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Georgia and South Ossetia at war
Hello, Reference adress Russians...
Your information source is really downright lies...
Can you prove you word... No..
We are sovereign state.
I dont understand what do Russians Want...
Historysity proves that S. Osetia is Our... This teritory was Our... always.
Russia is not right from Georgia, because we are Christian. And its not right Christian People dive bomb each other...
I want to see whole world We are right and Russia is really monster!

Stop Russia!!!

Situation in Georgia is very complicated so I do not understand why Georgian president has made such a huge mistake answering to the provacations of South Osetia and now as we can see it has became very "hot" in Abhazia too. Since my country went through war 15 years ago (Croatia) I take liberty to comment the situation maybe emotional. This is clearly the question of influence and from that point "realpolitik" gets sense, I can deeply understand all frustration of Georgia people having 2 regions who doesn't recognise the government in Tbilisi although it's clear that we're talking about georgian soil. But undertaking the military action, destroying the region its surley not the way to tell people "you're safe in Georgia". If Georgian establishment expected NATO to rush and save them he has really deeply mistaken and this costs lives of citizens... If Russia wanted to protect people of South Osetia (I remember protection of Vukovar and Srebrenica in Bosnia), if she's authorized to do so, it should of ended at the borders of Sout Osetia...not with bombardement of Gori, Tbilisi outskrts... I hope this will end soon.

when are you europeans going to get it, this war is not to protect Russian citizens, hey they are over 100K living in Florida, will Putin send Russian troops to protect them?
This war is for control, of Oil prices and the itch that Russia have because of their breakdown of the SU.
This is an European problem and Europe should take care of this, today Georgia, tomorrow Ukraine, next kazakhastan. This remain me of one part of european history, somebody who took Austria, chekoslovakia, Poland and sudenly he start taking something we could not let him take mainly western Europe, remember that man Adolf Hitler. so Europe wake up and smell the coffe. (they are over 3 million mexicans citizens living in this country, under international law if Russia is concern over it citizens, then they should take them out of Georgia, mexico will never or any other country of attacking us for the sake of its citizens).
Furthermore Ossetia is a part of Georgia, this is not a country at least nobody has reconigze them at that, (how many embassies in ossetia) can anybody tell me, please.
This muss be stop, and Europe should lead the way, Europeans it is time for you to stand up on your own, we won't do it for you, over 50 years you have live under our protection, we won't pay for that anymore, don't look for our guidence, demand it from your European parliament, and yours head of states.

alex Wrote:Radars of your airport are sending information to your military forces.
I don't know what happeninig in other places you talk about.
But I can suppose you don't know about existent militray bases in these locations.

No one does bombardments on your peaceful citizens.If russian will want to destroy peaceful citizens they will not drop bombs on military bases instead they will do what you do: to drop bombs on the center of Tbilisi. But they do not.

I know one georgian personally.
He says me there no conflict with georgians and osetians. They live together many years.

Why Saakashvili attacks them? Why he uses mercenaries to make it's dirty work?
Because it must close borders of Georgia to enter into the NATO. People live in the borders don't needed to him.

So, you say that no one is boming civilians, though Georgian troops did it in Tskhinvali, isn't it? This is lie. Our troops shoot against Kokoev bandits' bases. Unfortunately this causes civilian victims. Very sorry for that.

But do you think that port of Poti and its terminals are a military base? Do you think that patriots (currently empty) campus is a military base? Do you think that residential buildings in Gori are military bases? Do you think that 200 tanks waiting now at Inguri to invade from Abkhazia to Samegrelo starting occupation of Western Georgia are real peacekeepers? Do you think that russian troops atacking and bombing now Kodori Gorge are standing for russian citizens in that Gorge. There are no such citizens there!!!

listen man Georgia Didn't destroid cxinvali when we were in cxinvali it was all okey with it But WHen Russian troops Started bombing the city and our troops came out i 1 hour there was no building standing...and how can russians talk about killing citizens after what they did in beslan and in the theatre? haa???

Georgian troops drilled the journalist of ALANIA TV? kokoev's bandits drilled the other citizens tooo and now u say it was georgian troop it is a whole shit lie

tim is dedanaqachi shentavskitxe dabrunda momexmare chavajmevinot Wink

UN is almost helpless...maybe UN can influence on Russia


But you will never ask yourself that armoment of separatists is a very dangerous crime and russians do it in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali during last 20 years. You should study near history of Abkhazia and whole Georgia to understand what an irresponsible policy russia carries towards Georgia.

You will never ask yourself that would it be any conflict in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali if russia will not armed and support separatists. In both regions georgians had the largest population and lived their natively and peacefully with other nations.

You will never ask yourself why georgians provided Abkhazs before conflict had begun privileges being on top management in all state owned entities or government. Why there were more than enough abkhaz schools, university, TV, radio, etc. Was not it real autonomy? Why they decided to separate? It was early days of SU destroy and that days abkhasz requiring to stay in the Soviet Union. There were no talks about independence. Only later, when their russian instructors said that there will be no SU any more and also you can not join Russian Federation, so you should change your ideology and declare independence, they changed their minds.

You will never ask yourself that there is a clear plan to join two Ossetia - North and South in one state, and definitely it will end with breakaway from Russian Federation. What would you say than? Will you remember Georgia that time?

You will never ask yourself that after Russia will acknowledge Abkazia, they jointly with some neighbour north caucasus nations will join in federation and this will definitely end with their breakout from Russia. Would you remember Georgia than?
But You will never ask yourself...

To wet the Georgian homosexuals in a toilet that Misha never so did not do when to Gardens was against the USA it have hung up, when Binitto Mussalini was for Fascist германию it have hung up for eggs so to drown in Michael Soakashvilli's toilet bowl, and all its colleagues. And business with the end. The United Nations the puppet in the big game of the USA has been created as the independent organisation, now this organisation only if the United Nations allow to kill in what not guilty people, to hell the United Nations if the USA insists on terrible war of Georgia Against Ossetia to hell Ossetia. The World Terrorism, than such criminal policy of these госсударств is better. Russia who is necessary to support all the enemy force considers These states, Together we. Iran, China the North Korea, Ossetia, Belorusija. When we will begin to us others will join also. All for a long time it is clear that war not to avoid so do not allow to ignore those a victim which already is. Having destroyed the USA as the state, and then both Turkey, And Georgia. Europe itself will solve on whose it to the party. The Militarist because of Ocean is not necessary to us here. Once Ispantsi Englishmen, Frenchmen. Have departured in search of the new earth. Also have found, cut out indigenous population, and live now on their earths naming itself America. So time have left and live there, there is nothing you to do at us, here is not present handfuls of your earth, and without you we will worry.
:monstre :archer :paladin :barbare :diable

Last news:
Georgia have explosed dam of Kehvksy channel. Water floods towards Tskinvali.

What you wnat from Abhasia? They have signed pact with South Osetia many years ago. If one side will be attacked second must open second front.

Ok, I belive you the part of bombs have targeted civilians nearby military bases by accident. Look at your USA friends. How many borbadments they make against peaceful citizens by mistake? I am sorry for this. But you never say osetians "I am sorry. Our forces really have killed 2000 sleeping osetians by heavy launchers in the first day of war".

But what about bandits... There no bandits in Osetia. Bandits are paid by Saakasvili. They kills your citizens for your money. Do you really belive Saakashvili will say you: "Ok I pay for your deaths and region instabilitiy"?

Who really need this war? It is USA. Russia have oil to self country and the rest of Europe and Asia. USA have no oil. Saakashvili is agent of USA. And you belive him. He talks in the English better than in the Georgian.

And please, talk in the English. You in the EU forum, not Georgia.

Ramzet Wrote:To wet the Georgian homosexuals in a toilet that Misha never so did not do when to Gardens was against the USA it have hung up, when Binitto Mussalini was for Fascist германию it have hung up for eggs so to drown in Michael Soakashvilli's toilet bowl, and all its colleagues. And business with the end. The United Nations the puppet in the big game of the USA has been created as the independent organisation, now this organisation only if the United Nations allow to kill in what not guilty people, to hell the United Nations if the USA insists on terrible war of Georgia Against Ossetia to hell Ossetia. The World Terrorism, than such criminal policy of these госсударств is better. Russia who is necessary to support all the enemy force considers These states, Together we. Iran, China the North Korea, Ossetia, Belorusija. When we will begin to us others will join also. All for a long time it is clear that war not to avoid so do not allow to ignore those a victim which already is. Having destroyed the USA as the state, and then both Turkey, And Georgia. Europe itself will solve on whose it to the party. The Militarist because of Ocean is not necessary to us here. Once Ispantsi Englishmen, Frenchmen. Have departured in search of the new earth. Also have found, cut out indigenous population, and live now on their earths naming itself America. So time have left and live there, there is nothing you to do at us, here is not present handfuls of your earth, and without you we will worry.
:monstre :archer :paladin :barbare :diable

Ha, look at this... I wish all the Europeans read this. But we can find this doctrin in russian newspapers, magazines, TV programs, even in their parliament everyday. This is the core of core, the deepest reasons of todays conflicts. This is the russians dream for reconstruction of their DERZHAVA, I.E. NEONATSI EMPIRE, 3rd ROME. Unfortunately ANTICHRIST is very near. God bless all of us!

tushimeomari Wrote:listen man Georgia Didn't destroid cxinvali when we were in cxinvali it was all okey with it But WHen Russian troops Started bombing the city and our troops came out i 1 hour there was no building standing...and how can russians talk about killing citizens after what they did in beslan and in the theatre? haa???

Pls., write in English you are not in Georgia. Begin to respect other at last!!!!!!!!

Several Georgian towns (not situated in the conflict zone!) are being intensively bombed by Russian airforce. A lot of peaceful Georgians got killed.

Russian bombers were also targeting Georgia's economic infrastructure and strategic objects, including the country's largest Black Sea port, Poti, and the main road connecting the southern part of Georgia with the east and the airport.

People flee from their homes in Gori and Tskhinvali region and try to find shelter in Tbilisi, the Capital of Georgia which might also become the next target for Russian air force.

1) Georgia and the USA are guilty of the conflict and it is the fact (the USA supplied with the weapon Georgia, trained military men, trade in another's raw materials (pipeline) and have not passed the resolution from the Russian Federation)

2) Russia too indirectly in it is interested and it is the fact, to it are not necessary strong Georgia near the borders, the pipeline and the more so the American bases and the ABM, but actions of the similar USA by the Russian Federation did not undertake.

Only Americans appreciate a life of the citizens much more, than the Russian citizens. Americans are ready to kill in tens and in hundreds civilians for one American, an interesting proportion, as at the time of fascists.

Statistics - in Southern Osetitii was lost more than 2000 civilians, in Georgia 20. Probably, Americans suggest to consider for 1 Georgian 100 Ossetin.

NB! Yes, in the CIS countries not all is smooth in internal policy, I from Belarus and it understand (practically in all CIS countries dictatorship or autocracy, Georgia not an exception), but foreign policy against EU and the USA at us are 10 times better and more fair. Though certainly everyone either says lies, or does not finish speaking. Do not follow another's example and have own and a common opinion if wish to avoid 3 world wars.

how can one can be so blind not to understand, what exactly is going on in Georgia. This is a war that Russia was planning long before...for pipelines, for changeing proAmerican gouvernment in Georgia and to increase it's influence in caucasus.

This is very much like the soviet era. Whole Russian economy relies on the high peices of oil in the world.
If this war goes too far and involvesother countries and international society will analise jeopardy of Russia's actions, the prices will go down...

Russia has it's imperialist interrests in this region. But I am sure this is not going to last for a long time. They will regret, because politically they lose.

chena Wrote:I read some of the comments and have only one question by which law (or logic) can a contry defend its citizens on the territory of another independent counrry by invassion of millitary forces (70 000 solders, more than 300 tanks)? Please remember that Georgian forces has not crossed Russian border, this is Russians who are bombing civilians in conflict zone in so called South Ossetia, and all over Georgia in hundreds of kilometers from the conflict zone. Please be more reasoneble when you post your opinion, just get more infrmation about the situation.
Actually, South Osetia belonging to Georgia is not obvious fact. This confilt takes origin from Soviet Union breakdown. After it happened Georgia think for some reason that Osetia should belongs to it. But actually this region has the similar rights for self-recognition as Georgia had that time. That fact's led to war '92 and now it repeats. Just take a look at opposite opinion,so your thoughts will be much closer to real situation.

last week's escalation of hostilities followed months of Russian provocations, first in the Georgian breakaway province of Abkhazia.
When this failed, the Kremlin turned its attention to South Ossetia, ordering its proxies there to escalate attacks on Georgian positions. the separatists began attacking civilians and Russian tanks pierced the Georgian border. We had no choice but to protect our civilians and restore our constitutional order.

chena Wrote:The international community should/must meaningfully aid Georgia in stopping the Russian Federation from violating international laws and its attacks on Georgia's sovereign territory.

International low says that Russia has to keep the peace at this region. So Russia does it

Quote:Actually, South Osetia belonging to Georgia is not obvious fact. This confilt takes origin from Soviet Union breakdown. After it happened Georgia think for some reason that Osetia should belongs to it. But actually this region has the similar rights for self-recognition as Georgia had that time. That fact's led to war '92 and now it repeats. Just take a look at opposite opinion,so your thoughts will be much closer to real situation.

Oh.. really? Before write such things, please, first read Georgian history before Soviet Union, the territory of so called "South Osetia" belonged to Georgia for centuries, and Osetians began to live on that territory just after making Soviet Union.

Ask Yourself!!!I Many of you think and support that Russian invaded first. in a case if Russian troops invaded Georgia ( read please Sout Osetia) first, how georgian troops with artillery, tanks and bombers and with mercenaries could destroy the city with 100 000 citizens absolutly and killed more then 2000 civilians ( most of them women and kids) . May be Russian professional army this time have already been somewere else? May be they already invaded this time their sisters, mothers in Ukrain, Kazakhstan?
Ask Yourself!!!I Why it was happened in the time of Olimpic games ? ...What? Russians decided to show their muscles specially this day? Russians who likes sport like other people on Earth? Why it was not happened other days? Or may be somebody wants to show them in the bad lights?
Ask Yourself!!!I Many of you think that Russians are struggling with Georgia becouse oil-pipe from Azerbaidjan to Turkey. But Geoegia has only one not large part of oil-pipe. The oil-fields are in Azerbaidjan (like Georgia also the former soviet republic). And Azerbaidjan like Georgia is also separate democratic republic. And they also like Georgia pro-Americans and pro-Turkey. But why Russians didn't invade the oil-fields directly? Why do they "invaded" for the small part of oil-pipe? What? They want to get a little bit commissions from this?

"TrekSPB [/quote Wrote:International low says that Russia has to keep the peace at this region. So Russia does it

do you call killing civilian people and bombarding whole country is piecekeeping????

Only lies are heard from you Tim. You tell that South Osetians are criminals, so south Osetia was your gulag or what? Criminals living in almost independent state with thier families that is something. They wanted to be with Georgia? Almost all of them had Russian passports! that speaks volums. You call Georgia little giant of Democracy? Ha, only fact that your govrnment sold themselves and thier country does not make you more democratic country! Only insults and disanformation are comming from you! Your president is LIER and now he is surprised why he is not trusted by Russian government! Your attack kame at night, our response the next day, that means that attack was prepared while saakashvili was talking about peace.
You blame Russia in supporting South Osetia and Obchazia? if we havent they were all dead and you made it quite clear!

Quote:International low says that Russia has to keep the peace at this region. So Russia does it

Which Peace???


Nana Wrote:
Quote:International low says that Russia has to keep the peace at this region. So Russia does it

Which Peace???



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