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Place here the things you know about the most dangerous places/countries/regions in the world. You can either share the information you possess from your own experience or maybe anything interesting you have heard/read in any sources.
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Thse are ten most dangerous animals/insects in the world, so avoid places where they can be met:
1.Malarial mosquito
2. Asian cobra
3. Australian medusa
4. African lion
5. Big white shark
6. Australian crocodile
7. African elephant
8. Polar bear
9. Buffalo
10.Poisinous black frog
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USA takes the first place according to the number of infections. This country is the place where illnesses which appeared in other states of the world were recorded.
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this is because USA has a lot of big cities. Infections and diseases like big cities. They become stronger and more resistant to antibiotics.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."
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When going to a certain country, take into consideration the following factors:
- level of terrorism
-danerous deseases
-form of government
study every element apart, so that you don't get into troubles.
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and what are the countries we should avoid because of the form of government?
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These are the totalitarian countries. Cuba and Belarus, in this sense, are definitely not the safest countries in the world
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I don't know about Cuba, but Belarus is a quite safe country. I've been there last year, and I saw there happy people, not even a sign of warning.
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one is happy with the things he has, until he goes to another place and sees more freedom. It's normal that people in Belarus are happy, they can't cry all their lives because they were born there, right?
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Right you are. I would include the USA in the most dangerous places to live in the world, first of all, because it is a country that is most appropiate subject to terrorists attack.
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I won't travel to those countries, which has the high level of terrorism and lots of fraternity wars...
I'm not the risk taker and I don't want to risk my life as well...
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And what are the countries that have fraternity wars? You speak of such situation similar to Serbia's?
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."
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he meant situations where Kurds and Sh'ites are present
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There are many countries with this specific characteristic. Most of them are in the middle east
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Unfortunately, namely the Middle East countries are the most attractive for tourists. True, they are dangerous, but the human's interest to their culture prevails the potential danger.
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I consider walking during the night in New York to be not less dangerous than staying for a couple of days in, let's say, Afghanistan. New York in the evening is full of armed gangs, so be careful.
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In July 2008, Greece suffered about two thousand fire incidents. The northern part was mostly affected. The fire had almost reached Athens. Kindergartens had to be evacuated. Many people remained without roofs over their head. This makes Greece be dangerous as well, unfortunately.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."
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To my mind, the most dangerous places are in Africa. First of all because of a vast number of different diseases. For example malaria, yellow fever, typhoid fever, different parasites etc.
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Faw_Peter Wrote:and what are the countries we should avoid because of the form of government?
U.S.A. - Nigeria - North Korea - Burkina Faso - Afghanistan - Irak - Yemen - Somalia -
Palestinia - China - Burma - Zimbabwe - Indonesia - Saudi Arabia - Mauritania - Singapore - India - did I mention U.S.A ?
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[quote="55° N - 13° E"]
U.S.A. - Nigeria - North Korea - Burkina Faso - Afghanistan - Irak - Yemen - Somalia -
Palestinia - China - Burma - Zimbabwe - Indonesia - Saudi Arabia - Mauritania - Singapore - India - did I mention U.S.A ?
what about USA? what they have dangerous in their form of government ? so dangerous to avoid it? and if it is why people still go in USA?
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M.Helen Wrote:what about USA? what they have dangerous in their form of government ? so dangerous to avoid it? and if it is why people still go in USA? You are asking 2 questions.
1). The U.S. has destroyed more democracies around the world than they have helped. They have also been murdering their own citizens in the very same way as the Russian FSB.
2). You should ask them (not me) but I suppose those people believe the American propaganda that they will become rich in the U.S. and only the black and already poor will remain so. But if I use YOUR logic (I´d rather not but here you are) I can ask you, "If the U.S. is so wonderful why do I find notices every day on my internet address to immigrate to the U.S. and to win a Green Card?"
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After all what was happening in the world can not say that there are many safe places. Someone above, named countries dangerous in political and warrior. But not less dangerous is Europe that burns, or Asia that is drown and is shaked by earthquakes. For people that also is dangerous, even worse that a war, of it you can hide....but how to hide of water?
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tricker Wrote:After all what was happening in the world can not say that there are many safe places. Someone above, named countries dangerous in political and warrior. But not less dangerous is Europe that burns, or Asia that is drown and is shaked by earthquakes. For people that also is dangerous, even worse that a war, of it you can hide....but how to hide of water? You are right..this places tend to be more dangerous even of Iraq,or USA
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tricker Wrote:After all what was happening in the world can not say that there are many safe places. Someone above, named countries dangerous in political and warrior. But not less dangerous is Europe that burns, or Asia that is drown and is shaked by earthquakes. For people that also is dangerous, even worse that a war, of it you can hide....but how to hide of water?
yeah, when you see only water, not where to go,feel a new earthquake, do not want nothing than a piece of land were is pace and pace. In such moments people realize there is nothing more dangerous, more painful and more destroyer than forces of nature. :|
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Terry Wrote:Place here the things you know about the most dangerous places/countries/regions in the world. You can either share the information you possess from your own experience or maybe anything interesting you have heard/read in any sources.
 weat War tourism is a term the media uses describe the idea of recreational travel to war zones for purposes of sightseeing and superficial voyeurism. War tourist is also a pejorative term to describe thrill seeking in dangerous and forbidden places. There has been no proof of the concept in real life but the idea has gained currency in a number of media reports, none of which have actually interviewed or found a tourist who have visited active combat areas as a tourist.  weat