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Georgia and South Ossetia at war
SiD Wrote:Lor how can you compare Russians with nazi !!! Dont you know what price did we paid to defeat this monster?! War is BAD that is true but shuld Soviet Union leave Hitler alone?! Was support of population for war brainwashing? Should allies remain home and talk how bad Nazi Germany is?
Spoils of war for Georgia are obvius and i pointed them in previus topics, what is there for Russia? Tell me please. All i hear is that we attacked just becouse we are agressive and cant live without war with someone!

SID you should go back a few pages and read what i posted about Russia's interests in this war. Read it and then we'll talk!It's a looooong post. Enjoy!Smile

NEWS EVERYBODY!!! The Georgian president and the FRENCH Foreign Affairs Minister(that came to settle peace) had to be evacuated from Gori because Russians were bombarding and shooting. Russians knew that the French minister was in there and EU sees it as an offense to an international peacekeeper(this time a real one, with no tanks and soldiers). I saw the video!NOW i'm getting angry!!Russians got offended that their "peacekeepers" were attacked and now they are attacking on live TV a French diplomat that tries to solve this conflict WITHOUT violence!Please NATO! Please EU help Georgia!

So truth is that georgian troops open the fire and start movement deep in Tskhinvali only when they got proof that russian troops start crossing Roki tunnel invading into georgian territory. Georgian troops have no other chance but to stop this invasion as close to the country border as possible. But during last years russia fill Kokoev's separatists with so much weapons and there already came so many russian volunteers, it was not so easy to cross Tskhinvali during few hours. As soon as south part of Tskhinvali were taken by georgian troops, russians began bombing Tskhinvali. So part of civilian victims are on their honest. You will never wash your hands!!! Though you are intensively try to do it!!!

Add to this civilian victims outside the conflict area and huge dead loss of your soldiers and 19 planes drop down by our forces and you will see what is the outcome of 2nd Russian-Georgian war for you. Isn't it enough?

VLADIMIR PUTIN is an international criminal and we should rais a claim against him.


Lor Wrote:SID you should go back a few pages and read what i posted about Russia's interests in this war. Read it and then we'll talk!It's a looooong post. Enjoy!Smile
SiD Wrote:Lor how can you compare Russians with nazi !!! Dont you know what price did we paid to defeat this monster?! War is BAD that is true but shuld Soviet Union leave Hitler alone?! Was support of population for war brainwashing? Should allies remain home and talk how bad Nazi Germany is?
Spoils of war for Georgia are obvius and i pointed them in previus topics, what is there for Russia? Tell me please. All i hear is that we attacked just becouse we are agressive and cant live without war with someone!

SID you should go back a few pages and read what i posted about Russia's interests in this war. Read it and then we'll talk!It's a looooong post. Enjoy!Smile

Enjoyed tree times but i saw no interests of Russia in this war. Do you think Russia will have stronger influence in Georgia after that?!
In western media things are looking like Russia supports separatists and invades small democratik country. How is Georgia blackened? EU and NATO could be viewed like protectors and defenders of freedom and international law. See McLains statments! Evryone is talking about Russian agression and not interrested to hear our side like you. By your logic everything Russian side tell or think is brainvashing and propoganda. Hear both sides please. In every conflict both sides have some foult, but you blame one side. why? you thing Medvedev is Bloodthitsty monster and saakashvili is saint?

could you please tell me where the video was?

everybody who is in tbilisi! have information that tbilisi will be under attack soon

The video is on the site: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> Unfortunately the web site is in Romanian but the video is NO COMMENT so you don't need to understand the language. Click on the news video that starts with "Presedintele Saakasvili..."

I DO look at both sides of the story! Right now i am in Odessa which, as you know has majority of its citizens Russians and i have Russian channels on my TV. My whole conclusions are based not only on media. They are based on the latest actions of Putin, on the previous conflicts that are very similar to this one and where Russia played the same role, on Chechnya, on Transnistria and on Ilie Ilashcu case. I guess you don't know who he is. And that's why i use the word brainwashing. The dirty things that Russia does are always hidden from the citizens.

"The United States and our allies should continue efforts to bring a resolution before the UN Security Council condemning Russian aggression, noting the withdrawal of Georgian troops from South Ossetia, and calling for an immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of Russian troops from Georgian territory. We should move ahead with the resolution despite Russian veto threats, and submit Russia to the court of world public opinion.

"NATO’s North Atlantic Council should convene in emergency session to demand a ceasefire and begin discussions on both the deployment of an international peacekeeping force to South Ossetia and the implications for NATO’s future relationship with Russia, a Partnership for Peace nation. NATO’s decision to withhold a Membership Action Plan for Georgia might have been viewed as a green light by Russia for its attacks on Georgia, and I urge the NATO allies to revisit the decision.

"The Secretary of State should begin high-level diplomacy, including visiting Europe, to establish a common Euro-Atlantic position aimed at ending the war and supporting the independence of Georgia. With the same aim, the U.S. should coordinate with our partners in Germany, France, and Britain, to seek an emergency meeting of the G-7 foreign ministers to discuss the current crisis. The visit of French President Sarkozy to Moscow this week is a welcome expression of transatlantic activism.

"Working with allied partners, the U.S. should immediately consult with the Ukrainian government and other concerned countries on steps to secure their continued independence. This is particularly important as a number of Russian Black Sea fleet vessels currently in Georgian territorial waters are stationed at Russia’s base in the Ukrainian Crimea.

well look at that, isnt it what i told you exactly? I hope Americans will choose Abama. So i am brainwashed isnt i?

everybody who is in tbilisi! have information that tbilisi will be under attack soon!!! out of the city

So king is naked...

Russian troops move deeply into the territory of Georgia, south from Tskhinvali. Now they occupied central highway near Gori thus control connection between East and West Georgia. Now they are reallocating their forces and plan to move east towards Tbilisi and west towards Kutaisi.

This is now moment of truth for all of us. Our troops will try to prevent their movement but this will be very hard to do as russia send all his forces to occupy Georgia.

So may be a week after all the Georgia wiil be occupide.

This plan was ellaborated by russian top military authorities many years ago. And now when whole world is watching Olympic Games, Putin decided to realize this plan.

So what will be the next. They plan to arrange things in Georgia as they like - divide country into parts and integrate into Russia.

But this is the only beginning. Next will be Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine, Moldova and finally baltic countries and Poland. Afterwards they move to the East Europe.

Excellent prospectives, isn't it?

Alright, this will be the last post from me here, because this topic is a way for many angry people to express emotions, not finding truth.

Imagine russian forces NOT entering Georgia. In first 24 hours there were 2000 civilians slaughtered. And how much would survive in the end without the counterattack from Russia? Do you understand, people, that before peacekeepers came there was slaughtered a whole town? And what would would happend in 3 days? In a week? It would be a fully completed genocide. Georgia would finally get its territory, all covered with bones and ashes.

So throw off the paranoia and look at things objectively: Georgia has made the first moves towards agression and has started a genocide, that , fortunately, was stoppped. My own subjective opinion: every government that supports Saakashvili's politics should be covered with shame. Right now, I am very ashamed with my own country, that supports Georgia with military forces. And I am very ashamed, that my country ignores deaths of more than 2000 civilians in South Osetia. Right now, I want to leave my fatherland, which has turned out to be pro-fascist.

God be with you, all that die at war now, and return home safely.

Tim Wrote:So king is naked...

Russian troops move deeply into the territory of Georgia, south from Tskhinvali. Now they occupied central highway near Gori thus control connection between East and West Georgia. Now they are reallocating their forces and plan to move east towards Tbilisi and west towards Kutaisi.

This is now moment of truth for all of us. Our troops will try to prevent their movement but this will be very hard to do as russia send all his forces to occupy Georgia.

So may be a week after all the Georgia wiil be occupide.

We will see. Medvedev told that main phase of operation is coming to conclusion, and military spokesman told that Russian army has not taken Gori. If they lie they cant hide it dont they? I just hope that it will be no Georgian reports about thier heroic defense of Gori and other places against " all Russian forces" who apperantly were made out of the air.

Tim Wrote:This plan was ellaborated by russian top military authorities many years ago. And now when whole world is watching Olympic Games, Putin decided to realize this plan.

So what will be the next. They plan to arrange things in Georgia as they like - divide country into parts and integrate into Russia.

But this is the only beginning. Next will be Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine, Moldova and finally baltic countries and Poland. Afterwards they move to the East Europe.

Excellent prospectives, isn't it?

I agree with you, it's a well planed attack. The news bulletins were showing that the Russian troops were trained till the last month in cooperation with air forces. This is a total aggression, and there should be no excuse for them. Shame on Putin!

Oh U Whant Respect now right? After Your Troops Separated georgia In 2? haaaaa AngryAngryAngryAngry i dont think that the people who think that russia is right in this conflict should be respected so dont ask for it and for the other ones who are thinking clearly i told TIM in Georgian:"Look the Slenderer ASKYOURSELF has returned"

if anybody wants to know why i think he's slenderer ASK ;(

we were oppressed by russia inh the past but we are still alive...Maybe I will Die But My Children Will see united strong GEORGIA.......AND REMEMBER EVERYONE WILL BE PUNISHED UP THERE FoR THEIR SINS :ange

New facts on South Ossetia genocide
11.08.2008 // 22:18

Notice: specially for English-speaking visitors - a word-for-word translation of the post previously published at

Georgians and their US-masters would never be forgiven for recent mass slaughter in South Ossetia. Brutal massacre of S. Ossetian civilians by Georgian army during the first days of military operation was nothing but an extreme point of man-hatred. A few examples of acts of genocide are given below.

The road from regional hub Znaur to the village of Dzhava is covered with corpses of S. Ossetian civilians - including women, elders and children. It’s still impossible to bury the dead as all moving objects in that area immediately come under fire of Georgian snipers and artillery.

Tkhsinval, August 8, 2008. According to eyewitnesses a group of S. Ossetian children was burnt alive inside two refugee’s minibuses which headed to Vladikavkaz.

The Khetagurovo massacre - another tragedy of Zharsk province. All young ladies of Khetagurovo village were kidnapped and driven away in unknown direction. Other villagers - men, women and elders were blocked in the building of local church and set on fire. Children were murdered separately. Georgians chopped children’s heads off in presence of their parents. Kidnapped girls have been raped and tortured, their genitals disfigured.

We want to believe that after all Saakashvili’s junta will face adeserved trial soon.

EDISAN Wrote:Dear friends! We are watching the Great Lie from Internet! The reality is that Saakashvili FIRST bombed Tskhinvali on the Day of the Olympian Games! Georgian soldiers SHOT Russian Peace-making armies, peaceful population FIRST and only AFTER this Russia moved army to prevent further destruction. Remember Kosovo, and the US position in that case!
If you understand the reality, that means your have a free mind.
P.S. Please, send this message to all your friends. Thank you!

Do I understand you correctly, that a country with 4 million people (Georgia) would start a conflict with a much bigger country like Russia?
And then, as somebody mentioned, that there are 50.000 Russians in South Ossetia and Russia was there to protect them. You’re kidding me, right? To destroy and invade an entire country in order to protect 50.000, ok that’s justice, thank you Russia. Wrote:Do I understand you correctly, that a country with 4 million people (Georgia) would start a conflict with a much bigger country like Russia?
And then, as somebody mentioned, that there are 50.000 Russians in South Ossetia and Russia was there to protect them. You’re kidding me, right? To destroy and invade an entire country in order to protect 50.000, ok that’s justice, thank you Russia.

No you dont. First off all it is Georgia invaded small South Osetia and compared wit South Osetia Georgia is quite big. They knew it will drow retalietion from Russia but they did anyway.
I am shoked you are saing that 50 000 people are not worth protecting !!! are you crazy? Should they fall victim to agenda of a sick Georgian criminal calling himself president?! Just becouse he is pro western governor?! Or becouse these people have Russian passports and have no human rights anymore?
And Georgia IS NOT DESTROYED. There is more panic than real demage.

I may add: shame on global organizations for not being able to protect the human rights in a moment it needs the most.

YES i forgot about ALEX...dear alex if i could i would beat you so hard that u wouldn't remember the name of your country(good for u my friend,cause it's shame to know that ur from the country which killed many childen in beslan chechnia and lot more ad now even in georgia) WHY? because the pics u posted insults my nation...i'm more conscious than you and will not post a pic i made yesterday u can give me ur email and i'll show u how to consult ;-) and about the "2000 murdered citizens of osetia" today EU said that it's not true, ofcourse people died and it was unavoidable and i really am sorry but they say that most of the citizens died when russia wiped out cxinvali SO don't talk about it anymore

S I D I Have An Impression That U Live On Another Planet Confusedhock: :oO U want to say that all countrys from EU are lieing and only russia is a worthy :oO WOoOW Confusedhock: oh and ur so clever i hope u have an answer for this question too why russian soldiers ocupied half of georgia? after that when georgia signed the document and stoped shooting ?

SiD Wrote: Wrote:Do I understand you correctly, that a country with 4 million people (Georgia) would start a conflict with a much bigger country like Russia?
And then, as somebody mentioned, that there are 50.000 Russians in South Ossetia and Russia was there to protect them. You’re kidding me, right? To destroy and invade an entire country in order to protect 50.000, ok that’s justice, thank you Russia.

No you dont. First off all it is Georgia invaded small South Osetia and compared wit South Osetia Georgia is quite big. They knew it will drow retalietion from Russia but they did anyway.
I am shoked you are saing that 50 000 people are not worth protecting !!! are you crazy? Should they fall victim to agenda of a sick Georgian criminal calling himself president?! Just becouse he is pro western governor?! Or becouse these people have Russian passports and have no human rights anymore?
And Georgia IS NOT DESTROYED. There is more panic than real demage.

You're missing the point. If Russia is protecting S. Ossetia, then it should stick to that region and protect those 50.000 people. but what are they doing, they are bombing universities, ports, and regions that are far away from the conflict zone. Civilians like you are dead now, or facing night raids of Russian planes in their flats.

Did Georgia attack any region on the Russian territory beyond the S. Ossetia, bombed Moscow, and destroyed hospitals?

Please switch to watch European news channels, to follow the true story, and you’ll see that the news on Russian channels is a disgrace.
back to USSR

Confuseduper grate words

KARL.IN.EU what protecting are u talking about they wiped out whole cxinvali and villages near them :banghead poor people those killers will be judged up there

tushimeomari Wrote:KARL.IN.EU what protecting are u talking about they wiped out whole cxinvali and villages near them :banghead poor people those killers will be judged up there

I was referring to the SID's comments, read above

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