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Lack of self-confidence
It usually happens that lack of self-confidence interferes our goals and makes it difficult to achieve them. In business, personal life, education and public activity confident people are more successful than those who don't believe in their power.

Here are some ways to develop confidence inside yourself:

1. The clothes you wear influence your mood essentially. And if you pay enough attention to your dressing, you can change yourself inside. Don't take this advice as buying the most expensive things in stores. It' would be more rationally to buy less and more qualitative.

2. Walk fast
Your speed of walking characterizes you in person. If your weak in confidence, increase your walking speed. One who walks slowly shows to others his indecision and fear.

3. Choose an advertising for yourself
Imagine you're a product that needs advertising. Find your strong traits that others don't have. When a bad moment comes, remember about your best qualities. It will give you confidence and will avoid desperation.

4. Thank the life
Remember more often the best moments in your life. Just think how many opportunities the fate offers you.

5. Make complements
When you make complements, you receive pleasure yourself. Don't be shy to outpoint the new car, jeans, house bought by your friends/relatives.

6. Sit in the first row.
Many want to stay in the back rows (at classes, theater, presentations etc.). This is determined by the inside fear of being noticed. Fight this feeling and try to be in the center of attention.

7. Make speeches
There is no better recipe for advancing your confidence than making public speeches. Don't avoid them if you have the opportunity. Always be a volunteer and take the word during presentations, meetings etc. Become a member of an oratorical club.
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I've really noticed that walking faster adds some confidence inside me. I think this happens because when one hastens, his mind doesn't have enough time for fuss, so it does everything automatically.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

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Helen, you probably forgot the eightth most important rule - to follow all these rules together. Or at least choose one that would become your leading trait. For example, you may not have money for good dress, instead you can stay in first rows and prove everybody that you don't care about your clothes, you are confident Confuseduper

Being confident doesn't necessarily means you must be lacked of fears. Fearing of something is normal, but confidence means when you do something, this fear must be hidden, so that nobody notices this.
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Helen, for me self-confidence is something different from what you described above.
For me, self-confidence is the belief that I can handle difficult situation or achieve difficult goals.
So in my opinion to build such belief one must practice in achieving goals and handling situations.
With this experience true self-confidence comes.
I think that clothes are too superficial to really affect self-confidence in all situations. May be when you date someone it helps a bit because nice clothes are suitable for this specific situation Smile but when you have to solve a real problem skills and knowledge are important not clothes.

well yes. Like in any subject, there are different kinds of something. The same matter is with confidence. I think Helen mostly regarded confidence against others. It's great, because after achieving confidence in public, you begin achieving confidence for yourself (that's what you are talking about, Admin)
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

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If I have moments when I feel myself uncertain, unconfident I need urgently a redress. You know what I do? I approach the most beautiful girl I see around me and start talking to her. After this, confidence appears like never before.
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Good tips buddy, theses are the little and simple things but they convey the attitude ad self confidence of a person towards a life,reading good literature be it fiction or non fiction, listening to music and meditation are the other useful ways to build up the confidence level.


I think these are great points to attaining confidence. If i could just add what i think others may have touched on that is doing something that you like doing, something that your passionate about. Generally doing activities that your good at, i.e identifying your skills and how to apply them into activities that you like, generally great things result. As an outcome to achieving and accomplishing things you are good at and like, self confidnce builds up. A great subject, anyone interested in reading more about this. Martin Seligman in his book titled "Authentic Happiness" talks about people having certain signature strengths. If we identfiy and apply our signature strengths i believe great things can happen not just self confidence but also postive emotions and personal growth.



Thanks for the advice M.Helen I have certainly suffered from a lack of self confidence at certain times in my life. I am a lot better now since I spent time developing my own motivational techniques which include being aware of my self confidence.
I also think eating the right food has a lot to do with it because I find if I eat healthy it has a really positive effect on me.

Hi Helen,

I must admit that there are times that I lack of self confidence. On dressing up -it doesn’t mean you need to spend a lot on clothes. after all, clothes don’t make the man. For me self confidence has something to do with how much you value yourself or how much you feel you're "worthy" or how assured you feel in a new or challenging situation.

If you're feeling intimidated or freaked out and you're not sure you can succeed, your self-confidence could use a bit of a boost. Self confidence is just trusting about yourself.

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