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Georgia vs Russia
I think this is the USA's backing Georgia through Israel. USA can't support Georgia directly, since it will worsen its relations with Russia.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

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tiko_papuka Wrote:how dare to teach us what's conflict region and what isn't in georgia .we are living here and see exactly what really happens and nobody can image and feel what sense of pain we have right now.
besides during these terrible days,here arrived lots of diplomats for suffering and in order to negotiate,and 5 presidents of emity countries ,and i was thinking that their residence here should be the guarantee of our security,but i made mistake,russian army still continued bombing of peaceful was elementary disrespect towards them,russia began very risky game on a world scale and it will represent between their interrelations.everybody saw their cruelty once again and it's ok.
everything will be much better,than you think.

Peaceful inhabitants, you say ? that's nonsence,if u don't understand,it is Georgia that began the war and started attacking ossetians, kids, women.You,peaceful inhabitants, who broke in to the houses and killed women?I

IS there anyone who thinks that Russia is right in this situation? or give one example when they were?? Or can anyone explain what kind of peacekeeping is the robbery? Right now they are taking everything from civil that OK???
WHO said that Georgia first attacked Russian PKs? Than ask him to explain why Russia blasted their own PeaceKeeping office in Osetia? and after the world was told that it was Georgian Army!
Once,in Abkhazia i`ve been in such situation,and i saw clearly what kind of peacekeepers the are,i dont want to do the same mistake and trust them...and i wont! Already tired of such nonsense lies from Russia,they have the POWER but without any brains...i mean the government,the civil people are OK,and i am sure that they hate their politicians but no-one asks them what to do with Georgia. Whole Russia is kept in vacuum of information?
My opinion is that Russia is the DANGER for whole world,no-one knows what will be their NEXT idea...

About President: may be i dont like my president at all,but WHEN russia is demanding that GEORGIA WITHOUT SAAKASHVILI,i will not agree with them,only becouse i want to decide who will be my president MYSELF. i`m not asking russia who will be better for me... so they must just shut-up till i wont ask them what to do!

When i`m going to sleep i am ready that some WAR MACHINE can throw to my house some bomb of weight 250 kg each... can you imagine what it feels like? i`m not talking about my family,who are sleeping next to me... and people like me are millions... i dont wish to anyone to be in such situation... Think about WAR MACHINE- what will they do tommorow? or the day after... or next year... think about your country...

well i have much more to say but my english knowledge is not enough to express everything!

Let me explain something.
None of us hate Gergians, geordian people are just as Serbs or Russians, I hate, Western is why.
When Serbia try to keep Yugoslavia together, by West accusing S.Milosevich being communist, west sponsored terrorist in meantime were steadily flowing in former Yugoslavia, when Serbia try to get rid off them,in their behalf, by UA-NATO aggressors Serbia was for 78 days bombard with the deplete uranium bombs, which made posible for the Albanian terrorist to get independnt Kosovo...isn't there something, you or me doesn't know; that with such a conspiracy agaist small countries, Wast is trying to get ,,rich'' on the blood of Georgian's or Serbian people?

S.Sindjelich 2 Wrote:Let me explain something.
None of us hate Gergians, geordian people are just as Serbs or Russians, I hate, Western is why.
When Serbia try to keep Yugoslavia together, by West accusing S.Milosevich being communist, west sponsored terrorist in meantime were steadily flowing in former Yugoslavia, when Serbia try to get rid off them,in their behalf, by UA-NATO aggressors Serbia was for 78 days bombard with the deplete uranium bombs, which made posible for the Albanian terrorist to get independnt Kosovo...isn't there something, you or me doesn't know; that with such a conspiracy agaist small countries, Wast is trying to get ,,rich'' on the blood of Georgian's or Serbian people?

i understand you, i know that if someone is supporting you,it means that they want something from you,and i dont think that when they will take it it will such thing that i dont need Smile

but at this moment Russia is killing us and taking our territory, and therefore we are fighting with everything we can, in 2o years if NEXT RUSSIA will be Turkey, we will do the same...

I will explain once again, for those who have no idea of Geography and have never seen a map and know nothing about world history and who insists that Georgia has started the war against Russia: U can take the Political Map of the World and find there Russia and the small Georgia in the South of it and compare the sizes and teritories. and I can tell u, Georgias populations is 4,6 million poeple icluding ethnik georgians, ossetians, russians. armenians, azers, greeks an others, comparing to Russias 147 million!!!Russians air forces-1,1 thousand; Georgia-6!!!Russian soldiers- up to million or more; Georgia-35 thousand an so on. and after this u think Georgia could start any war?! and don't write in answer that we hoped USA or other western countries would help us in war with army. We are not so naive and don't want any other people to die from the hands of Russia, so many dead in Georgian, Ossetian and Russian sides are enaugh! The only reason why georgians opened the fire was that ossetian seperatists were shooting georgian inhabitants in the villages of de facto Ossetia.I understand that it was a provocation from Russian side, but where one citizen of Georgia suffers, others can't seat calm- we are not the country who could left their citizens drwan in the sea, like Russinas did in the case of Kursk.and when u talk about genocide, say to 100 000 ossetians who live in other parts of Georgia peacufully with us, that we hate them and they will give u the appropriate answer!

Real georgian propaganda.

Alex T,
If Josef Staljin was Georgian, then most of yuor political leadership are a ex communist,wright or wrong?...war your leader is fighting in south Osetia, with it he is ,,pavig'' the road for US Zionist, in the same time, even if they were killers in communist era as you see America is still on their side, so, for ordinary citizens of Georgia or ex Yugoslavia, there is no alterantive but to die.
Thus, of yuor young warriors, doesn't turn arms agaist prowest leaders, most of them in this war would die, as early they get rid off them, the better would be for big brother.

Guest Wrote:
Hakan G Wrote:
Guest Wrote:Don't be funny with all that "Russian character" stuff &c. Better give some facts. Who's been training Georgian army for years, selling jets, tanks, automatic guns? That's one question. Another one is: Do you know since when S. Ossetia has became a part of Georgia? Do you know anything of what happened in 1992 - after USSR collapsed? Do you know Russian Constitution stipulations, violated by Georgia then? Come back here with your remarks when you get sufficiently informed on that issues and try to say something reasonable, not this pathetic bullshit.

I’m pretty much familiar with the situation in S. Ossetia, even back at the collapse of the USSR.
And I can tell that you are from S.Ossetia, and more important a Russian. Because of people like you, who wanted to separate from the sovereign state and stay with the good, old communism times, thousands of people are already dead.
Oh, and be careful with your language, you might get banned by the admin, or at least keep a moral respect to the members of this forum.

Still ain't have no answer from you, dood. Except that I'm bad because I'm Russian (or Ossetian) by your guess. Well, that's disputable, my young fellow. Who cares about ethnicity here? Besides, you're dead wrong in your supposition, for I'm neither of those two. Also, I have an unstable changing IP - noone can ban me, for if it happens, I get in with another address - that's all. Now back to the business. I did not get any arguments from you - except that you are "pretty much familiar with the situation in S. Ossetia".

For one thing, Ossetia became a part of Georgia in 1924 under Stalin. Ossetians ethnically completely different from Georgians. This land is hell not yours initially. Secondly, when the USSR collapsed, under new constitution Ossetins had their full right to separate. But Georgian invasion initiated a civil war. Thirdly, your president, Shvili Saaka, was first to attack - it has been finally recognised even by CNN (which has previously been telling white lies). Just go to their site and read latest stuff there - on Shvili Saaka's miscalculations.

Firstly: Shvili Saaka is not my president
Secondly: there was an ethnical discrimination, that’s why, basically Russia acted in this war like this.
Thirdly: have some History lessons. :livre

There is already foolishness to express any opinion here,after such commentaries,people say what they want,and not what really happens.
just one remember,
Russian guidance and politicians ,who were planing and did any mite for these terrible fact,they 've already taken tickets on a straight trip to hell!!!that's all.
gmerto daifare sakartvelo!!! :ange

Please be kind and dont post your ideas those who doesn't know history of relations between Georgia and Russia.... :livre The reason that Russia wants Georgian territory is so deep in history that you will not be able to find it.... Come to Georgia all interested people and you will get it... and perfect emotions with relating to Georgian people will be guaranteed with any Georgians in here... in the capital or somewhere in the village.

Rac magrebi vart-Qartvelebi vart.

I see pleople here write just what they like, not what are facts.

Quote:Ossetia became a part of Georgia in 1924 under Stalin

I see the author of this words know history of Soviet Union, but doesn't know history of Georgia, so please, before write such things, first be sure, that you know theme well enough.

why i'm telling this: Ossetia didn't ever became part of Georgia, even not in 1924, IT ALWAYs WAS PART OF GEORGIA, but under the other name "Samachablo" this is historical name of that teriitory and there always have been living Georgians, There till now are Georgian villages.
What about "South Osetia" and 1924, that's right, that at 1924 the territory named Samachablo was given another name "South Osetia" and more: at that time, on that teritory was living ONLY 4-5 OSETIAN FAMILY.

So, I again ask you to read more facts first and read not only soviet Union history and things that u like. Be more competent please.

It does not matter whom the territory of South Ossetia belonged to, the main thing what georgian army made during invasion, it did not fight ossitian solders but with civilians killing children and women, that's the point

EU1 Wrote:It does not matter whom the territory of South Ossetia belonged to, the main thing what georgian army made during invasion, it did not fight ossitian solders but with civilians killing children and women, that's the point
How do you know? Who are you?
Can you stand up to your words writen here?
If yes than write your name and address and we will meet later in court... lying like this is calumny.

Eveline Wrote:
EU1 Wrote:It does not matter whom the territory of South Ossetia belonged to, the main thing what georgian army made during invasion, it did not fight ossitian solders but with civilians killing children and women, that's the point
How do you know? Who are you?
Can you stand up to your words writen here?
If yes than write your name and address and we will meet later in court... lying like this is calumny.

Confuseduper right! when writing such things, first be sure, that you can give facts: time, persons who have seen this, places. in other case, please make your emotions calmed. don't be blind and don't let Russian government to fool you, because it can't fool the world.

Georgian will never kill women or children, and i definitely cant say this about Russians(When they are drunk-and most of the time the are!) so dont say such things full of nonsense.

There is no point of talking here!

au ra davcxeet Smile

EU1 Wrote:It does not matter whom the territory of South Ossetia belonged to, the main thing what georgian army made during invasion, it did not fight ossitian solders but with civilians killing children and women, that's the point

Who told you this bulshit? Putin ? or his emptyheaded Medvedev?
It does matter whom the teritory belonged and belongs to
South Osseti belongs to Georgia, belonged to Georgia and will be the part of Georgia ever..
This is truth..And you do not decide what we will do on our own teritory, we, with our Abkgaz and Ossetian brothers decide what to do..
Its not your business..
Youd rather go and debate with someone whow Putin killed innocent children in Beslan..
This is madness!
This is GEORGIAA!!!

Я Грузин, И пусть навеки враг запомнит, Что лишь тогда встаем мы на колени, когда целуем Грузинский флаг...

In spite of Georgian's propaganda here, now they know that jokes with Russia are dangerous, otherwise, it wil come to a bad end.

Alex T. Wrote:Georgian will never kill women or children, and i definitely cant say this about Russians(When they are drunk-and most of the time the are!) so dont say such things full of nonsense.

There is no point of talking here!

au ra davcxeet Smile

u say that Russians are drunk all the time and what about georgians who drink the wine and sing songs etc... :haha

EU1 Wrote:It does not matter whom the territory of South Ossetia belonged to, the main thing what georgian army made during invasion, it did not fight ossitian solders but with civilians killing children and women, that's the point

Who told you this bulshit? Putin ? or his emptyheaded Medvedev?
It does matter whom the teritory belonged and belongs to
South Osseti belongs to Georgia, belonged to Georgia and will be the part of Georgia ever..
This is truth..And you do not decide what we will do on our own teritory, we, with our Abkgaz and Ossetian brothers decide what to do..
Its not your business..
Youd rather go and debate with someone whow Putin killed innocent children in Beslan..

Sorry but after the events which took place in South Ossetia "your brothers" will never deal with you, Georgia has lost these territories for ever.

Eveline Wrote:
EU1 Wrote:It does not matter whom the territory of South Ossetia belonged to, the main thing what georgian army made during invasion, it did not fight ossitian solders but with civilians killing children and women, that's the point
How do you know? Who are you?
Can you stand up to your words writen here?
If yes than write your name and address and we will meet later in court... lying like this is calumny.

Go to South Ossetia, speak with people and your opinion will change. Terrible things occurred there...

Quote:Sorry but after the events which took place in South Ossetia "your brothers" will never deal with you, Georgia has lost these territories for ever.

this is what Russia dreams about, but it will never happen!
thousands of Osetians live in different towns and villages in Georgia, together with Georgians, Armenians, Russians, Azers, Jews and so on... they all ar our friends and relatives, and nobody is killing them here.

Among you have at least one Russian? You do not know anything about the war, only to loose the small stuff! All that said, your press - lie! Georgia attacked the South Ossetia - and we, Russian, only defending its citizens.

P.S. Do not watch CNN, watch 1st channel(Russian TV). It's all!

I can stand for the words the guy said about Gergian army bombarded Tskhinval and killed hundreds of innocent people. Right now I have 10 kids by my side from Tskhinval age from 10 to 24 and one of them lost his parents during the war! I talked to the sister of another one personally while she was running to a safe village with an Russia Emergency Ministry hospital.

Maybe there was a provocating claims or some military equipment relocations, but bombarding a civilian city with heavy weapons is way too much. Georgia has started it. Not the people, most of them are very kind and friendly, I have several native georgian friends - great guys. But the Bush ... sucking government is criminal. They get paid by the US government for breaking into the War with Russia. Some silly experiment.

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