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Fight Fear, But How?

One person gave the following definition of fear. FEAR is the False Evidence which Appears to be Real. Now if you read only the capital letters from this definition you will get the word FEAR. There is a lot of truth in this definition. Why? Because fear is the produce of your thought process. A person could have fear of many things: fear of being alone, fear to make decisions and take the responsibility, fear of people, fear to be in the center of people’s attention, fear to be criticized, even the fear to admit the thought that he/she fears something.

A person with a strong character fights his fears with faith. An unknown author stated:”Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death”. Lets take, for example, a person, who is a leader. How he deals with fears. A leader controls his fears. How does he do this? His mind is guided by principles. One of such principles is stated in the Japanese proverb: “Fear is only as deep as the mind allows”. But we all understand that this is easier said than done. You need to put an enormous effort to achieve that state of mind as to be guided by this principle. Getting your fears under control is not accomplished by the switch of a button. It is not like: I want to get free of any fear and you are free in an instant. It’s not so easy, but it can be done. Anyone will achieve this with a real effort. So, what do you think, what steps should we make to fight our fears?

FIrst of all we should understand that, either we have fear or not, the situation will not change basing on it. So why should we waste time and emotions on fearing? We could spend these resources on solving the conflict which brought the fear to us. And, if the fear disappears we feel ourselves freely and, consequently, act freely.
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Sometimes, is easier to be said than taking the action...

As one of the Claustrophobic, I've alraedy tried many different ways to overcome my fear in the confined spaces, but it seems hard for me to deal with my great fear...

have you tried to get a little bit drunk when you are alone? Your temper will raise quickly then!
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

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i have my own thougths about fear. i think that fear is derived from lack of thruthfull informations (knowlage). In process of education everybody were at that point. When some time passes, and we let enthropy degrade false state of our mind, than ignorrance bacames fear.
After a while, fear degenerates to predjudice or hate, again under influence of enthropy. The only way to stop or redirect this proccess is by providing informations. If you provide true informations to subject, then you have stronger fundaments for stable feelings and behaveur.
Recently i have noticed that there is contempt included somewhere in this chain and i think this can be derived directly from ignorrance, skipping fear, but leading to the same consequence feelings.

i can't recall any fear which isn't connected to lack to data in it's roots, though it can be indirect or hidden.

Fate can help at situations where you have no way geting truthfull data, but that isn't giving as strong support as truth. However, men havent reached ultimate truth yet and faith have very important part in our spiritual life. We are dependant to faith and we shouldn't forget it even when we reach the truth. So, God can be included in our lives even if we know for extistance of this psychological mechanism. We can only reconsider our perception of him. He is the holder of ultimate truths, but we are challenged to reviele it.
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?

Thank you for your thoughts. If that knowledge includes the knowledge about the love of God, than yes, you are right. Entropy? How is it applied to fear?

In this context entropy represent neverending force of nature which tries to desintegrate every organized system. It could be fight by information which adds negentropy to system and with enough information you can make system progressive. Without information every organized system will degenerate because of (organisational) entropy.
That was my representation of some official definitions.
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?

In other words, if we don't provide regular information to our generation regarding such issues as goodness and love, these qualities gradually will disappear? Or if we will not encourage our generation to get information and thus support and spread the (information) knowledge, then knowledge will gradually disappear. Instead, people will be busy with satisfying their egoistical desires? To prevent the generation sliding into this gap, people have to get knowledge (information) of God -the very essence of love? Otherwise the entropy will lead people to a pity state of mind and heart? Is this what you were referring to, by mentioning God in relation to fear?

mates, I read some definitions of entropy, but, will you excuse my foolishness and explain me what this means, since I understood almost nothing from these definitions.
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There are different kinds of entropy. In Chemistry, Phisics, and different kind used in organisational sciences. It is used here as figure of speaking. If it is hard to understand it, then use natural degradation instead.

Entropy can be described as natural force of evil Smile

People saw that every organized system is trying to go to the most probably state, and this is a state of total chaos. With information you can slow down, stop or even negate this process. When someone is doing some dusting at home, or repairing etc, he is giving informations to that system slowing down entropy that wants to tear down his home.

I just think that this force is present in our minds, it is active toward our abstractions and emotions.

You know what, I even have tesis that gathering data and informations is the purpose of man's existance.
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?

on the other hand there should be another force, the opposite one, which makes the mind prosper, as against to entropy.

That's information. Brain is the gadget for informations. It have purpose to gather it, storage it and combine it. Our thinking and emotional processes are results of input data processed through various models. If that data sops flowing, then entropy prevails and mind starts to degenerate.

Some authors came up with term "negentropy" which is reverse process toward entropy. They also aknowlage that informations are trigger and carrier of negentropy.

If we want to see it from other angle, say religious; than we could say that truth(informations) is the key of progress of thought. Only one that knows the whole truth about everything is God. We must use faith where we have no knowlage of truth untill we reach it, as mankind. We must use love not to misuse knowlage that we gathered. God is love and truth.

The purpose of human existance is to reach God. Meaning, we must strive for truths by gathering and systematizing information, using faith and love as light on that dark way.
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?

Does it mean that the proverb ”Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death” can be rephrased as following: "Continuously acquire knowledge to feed your faith, than your faith will take care of your fears" ?

Than it follows from above mentioned that it's useless to fight directly our fears! But indirectly, through developing our faith (continuos acquiring the knowledge of God) we can fight our fears successfully. Does it not? Is this your understanding how can entropy be opposed in order to fight human fears?

hmmm, implying faith in fighting fear is very interesting. Can this faith in God be accompanied with the believe in your powers?
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

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euigorwithyou Wrote:Does it mean that the proverb ”Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death” can be rephrased as following: "Continuously acquire knowledge to feed your faith, than your faith will take care of your fears" ?

I think that it isn't so. Faith is here to replace needed truth. Five tholsands ago, people should have faith not to fear of lightning. Now we have lots of the informations about it and we are not neaded faith not to fear it. However, our informations are incomplete, so we do not exactly know where it could strike, so we should use faith at rainy days, that it would not strike us. The time will come when we will complite our data, and everything about thunders will be known, it is the time when we would even play with it without any fear.

Faith can fill the gap in informations we have. Faith in God will be replaced with knowing Him one day. Untill, we must follow our splinter road, having faith and not forgeting love.
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?

That's excellent.

How is fear created?

I guess it's from past experience... although I don't really know how it works with phobia's. For instance, I was bitten by a dog when I was a child - and now even after about 15 years of it occurring I still fear dogs. I don't fear puppies, because they look harmless...

I am quite an anxious person in general. I have an anxiety issue, I always tend to think the worst. If someone is late, I worry that something bad has happened to them, when I drive my car and there is a car that is driving very close to me, I anticipate it crashing into me.

I don't really understand how you are meant to fight fear. Resisting fear always makes it worse, and most people say it is best to accept the fear rather than to resist it. I suppose a positive mind can normally overcome fears.

They also say people who are religious do not fear anything because they have alot of faith. I guess that is down to them having faith in God and not fearing anything other than doing wrong and be punishable for them.


There is a good little book out forget what it is titled but adopts the same principle, I think the title is Fear it, and do it anyway.

Fear seems to be a perception can either be realistic one or unrealistic, it may be a valid perception and therefore if we do fear something it might be to prevent us from harmming ourselves- realistic fear.

But then there is often in everyday unrealisitic fear i.e public speaking, if you can determine if fear is unrealistic or realistic then i think decisions should be made as to whether you should react or not to fear.

I found some information on the internet how to fight fear or in other words phobia <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... r-7-rules/</a><!-- m -->
Personally I never suffered from a phobia. I hope it will be helpful to you.
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
A really nice forum for Parisians

I would like to say:
Learn to recognize your early warning signs and when you have, embrace them!
That way you can achieve anything!

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