valentine akishkin Wrote:Valentine Akishkin
Russian entrepreneur
Bolstered by the Bush administration... Two coloured revolutions in Georgia and the Ukraine have brought nothing but confusion. Bush’s spate to expand NATO by including these two subversive handcrafted “democracies” was premeditated as an instrument to vie “resurgent” Russia...Blocking Russia gas supplies, crucial to Europe, found pardon in the “transatlantic agenda” .... Ukraine’s blocking gas supplies to Europe is only a consequence of today’s toothless European policy ...stipulating that support to any regime be offered as long as it opposes Russia. What better way would there be to contend Russia other than surrounding it with a military block or by showing how vulnerable its gas supplies were. The US plan of finding an alternative route for gas to Europe is scoring points supported by the Ukraine’s disrupting gas supplies to Europe. Immediate Ukrainian interests fall in unison to US long term aspirations and explain how Yushenko ... dares to harass both Russia and the EU. ... the expansion of NATO or the installation of US anti rocket systems in Europe will not disgruntle “resurgent” Russia as it will at length backfire on Europe itself. ... The EU must understand that the time has come to put serious doubt on the Cold War reflexes that constitute today’s transatlantic agenda.
This posting is difficult to understand. The point, if there is a point, seems to be that Ms. Akishkin believes that the current gas crisis was actually created by the United States. Did the U.S. instruct Russia to shut of the gas to Europe? Was there anything to prevent Russia from leaving the gas on and refusing to pay transit costs? Was there any good reason to reduce and then shut the gas off without first discussing it with the Europeans? Did it make sense for Russia to give up an income of billion of dollars and risk losing billions more for damages because Ukraine was allegedly stealing a few millions? Did it make sense for Russia not to resume full shipments when independent monitors were there to witness if any gas were stolen ? The answer to all of these questions is clearly no which leaves the question: Is Putin also working for the U.S? If not, then these were all Russian decisions. Cutting off the gas to millions of people in the middle of winter has given new meaning to the expression Cold war and underscrorces the reason why so many ex-soviet nations have and want to join the EU and NATO. What is done is done. Leave the finger pointing until later. People are freezing now and the question is, what is Russia going to do about it?
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valentine akishkin Wrote:Valentine Akishkin
Russian entrepreneur
TIME TO AWAKE FROM TRANSATLANTIC ILLUSIONS Dear Valentine Akishkin, Russian entrepreneur! It would be grate if you will highlight you opinion… mooore easy, and may be, I repeat – may be, we will have possibility to understand what did you want to tell us.
Because your replay seems like extract from very-very scientific encyclopedia :banghead
Let's assume that you are a supplier and have a client that has nothing good to say about you, but nevertheless pretends a 50% sales discount. Would you sell to that client? Russia has been generous to the extreme in subsidising a government who is an enemy in word and action. Russia has an obligation to the Ukrainian people, but the Ukrainian people also have an obligation to choose intelligent leaders! Each people has the government it deserves! Officially the dispute is about price! So let the "friends" of Ukraine pick up Ukraine's tab. EU and USA, show your friendship, and pay the price!
With imperial greetings,
Today UN Security Council accepted and approved a Ukrainian Prosident's Request to change its country's name from Ukraina (means "Suburb place or Okraina" in Russian) to Ukradina ( means "thieved" in Russian).
Hi. Really I don't know what means to be a TAJIK, but you've hurted my feelings of to be a Ukrainian: Ukraine doesn't mean Suburb in ukrainian language. It's just consonant to that russian word and was spred by USSR and Rossia to degrade Ukraine.
Be discreet even if you are 100% sure - all the same you can be mistaken.
Now it's hard & interesting & scare to live in Ukraine - the way to modern democratic country is not easy.
Also there are no evidence of stealing that gas.
If Rossia have evidence why not to solve this problem in a court?
So I think & hope my country is innocent in this case. :roll:
Valentine Akishkin
You should not take it so personally, I am in business my self, every one that is involved in gas is. If i knew how to get rid of all my competitors I would regardless who or where he comes from, I would not try to kill them.
When you are in business you squeeze who you can, to get a bigger market share. If you don't like it or cant take it then you don't get involved. Everyone is trying to make money including Russia. From my understanding of the situation, I cannot see what you are getting mad about. Customers are always looking for discounts, its business. Ukraine has made a mistake, how they or you deal with it comes down to what kind of managers you both are. If I had anything to do with this, I would not support either one, Putin and Yoschenko would be sacked for turning off the Gas and stopping my business from making money, they are not plumbers. The fight I don't need the Gas and dollars I do. You only get or have respect when you have money. The democracy thing is a waist of time. Capitalist country's are now nationalizing everything, they are all socialist now including the US, there is nothing country's on your borders can convert to that you haven't seen before, they were trying to kill you for this in the cold war. There is no right or wrong way to run a country, we just think their is. Build more pipelines where it is needed and make money.
The NATO group thing, that is different, they will kill you.
Dear Not sector Gaza:
It too cold in much of Europe to appreciate the absurdity of the Russian bears dancing. The tears are frozen and so it the smile. Right now, what I would really like is a Bear skin blanket to keep me warm.[/quote]
All your difficulties were painted by Putin.
Have you heard about his great painting: all Rossias's famous people are asked to make a painting. He painted a window in ukrainian house (hata) covered with frosten pattern. What this mean? It was made at the end of year 2008?
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Gas wars are on also here: russiavsukraine. info. Russia is on the lead
Mrs. Timoshenko has just bargained a 20% discount to what all other European countries pay for gas. The lady has scored her foremost and primary goal in the gas crisis as now there is no need to guess who will become the next Ukrainian president. For this lady the crisis was nothing other than the beginning of her election campaign for future presidency.
Nevertheless, Ukraine’s liability to pay remains highly questionable. No political or economical mechanism has been contrived should the Ukraine wield its ‘privilege” to block gas supplies in the future. Given its distressing financial situation engraved by the world financial crisis, the next blockage crisis is just around the corner. Regretfully, the EU had nothing to say in the matter and will remain hostage to extremely deplorable and unmanageable consequences. Bearing in mind the way Mrs. Timoshenko handles things, she will not be a remedy to Europe’s energy problems.
Consequently, I see the gleam in the eyes of US policy makers. Mrs. Timoshenko as next president will keep her hands tight on the throats of Europe and Russia making the reliability of Russia gas supplies to Europe vulnerable, and dependable on the upshots of the political situation in the Ukraine, which is far from being stable.
Valentine Akishkin (Russia)
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So, today Ukraine get gas prices. 470$ - 20%. What was for all this theatere of absurd? For 370$ ?
valentine akishkin
Mrs. Timoshenko has just bargained a 20% discount to what all other European countries pay for gas. The lady has scored her foremost and primary goal in the gas crisis as now there is no need to guess who will become the next Ukrainian president. For this lady the crisis was nothing other than the beginning of her election campaign for future presidency.
Nevertheless, Ukraine’s liability to pay remains highly questionable. No political or economical mechanism has been contrived should the Ukraine wield its ‘privilege” to block gas supplies in the future. Given its distressing financial situation engraved by the world financial crisis, the next blockage crisis is just around the corner. Regretfully, the EU had nothing to say in the matter and will remain hostage to extremely deplorable and unmanageable consequences. Bearing in mind the way Mrs. Timoshenko handles things, she will not be a remedy to Europe’s energy problems.
Consequently, I see the gleam in the eyes of US policy makers. Mrs. Timoshenko as next president will keep her hands tight on the throats of Europe and Russia making the reliability of Russia gas supplies to Europe vulnerable, and dependable on the upshots of the political situation in the Ukraine, which is far from being stable.
For your notice: the wife of the president of the Ukraine is a former employee of the US Department of State and citizen of the USA – Kathy Clare (now Catharine Chumachenko). She has a very influential hand in managing things on behave of the US in the Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Until very recently, following serious criticism from inside the country, she took Ukrainian citizenship. She is a very influential “housewife” in managing Ukrainian matters. She coordinated flows on behalf of US sponsors while organizing the “orange” revolution in the Ukraine that put her husband to power.
How about the wife of Obama working in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, would that make you feel comfortable?
Yushenko would never have dared go so far in blocking gas to Europe had he not been backed up by US policy brewers. He is the president because he was sponsored through to presidency by US greenbacks. You don’t bite the hand of your master, do you?
Valentine Akishkin
For your notice: the wife of the president of the Ukraine is a former employee of the US Department of State and citizen of the USA – Kathy Clare (now Catharine Chumachenko). She has a very influential hand in managing things on behave of the US in the Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Until very recently, following serious criticism from inside the country, she took Ukrainian citizenship. She is a very influential “housewife” in managing Ukrainian matters. She coordinated flows on behalf of US sponsors while organizing the “orange” revolution in the Ukraine that put her husband to power.
How about the wife of Obama working in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, would that make you feel comfortable?
Yushenko would never have dared go so far in blocking gas to Europe had he not been backed up by US policy brewers. He is the president because he was sponsored through to presidency by US greenbacks. You don’t bite the hand of your master, do you?
Valentine Akishkin
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At the moment EU expressed dissatisfaction about results of Moscow yesterday gas Punch-and-Judy show - the transit of gas is still not restored. Kremlin states is may be restored at Monday so there is chance for Europe to stay alive.
This is how the deal between Ukraine and Russia arranged is… Ukraine and Russia accept overall European formula of gas price creation. This means correlation with oil price and stock indication with 3-5 months of lag. The price is set for every quarter.
That’s smart because price for gas goes down rapidly so in second half of year it will be two times less.
This will be implemented in 2010. Meanwhile in 2009 Ukraine will get 20% of discount for market level for every quarter and instead Russia will save preferential rate of transit like it was in 2008.
The certain numbers are not published yet since the formula is flexible and needs additional calculations.
I just briefly read the topic.
The main reason, for those guys who blame Russia, is that Russia uses its resources to dictate and so on.
But.. do you guys know this?
Europe dependence on Russia's gas is 25%
And 80% Russia's gas goes through Ukraine.
Interesting, Isn't it? Who is a monopolist?
Leonid, Russia
We have right to choose any President our people wish,that fact that the President of Ukraine is Yushenko means will of UKRAINIAN People and Ukrainian people had to faith for that during Orange Revolution for that right to choose OUR will,not anybody's else We start to choose the President who RUSSIA would LIKE<THE NEXT STEP is that Europe WIIL do that too
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Guest Wrote:For your notice: the wife of the president of the Ukraine is a former employee of the US Department of State and citizen of the USA – Kathy Clare (now Catharine Chumachenko).
Sensation! The Russian Bear who tries to intimidate Europe with gas pipe is afraid… of nice and smart American ladies.
NATO should immediately use them as new invincible super weapon. Let’s order few thousands American ladies from Connecticut and put them on the Western border of Russia. They make step forward, Russians make step back. Soon ladies will reach the shores of Pacific Ocean and Russians will sink.
And if they are afraid of American girls so what’s about American guys?
American guys and girls, attention! You are wanted for this forum.
one-more guest
In my opinion Leonid correctly pointed out who is responsible (or irresponsible) for the lack of gas in SOME parts of Europe.
I would like to point out one more thing -- the coutries getting gas not through Ukraine transit have been supplied with it. But traditionally friendly for us countries suffered the first.
Secondly,there is technological question:when they cut off the gas on the 1st of January ukrainian"Naftogas"was waiting for two hours,sending our own gas to Europe,and when the position of "Gasprom"becomes clear,they made the operation so called"revers"which means that they turned our gas sistem from transit to provide gas for our own needs for all ukraine:from east to west and they need to turn all pressure on the opposite way in order the our own gasfrom our own storages(becouse we have own gas here too,in the time ag Soviet Union Ukraine was the sourse of all gas,before they find it in Siberia and it becomes less in here and ,also we were prepared to this war and saved the gas Soviet Union Ukraine was the sourse of all gas for it,before they find it in Siberia and it becomes less in here and , and we saved the gas for which we had paid to russia untill the last month of 2008 )when Russia sent some amount of gas for europe on 7th of january,it is simply not possible to turn gas transport sistem for transit again with that pressure,and to put this sistem to "avers"instead of "revers",it is necessary that all sistem would return to ordinary prosidure for to satisfy transit and a the same time to work for inner needs for ukraine too.
in this situation Ukrainian Goverment had to choose beetwen Ukrainian people or to sacrifice them in the name of any country of Europe,the same as any country of europe woudn't sicrifice their own people for sake of ukraine
Third position is that Ukraine owns it transit gas sistem and not going to give it to own someone else.So this comes to explanation why there is "information war"and lies they say against ukraine,the same as gas war of "Gasprom" and Russia,and our President don't even respond for what they say without any single provement becouse He is busy with actions.
by the way,He has right to choose his own wife too
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Max Wrote:Guest Wrote:For your notice: the wife of the president of the Ukraine is a former employee of the US Department of State and citizen of the USA – Kathy Clare (now Catharine Chumachenko).
Sensation! The Russian Bear who tries to intimidate Europe with gas pipe is afraid… of nice and smart American ladies.
NATO should immediately use them as new invincible super weapon. Let’s order few thousands American ladies from Connecticut and put them on the Western border of Russia. They make step forward, Russians make step back. Soon ladies will reach the shores of Pacific Ocean and Russians will sink.
And if they are afraid of American girls so what’s about American guys?
American guys and girls, attention! You are wanted for this forum.
It is pity for Ukraine, that she is very dependent on foreign power.And it is pity, that ukrainians boastful of that dependancy. Just look at the destiny of all foreign puppets - they all was damped by there people and by foreign masters. USSR is very demonstrative example.
Valentine Akishkin
Do wives of Russian politics drive them?
The wife of Ukrainian President has to love Him(the reason of changing her citizienship )and 3(!) little children she has to manage besides Ukrainian politic matters  ....
Do You forget about freedom and love to human at all?
FIRST FACTt is that Ukraine doesn't have any business contract with Europe about gas,we have contract with russia about transit of russian gas from the border of russia to the border of European Union,and all of it was delivered in full measure which Europe paid to russia and Europe didn't make complains about that
the reason why Russia cutted off the gas to Ukraine on the 1st of January was that there were no agreement beetwen"Gasprom"and ukrainian"Naftogas" for the gas for ukraine on 30th of december .becouse Russia started to deny previous agreement about the price for next three years and on 30th "Gasprom"put new price of 420 dollars for barel of gas,which Ukraine refused to sign becouse it is highest price in europe at the time when the price for transit remans the same.The reason why "Gasprom"hAD RIGHT TO CUT OFF the gas for European union which has deal with "Gasprom"is still unanswered.the same there is no answer why they blame Ukraine
Russan"Gasprom"has a Goal for monopoly for gas in all Europe ,and Ukraine stands on its way,and as far as they capture it,they will have power on europe more and more,this is why they take risk to loose millions with each day and 18 countries of europe are without heat
We have right to choose any President our people wish,that fact that the President of Ukraine is Yushenko means will of UKRAINIAN People and Ukrainian people had to faith for that during Orange Revolution for that right to choose OUR will,not anybody's else We start to choose the President who RUSSIA would LIKE<THE NEXT STEP is that Europe WIIL do that too.
Secondly,there is technological question:when they cut off the gas on the 1st of January ukrainian"Naftogas"was waiting for two hours,sending our own gas to Europe,and when the position of "Gasprom"becomes clear,they made the operation so called"revers"which means that they turned our gas sistem from transit to provide gas for our own needs for all ukraine:from east to west and they need to turn all pressure on the opposite way in order the our own gasfrom our own storages(becouse we have own gas here too,in the time ag Soviet Union Ukraine was the sourse of all gas,before they find it in Siberia and it becomes less in here and ,also we were prepared to this war and saved the gas Soviet Union Ukraine was the sourse of all gas for it,before they find it in Siberia and it becomes less in here and , and we saved the gas for which we had paid to russia untill the last month of 2008 )when Russia sent some amount of gas for europe on 7th of january,it is simply not possible to turn gas transport sistem for transit again with that pressure,and to put this sistem to "avers"instead of "revers",it is necessary that all sistem would return to ordinary prosidure for to satisfy transit and a the same time to work for inner needs for ukraine too.
in this situation Ukrainian Goverment had to choose beetwen Ukrainian people or to sacrifice them in the name of any country of Europe,the same as any country of europe woudn't sicrifice their own people for sake of ukraine
Third position is that Ukraine owns it transit gas sistem and not going to give it to own someone else.So this comes to explanation why there is "information war"and lies they say against ukraine,the same as gas war of "Gasprom" and Russia,and our President don't even respond for what they say without any single provement becouse He is busy with actions.
Reply for Russian notice:
For your notice: the wife of the president of the Ukraine is a former employee of the US Department of State and citizen of the USA – Kathy Clare (now Catharine Chumachenko). She has a very influential hand in managing things on behave of the US in the Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Until very recently, following serious criticism from inside the country, she took Ukrainian citizenship. She is a very influential “housewife” in managing Ukrainian matters. She coordinated flows on behalf of US sponsors while organizing the “orange” revolution in the Ukraine that put her husband to power.
How about the wife of Obama working in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, would that make you feel comfortable?
Yushenko would never have dared go so far in blocking gas to Europe had he not been backed up by US policy brewers. He is the president because he was sponsored through to presidency by US greenbacks. You don’t bite the hand of your master, do you?
Valentine Akishkin
Valentine Akishkin
Do wives of Russian politics drive them?
The wife of Ukrainian President has to love Him(the reason of changing her citizienship )and 3(!) little children she has to manage besides Ukrainian politic matters ....
Do You forget about freedom and love to human at all???Or
Do You Know ONLY Your Master’s hand?
FIRST FACTt is that Ukraine doesn't have any business contract with Europe about gas,we have contract with russia about transit of russian gas from the border of russia to the border of European Union,and all of it was delivered in full measure which Europe paid to russia and Europe didn't make complains about that
the reason why Russia cutted off the gas to Ukraine on the 1st of January was that there were no agreement beetwen"Gasprom"and ukrainian"Naftogas" for the gas for ukraine on 30th of december .becouse Russia started to deny previous agreement about the price for next three years and on 30th "Gasprom"put new price of 420 dollars for barel of gas,which Ukraine refused to sign becouse it is highest price in europe at the time when the price for transit remans the same.The reason why "Gasprom"hAD RIGHT TO CUT OFF the gas for European union which has deal with "Gasprom"is still unanswered.the same there is no answer why they blame Ukraine
Russan"Gasprom"has a Goal for monopoly for gas in all Europe ,and Ukraine stands on its way,and as far as they capture it,they will have power on europe more and more,this is why they take risk to loose millions with each day and 18 countries of europe are without heat
We have right to choose any President our people wish,that fact that the President of Ukraine is Yushenko means will of UKRAINIAN People and Ukrainian people had to faith for that during Orange Revolution for that right to choose OUR will,not anybody's else We start to choose the President who RUSSIA would LIKE<THE NEXT STEP is that Europe WIIL do that too.
Secondly,there is technological question:when they cut off the gas on the 1st of January ukrainian"Naftogas"was waiting for two hours,sending our own gas to Europe,and when the position of "Gasprom"becomes clear,they made the operation so called"revers"which means that they turned our gas sistem from transit to provide gas for our own needs for all ukraine:from east to west and they need to turn all pressure on the opposite way in order the our own gasfrom our own storages(becouse we have own gas here too,in the time ag Soviet Union Ukraine was the sourse of all gas,before they find it in Siberia and it becomes less in here and ,also we were prepared to this war and saved the gas Soviet Union Ukraine was the sourse of all gas for it,before they find it in Siberia and it becomes less in here and , and we saved the gas for which we had paid to russia untill the last month of 2008 )when Russia sent some amount of gas for europe on 7th of january,it is simply not possible to turn gas transport sistem for transit again with that pressure,and to put this sistem to "avers"instead of "revers",it is necessary that all sistem would return to ordinary prosidure for to satisfy transit and a the same time to work for inner needs for ukraine too.
in this situation Ukrainian Goverment had to choose beetwen Ukrainian people or to sacrifice them in the name of any country of Europe,the same as any country of europe woudn't sicrifice their own people for sake of ukraine
Third position is that Ukraine owns it transit gas sistem and not going to give it to own someone else.So this comes to explanation why there is "information war"and lies they say against ukraine,the same as gas war of "Gasprom" and Russia,and our President don't even respond for what they say without any single provement becouse He is busy with actions.
Reply for Russian notice:
For your notice: the wife of the president of the Ukraine is a former employee of the US Department of State and citizen of the USA – Kathy Clare (now Catharine Chumachenko). She has a very influential hand in managing things on behave of the US in the Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Until very recently, following serious criticism from inside the country, she took Ukrainian citizenship. She is a very influential “housewife” in managing Ukrainian matters. She coordinated flows on behalf of US sponsors while organizing the “orange” revolution in the Ukraine that put her husband to power.
How about the wife of Obama working in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, would that make you feel comfortable?
Yushenko would never have dared go so far in blocking gas to Europe had he not been backed up by US policy brewers. He is the president because he was sponsored through to presidency by US greenbacks. You don’t bite the hand of your master, do you?
Valentine Akishkin
Valentine Akishkin
Do wives of Russian politics drive them?
The wife of Ukrainian President has to love Him(the reason of changing her citizienship )and 3(!) little children she has to manage besides Ukrainian politic matters ....
Do You forget about freedom and love to human at all???Or
Do You Know ONLY Your Master’s hand?
Please remember about love to human before human's ambitions discussing Ukraine-Russia gas war
i think that russia blames ukraine while russia didn't fullfilled obligations to ukraine is rejected in those words:
"At the tea ceremony: We see evil in others because we know evil through our own behavior. We never pardon those who wound us because we feel that we would never be pardoned. We tell others the painful truth because we want to hide it from ourselves. We take refuge in pride so that no-one can see how fragile we are. That is why, whenever you are judging your brother, bear in mind that it is you who are on trial. (Okakura Kakuso, The Book of Tea, 1904)
FIRST FACTt is that Ukraine doesn't have any business contract with Europe about gas,we have contract with russia about transit of russian gas from the border of russia to the border of European Union,and all of it was delivered in full measure which Europe paid to russia and Europe didn't make complains about that
the reason why Russia cutted off the gas to Ukraine on the 1st of January was that there were no agreement beetwen"Gasprom"and ukrainian"Naftogas" for the gas for ukraine on 30th of december .becouse Russia started to deny previous agreement about the price for next three years and on 30th "Gasprom"put new price of 420 dollars for barel of gas,which Ukraine refused to sign becouse it is highest price in europe at the time when the price for transit remans the same.The reason why "Gasprom"HAD RIGHT TO CUT OFF the gas for European union which has deal with "Gasprom"is still unanswered.the same there is no answer why they blame Ukraine
Russan"Gasprom"has a Goal for monopoly for gas in all Europe ,and Ukraine stands on its way,and as far as they capture it,they will have power on europe more and more,this is why they take risk to loose millions with each day and 18 countries of europe are without heat
We have right to choose any President our people wish,that fact that the President of Ukraine is Yushenko means will of UKRAINIAN People and Ukrainian people had to faith for that during Orange Revolution for that right to choose OUR will,not anybody's else We start to choose the President who RUSSIA would LIKE<THE NEXT STEP is that Europe WIIL do that too.
Secondly,there is technological question:when they cut off the gas on the 1st of January ukrainian"Naftogas"was waiting for two hours,sending our own gas to Europe,and when the position of "Gasprom"becomes clear,they made the operation so called"revers"which means that they turned our gas sistem from transit to provide gas for our own needs for all ukraine:from east to west and they need to turn all pressure on the opposite way in order the our own gasfrom our own storages,when Russia sent some amount of gas for europe on 7th of january,it is simply not possible to turn gas transport sistem for transit again with that pressure,and to put this sistem to "avers"instead of "revers",it is necessary that all sistem would return to ordinary prosidure for to satisfy transit and a the same time to work for inner needs for ukraine too.
in this situation Ukrainian Goverment had to choose beetwen Ukrainian people or to sacrifice them in the name of any country of Europe,the same as any country of europe woudn't sicrifice their own people for sake of ukraine
Third position is that Ukraine owns it transit gas sistem and not going to give it to own someone else.So this comes to explanation why there is "information war"and lies they say against ukraine,the same as gas war of "Gasprom" and Russia,and our President don't even respond for what they say without any single provement becouse He is busy with actions.
Reply for Russian notice:
For your notice: the wife of the president of the Ukraine is a former employee of the US Department of State and citizen of the USA – Kathy Clare (now Catharine Chumachenko). She has a very influential hand in managing things on behave of the US in the Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Until very recently, following serious criticism from inside the country, she took Ukrainian citizenship. She is a very influential “housewife” in managing Ukrainian matters. She coordinated flows on behalf of US sponsors while organizing the “orange” revolution in the Ukraine that put her husband to power.
How about the wife of Obama working in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, would that make you feel comfortable?
Yushenko would never have dared go so far in blocking gas to Europe had he not been backed up by US policy brewers. He is the president because he was sponsored through to presidency by US greenbacks. You don’t bite the hand of your master, do you?
Valentine Akishkin
Valentine Akishkin
Do wives of Russian politics drive them?
The wife of Ukrainian President has to love Him(the reason of changing her citizienship )and 3(!) little children she has to manage besides Ukrainian politic matters ....
Do You forget about freedom and love to human at all???Or
Do You Know ONLY Your Master’s hand?
i think that russia blames ukraine while russia didn't fullfilled obligations to ukraine is rejected in those words:
"We see evil in others because we know evil through our own behavior. We never pardon those who wound us because we feel that we would never be pardoned. We tell others the painful truth because we want to hide it from ourselves. We take refuge in pride so that no-one can see how fragile we are. That is why, whenever you are judging your brother, bear in mind that it is you who are on trial. (Okakura Kakuso, The Book of Tea, 1904)
spinoza in the zhopa
Listen, from 6 January Gazprom started to decrease gas transportation through Ukraine. And 7 Jan. Russia closed up all pipelines. Specialists from Ukrainian "Naftogaz" tried to connect up with Russian counterparts. But they where inaccessible. In addition Gazprom didn’t sign deal with Ukraine for transportation gas to Europe In 2009 year. It is all were done by Russian company because Gazprom don’t have enough gas and Kremlin trying to establish control under Ukrainian pipeline, to discredit Ukraine as reliable gas transporter and to create political chaos in Ukraine for displacement west-orientated president V.Uschenko.
About monopolist
Greece depends on Russian gas at 90%
Serbia – 85%
Slovakia – almost 100%
Hungary - 60%
Czech Republic – 80%
Bulgaria – almost 100%
In context Russia's desire to launch North Stream and South Stream. And to become so-owner (or owner) of Ukrainian gas-transport system… It will be like scaled attack on Europe
Gazprom slogan: We are not monopolist we only aspire to this aim :ange