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Is it dangerous that Iran enriches uranium?
Maybe US is wrong, maybe it uses it on scientific purposes and not for building nuclear weapons. What do you think?
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Germany said the international community must push for a faster response from Iran over its nuclear programme, while Washington said a new UN report suggested Tehran wanted to acquire nuclear weapons. So I think it's dangerous
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It's dangerous only because of the fact that it provokes USA for unleashing a new war!

You're not right Peter, so what if they enrich uranium? It's their personal business. Nobody should interfere, and America is not an exception.
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Iran definitely has some hidden purposes that it enriches uranium. Remember that first it said it enriched uranium for scientific purposes, and after that they denied they generally enrich uranium.
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If anybody or any government is concerned about dangers they should first push for removing nuclear bombs and bomb making in Isreal and Pakistan who already have nuclear bombs ready to use. That is where sanctions should be targetted. This will certainly be the strongest basis to encourage Iran to stop uranium enrichment. Uranium enrichment in Iran has not even passed 5% level which is far from nuclear weopon. But the way US is conducting sooner or later all middle east countries will be equipped with nuclear weapons.

So you wanna say that, in order Iran to build a nuclear weapon, it has 95% of the work left? Wow. Which is the next country for the USA which builds nuclear weapon? UAE? Smile
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Actually, I don't understand how could America happened not to have conflicts with the UAE. That's strange.

Enriching Uranium is not a dangerous act, not at all; but when it's enriched in Iran -I mean under authority of Islamic govt of Iran- well "non-Muslim" people should think about it twice...

I'm from Iran and I know what kind of Islam is running in Iran. In this kind of Islam, every non-Muslim man, woman and child is a "2nd handed human being" or sometimes less. The "Holy Quran" have some verses that allows Muslims to "eliminate non-Muslim" wherever they can be found...

Quote:Fight against those People of the Book who have no faith in God or the Day of Judgment, who do not consider unlawful what God and His Messenger have made unlawful, and who do not believe in the true religion, until they humbly pay tax with their own hands. (9:29)(Al Tawba - verse 29)
"People of the book" are Christians and Jewish people; and there are so many "unlawful" things you do in you countries according to Islam.

There are so many nasty things about Islam to tell, but I think what I wrote is enough to feel the danger of a powerful nuclear Islamic govt in Iran. The N-Islamic govt can simply plow Israel in a glance of an eye. There may be some fight-backs; but there will be no Israel by then. Add some "pepper sauce" to this boiling soup for the Palestinian tensions between Israel and Iran; you'll get good results.

As a Persian, I believe my country must develop High-Tech facilities and technologies like "Uranium Enrichment" and I even want Iran to have the N-Bomb, but not this govt, not an imprudent president like Mahmoud AhmadiNejad.

Quote:Fight against those People of the Book who have no faith in God or the Day of Judgment, who do not consider unlawful what God and His Messenger have made unlawful, and who do not believe in the true religion, until they humbly pay tax with their own hands. (9:29)(Al Tawba - verse 29)
do you back these words? I mean as I understood from your saying, you realize that the Islamic religion is a little bit dangerous for all the world
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Steven Wrote:
Quote:Fight against those People of the Book who have no faith in God or the Day of Judgment, who do not consider unlawful what God and His Messenger have made unlawful, and who do not believe in the true religion, until they humbly pay tax with their own hands. (9:29)(Al Tawba - verse 29)
do you back these words? I mean as I understood from your saying, you realize that the Islamic religion is a little bit dangerous for all the world

I don't back no religion and I'm sure religions are dangerous and all the same when it comes to radicalism and fundamentalism... and amongst all religions, Islam ad Jewish religions are the most dangerous ones...

What I quoted in my previous post, is a direct quote from the Quran (Muslims' book). Fortunately most of Muslim people do not understand it, simply because it's written in Arabic and It's generally asked (even in the book) to read it an Arabic ('cause God love it that way) and not everybody understands Arabic; they just try to read it in Fluent Arabic and the meaning is well (I DON'T KNOW) to them.

With above said and some verses in the Quran indicating "The one who does not act completely in Islamic and Quran manners, is out of Islam", I believe most of Muslim people (1.2billion) are not Muslims! They just think they are!

Some Muslims who understand the Arabic written in Quran and try to act as it says are very familiar. People like Taliban and "Bin Laden" in Afghanistan and the followers of a branch of Islam called "VAHABI" or "VAHHABI" in Saudi Arabia, are truly acting as Quran says. These people are known as "Fundamentalist Muslim" and are really dangerous to the world. They've created their own wrapper around the Quran teachings and are using the wrapper to make the world, ISLAMIC...

The real danger comes from "The Holy Quran" mixed with a "Radical Fundamentalism"...

I had some chances to watch the Iran leader speaking, and I may say that if they truly have uranium, then proper measures should be taken. And I really hope that it won’t be another war episode similar to the Iraq scenario. Also I’d like to mention that if Iran and other countries are forced to ease their military forces, then all the countries should do the same. I can’t understand USA’s policy. They are shouting all over the globe about dangerous weapons, but USA, itself is expanding its antimissile radars/rockets all over the place. Creating tensions with Russia and other political and military powers is not the way to go for a democratic country. :-(

People of the Islam world must understand that we respect their religion and tradition, but as long as terrorist will have their basis in the Islam religion; there will always be a fear of those countries. Why can’t we just live in peace with each other?

who said we can't? WE CAN! It's just that there are few world players that play not quite fair and request more than they should
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we will never live in peace, as different religions means different worlds. There has never been normal understanding between these two worlds.
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"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

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Terry Wrote:we will never live in peace, as different religions means different worlds. There has never been normal understanding between these two worlds.

Relegion is always a peacefull and spiriual phenomenon it can't lead to war

Hakan G Wrote:
Terry Wrote:we will never live in peace, as different religions means different worlds. There has never been normal understanding between these two worlds.

Relegion is always a peacefull and spiriual phenomenon it can't lead to war

Then Islam is not a religion! 'cause it DOES lead to war...

The issue with Iran's uranium has nothing to do with religion. Maybe Iran even wants to be in the world's center of attention, maybe it's just a script for provoking the USA revealing its true face.
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I think that it is dangerous for all the countries around the world, for everybody because I think they say one thing but do something else, something that will bring benefit for they. I Think it is possible that it could use it for nuclear weapons, and if so then there is a great problem for everybody.

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