11-05-2008, 11:30 AM
Independent Prep School
Start Sept 08
An oversubscribed independent preparatory school in Central London requires a suitably qualified History teacher from September. Experience teaching to KS3 and Common Entrance level is essential There is scope in this outstanding school for professional advancement and a strong possibility that the successful candidate would be offered the additional responsibility of Common Entrance Coordinator.
Please send your CV to <!-- e --><a href="mailto:jeremy.muir@connaughteducation.com">jeremy.muir@connaughteducation.com</a><!-- e --> or call 02072997760 to discuss an intermediate interview.
London: History teacher independent school start sept 08
Phone: 020 7299 7774
Independent Prep School
Start Sept 08
An oversubscribed independent preparatory school in Central London requires a suitably qualified History teacher from September. Experience teaching to KS3 and Common Entrance level is essential There is scope in this outstanding school for professional advancement and a strong possibility that the successful candidate would be offered the additional responsibility of Common Entrance Coordinator.
Please send your CV to <!-- e --><a href="mailto:jeremy.muir@connaughteducation.com">jeremy.muir@connaughteducation.com</a><!-- e --> or call 02072997760 to discuss an intermediate interview.
London: History teacher independent school start sept 08
Phone: 020 7299 7774