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USA economy is down: is it the next economic depression?
Hi everybody!

Did you see what is going on in USA? It seems that their economy is falling apart, people are going for their deposits, and large companies broke down.

Are we witnessing the next economic depression, 'cause some say that this bankruptcy is going to reach Europe soon... :oops:

It can't leave Europe alone. You see, the dollar has penetrated so deeply in the world economy, that when crisis happens in USA, a crisis happens allover the world. The first country that will suffer is UK, due to its close relations with America.
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Britain is already entering a recession, due to both our own "credit crunch" and the crisis in the US. It has been reported that Germany will enter a recession next month. I imagine most of Europe will follow?

The USA crisis is something that affects everything on its way. That is due to the fact that USA is an indeed strong world player. Its economy is (at least used to be) so strong, that it could easily afford buying a little country, or maybe even an average one, like Hungary. Consequently, when it lives a crisis, the entire world (let's say at least a half of it) is in the same situation.
Experts call this negative effect happening around the world as being a "domino effect". For those who don't know exactly what domino is, just take a look at the picture below and will understand everything: if one of those counters fall, they will bring down all of them, one by one.
[Image: domino-effect-b.jpg]

The same situation is the USA's one. World markets are so soundly stuck to America, that they are even interested in helping and supporting US for pulling it out from the crisis.

Actually, I don't really understand why, but the dollar on the world market is now appreciating. Thus, (on September 30, 20:52 CET) 1GBP makes 1.77 USD and 1EUR makes 1.40 USD. These figures are really scaring me out. Why? Well simply because about one month ago (or more) 1 GBP was 1.89 USD and 1EUR was 1.55 USD.

Andrewz Wrote:World markets are so soundly stuck to America, that they are even interested in helping and supporting US for pulling it out from the crisis.

This is because US banks and other forms of capital management institutions where so deep buried with all the debts that consumers were facing towards them, that they started to take credits from other national banks to cover their balance. But what did really happen was that those initial credits where passed from one bank to another, or from the US branch of a bank to the EU branches. When these circuit was fully loaded and liquidity was running slow, those financial institutions began to beg for help the EU resident banks, and therefore the crisis is now all over the Europe, including Russia.
Therefore in my opinion the one that are to be blamed are the big players that leveraged too much their capital, by financing local, smaller US banks, with the hope to catch larger profits.

As a conclusion the US banks that filed for bunkruptcy are only the Head of this virus, and the most important qeustion is now where it is its end?

Andrewz Wrote:Actually, I don't really understand why, but the dollar on the world market is now appreciating. Thus, (on September 30, 20:52 CET) 1GBP makes 1.77 USD and 1EUR makes 1.40 USD. These figures are really scaring me out. Why? Well simply because about one month ago (or more) 1 GBP was 1.89 USD and 1EUR was 1.55 USD.

Of course the dollar will keep appreciating. Why? Well not because of the powerful US economy, but bcause of the demand of CASH.

Cash is now in high demand. Just take for example Goldman Sachs, they requested a license of a Commercial bank, that will allow them to take deposits from regular people, and then pass those money into their investment models.

And, not to forget the golden rule: in time of crisis Cash is King, investors/market players stop borrowing and drop risky investments.

Watch :ENDGAME -a movie by ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement :fi
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clearman Wrote:Watch :ENDGAME -a movie by ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement :fi
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With all the respect, but there are a lot of movies like that made and spread all over the world wide web. And most of them or maybe all were made by combining a lot of film tapes, both old and new, and not by presenting a well balanced scenario. This means that one sentence from a whole speech, analyzed solely can make a different meaning than the one its author was aiming to expose initially.

Zeitgeist is a similar movie along with 9/11 Fahrenheit. The point is that there are certain things said in these movies, the veracity of which can not be checked physically. So we can't really trust to every word.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

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Actually the US economy seems to be more stable than the European one. However I think it won't last too long. The Bush administration is now maintaining artificially the dollar by issuing securities.
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Actually, if Obama wins, America's entire burden will pass to his administration. Since he doesn't support Bush's initiatives, I guess the securities will stop being issued.
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Since the Dow Jones falling like a rock recently, I think it's much proper to change the name "Dow Jones" to "Down Jones" in this moment lol

Moscow suffered mostly from on its exchange stock. Its two bourses was suspended until next Tuesday after stocks went down around 14 percent.
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

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Man you guys haven't a clue whats going on in America. First their is no one running to the banks pulling savings out . Pure lie.

I have stayed silent but now its time. Lets lay some facts on you people.

The problem is the federal reserve. Which is A private organization . Run by the most corrupt people on earth . But there is only One main man . I will get to that later. Fredrick the great did more for europe than you will every understand. After world war I what fredrick changed and bound was released. The Empire he brought up high was completely and wiped from the face of the earth . Why haven't you people ever questioned this? Fools. All the world problems can be traced to one family. That which was let loose after prussia was destroyed. Prussia contained the dragon for many years. Until the gun shot heard around the World .

You people know who the great seerer was . Ya should he was one of you. Didn't he fortell of the 3 anti- Christ ? 2 have come and gone one remains .1). The tiny whinny general who thought he could Leader of the France. THe murder of jews and gypsies. The retarded leader of germany. Who wasit that stopped these anti christ. Russia you say . How about that . The Russians are the good guys . We americans are seeing this more clearly all the time. In part thanks to the false charges brought against Intel. Intel didn't stop AMD . AMD stopped AMD. All most All americans know. AMD couldn't sell any more CPUs because they didn't have the Fab capacity. To sell more . We Americans know this. AMD was selling as fast as they could make them . As for now AMD hasn't got a good product to compet with LOL. So we all kmow the charges are false and were pissed about it.

Now that we see Russia isn't the bad guys . WHO is? 2 EU leaders so far France / Germany. Whats the odds the third is EU . I would say 100% Since the great seerer as much as says so. First lets talk about what Prussia bound and changed and was freed .With prussias fall.

You might know the name the pigs family goes by the name of RATHSCHILD OR ROTHSCHILD. Either spelling is correct. Bunch of inbreeders.

For you who don't know Rath, as an alternative spelling of Rat, a German advisory or ruling council,

This pig is the federal reserve. Millions of Americans know this also . People have said americams have quit buying stuff . Maybe. But what is being hidden unless ya look is gun sells. Since the Fed destroyed our economy Gun sell have gone crazy . The Fed has to go . After we get the Fed. Were coming to get the Stolen American Gold That RATS child has. Sure America is going to have another cival war. But this time the government looses. Slavery was a hard Issue so it divided us. But this is a no brainer for most Americans.

The EU sets their smug thinking America will fight the next war with her. Not going to happen . Were going to be on Russias side this time . We aren't stupid . The caspian sea oil .1/3 the oil gas reseves of the world. America can't fight a war without oil. So we griddy Americans Are going to go with who controls the oil . To bad for the EU don't let door hit ta in the rear on the way out. You know whats so cool about AMERICA. Its her crops. We have so much food its almost silly. Oil might drive tanks but food drives the men in the tanks . To bad so sad.

I have read many EU peoples believies America is the great Harlot in the Revolations. Sorry description doesn't hold. America doesn;t adorn herself in the ROYAL color of Purple . Who does I wonder? When the angle throws the Rock into the ocean and said this is how the Harlot shall be destoyed . I can only hope. The 2 witnesses revolations talks of The one in America has already pronounced the First woe onto You. So lok for some really Good stuff happening soon. I can't wait. You might ask how it is good . Thats easy its GODS will. Europe has No real natural reources to speak of . Very little Oil. Who do ya think will strike first?. Thats right the same bastards that started the last to world wars. This time NO America to help . Were going to set it out till towards very end. Were going to play dead like the french did in WWII. The french resistance what A joke and shameful . The Brits are threw raping the world there power is broken . I dom't think that will break many Irish hearts. So in closing I wish you bastards the worst of times . You so richly have earned it. RATS CHILD you are exposed. So this is what you pricks call freedom . You read my post befor it was posted . Should have known

Bobatty, what are you talking about... can you be more specific? there is a lot of anger in your message and nothing is clear... why you are so mad?

Yeah, a lot of anger. You apparently are "checking it". Who needs your history from medieval times. The crisis has nothing to do with "3 anti- Christ" you mentioned :twisted:
You definitely were treated bad in your childhood.
I should tell you it is true that a big share of Americans withdraw their savings from banks. It concerns not only Americans, but Europeans as well.
Just inform yourself, and be more "positive"
“Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it.”
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