some of them continued with crime pretending that they are fighters for "national cause". They cause great problems in Yugoslavia. While Yugoslavia was strong, there were some solutions to it, but with weakening of YU, the problem growed to huge proportions. Incompatibile governers of small YU, couldn't find proper solution, and was not capable of using delicate instruments, so they tried to solve it by force. They didn't know that the problem is now biger then them, and with help of varius allies which now had interests in criminal deads (money lowndry, drug production and distribution, executions...) Those are some strong politicians such as G.W. Bush and H. Solana, and they pushed problem over edge, to maintain their crime-mashine. Behind all of it is gread and hate. I am 100% sure that there are honorable Albanians, the people with big and slall lifes, joy and sorrow in it, like Serbs. They are the same little ants, instrumentaded by powerfull.
For end just to say that, this world disappointed me. I belong to generation which was sure that world of future wouldn't be based on powerfull - powerless relation, but on power of truth. Truth is small and weak today, liers are strong and their lies rings with churches bells. Truth is equal to shame. I ask the world to look around, to hear the past, and not to be afraid of future. There is a sters of three steps wich goes to dark and those are "ignorance", "fear", and "hate".
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?
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you start so smooth and then booom, you mention the albanians position in yugoslav society. What should we have done when we were occupied, killed, raped, robbed, deported, jailed, beaten....well everything. Stop reading your own propaganda. Albainans are the autoctons of these regions. You are the latecomers.
Pellasgian by roots, Illyrian by blood, Albanian by heart.
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I'll quote a part of my post in other topic:
Quote:Between Kosovo and Albania are some high mountins, hard crossable, Shara Mountin, and Prokletije, and it is very logical that it was a natural border which divided tribes in past. Only in newer history there was massive move of people. It mainly happened under pressure of Enver Hodza's regime after WWII, and partly under Ottoman regime back from 15th to 18th century.
To say the truth, I'm not historian and all I know about this I've read at Ostrogorski's "History of Bysantine". There are not much about Albanians, but there is much about this teritory. I guess there isn't because nothing written have survived and there are no monuments of culture from Albanian history at Kosovo. It proves nothing, but the doubt about it is very reasonable. In the same time, untill March 17th 2004, there were the oldest cultural monuments of Serb history, and even today, some of them are still standing.
Untill fall of Berlin Wall, many counties were punished for helping Hitler. The fall of the wall marked new era in which these countries got their freedom back, this is called "new world order" and this is just, in general. The Kosovo is not such country, it is historicaly Serbian teritory with Albanians, among others, on it.
You are right that there (in Serbia) are much propaganda, but I think that there is more propaganda at Kosovo. Specially I like mumbo-jumbo stories about Iliric tribes. I remember that Croats used it first at start of their struggle for indenpendance. It could be a sign that the kitchen of both countries is the same. People just want to believe in it just to distance themselves from Serbs. It is wrong.
I think that base problem here is that we give to much credits for differences. Differences are here, but we must avoid to speak or think of them, because they have no real meaning. Only things that worth our time are our similarities. Try to think of them and try to speak of them, if you dare!
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?
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sasha Wrote:I'll quote a part of my post in other topic:
Quote:Between Kosovo and Albania are some high mountins, hard crossable, Shara Mountin, and Prokletije, and it is very logical that it was a natural border which divided tribes in past. Only in newer history there was massive move of people. It mainly happened under pressure of Enver Hodza's regime after WWII, and partly under Ottoman regime back from 15th to 18th century.
To say the truth, I'm not historian and all I know about this I've read at Ostrogorski's "History of Bysantine". There are not much about Albanians, but there is much about this teritory. I guess there isn't because nothing written have survived and there are no monuments of culture from Albanian history at Kosovo. It proves nothing, but the doubt about it is very reasonable. In the same time, untill March 17th 2004, there were the oldest cultural monuments of Serb history, and even today, some of them are still standing.
Untill fall of Berlin Wall, many counties were punished for helping Hitler. The fall of the wall marked new era in which these countries got their freedom back, this is called "new world order" and this is just, in general. The Kosovo is not such country, it is historicaly Serbian teritory with Albanians, among others, on it.
You are right that there (in Serbia) are much propaganda, but I think that there is more propaganda at Kosovo. Specially I like mumbo-jumbo stories about Iliric tribes. I remember that Croats used it first at start of their struggle for indenpendance. It could be a sign that the kitchen of both countries is the same. People just want to believe in it just to distance themselves from Serbs. It is wrong.
I think that base problem here is that we give to much credits for differences. Differences are here, but we must avoid to speak or think of them, because they have no real meaning. Only things that worth our time are our similarities. Try to think of them and try to speak of them, if you dare!
hehe, yet again, not only you proove to me that you are a true serbian, as it is very difficult for you to get rid of your lies. Kosova was not, is not and will not be serbian territorie. You must understand that. Decani church for instance, is build under Bysantine Empire, but on the paintings inside the church you can clearly see paintings of albanians (who at the time did have christian orthodox and in Dukagjini Area and Malesi, both in Shkodra Malesi, Gjakova Malesi) they were catholic enclaves who were in direct contact with Rome. Now these are facts, undenyable facts, on the other hand, other facts did merge up about decani church for isntance, the painting done by your people, that is trying to vanish the traces of albanians on this church.
What does it say on serbian books about how serbs came to Kosova???? hehe, they found a territory empty on people. LOL. then you mention the battle of Kosova in 1389, well, even your moderns historians are in conflict with each other about the real happenings of that battle. In that battle there were several albanian princes, Balshajs, Kastrioti family, and some other albanian princes. But it does not stand in your history books. You even made Vuk Brankovic a traitor without being one. Your craddle is Raska, not Kosova. If there is any craddle at all. Kosova was never yours. Nor it will be. now you are even denying scientificly prooven stuff that albanians are in fact illyrians, pellasgians. You say its mumbo jumbo. LOL, the real mumbo jumbo is you, you talk about high mountains and shit like that. Start living, do not come to me poisoned with what your church (the biggest traitor of Balkan people, collaborating with ottoman empire against albanians) and what Vaso Cubrillovi, Ivo Andric and others have planted in your history. It is a LIE. LAZ. Understand? When you start realising it, then you will start living. Maybe you will someday call Vojvodina for heart of Serbia, or why not Berlin, or please try with Shkupi (Skopje). One question, do you for instance know who liberated Skopje from Ottomans in 1912? a simple question.
Now, I see you are coming in peace, nice try and I hope you mean that, even though you slipped several times. I really dont care to tell you the truth, it is just fun to see ýour real face again and again. False face. You are so egocentrich that its damaging to only you. We recover, we continue to live, but you are so full of lies that accepting these lies for what they are, lies, hurts so bad that you rather continue living with the lie. First time Kosova fell into serbian occupation was under Tsar Dusans era. And in those days, serb were called the third grade people, bulgarians, albanians, serbs, greeks. Poor people were called serbs, rich people, landowners and local princes were only identified with their family name. back on those days, there was a minority of serbs in kosova, mainly newcommers and mixed marriages. back in the days, an albanian neighbouring a serbian, would have taken serbian or slavic surname and the serbian would take an albanian surname, i have seen that in church archives while I was trying to trace my family. But even then you were a really really litte minority.
get rid of your lies and start living. otherwise you will continue with your hatret and criminal acts against other innocent people. by the way, now you will only hurt yourselves, because us, you cant touch anymore. You could not even during the war 1998-1999, you lost every battle, but then your started killing kids and women instead of fighting like men.
get rid of lies
Pellasgian by roots, Illyrian by blood, Albanian by heart.
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It wouldn't be polite to continue argue with you, because I just don't believe that my perspective is entirely false. Some things could be, though. One can look on history from lot of different angles. Take Turks for example, they wouldn't agree with either of our stories. Other Europeans doesn't really care about our little dispute, they just want the problem to be solved.
Ostrogorsky, was a Russian immigrant. He lived in Belgrade and in Germany. He founded "Bysantology", a history discipline which was aimed on Bysantine. The whole Macedonia was once Serbian. Ivo Andrić had a Nobel price for writing and I am not the one who write lies. I even try not to use lies in everiday life even if I could gain something from it. I do not like lies and liers and I would rather avoid to write here than write something that I am not sure of. If I am wrong I would admit it. I wouldn't lie even for sake of my country. I just can not stand unjustice, and it is here on the display.
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?
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sasha Wrote:It wouldn't be polite to continue argue with you, because I just don't believe that my perspective is entirely false. Some things could be, though. One can look on history from lot of different angles. Take Turks for example, they wouldn't agree with either of our stories. Other Europeans doesn't really care about our little dispute, they just want the problem to be solved.
Ostrogorsky, was a Russian immigrant. He lived in Belgrade and in Germany. He founded "Bysantology", a history discipline which was aimed on Bysantine. The whole Macedonia was once Serbian. Ivo Andrić had a Nobel price for writing and I am not the one who write lies. I even try not to use lies in everiday life even if I could gain something from it. I do not like lies and liers and I would rather avoid to write here than write something that I am not sure of. If I am wrong I would admit it. I wouldn't lie even for sake of my country. I just can not stand unjustice, and it is here on the display.
hehe, FYROM serbian???? LOL, half of todays FYROM is albanian country, i know ivo andric did receive nobel price, but the fact still remains that he contributed to the deportation of 255 thousand albanians from Kosova to turkey. i know who ostrogorsky is.
anyway, as i mentioned before, unjustice is not done to you, you have just been fucked all he time by your church and your scholars. and you are still so full of shit that you cant see things in front of you. keep your tales and lies. I hope you never get rid of those, it will only harm your pityful nation.
Pellasgian by roots, Illyrian by blood, Albanian by heart.
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You are to greedy for land, and do not aknowlage others and their rights, you are a nacionalist and it eats you inside and becomes a youre passion. FYR Macedonia is the next wictim of Albanians, than you would go for Montenegro I guess, what is next? Is there an end?
American and some other politicians will support it and lownder their dirty money. They will sell Albanian muskets for price of laser stunt weapon to Afganistan and vice versa, or they come up with another invention now. You think that whole planet is dumb and that they do not see your country emerges from criminal. It would not give no good to the world. It will make it just worst place that it was before...
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?
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Illyricum Sacre Wrote:sasha Wrote:I'll quote a part of my post in other topic:
Quote:Between Kosovo and Albania are some high mountins, hard crossable, Shara Mountin, and Prokletije, and it is very logical that it was a natural border which divided tribes in past. Only in newer history there was massive move of people. It mainly happened under pressure of Enver Hodza's regime after WWII, and partly under Ottoman regime back from 15th to 18th century.
To say the truth, I'm not historian and all I know about this I've read at Ostrogorski's "History of Bysantine". There are not much about Albanians, but there is much about this teritory. I guess there isn't because nothing written have survived and there are no monuments of culture from Albanian history at Kosovo. It proves nothing, but the doubt about it is very reasonable. In the same time, untill March 17th 2004, there were the oldest cultural monuments of Serb history, and even today, some of them are still standing.
Untill fall of Berlin Wall, many counties were punished for helping Hitler. The fall of the wall marked new era in which these countries got their freedom back, this is called "new world order" and this is just, in general. The Kosovo is not such country, it is historicaly Serbian teritory with Albanians, among others, on it.
You are right that there (in Serbia) are much propaganda, but I think that there is more propaganda at Kosovo. Specially I like mumbo-jumbo stories about Iliric tribes. I remember that Croats used it first at start of their struggle for indenpendance. It could be a sign that the kitchen of both countries is the same. People just want to believe in it just to distance themselves from Serbs. It is wrong.
I think that base problem here is that we give to much credits for differences. Differences are here, but we must avoid to speak or think of them, because they have no real meaning. Only things that worth our time are our similarities. Try to think of them and try to speak of them, if you dare!
hehe, yet again, not only you proove to me that you are a true serbian, as it is very difficult for you to get rid of your lies. Kosova was not, is not and will not be serbian territorie. You must understand that. Decani church for instance, is build under Bysantine Empire, but on the paintings inside the church you can clearly see paintings of albanians (who at the time did have christian orthodox and in Dukagjini Area and Malesi, both in Shkodra Malesi, Gjakova Malesi) they were catholic enclaves who were in direct contact with Rome. Now these are facts, undenyable facts, on the other hand, other facts did merge up about decani church for isntance, the painting done by your people, that is trying to vanish the traces of albanians on this church.
What does it say on serbian books about how serbs came to Kosova???? hehe, they found a territory empty on people. LOL. then you mention the battle of Kosova in 1389, well, even your moderns historians are in conflict with each other about the real happenings of that battle. In that battle there were several albanian princes, Balshajs, Kastrioti family, and some other albanian princes. But it does not stand in your history books. You even made Vuk Brankovic a traitor without being one. Your craddle is Raska, not Kosova. If there is any craddle at all. Kosova was never yours. Nor it will be. now you are even denying scientificly prooven stuff that albanians are in fact illyrians, pellasgians. You say its mumbo jumbo. LOL, the real mumbo jumbo is you, you talk about high mountains and shit like that. Start living, do not come to me poisoned with what your church (the biggest traitor of Balkan people, collaborating with ottoman empire against albanians) and what Vaso Cubrillovi, Ivo Andric and others have planted in your history. It is a LIE. LAZ. Understand? When you start realising it, then you will start living. Maybe you will someday call Vojvodina for heart of Serbia, or why not Berlin, or please try with Shkupi (Skopje). One question, do you for instance know who liberated Skopje from Ottomans in 1912? a simple question.
Now, I see you are coming in peace, nice try and I hope you mean that, even though you slipped several times. I really dont care to tell you the truth, it is just fun to see ýour real face again and again. False face. You are so egocentrich that its damaging to only you. We recover, we continue to live, but you are so full of lies that accepting these lies for what they are, lies, hurts so bad that you rather continue living with the lie. First time Kosova fell into serbian occupation was under Tsar Dusans era. And in those days, serb were called the third grade people, bulgarians, albanians, serbs, greeks. Poor people were called serbs, rich people, landowners and local princes were only identified with their family name. back on those days, there was a minority of serbs in kosova, mainly newcommers and mixed marriages. back in the days, an albanian neighbouring a serbian, would have taken serbian or slavic surname and the serbian would take an albanian surname, i have seen that in church archives while I was trying to trace my family. But even then you were a really really litte minority.
get rid of your lies and start living. otherwise you will continue with your hatret and criminal acts against other innocent people. by the way, now you will only hurt yourselves, because us, you cant touch anymore. You could not even during the war 1998-1999, you lost every battle, but then your started killing kids and women instead of fighting like men.
get rid of lies
Typical Albanian people! You are so stupid!
UCK-United Cowards of Kosovo!
Look at this idiot Albanian video!
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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cowards, lol, we fought against one of Europes strongest armyes, we fought with mainly old kalashnikovs, during first half of 1998 we liberated 53% of Kosova while fighting on frontline, then serbs started to kill civillians instead of fighting like men in frontline. Now it is your forces that were coward. And the thing is, WHOLE WORLD KNOWS ABOUT IT.
Pellasgian by roots, Illyrian by blood, Albanian by heart.
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You are wright, there was some civilians killed, but NATO bombs killed some too. Please do not start with it. It was too painfull and we could not know all of its background because it was happened just 9 years ago. We can not talk about it without emotions involved. I am deeply sorry about every innosent victim in all sides of conflict. For those that were not innocent I am sorry, but not deeply.
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?
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Kosovo's independence is the biggest mistake made by the US and some Europe Countries. I hope someday France and British will suffer the same fate since the muslim population in this country are getting high. Muslim have been practicing bearing a lots of childrrens therefore there is a possibility that one day the certain part of France and British will become muslim majority, then they will demand thier own law (Sharia Law) and then leads to separation. Of course you cannot do anything since 90 percent of the pollulation were muslim and this will become the start of the problem.
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dnical86 Wrote:Kosovo's independence is the biggest mistake made by the US and some Europe Countries. I hope someday France and British will suffer the same fate since the muslim population in this country are getting high. Muslim have been practicing bearing a lots of childrrens therefore there is a possibility that one day the certain part of France and British will become muslim majority, then they will demand thier own law (Sharia Law) and then leads to separation. Of course you cannot do anything since 90 percent of the pollulation were muslim and this will become the start of the problem.
hahahahhaa, what a lame point, but in the other hand, religion has been your ONLY argument. Albanians are albanians, if you can not distinguish religion from nation then it is your problem. But, Albanians are Albanians, and within albanian nation there are 3 adapted religions, Islam, Catholic, Christian orthodox.
SDZ. Srbija do Zemuna....hahahha
Pellasgian by roots, Illyrian by blood, Albanian by heart.
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“During the final schism on 1054 between the Western and Eastern churches, the Christians in southern Albania came under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarch in Constantinople, and those in the north under the purview of the Papacy in Rome. The arrangement prevailed until the Ottoman invasion of the 14th century, when the Islamic faith was imposed.” -Wikipedia
All Albanians I ever met are over 90% Muslims.
You received a NATO membership invitation on 3 April 2008 and now you must fight in Afghanistan, Iraq and maybe… Iran against your Muslims brothers: Taliban, Mujahedin, and Terrorist from Bin Laden’s groups.
Oh sheet….Fuckin’ life….You must be so proud…. to be Albanian!
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You made be silly :? ..., they are not albanian brothers, just like you are not, but they are actualy your serb-brothers because you have chose the right side taleban-companion, that you hate democracy, UN, NATO airlight and Americans, just like this your brothers talibans and bin ludilo does!
So I congratulate you serb-cetnik-campain with your brother-big-bierd talebans and kind of, but be aware and count the time for the next tomahawk on your ass, if you are gon to make a wrong move again as you are used to do, because now it's posible the kind of albanian-mandate in UN, would have to triger the tomahawk on your ass, iff you don't change your stupid mind provocating nighbours! :? :mrgreen: :lol: :mrgreen:
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clearman Wrote:“During the final schism on 1054 between the Western and Eastern churches, the Christians in southern Albania came under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarch in Constantinople, and those in the north under the purview of the Papacy in Rome. The arrangement prevailed until the Ottoman invasion of the 14th century, when the Islamic faith was imposed.” -Wikipedia
All Albanians I ever met are over 90% Muslims.
You received a NATO membership invitation on 3 April 2008 and now you must fight in Afghanistan, Iraq and maybe… Iran against your Muslims brothers: Taliban, Mujahedin, and Terrorist from Bin Laden’s groups.
Oh sheet….Fuckin’ life….You must be so proud…. to be Albanian! 
well stupid jerk, I am proud to be an albanian. And only brother I count as a brother are those who are albanian. MY ONLY BROTHERS ARE ALBANIANS. ALBANIAN BROTHERHOOD YOU JERK IS NOT BASED ON RELIGION, BUT IS BASED ON FAITH FOR OUR FLAMURI (google it). Only FLAMURI is our true religion.
Pellasgian by roots, Illyrian by blood, Albanian by heart.
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And Ilyricum, of course Albanianisum(Shqiptaria)! :mrgreen:
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Ok! No more religion.
I respect real Albanians… like President Ibrahim Rugova, mother Theresa or Ismail Kadare etc, etc.
I don’t respect Thaci and fascist-nationalist leaders of UCK-a terrorist army trained by Osama Bin Laden.
They must be defeated!  hock:
Are you so stupid people, indeed? 8-)
And don't forget dude...Make love not war!
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clearman Wrote:Ok! No more religion.
I respect real Albanians… like President Ibrahim Rugova, mother Theresa or Ismail Kadare etc, etc.
I don’t respect Thaci and fascist-nationalist leaders of UCK-a terrorist army trained by Osama Bin Laden.
They must be defeated! hock:
Are you so stupid people, indeed? 8-)
And don't forget dude...Make love not war!  I think you are a provocative circus-clown, no dought about it! :ugeek:
I know that, you hate mr. Thaqi, is't because he kicked your ass tomohawk out of Kosova Republik :? :lol: :mrgreen:
But, remember that this guy mr.Thaqi in the future will probably become kind of NATO general, it's becausse he is very sofisticated gentelman... :mrgreen: how do you like that?? :? :mrgreen: :lol:
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Away with the fairies!.....terrorist in chief Thaci - NATO general?…Hmmm..When pigs will fly.
Fim are you crazy? What's your poison? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? hock:
I said: UCK is a criminal organisation! Mani pulito. 
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clearman Wrote:Away with the fairies!.....terrorist in chief Thaci - NATO general?…Hmmm..When pigs will fly.
Fim are you crazy? What's your poison? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? hock:
I said: UCK is a criminal organisation! Mani pulito. 
Much as I can see on you "clearman",
you sem a very special-halucinating-circus-clown! :? :evil:
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clearman Wrote:Away with the fairies!.....terrorist in chief Thaci - NATO general?…Hmmm..When pigs will fly.
Fim are you crazy? What's your poison? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? hock:
I said: UCK is a criminal organisation! Mani pulito. 
Ohhhh and the government of Serbia are saints... :roll:
Here's to all clearman arguments, just want to relieve myself....