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Religious sects – fight them!
Steven Wrote:that's their point Terry. They want to expand their religion. I think, regardless of what religion we are believing in, we should take something from each religion. We can't classify them, saying "Oh, this is a good religion/sect, that is a bad one".

I should disagree. Religion is not a joke invented by yourself. There are common rules. For example, if you have your religion, you have no place to go for praying. I mean places like churches.

Several weeks ago one beautiful girl came to my friend, she was from Jehovah's Witnesses cult, she tried to turn him in their faith. He said-"You are so beautiful why we cannot spend some time together to taste a root of sin?". She said that he would burn in fire. He answered-" Is it a fire of love?" What a pity, they have to be a pair, very nice girl she was. :haha
The best political regime for the nation is a regime which was saved this nation like an entire one. (M. Montein)

Newrussian town Wrote:Several weeks ago one beautiful girl came to my friend, she was from Jehovah's Witnesses cult, she tried to turn him in their faith. He said-"You are so beautiful why we cannot spend some time together to taste a root of sin?". She said that he would burn in fire. He answered-" Is it a fire of love?" What a pity, they have to be a pair, very nice girl she was. :haha

yes, this is a big trick. They use young, charming girls for attracting men. It's a big trap, so be careful not to be caught. That was quite stupid from her part to say that he "would burn in fire", how otherwise people can get acquainted if not naturally? Smile

Religious sects are very dangerous for people and their psychological state. Sects members are deprived of personality and act according to what they are being said. Say this because I am a former member of a sect, thank to God I left it, and now I live my own live...

Verb Wrote:Tell me what to do with modern protestants - baptists etc? Should we kill them or what? I cant stand them.

I have a close baptist friend, i like him alone, but when we are with somebody else, he doesn't feel himself good in such company and i feel he differents from others :deg

We cannot stop anyone from following what they want to follow, be it a sect or a religion. But what we can do is educate them about the various options that are available. This is very crucial and what will help the youth (or anyone) make the right choice. Many of us only tend to educate them about the options we think are right. But once the youth senses our biased approach, they might loose trust and might arrogantly choose an option opposite to what we want. So it's important that we educate them about all the options and I am sure today's youth are wise enough to differenciate right from wrong and choose the right path.
All that glitters is gold

Newrussian town Wrote:Several weeks ago one beautiful girl came to my friend, she was from Jehovah's Witnesses cult, she tried to turn him in their faith. He said-"You are so beautiful why we cannot spend some time together to taste a root of sin?". She said that he would burn in fire. He answered-" Is it a fire of love?" What a pity, they have to be a pair, very nice girl she was. :haha

She must not have been very well educated in what the Jehovah's Witnesses truely teach then because, they do not believe that one burns in fire as many Christian religions believe. They believe that the word 'fire' as in "everlasting fire" (Matthew 18:8; 25:41) in the so called "New Testament" is simply symbolic of death and destruction and not a literal fire. Also note that Isaiah 33:14 refers to it as a "DEVOURING fire" as in being DESTROYED OR DEVOURED by fire. Compare this to "everlasting DESTRUCTION" (2 Tessalonians 1:9) which is in reference to the "second DEATH" (Revelation 2:11; 20:6; 21:8) spoken about in the sybolical book of Revelation and not LIFE forever in fire as many Christian religions erroneously teach. Note also that "death AND HELL" is also thrown into this symbolical "Lake of Fire" spoken of in Revelation (Revelation 20:14). This simply symbolizes that there will be no more death and "hell" in Father Yahweh's future Kingdom. The Scriptures were conveyed in most part parabolically (illustratively). This is why the Messiah was said to speak in parables or illustrations (Matt. 13:34). The Jehovah's Witnesses believe as I do that in most cases in many so called "Holy Bible" translations that the word 'hell' is simply in reference to the common grave which is a translation of the Greek word 'hades' and is equivelent to the Hebrew word 'sheol'. Both of these foreign words are simply in reference to the common grave.

If you are interested in more scholarly indepth information on the word translated as 'hell' in many so called "Holy Bible" translations, please see my web site at:

OH HEll!

Newrussian town Wrote:Several weeks ago one beautiful girl came to my friend, she was from Jehovah's Witnesses cult, she tried to turn him in their faith. He said-"You are so beautiful why we cannot spend some time together to taste a root of sin?". She said that he would burn in fire. He answered-" Is it a fire of love?" What a pity, they have to be a pair, very nice girl she was. :haha

lol .. your friend was good Big Grin
All that glitters is gold

FreeThinker Wrote:We cannot stop anyone from following what they want to follow, be it a sect or a religion. But what we can do is educate them about the various options that are available. So it's important that we educate them about all the options and I am sure today's youth are wise enough to differenciate right from wrong and choose the right path.

Yes they can and make a difference but not as it should. Most mistakes are made when you are young so that the results still need advice and help. But religion is grown in mind and soul of childhood. A mature man is hard to influence. he already has formed his beliefs. but still can be influenced when it is deadlocked, when not know what to do more in life, when almost lost hope. And then someone points him to his side!

More than the followers :ange , the preachers :livre are sometimes quite annoying :banghead
All that glitters is gold

hellodear Wrote:I have a close baptist friend, i like him alone, but when we are with somebody else, he doesn't feel himself good in such company and i feel he differents from others :deg

why? always talking about their religion and have stupid and incomprehensible ideas? or always trying to attract someone in their sect? I think a man who truly believes he is not trying to convince that their religion is the best time and do not blame anyone for not believing in a God. Each is entitled to choice and free to express, but no one has the right to judge someone.

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