Poll: Who strated the war in Ossetia: Georgia or Russia?
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Who started the war in S.Ossetia: Georgia or Russia?
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.inosmi.ru/stories/06/06/13/3482/243918.html">http://www.inosmi.ru/stories/06/06/13/3482/243918.html</a><!-- m -->
here is an interesting artille. There are some honest journalists in western countries

Ann from Russia Wrote:Giorgi, please give us the facts that Russia is going to invade Georgia again! Не будь голословным на этот счет! Наши войска уже давно выведены. Остались только миротворцы!

You can find some fact from history <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.svobodnaya-gruzia.com/politic/?p=65-66/01">http://www.svobodnaya-gruzia.com/politic/?p=65-66/01</a><!-- m -->
but 1801Russian invade to Georgia this is in all history book even from CCCP time.

миротворцы! and russian today it's funny. RUSSIAN ARE OCCUPANT

Eugene from Belarus Wrote:http://www.inosmi.ru/stories/06/06/13/3482/243918.html
here is an interesting artille. There are some honest journalists in western countries

Are you able to find negative info about georgia not in <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.ru">http://www.ru</a><!-- m --> or TV-ru

Eugene from Belarus Wrote:
Giorgi Wrote:
Eugene from Belarus Wrote:and one more detail. Russian peacemakers. the peecemaker as you know has only submachine gun. They are not suppose to fight. they must deter both sides by the fact of their presence. 3 of russian peacemakers who's post was near the georgian's one was killed from behind by georgian peacemakers. How about that? Other russian peacemakers were surrounded by georgian tanks and battered. It is the first time in the history when peacemakers were killed like that

No one knows exactly who was killed first but Russian are not able to be peacekeepers fact. Russian is part in this conflict from 1990s.
Georgia itself have given up mandate to russia to be peacemakers. More over (if you don't know): after Soveit Union have fallen to separate state, each state (according to existing legislation) had to lead referendum in it's autonomies on the following issue: whether such autonomi want to be independent or a part of new independent state. Georgia denied such right to S.Osetia, Abhazia and Adjaria. That was illegal. Autonomies didn't want to be part of Georgia). Instead of referendum, Georgian prezident Gamsahurdia send his tanks and killed a great number of civilians. that's why present conflict took place

About history will be useful fact who to occupation Georgia starting from 1801
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.svobodnaya-gruzia.com/politic/?p=65-66/01">http://www.svobodnaya-gruzia.com/politic/?p=65-66/01</a><!-- m -->

Please, exuse my bad english.
If you think that Russia started this war, that Russia is the agressor - so why are Bagapsh and Kokojti (presidents of South Osetia and Abhazia) are G-R-A-T-E-F-U-L? Why are they HAPPY that they now have got the independence? If Cosovo had it, so why cannot they?! Why there are THOUSANDS people dead in Tshinvali and NO PEOPLE DEAD in Gori, hmmm? WHY?

Georgians, do you still believe that Russia start the war???

Yeah! Georgians, exuse me, but you believe Saakashwilli, the man who let your sons die just for fright and harm Russia. I don't say that I TOTALLY support the Putin&Medvedev politics, but I think that now they're right. We take our care about fraternal nations.

RusNeko Wrote:Please, exuse my bad english.
If you think that Russia started this war, that Russia is the agressor - so why are Bagapsh and Kokojti (presidents of South Osetia and Abhazia) are G-R-A-T-E-F-U-L? Why are they HAPPY that they now have got the independence? If Cosovo had it, so why cannot they?! Why there are THOUSANDS people dead in Tshinvali and NO PEOPLE DEAD in Gori, hmmm? WHY?

you will find answer if you know how many DISPLACE PEOPLE are from Abhazia and South Osetia lets ask all of them are they heppy from russian occupation. Bagapsh and Kokojti of course are heppy they are crime under rusian umbrela

Giorgi: in order to answer you properly: what does it mean "displace" in english? I really ashamed for my english, but in school I cannot learn it better.
Giorgi, but there were ossetians, many ossetians killed by your army! It's dangerous to live with the neighbour that might kill you every second!!

RusNeko Wrote:Giorgi: in order to answer you properly: what does it mean "displace" in english? I really ashamed for my english, but in school I cannot learn it better.
Giorgi, but there were ossetians, many ossetians killed by your army! It's dangerous to live with the neighbour that might kill you every second!!

"displace" in english-to force people to move away from their home to another place oxford dictionary, irony is good but not always Russian killed georgian, what is moral to kill each othe. lets leave Russia from georgia and we will find way to live together with ossetians&abkasian like as previous 19s sentiry

Quote:Please, exuse my bad english.
If you think that Russia started this war, that Russia is the agressor - so why are Bagapsh and Kokojti (presidents of South Osetia and Abhazia) are G-R-A-T-E-F-U-L? Why are they HAPPY that they now have got the independence?

Just simply they are blind Smile

Quote:If Cosovo had it, so why cannot they?!

why not chechnya, Ingusheti and many other. Why you russians do not care about Tibet, this small country against China?

Quote:Why there are THOUSANDS people dead in Tshinvali and NO PEOPLE DEAD in Gori, hmmm? WHY?

I hope you do not have enough information and this position is not on purpose

Andres Wrote:Georgians, do you still believe that Russia start the war???
I hope you don`t already Smile

You're talking to yourself, this is getting worse. Go and see a doctor. :lol:

I don't think that's funny. He wrote to himself because georgians didn't answer, didn't tell us the truth. That's serious.

NEWS: Ossetia and Abhazia WILL NOT enter Russia! I think that there's nothing more to discuss in this question.

Quote:why not chechnya, Ingusheti and many other. Why you russians do not care about Tibet, this small country against China?

I know, Tibet is right. But that was not he good time to declare independence. Chechnya wants? Ingushetia wants? Okay, lets organize referendum there, like in other countries!

Quote:I hope you do not have enough information and this position is not on purpose

when europeans first saw Gori, georgians there were surprised when they were told that "someone attacked them". when europeans came to Tshkinvali, thay so that city was destroyed and many people were killed.

Quote:"displace" in english-to force people to move away from their home to another place oxford dictionary, irony is good but not always Russian killed georgian, what is moral to kill each othe. lets leave Russia from georgia and we will find way to live together with ossetians&abkasian like as previous 19s sentiry

I understood. There're only our peacekeepers in your country now. Giorgi, you are georgian, and I want to know your opinion: do your nation really want to live peacefully with ossetians and abkhazians? We don't want just blame you, we want to have a dialog with you!

Giorgi Wrote:
Eugene from Belarus Wrote:http://www.inosmi.ru/stories/06/06/13/3482/243918.html
here is an interesting artille. There are some honest journalists in western countries

Are you able to find negative info about georgia not in <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.ru">http://www.ru</a><!-- m --> or TV-ru
its the translation from western press

Eugene from Belarus Wrote:
Giorgi Wrote:
Eugene from Belarus Wrote:http://www.inosmi.ru/stories/06/06/13/3482/243918.html
here is an interesting artille. There are some honest journalists in western countries

Are you able to find negative info about georgia not in <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.ru">http://www.ru</a><!-- m --> or TV-ru
its the translation from western press

But officially Russian has difficulties with translation always like as six point agreement Smile

When the mass media will become more truthful, maybe we'll see them blaming NATO.

What I am interested in, is how you people manage to be sure about such things? I sthe rest of the world stupid?

The world is not stupid, it just doesn't know everything...

Quote:What I am interested in, is how you people manage to be sure about such things? I sthe rest of the world stupid?

the rest of the world is not stupid.My friend - there are many pieces of truth in the world. For westerners truth is - territorial integrity. And westerners does not mind, if for the sake of territorial integrity Saakashvily will kill some few thousand ossetians.
For Russian truth is - NATO expansion. And russians does not mind, if for the sake of holding NATO Putin will kill some few thousand georgians.
For Georgians truth is - get out of poverty pit. And Georgians does not mind, if for the sake of wealth Putin and Bush will kill some few thousand russians and americans.

For me truth is - all politics are pieces of bullshit. But from this political scrap I like more person, who is more frank and he is doing what he is sayng. Putin more truthfull, than irresponsible Saakashvily or doubleminded Bush.

Nobady is going to kill oseetians becouse inevery family they are relaties, brothers and so on.. the only one who has a killing machine in XXI century in Caucasus is Russia, trying to inslave this brave people and make sure the world its a super power over tis region !!! NO u are not russia, u are just one big ambitious country who is under the influance of marxism, komunism, imperialism,that's why R F still has the national anthem of soviet Union!! be sure my russian friends your Country and your super power will be damaged by Caucasian people soon, i can make you sure in this.. maybe this people can endure for some time but they will never surrender especilally when the world became known what's going on in this region, which was isolated from russian govt over the last decades,now everybady knows about the conflicts in this area and trust me even without the other countries help Caucasian people will damage russian empire of Putan very soon.. just they began awakening and imegine what they will do when they Stand up!!! Smile
Russia Today:
Imperialism 100 %
Nationalism 100 %
komunism 100%
Fascism 100 %
Free world and mind 100 %
slavery 100 %
brainwashing 100%
intoxication 100 % (thats why they don't judge the facts objectively)

democracy 0 %
tolerance 0%
loving smile 0% Smile

Quote:Nobady is going to kill oseetians becouse inevery family they are relaties, brothers and so on.. the only one who has a killing machine in XXI century in Caucasus is Russia, trying to inslave this brave people and make sure the world its a super power over tis region !!! NO u are not russia, u are just one big ambitious country who is under the influance of marxism, komunism, imperialism,that's why R F still has the national anthem of soviet Union!! be sure my russian friends your Country and your super power will be damaged by Caucasian people soon, i can make you sure in this.. maybe this people can endure for some time but they will never surrender especilally when the world became known what's going on in this region, which was isolated from russian govt over the last decades,now everybady knows about the conflicts in this area and trust me even without the other countries help Caucasian people will damage russian empire of Putan very soon.. just they began awakening and imegine what they will do when they Stand up!!!
Russia Today:
Imperialism 100 %
Nationalism 100 %
komunism 100%
Fascism 100 %
Free world and mind 100 %
slavery 100 %
brainwashing 100%
intoxication 100 % (thats why they don't judge the facts objectively)

democracy 0 %
tolerance 0%
loving smile 0%

dependency from USA 0%

r u sure about that??? i know u have too much money in usa banks and sometimes u use their weapon and other developed stuff Wink

Quote:r u sure about that??? i know u have too much money in usa banks and sometimes u use their weapon and other developed stuff

That is cooperation, not dependancy. Russia will never scream all over the world, if china will invade Russia. We will just fight. Not like Georgians. Guys were is your caucasian pride?

Karl.in.eu Wrote:What I am interested in, is how you people manage to be sure about such things? I sthe rest of the world stupid?


That is the question they never properly ask in Russia, never mind properly answering it.

I've spent quite a time with Russians discussing politics with real, normal-life, middle-class people.

They are amazingly easy to be hypnotised if the issue concenrns the topic "Russia vs Enemy"

An absolute majority of Common Russians are stuck with the theory of hidden world coalition against Russia, Whether its called by them Zionism, or Free-Masonry or any other hidden threat which is directed at Russia without no doubt.

You should have seen my round eyes, when I was told Saakashili is Jewish, and so is nearly every member of Georgian govenment, and they are leading Georgians, Russians fellow Orthodox Christians into a Zionist-Free-masonry Slavery! And the only hope Georgia apparetly has (and this is without realising it by ourselves) is Russia. And Russia WILL NOT LET US TO SUCh ZIONIST SLAVERY!

Therefore, as Russians are convinced there is a hidden agenda and hidden battle against them, they will, despite of EVIDENCES and FACTS continue defending Rulling Party of FSB, because... Its not about facts and logics, and common sense, its about That very hidden agenda!

Now, look at few of our co-users from Russia. how many times do we have to repeat, there are no evidences of 1000s of Killed Civilians. Yet we still read it repeatedly in our Russian users' posts.

Now, let's think about it a little. why would anyone continue to use such "bankrupt" argument? Why would you bring in something which you don't have any prooves of? Because, in their minds such people try to "save Georgia from Zionism" and no amount of lie and deceipt is too much for achieving such a noble target.

Now, you read those posts again and you will make sure, we converse with near-robot thinking here, and thus, they dont think the rest of the world is stupid, but they are sure the rest of the world is Enemy!
"Europe should switch to nuclear and use the old gas pipes as sewers. The destination should be the Kremlin." @ a reader at timesonline.co.uk

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