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Georgia and South Ossetia at war
I've never seen such a wicked people during my 18 years like in this forum!! u guys have so much toxic in ur soul, after such posts how can a world would ever see peace?! of course never, becouse ppl like them always will exist!!

Delirium? No it's worse. People open your eyes! We live in one world, why do you speak to each other like foreigners? Be polite and let us understand that aggression won't bring any results. There was a conflict between Georgia and South Ossetia, this doesn't mean only one party is guilty, we have to admit that both are.
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

Web Design Forums - Server-Side Web and Software Development discussions

Quote: hello everyone who have free mind! you all can not see what is realty, becouse you don't live in georgia, you don't know who are russian people, they have nothing their own: name "russian" they stole from ukraine, "russian alfabet" they stole from bulgarian people, "AK-47" (AK-74 modern) they stole from germany. we are people who never shoots first! I ASK ALL OF YOU: do you know what happend in 1993 in afxazia? russian made there ethnick cleanseang, there were 300.000 people who left there houses becouse they had georgian nationality, becouse they were GEORGIANS. they are killing georgians in russia becouse they are from GEORGIA. there is not mass media free, becouse they are slaves of v.v putin and medvedev, i repeat "ALL RUSSIAN PEOPLE WHO SAID THAT GEOGRIANS MADE GENOCIDE IN SOUTH OSSETIA THEY ARE SLAVES OF V.V PUTIN AND THEY DON'T HAVE THEIR OWN FREE MIND"! if you have seen everything by your eyes you will never say that gergians can make genocide. russian pathologicaly don't like caucasians, becouse all caucasian like freedom and they have own mind and they are not slaves, becouse of this russians killed chechen people, real gonocide they made in afxazia in XIX centure whan they made that afxazia people was leaving from afxazia. everyone knows what russian people made in Chekhoslovakia in Poland, in XVIII they come in georgia like partners and like orthodox, they have stole orthodox cherches which was built in that time when name "russia" not exists. who was in georgia everyone knows that what was wrote about georgian people is lie, WE LIKE FREEDOM!

Baloney! No any single point to response in a rational way.

Steven Wrote:Delirium? No it's worse. People open your eyes! We live in one world, why do you speak to each other like foreigners? Be polite and let us understand that aggression won't bring any results. There was a conflict between Georgia and South Ossetia, this doesn't mean only one party is guilty, we have to admit that both are.
u forgot TO MENTION the main third side _ Russia, who did everything to intensify relationship between this people. 60 % of ossetians in the area of so called South ossetia ( Shida kartli), before war had close cooperation and conncetion inside georgia. they were supplied by everything including gas, water, food from georgia and georgians! so majority of ossetians even my close relatives, cosidered their future life inside georgia as its soveregn part ! seeing all this warmin' relationship into this two people russia began its favorite game '' Divide et Imperia'' and intensified separatizm, suborned some ppl there, gave tham weapon and began bombing georgian villages ! everybody has forgotten here that, long before 7 august, georgian villages around Tskhivali were mass attacked and fired! should we waited to be killed one by one ?! we were alerting about cease-fire but nobady had listened!
of course i agree that every side has its responsibility in this war, which has to be called, Georgian-russian war, and not georgian ossetian, becouse we have nothing to fight with ossetians, whom we gave land, bread, warm houses, and they can also accede my words ! more then 120 000 ossetians live in other parts of georgia, so they really know how freindly we are and if there was not Evil power, this people could live peacefully again as it was in Millde ages when Communism hadn't existed at all!

Tamara_Georgia Girl Wrote:
Steven Wrote:Delirium? No it's worse. People open your eyes! We live in one world, why do you speak to each other like foreigners? Be polite and let us understand that aggression won't bring any results. There was a conflict between Georgia and South Ossetia, this doesn't mean only one party is guilty, we have to admit that both are.
u forgot TO MENTION the main third side _ Russia, who did everything to intensify relationship between this people. 60 % of ossetians in the area of so called South ossetia ( Shida kartli), before war had close cooperation and conncetion inside georgia. they were supplied by everything including gas, water, food from georgia and georgians! so majority of ossetians even my close relatives, cosidered their future life inside georgia as its soveregn part ! seeing all this warmin' relationship into this two people russia began its favorite game '' Divide et Imperia'' and intensified separatizm, suborned some ppl there, gave tham weapon and began bombing georgian villages ! everybody has forgotten here that, long before 7 august, georgian villages around Tskhivali were mass attacked and fired! should we waited to be killed one by one ?! we were alerting about cease-fire but nobady had listened!
of course i agree that every side has its responsibility in this war, which has to be called, Georgian-russian war, and not georgian ossetian, becouse we have nothing to fight with ossetians, whom we gave land, bread, warm houses, and they can also accede my words ! more then 120 000 ossetians live in other parts of georgia, so they really know how freindly we are and if there was not Evil power, this people could live peacefully again as it was in Millde ages when Communism hadn't existed at all!

Yes Tamara, but you have to take into account and admit that because most of Ossetians wanted freedom and separation from you, they have to obtain it, since there's no other way to maintain peace in your country. Why don't you get use with the thought that South Ossetia is a lost land for you, Georgians. Maybe years will pass and they'll realize they made a mistake, we'll see.
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

Web Design Forums - Server-Side Web and Software Development discussions

Quote:Why don't you get use with the thought that South Ossetia is a lost land for you, Georgians. Maybe years will pass and they'll realize they made a mistake, we'll see.
First, in so called south ossetia, SHIDA KARTLI , majority were Georgians and after they have been kicked of course ossetians been left becouse of russians will!
please untill u say something checkthe history well, everybody knows obviously, that the land called South ossetia in Central-North georgia is its very own land!!! look at the map and u can easily get without knowing history who can be located on that area! when georgian nation has 3000 year state system and maybe more!
second, I can understand ur position but i never can forgive u if u again say ''get used to it'' !!!!!! NONE GEORGIAN will do that trust me, it will be better if we think about turning over 100 000 georgian and now more refugees in that zone, which will be guarantee of peace in that region!
Untill russian troops are standing there and suborning ossetians who live in poverty there,also untill homeless georgians are kicked from their motherland, no stabilisation can ever be!
and one more thing if ossetians want separation from us they can go to their homeland Alania in north caucasus or in Iran where they came from in anciant times! but they won't do it becouse they are there where is money, for them sense of freedom is unknown! today they say we want with russia, but if tomorrow i give them economic carefree,they definitly say 'i am georgian'... anyway we don't blame this ppl in anything, as they are dogsbodies for imperial ambitions!

So you're saying that Ossetians are running after money? But did they receive a lot of money from Russia since they were officially recognized independent? If yes, then were these funds given as loans or "gifts"? And what is that Russia expects from Ossetia as a results of financing?
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Vegan news | Vegan forums

Some reports about s. ossetians sometimes are shown at Russiatoday channel
there everybody can find some explanations of common people why they want to be free people at least from Georgians

Just take a look what is happening in Georgia. A man has barricaded himself inside a room and announced he will come out only when Saakashvili resigns
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _quit.html</a><!-- m -->
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
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M.Helen Wrote:Just take a look what is happening in Georgia. A man has barricaded himself inside a room and announced he will come out only when Saakashvili resigns
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _quit.html</a><!-- m -->

a stupid act, I think. That's because Saakashvili will never retire just because a person voluntarily barircated himself or announced hunger. Don't remember anything similar in history.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Vegan news | Vegan forums

Are you really worried about destiny of that voluntary??? I think it’s only show)) don’t worry everything will be fine…
In the early 90 there was war for authority in Tbilisi
After decade there was only rose revolution without bloody civil war
Now former friends of Saakashvili decided to make only protest (ossetian lives are not counted)
Everything will be good, watch political show

Iordan Wrote:Are you really worried about destiny of that voluntary??? I think it’s only show)) don’t worry everything will be fine…
In the early 90 there was war for authority in Tbilisi
After decade there was only rose revolution without bloody civil war
Now former friends of Saakashvili decided to make only protest (ossetian lives are not counted)
Everything will be good, watch political show

what's the point of this show? What is he intending to achieve? I think the guy was solidly paid by the opposition to do this. I mean either he wildly hates Saakashvili or he is a good actor and earns money this way.
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

Web Design Forums - Server-Side Web and Software Development discussions

Very intresting... Can some one explain me what does it mean to be independent at least from someone if the nation wants to be independent. The world is going to some fucking focal point ... The indepenedence is loosing its meaning........

Did you hear it! Some military informers in the zone, bordered on South Ossetia, have recently reported about a murder of D. Sanakoyev. But it seems to me that most likely the information about this tragedy has been appeared in local media on the initiative of the very leader of South Ossetian alternative government.
The matter is that recently it has been found that Sanakoyev greatly tangled with Saakashvili for the sake of money, granted by our overseas sponsors for South Ossetian reconstruction. As if our Misho deprived of his due share, distributing US funds among own entourage and US initiators of this project - M. Bryza’s team!
Certainly such quarrel with Saakashvili amounts to a death sentence for D. Sanakoyev. That is why the latter has decided to “den up”, starting a rumor of own death…

No, I haven't heard about this. And who is Sanakoeyev anyways? Do you think it will have any serious consequences?
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
A really nice forum for Parisians

The only reason of the conflict is politics, politics from all sides and in all dimansions... But politics is made by leadears, ops here we have problems in all sides and in all dimansions...

lasha Wrote:The only reason of the conflict is politics, politics from all sides and in all dimansions... But politics is made by leadears, ops here we have problems in all sides and in all dimansions...

you're right Iasha. Even if the country is a Parliamentary one, the real power belongs to the president and prime minister. They create the history, they create attitudes and opinions among the nations they lead.

Quote: hello everyone who have free mind! you all can not see what is realty, becouse you don't live in georgia, you don't know who are russian people, they have nothing their own: name "russian" they stole from ukraine, "russian alfabet" they stole from bulgarian people, "AK-47" (AK-74 modern) they stole from germany. we are people who never shoots first! I ASK ALL OF YOU: do you know what happend in 1993 in afxazia? russian made there ethnick cleanseang, there were 300.000 people who left there houses becouse they had georgian nationality, becouse they were GEORGIANS. they are killing georgians in russia becouse they are from GEORGIA. there is not mass media free, becouse they are slaves of v.v putin and medvedev, i repeat "ALL RUSSIAN PEOPLE WHO SAID THAT GEOGRIANS MADE GENOCIDE IN SOUTH OSSETIA THEY ARE SLAVES OF V.V PUTIN AND THEY DON'T HAVE THEIR OWN FREE MIND"! if you have seen everything by your eyes you will never say that gergians can make genocide. russian pathologicaly don't like caucasians, becouse all caucasian like freedom and they have own mind and they are not slaves, becouse of this russians killed chechen people, real gonocide they made in afxazia in XIX centure whan they made that afxazia people was leaving from afxazia. everyone knows what russian people made in Chekhoslovakia in Poland, in XVIII they come in georgia like partners and like orthodox, they have stole orthodox cherches which was built in that time when name "russia" not exists. who was in georgia everyone knows that what was wrote about georgian people is lie, WE LIKE FREEDOM!

Oh!!! This is a real S iera H otel I ndia T ango :haha Hitler said something like this about us...every body knows what had happened after. Baltic states ect and your allies( who loves Hitler very much ( makes monumets for his army heroes who fought for their "freedom" Latvia ect), 800 years ago they came to us with a sword because we are not a Catholics, and now when I can hardly find their states in a map they crying about terrible Russians :haha
The best political regime for the nation is a regime which was saved this nation like an entire one. (M. Montein)

Quote:years ago they came to us with a sword because we are not a Catholics

what war do you mean by that? I don't remember a religisou war against Russia :quoi
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Vegan news | Vegan forums

Benn Wrote:
Quote:years ago they came to us with a sword because we are not a Catholics

what war do you mean by that? I don't remember a religisou war against Russia :quoi

Ectualy I am not a historian, but I know history of my country well. Ok. After the Swedish army had landed at the confluence of the rivers Izhora and Neva, Alexander and his small army suddenly attacked the Swedes on July 15, 1240 and defeated them. The Neva battle of 1240 saved Russia from a full-scale enemy invasion from the North. Because of this battle, 19-year-old Alexander was given the name of "Nevsky" (which means of Neva). This victory, coming just a year after the disastrous Mongol invasion of Russia, strengthened Nevsky’s political influence, but at the same time it worsened his relations with the boyars. He would soon have to leave Novgorod because of this conflict.

After Pskov had been invaded by the crusading Livonian Knights, the Novgorod authorities sent for Alexander. In spring of 1241 he returned from his exile, gathered an army, and drove out the invaders. Alexander and his men faced the Livonian heavy cavalry led by the Magister of the Order, Hermann, brother of Albert of Buxhoeveden. Nevsky faced the enemy on the ice of the Lake Peipus and defeated the Livonian branch of the Teutonic Knights during the Battle of the Ice on April 5, 1242.

Alexander’s victory was a significant event in the history of the Middle Ages. Russian foot soldiers had surrounded and defeated an army of knights, mounted on horseback and clad in thick armor, long before Western Europeans learned how foot soldiers could prevail over mounted knights. Nevsky's great victory against the Livonian Brothers apparently involved only a few knights killed rather than hundreds claimed by the Russian chroniclers; decisive medieval and early modern battles were won and lost by smaller margins than is seen in contemporary conflicts. Strategic considerations aside, Alexander's victory was an important milestone in the development of Muscovite Russia.

It is from internet, never the less I think that crusaders and the Brotherhoods like Teutonic Knights ,Livonian Knights ect were the religion orders, before this battle the pope offered to us to take a Catholicism
The best political regime for the nation is a regime which was saved this nation like an entire one. (M. Montein)

yes I know that story... "The battle on ice". I realize you like your country, but, be objective, don't you think that Russians were lucky because the ice broke down and the enemy's main force was defeated easily?

Andrewz Wrote:yes I know that story... "The battle on ice". I realize you like your country, but, be objective, don't you think that Russians were lucky because the ice broke down and the enemy's main force was defeated easily?

Yes, may be, but it was a tactic solution, few hundreds of our soldiers without special equipment, came on ice, the knights thought that this miserable army was the whole Novgorod (Russian) army, came on ice to attacked and died. That is all. So this battle protected Young Russia from the Western invaders. Our ancient fathers had a tradition, when the battle was over, they captivated enemy’s soldiers, and after these prisoners rebuild everything that they destroyed, Russians was offering them to go home or to stay with Russians as equal.Many of them (who survived) were stayed Smile
The best political regime for the nation is a regime which was saved this nation like an entire one. (M. Montein)

Wow, I haven't heard of that tradition. But... I guess it was something very symbolic. Actually they couldn't rebuild what they had destroyed so they must have become life prisoners in Russia.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Vegan news | Vegan forums

Steven Wrote:
Iordan Wrote:Are you really worried about destiny of that voluntary??? I think it’s only show)) don’t worry everything will be fine…
In the early 90 there was war for authority in Tbilisi
After decade there was only rose revolution without bloody civil war
Now former friends of Saakashvili decided to make only protest (ossetian lives are not counted)
Everything will be good, watch political show

what's the point of this show? What is he intending to achieve? I think the guy was solidly paid by the opposition to do this. I mean either he wildly hates Saakashvili or he is a good actor and earns money this way.

It seems me that there is no point in that show because Saakashvili can not be ousted without his consent peacefully.

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