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Clarity. Simplisity. We all want to make things more easier to understand. But in reality we act against our natural desires. So what is really hapenning?

The answer is that the laod of emotions related to the solution of an issue, for some people, is ten thouthand times havier that the issue itself. This happens because we tend to approach the issues we face first and foremost emotionally. That's why almost any issue appears to be more complicated, confused, unclear than in reality. I will show you an example. Let's consider a man who doesn't know French language at all. What do you think that man feels when he hears the words "French language grammar"? But if that man is you ? What do you feel? Do you feel that you are emotionally overloaded?

I know a French language teacher, who doesn't use the word grammar at all. Why? Because he knows about this psychological factor: people tend to react first emotionally. And because all healthy people are emotionally rich, they overcomplicate things.

But how should we simplify things? Imagine "the French language grammar" as a big elephant. You can not swallow an elephant, can you? But you can eat an elephant one bite per day. You divide the elephant in ten thouthand small portions. Each portion is very small, clear to understant. Now you can eat one portion per day, figuratively speaking. What we just did was a rational approach to an issue. As a result everything became more clear and easier. Now, we may remain emotionally rich, but within the framework of each "bite". Next you pass to other "bite" in a rational way. You keep your emotions, nobody is going to take them from you, but in the framework of your next "bite".

In this case another emotional issue appears, at least for me. I don't like to spend a lot of time for learning something. I want to make it fast and efficient. So, if I divide the French grammar (or the elephant) in small pieces, should I expect to learn it fast? I guess no.
“Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it.”
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terry, you must spend time if you wanna learn something good. This means quality, of course unless you are not a reckless person.

That is why time is invaluable, you can't get it back and it is important in every aspect of our lives.

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