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Georgia vs Russia
It is better to be a 70% communist than a 100% capitalist!
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being good Christian, would outweight all man-kind think what's good for him...communism and capitalism however, are the offspring of Evil, who so ever follow such a way of life,surely would not enjoy it in the eternity ...

these are nice words. However deep inside, each of us, regardless of his faith, has an attitude towards life and the environemnt. This is what we call communism, capitalism etc.

Yes, for a few rich; new style of life is almost natural, if following evil deed; world doesn't repent and follow word of God,unfortunately, that's exactly what's going to bring civilization to the self destruction.

what did you mean by "the world doesn't repent"?
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...powerful nation didn't alike the way God treated su, ,,instead" bombing innocent nations (like Serbia); they choose evil way to govern the world (unless they pepent) want help...that's what I meant...

and what is the evil way they chose to govern? How does this manifest?

The enemy of the truth is lie.
The way to subdue the world, instead with good, powerful nations, choose lies of the evil,so far works doesn't?...

I agree, powerful states do lie. It's a part of their policy. If a country reveals its secrets and intentions it would not anymore be a powerful country. That's why lying is primordial.
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Hey guys! Did you see the latest news bulletin, it seems that war started between Georgia and Russia! :nonnon

If big btrother is not behind, Georgia would never undertake such risky the way, should Serbia do the same to the Albanian terrorist in Kososvo?

Someone said that Georgian side bagun to shoot the peacekeepers and Osetians...why would Georgain do so???!!! Georgia is a country of 4,5 million people!Waht can they do anything against Russia?!There is no logic in this statement!!! And one thing about South Osietia: The territory every one calls South Osetia, is the histroical part of Georgia - Shida Kartli, it always has been the heart of the country.In 1984(I'm not sure about the date) when the South Osetian republic was established in the frames of Soviet Union, only 3 families of Osetian lived there!!!The Georgian have nothing against other ethnic grups especially Osetians, for centruies, even before Russia existed as a nation, Georgian and Osetian used to live as friendly neighbours.Actually these two small nations have more in common than with Russia, The fact is that Russia doesn't want to loose it's positions in the countries of former Soviet Union. The same thing was in Chechnya!!! The Russians said that they wanted to protect the Chechens, but as a fact they ruined the country and killed half of the Chechens, Now they say they want to defened Osetian, but who believes them?!

I was reading your comments and i guess you just don't understand what is happening in Georgia. I'm from Georgia and I can tell you that not we began to attack russians and there teritory, and no one is here so stupid to began war with russia. They began everything and they didn't stop shooting and bombing, so what shall we do? we are just defendig our country. and what about georgian economy, it really doesn't depends on russian investments and generally on russia and during recent years we had no support from russia, we are proeuropian country and russia doesnt likes exactly this thing. and they are crazy generally, can you imagine occupation of your neiboughr country in 21 century?

have u posted this messega in reply for me? I did't say anything like that, I'm from Georgia too. I said that the statement that Georgia started the war has no logic.

Yes that's right. already for 4 or five years Russia veto on trading with Georgia, so economy doesn't depend on Russia. I think it's Europe who is dependent on Russia's gas and that's why they don't do anything against Russia's agrassion.I wonder if eneyone in the world would act different from Georgia, when youre countery is bombbed and attacked and split in little peaces just because of Russias abmitions of being the imerialst and only power in the post soviet realm!!

The impudence of russian authorities exceeds the limits!
Their statements and actions OUTRAGE JUSTICE AND COMMON SENSE: how can they declare, and how can others believe that Georgia intended ethnic cleansing of South Ossetia?! Why on earth Georgia would like to do that?! These two ethnic groups were PEACEFULLY living together through the ages, within the borders of Georgia!!! They don't have to compete and fight about anything! The Georgian military action was just a self defence against russian aggression!
Why don't you people open your eyes and see the simple truth , that all those people, Ossetians as well as Georgians died as a result of bombing! And it's evident that it was russia, that bombed military bases and PEACEFUL CIVILIANS on the foreign land!!!

Sooooo..... who is the aggressor, who is to blame for the bloodshed ?????!!!! :x

Listen people!
While you are discussing here, my countrey Georgia is being attacked mercilessly by Russian troops.
Innocent Georgian people are suffering, their houses are destroyed by Russian airplayns, can you imagine what it is like?
Russian troops attacked Georgia on the territory of Georgia, now, you will agree to me that the only choise left to Georgia is to defend his people. It is not a war but a self-defence for Georgia, Russians are attacking us, bombarding our territory. They have allready bombarded the cities which are out of the conflict range.
How do you think now, is it sufficient to speak here nice words?
Georgia needs to be supported by other countries of world, the world must say something, do something, not just "watch carefully" at our suffering.
I appologise if I have done some grammar mistakes, I am 20 years old, a student and want peace in my beautiful homeland - Georgia!

God bless Georgia!

elene, so did Serbs say, but ,thanks to US-NATO agrressoer, tody Albanian terrorist are owneres of the centuries old Serbian territory...

Terry Wrote:the whole Georgian economy is a Russian one. Russian factories are everywhere in Georgia, and a part of the country's population understands that, and the other doesn't. The latter is the new generation.
I don't know of any russian operated/governed/owned factories in Georgia.


Benn Wrote:It's again the conflict between Georgia and Russia. Georgia has filmed an action of how Russian troops are deploying heavy military hardware in the breakaway region of Abkhazia. Officials in Tbilisi said that the video proved the Russians were a fighting force, not just peacekeepers. Moscow strongly denies the claim. Again issues of independence and sovereignty...

No. It's a conflict between Russia and the US


Stop crying, baby. No one will come to help. Your president shouldn't have started all that. And he started it ONLY because of direct permission from his patron Bush.

simply_a_person Wrote:Listen people!
While you are discussing here, my countrey Georgia is being attacked mercilessly by Russian troops.
Innocent Georgian people are suffering, their houses are destroyed by Russian airplayns, can you imagine what it is like?
Russian troops attacked Georgia on the territory of Georgia, now, you will agree to me that the only choise left to Georgia is to defend his people. It is not a war but a self-defence for Georgia, Russians are attacking us, bombarding our territory. They have allready bombarded the cities which are out of the conflict range.
How do you think now, is it sufficient to speak here nice words?
Georgia needs to be supported by other countries of world, the world must say something, do something, not just "watch carefully" at our suffering.
I appologise if I have done some grammar mistakes, I am 20 years old, a student and want peace in my beautiful homeland - Georgia!

God bless Georgia!

God is dead, buddy. Deceased - after Iraq and Kosovo. But you may pray his corpse for your country. We'll see if it helps

russia -this is neighbour republic who wants teritories of our country ,and this war began long time ago,not only in cxinvali ,this place was just a reason of begining a war so evidently once again,
do you realy believe that this steps from russia was a help towards the osetians ?and they have no their personal interesties??no its absurdity.
and for help ''poor osetians'' they use their techniques,their fighter aircrafts, fire arms,and even spend fuel all for disinterested??no it isn't looks like russians character.
so this fact wasn't the kind intention to south ossetia,but armed attack!
for shame PUTIN,you are blame in front of each georgian and it requites according to your desert for this bloody battle ,
best regards to you.............

K Wrote:The impudence of russian authorities exceeds the limits!
Their statements and actions OUTRAGE JUSTICE AND COMMON SENSE: how can they declare, and how can others believe that Georgia intended ethnic cleansing of South Ossetia?! Why on earth Georgia would like to do that?! These two ethnic groups were PEACEFULLY living together through the ages, within the borders of Georgia!!! They don't have to compete and fight about anything! The Georgian military action was just a self defence against russian aggression!
Why don't you people open your eyes and see the simple truth , that all those people, Ossetians as well as Georgians died as a result of bombing! And it's evident that it was russia, that bombed military bases and PEACEFUL CIVILIANS on the foreign land!!!

Sooooo..... who is the aggressor, who is to blame for the bloodshed ?????!!!! :x

"how can they declare, and how can others believe that Georgia intended ethnic cleansing of South Ossetia?! Why on earth Georgia would like to do that?!"

I'll explain you, dummy. Your how and why is Kaspian oil. It's that easy. Bush needs it just as much as Putin. Justice and common sense are no more. And maybe it is good, by the way - no more words which have lost their meanings after Iraq and Kosovo.

"Why don't you people open your eyes and see the simple truth , that all those people, Ossetians as well as Georgians died as a result of bombing!"

Opening your eyes is not enough, baby. Facts are needed. I can't see you have any of 'em.

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