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EU1 Wrote:I see no link between the situation in Chechenya and S. Ossetia. Did Ossetians attacked georgian territories, wanted to occupy georgian lands, killed civilians, captured people for selling on slaves markets? They did not. Ossetians only wanted to live in peace.
"I see no link between the situation in Chechenya and S. Ossetia." only russian killing someone
"Did Ossetians attacked georgian territories" note Ossetians was and will be part of Georgia as 20s century unfortunatly for Rusian empire
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From tomorrow i will support Georgia from jusat give some time and I will answer you SiD, still I do not bagree with you, it is logical
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Giorgi Wrote:EU1 Wrote:I see no link between the situation in Chechenya and S. Ossetia. Did Ossetians attacked georgian territories, wanted to occupy georgian lands, killed civilians, captured people for selling on slaves markets? They did not. Ossetians only wanted to live in peace.
"I see no link between the situation in Chechenya and S. Ossetia." only russian killing someone
"Did Ossetians attacked georgian territories" note Ossetians was and will be part of Georgia as 20s century unfortunatly for Rusian empire
I would not like to disappoint you but it has become independent and in my opinion it will join North Ossetia in future
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Ossetia people are a little confused to me. First they wanted to be separated from Georgia. Then they wanted to be declared as an independent country, and Russia did so. Then it wants to join the North Ossetia. Don't you have something else to do besides this? ...Like building a great economy and improve your life standards?
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Quote:Ossetia people are a little confused to me. First they wanted to be separated from Georgia. Then they wanted to be declared as an independent country, and Russia did so. Then it wants to join the North Ossetia. Don't you have something else to do besides this? ...Like building a great economy and improve your life standards?
O, Men!They just striving for life...
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100 000 ethnic ossetians live all around Georgia, only 50 000 in S. Ossetia, most of tham are mixed with interrmarriges. so how do u think what this people really wants is peace, and if there was no third long nosed bestareds interfere everything would be fine. ossetians already guessed that Kokoity is just as stupid as other politicians in Russia and believe me they really want to be with georgians. you can remember such a proverb : ''accustomed plague is better then new death coming" ! ( xo magra vtargmne ha  )...
Russians i want to advise you friendly, don't even try to protect your own RED govt. just calm down, rest a little, open your lovely blue eyes and rationalize whats really going on, or if u can't do it becouse u don't have brain at all, the one thing you can do: GO AND DRINK SOME VODKA, it will help you much...
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Quote:Russians i want to advise you friendly, don't even try to protect your own RED govt. just calm down, rest a little, open your lovely blue eyes and rationalize whats really going on, or if u can't do it becouse u don't have brain at all, the one thing you can do: GO AND DRINK SOME VODKA, it will help you much...
That is funny! Did you tried stand up comedian?
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No Comment !! i'm not brainwashed anyway
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Quote:No Comment !! i'm not brainwashed anyway
Sure! No doubt! There nothing to wash, anyway
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that's true my dear nothing except brain.. but what really confuses me and thinks me deep is WHY ALL POST SOVIET COUNTRIES RUN AWAY RAPIDLY FROM YOU? if russia is so atractive, kind and lovely why everybady trys to get out from your still soviet govt influance? tell me why why why why they don't want to be with russia and even now don't try to get close and improve relationship???
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Quote:that's true my dear nothing except brain.. but what really confuses me and thinks me deep is WHY ALL POST SOVIET COUNTRIES RUN AWAY RAPIDLY FROM YOU? if russia is so atractive, kind and lovely why everybady trys to get out from your still soviet govt influance? tell me why why why why they don't want to be with russia and even now don't try to get close and improve relationship???
I will tell you, my friend.They run away not because we became ugly,evil and unlovely, but because Russia became weak. Soon ALL POST SOVIET COUNTRIES will find out, that west is not so much atractive, kind and lovely. And after that they will find balance beetwen west and Russia.
Actually, we dont try to be atractive, kind and lovely. In Asia this qualitys are useless. Asians like only power. And that what we have for sure.
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thats not an agrument ! they could stay and help russia to become stronger, but they didn't becouse they knew what russian did last decadas in their countries, that was the reason why post soviet countries tried to get free from Ussr adn they did it, first they made her weaker and then left it all alone.
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Quote:thats not an agrument ! they could stay and help russia to become stronger, but they didn't becouse they knew what russian did last decadas in their countries, that was the reason why post soviet countries tried to get free from Ussr adn they did it, first they made her weaker and then left it all alone.
Actually, russia do not need any help.We get weaker in 90-s because of internal struggles.But now we getting stronger, dont we?
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russian999 Wrote:Quote:thats not an agrument ! they could stay and help russia to become stronger, but they didn't becouse they knew what russian did last decadas in their countries, that was the reason why post soviet countries tried to get free from Ussr adn they did it, first they made her weaker and then left it all alone.
Actually, russia do not need any help.We get weaker in 90-s because of internal struggles.But now we getting stronger, dont we?
Are you sure?... I am not...
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Cmon. Do we need to be lovely to others or to defend our interests? We can defend our interests and that is what important. If we look not good to others its not so much important.
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Quote:by lashachochua on Yesterday, 18:55
russian999 wrote:
thats not an agrument ! they could stay and help russia to become stronger, but they didn't becouse they knew what russian did last decadas in their countries, that was the reason why post soviet countries tried to get free from Ussr adn they did it, first they made her weaker and then left it all alone.
Actually, russia do not need any help.We get weaker in 90-s because of internal struggles.But now we getting stronger, dont we?
Are you sure?... I am not...
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If you not sure - you can invade South Ossetia one more time and look for yourself
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your evil interests will dedicate your own country and takes it to the end!!! that's where russia is going today _in hell !! i advise u to be uot of it..
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Quote:your evil interests will dedicate your own country and takes it to the end!!! that's where russia is going today _in hell !!
Well, Do you know this truth :" What for Russian is paradise - that for germans is hell". If we are going to hell of totalitarism - that for as just paradise. For such huge, immoral and atheistic country like RussiA totalitarism IS JUST GOOD. We will be much stronger. I doubt, that we will be more aTTRACTIVE - but stronger for sure.
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Any totalitarian regime ends awfully, in that regimes people become zombies,so u admit that u are the slave of Kremlin! Russia was living in toltalitarians regime since Stalin adnis very hard to take them to democracy and civilization! but what PutaN did its a new strategy of people enslavement: Give as much alcohol as they can!! it will be better to fight agains ALCOHOLISM IN RUSSIA then to little countries: like georgia, chechnya and so on !!
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Tamsa Wrote:Any totalitarian regime ends awfully, in that regimes people become zombies,so u admit that u are the slave of Kremlin! Russia was living in toltalitarians regime since Stalin adnis very hard to take them to democracy and civilization! but what PutaN did its a new strategy of people enslavement: Give as much alcohol as they can!! it will be better to fight agains ALCOHOLISM IN RUSSIA then to little countries: like georgia, chechnya and so on !! what do you smoke? Can you send me some? )))
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I am sure Russia indeed has problems with alcohol. But, should not we forget that Europe, along with USA, has much bigger problems in the matter of drugs. What is more dangerous for you and your children - alcohol or drugs?
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I really want to ask a question. I many not be fallowing the link of thoughts here and it may not be appropriate topic to post it, but hope you wont mind :-)
If we imagine for a second that Georgians suddenly decide to change their president, do you think that it will make any difference for Russia- Georgia relations and how they feel about this conflict? Or, if we go even further and imagine that both countries elected new presidents far different from what they have right now, what do you think will happen?
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Quote:I really want to ask a question. I many not be fallowing the link of thoughts here and it may not be appropriate topic to post it, but hope you wont mind
If we imagine for a second that Georgians suddenly decide to change their president, do you think that it will make any difference for Russia- Georgia relations and how they feel about this conflict? Or, if we go even further and imagine that both countries elected new presidents far different from what they have right now, what do you think will happen?
I think that things will go diffrently, if presidents will change. But, not because off personality, but because behind each presidents are diffrent powers.
I want to offer my opinion about russia-georgia crisis.
Russians dont like democracy not because they are evil people, but simply because they tried this once and that turns very badly for Russia. In Russia democracy is a simbol of chaos and absence of law.
I think, that if Georgia was bulding real democracy - Russia will be only in respect to Georgia. But Georgia in bulding democracy went same way, as Russia - irresponsibility and absence of order. And now Russia scary of Georgia, because of her unpredictability. And, you know, if you are affreid of somebody - best way to protect yourself is attack.
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We all have troubles USA,EU,RF, and so Russia have alot of ways. 1) Become a new Empire ( such as USSR, or like the first Russian Empire)/. So we will have to make a total control for our society and add our former republics. And to stay alone with only enemies cose all friends are inside. ISOLATION. 2) to create a new Asia confediration with Iran, OACS (ОДКБ) and if we were lucky with SOC (ШОС) whole Asia in the alliance with us. SEMI-ISOLATION 3) To find the way to be a part of EU under the control from USA, or may be we can push out USA and become a true Europe with Germany, France, Spain, ect. So I know only one thing, if we will not join to anyone, the entire Earth will be distroyed, but the side which accept Russia will rule the World. One by one, no one can be winner.
The best political regime for the nation is a regime which was saved this nation like an entire one. (M. Montein)
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Once upon time there was Ivan IV Grozny (terrible_ 1533-1584), his favorite game in childhood was: gathering little cats, taking them up to the highest floor in his tower (14th) and then throwing and dropping them on the ground one by one ! after this he was walking down and watching this picture with plesure, this was an every day tradition in Ivans early life! Some time passed and in modern world was born new Ivan called Putan, who's favorite game became also killing, torturing with plesure, the diffrence is one : he likes to do this on man, as cat life is more important to him then human being!!!