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Saakashvili is a drivelling idiot!
It is common knowledge that current Georgian authorities have had to cut down state financing of all spheres of our life greatly because of recent war in South Ossetia (where damage to this country has amounted to $3 billion!). And certainly now, in conditions of heavy financial crisis, our people will not see promised increase in pensions and benefits or advancing national program of job creation, because the main problem of Georgians remains growing unemployment now!
And just in these difficult conditions, when this country is next door to financial and political default, our current authorities have decided to hold an international (!) music show, which should be an alternative to “Eurovision-2009” in Moscow. What stuff!
Saakashvili is a drivelling idiot! If he has received spare cash from his Western sponsors, it would be better to spend their money to his people’s needs instead of making them fly, wouldn’t it?

The Main Probelms of Georgians is the Annexation of their country and expelling of vast number fo refugees by Russian Military Forces.

Unemplyment is not even close to that.

But you may not know it, as you seem to be so far from being a georgian... Smile

Oh yeaa!!! The Georgia is a paradise place for livening. It was before war and after war for sure. So have a trip to Sochi and ask the Georgians, who trade with their fruits on a market how their relatives live in you holy democracy, ask the Abkhazians what is Russia for them? Ask Ossetians in the North Ossetia who save their relatives in a South from this Sakashvilly beasts. Only the sniper can save Georgia.
The best political regime for the nation is a regime which was saved this nation like an entire one. (M. Montein)

Will someone please get a professional to watch his TV interviews, the facial expressions and eye movements.

Looks like there’s a lot of erratic behavior, when that man decides to be pro-active.

And this lunacy seems transmittable, with these Nato war games now in Georgia.

Saakashvili is an idiot. But unfortunately this quality is a usual attribute for every human being. A posteriori.
Every passing hour brings the Solar System forty-three thousand miles closer to Globular Cluster M13 in Hercules - and still there are some misfits who insist that there is no such thing as progress.

I think that Kutsnetsov is a Russian name. For western people seems to be similar with Kalashnikov. :haha
Yes, maybe, the Georgian president is a nationalist (like other great leaders from Georgia-tzar Alexander, Stalin) but he's big balls against liliputin :lol: and he's not an idiot like Medvedev.
P.S. I'm not from Georgia. :banghead and I'm sure that USSR kaput, daragie tovarisci! :evil

Quote:I think that Kutsnetsov is a Russian name. For western people seems to be similar with Kalashnikov.
Yes, maybe, the Georgian president is a nationalist (like other great leaders from Georgia-tzar Alexander, Stalin) but he's big balls against liliputin and he's not an idiot like Medvedev.
P.S. I'm not from Georgia. and I'm sure that USSR kaput, daragie tovarisci!

I'm not from Russia as well, though I'm Russian (you won't understand this). Anyway I think the world is too small to be devided into great variety of nations. Also belonging (or not) to this or that nation doesn't influence a certain man idiotism as his feature of the chracter. I mean Saakashvili.
What is more is that to be a nationalist is not so bad. E. g., Charles de Gaulle, the president of France, was a nationalist to some extand. At least he was at the begining of his presidential career. Nonetheless, he made Algeria independent, left NATO and made friends with USSR. Though actually 'tis the only case I know when nationalism did not awoke some vile intensions.

P.S. Whether USSR is dead or not it does not make Saakashvili a wise man. See?.. And "kaput" is not a Russian word. Though - whatever.
Every passing hour brings the Solar System forty-three thousand miles closer to Globular Cluster M13 in Hercules - and still there are some misfits who insist that there is no such thing as progress.

Kusnetsov Wrote:
Quote:I think that Kutsnetsov is a Russian name. For western people seems to be similar with Kalashnikov.
Yes, maybe, the Georgian president is a nationalist (like other great leaders from Georgia-tzar Alexander, Stalin) but he's big balls against liliputin and he's not an idiot like Medvedev.
P.S. I'm not from Georgia. and I'm sure that USSR kaput, daragie tovarisci!

I'm not from Russia as well, though I'm Russian (you won't understand this). Anyway I think the world is too small to be devided into great variety of nations. Also belonging (or not) to this or that nation doesn't influence a certain man idiotism as his feature of the chracter. I mean Saakashvili.
What is more is that to be a nationalist is not so bad. E. g., Charles de Gaulle, the president of France, was a nationalist to some extand. At least he was at the begining of his presidential career. Nonetheless, he made Algeria independent, left NATO and made friends with USSR. Though actually 'tis the only case I know when nationalism did not awoke some vile intensions.

P.S. Whether USSR is dead or not it does not make Saakashvili a wise man. See?.. And "kaput" is not a Russian word. Though - whatever.

hey Kuznecov/ kalashnikov.
Saakashvilli is smart enough that Russians coul'd not take control of Georgia.

Ps: you seem to enjoy calling poeple idiots, "It takes one to know one "

Europe Forum Guest Wrote:hey Kuznecov/ kalashnikov.
Saakashvilli is smart enough that Russians coul'd not take control of Georgia.

What good there is in control of Georgia? For what purpose? There are now 2 friendly states Abkchazia and South Osetia.

SiD Wrote:What good there is in control of Georgia? For what purpose? There are now 2 friendly states Abkchazia and South Osetia.
Are you out of your mind? There are just two Russian enclaves on the Georgia's territory. :banghead

Europe Forum Guest Wrote:Are you out of your mind? There are just two Russian enclaves on the Georgia's territory.

They are acknowledged as independent states by Russian government and by themselves so they are. You can :banghead as long as you want. Saakashvili havent find solution for georgian territorial problems and thats bad for Georgia. Saakashvili isnt idiot but he isnt best leader in georgian history for sure.

SiD Wrote:
Europe Forum Guest Wrote:Are you out of your mind? There are just two Russian enclaves on the Georgia's territory.

They are acknowledged as independent states by Russian government and by themselves so they are. You can :banghead as long as you want. Saakashvili havent find solution for georgian territorial problems and thats bad for Georgia. Saakashvili isnt idiot but he isnt best leader in georgian history for sure.

Sid you are an IDOT

HOW DARE U GUYS insulting or abusing a Countries president? its not the way u should behave, while u do criticize someone! this is the georgians choice and only they can say whatever they want about their president and not u! sitting on ur stinky chair and knowing nothing to do except indignities!
This is unbearable and shame how people can react in a subjective ugly way! so i should ask administrators to terminate this topic and it will be done if someone still remains normal and rational on this forum!
p.s I see no real Georgians posting in this subject, so its quite abnormal to discuss an abusive subject without another side! go on post the insults and you'll get a hatred and disgust, which already seems to be main spotlight of this forum!

Tamara_Georgia Girl Wrote: HOW DARE U criticize someone! ugly way! its abnormal!

Easy easy Smile

What you wrote does not meet the standards of the civilized mode of behavior Wink

It is the privilige of a politician to be discussed and analyzed in very many ways. And THAT president provides good material :roll:

Patriotus Wrote:It is common knowledge that current Georgian authorities have had to cut down state financing of all spheres of our life greatly because of recent war in South Ossetia (where damage to this country has amounted to $3 billion!). And certainly now, in conditions of heavy financial crisis, our people will not see promised increase in pensions and benefits or advancing national program of job creation, because the main problem of Georgians remains growing unemployment now!
And just in these difficult conditions, when this country is next door to financial and political default, our current authorities have decided to hold an international (!) music show, which should be an alternative to “Eurovision-2009” in Moscow. What stuff!
Saakashvili is a drivelling idiot! If he has received spare cash from his Western sponsors, it would be better to spend their money to his people’s needs instead of making them fly, wouldn’t it?
no men saakashvili is not an idiot
no more georgia like no more third reich!
saakashvili is a hitler.

you are so right, Ossetia should be free, first of all historical place of ossetians called ALANIA (north Ossetia), free from russian imperialism, and only after this we can talk about ossetian minorities condition into different countries like in Georgia!
If ossetian ethnic group won't be free on its own land in Alania, how can we demand the same thing and worse we give so called independence to so called south ossetia, which is situated in sovereign country Georgia?? that double standards of foreign policy takes world to confrontation! lets give a freedom to all North caucasian nations, especially North ossetians, after all their brothers in south already have it!!! :lol: :lol: actually that '' independence '' means slavery, have a good time in washing Russian toilett bowls!!! (which they had stolen from georgians in august)

to london_observer

hey dear, are u here for criticizing only me and my posts? I'm representative of my country GEorgia here and i have a right to talk whatever i think is important to protect my country's interests! understand?I know what are the standards and i can use them, wherever i consider necessary! uncivilized way is insulting my country president and not my comment about this subjects wrecking existence! the relationship should be based on respection on each other's dignity, velues, different point of views etc, but u can't see whats real harmful, u only point me out that i'm so bad, but what is your behavior look like?
this is a forum for ordinary people, who has their own opinion, politicians can decide nothing, and talking about things, which srtraightly reflects on my life, is my PRIVILEGE too!

He is a tie eater! Not more :lol: :lol: :lol:
The best political regime for the nation is a regime which was saved this nation like an entire one. (M. Montein)

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