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Have you ever "dated" or "found" your love on the internet? If yes, was that a lasting love?
I personally had once  . We had talked as simple friends for two years, gave each other pieces of advice of how to attract the opposite sex. But with time, we got closer, and saw we had much in common. Then we decided to meet once....
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."
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Of course you can, the fate is unpredictable. You can meet your destiny everywhere including and the world wide web. I had such cases, when we get acquainted in the msn and then met. Out love lasted almost 2 years, I'll never forget her. But unfortunately she left for New York, and I remained alone...
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You hear so many stories about how you mustn't meet with people you met over the internet, in case they are dangerous :-( So now when I meet people over the internet I worry that they are posting from prison or are planning to sell my kidneys on the black market :lol: My friends tease me that I will end up married to Borat :haha
But I do know people who have met their soulmate. The web is just such a big place that it is unusual to find someone who lives nearby :roll:
Besides, how often are you honest about yourself on these forums? I like the way some of the guys think all the girls are mysterious and beautiful: I won't tell them any different :gni It's fun to be who you want to be :-)
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 So, Big_Becka you say you have never got acquainted on the internet and didn't meet girls. Quote:o now when I meet people over the internet I worry that they are posting from prison
Even girls? 
Ok, they may look for example, for a man for a single night, but prison, you exaggerate
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This demonstrates exactly what I mean! You assume I am interested in girls ;-) Now, apart from some occasions at University, I am not interested in girls :langue I am far more interested in all these nice, exotic young businessmen, all tanned and muscly, with interesting accents... :oops
And you would be surprised how many times I have met a guy in a bar and found out he has just been released from prison! :lol: There must be something about me!
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I didn't expect that you are a girl  . I see you prefer a real communication, not a virtual one. If speaking about guys, I agree on the internet the majority of them are looking for a short relationship, but there are exceptions. For instance, on a forum you bump into a nice, intelligent, clever man. You communicate 1 month(in private, i.e. icq, msn) 1 year, 2 years. You learn a lot of things about him, and you decide to meet one day  isn't this real? I agree it happens rarely but it is real
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I see your point - and I suppose that on the internet you can meet someone's personality before you have the chance to judge them by their appearance! In this sense perhaps it is more real?
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Big_Becka Wrote:I see your point - and I suppose that on the internet you can meet someone's personality before you have the chance to judge them by their appearance! In this sense perhaps it is more real? Yes, that's what I meant. You see their inner world before the appearance and you pay more attention to hte way they think, speak (write), later on, you will know what the person presents and will pay attention to non-verbal communication.
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Of course, you can. I meet my soul via online dating. As long as you believe your heart he is the the guy.
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carriefox Wrote:Of course, you can. I meet my soul via online dating. As long as you believe your heart he is the the guy. and yet is much more pleasant when you meet in real life and not in the virtual! to see, to feel her breath, to touch, to be near ... to decide is she or is not she! :love
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Sites of the most diverse in organization, topic or type of forums are populated by thousands of people of all ages to change the impression among them, answer their questions, give and ask advice, sell items, change the movies and music, arguing, help, fall in love, spend time together when they miss each other, you have to do, you can not sleep, when the weather is bad, when they break in service, you feel need to talk..
We may think that relations between these people? What they know about each other? What unites them? What is specific to their relationship? What influence have these virtual friends?...
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Anonymity, safety and convenience appear to be the biggest attractions of the relationships on the net. Without leaving the house or office, you meet with people from other cities and countries, which otherwise never have had any opportunity to talk in most cases. In this situation are both very busy people and adolescents, pregnant women or people from distant places.
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About their identity and personal characteristics, is all very relative staying up to everyone what you hide and reveal what you add or omit from the image that presents him. Maybe this is one of the attractions of freedoms to you the way you want to be. This can lead to a lack of trust from others but is part of the game vitualitatii. We find multiple identities, Nick's the same person, we can never be sure who speak or who are those words.
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On the Internet, "love is (really) blind". " Love is blind," said a famous saying by referring to the idealization that we love, even if we see with the eyes. If relationships on the Internet, is truly blind and devoid of any other sensory information. Basically we know nothing about Celal Celal and sometimes not even there. This means that we fall in love or talk to a fancy? So teenagers are part of a virtual love, a virtual friendship, of virtual sexual arousal and pleasure, that of a virtual life in any way we imagine and we are not in reality.
Virtual relationships involve much time in front of the computer in other activities detrimental to real concrete. What we do in reality with boyfriend / girlfriend? We talk, eat, make love, walk, have different common activities and hobbies, sports, theater, music, dance, have fun, we are fighting, we meet with friends, know different people from other circles of friends or people completely new, we shopping, interior, joke, laugh, weep and much more.
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What are the dangers of a virtual relationships?
Getting out of reality. The first and perhaps the greatest danger is out of reality, this "virtual" that attracts us because it makes everything possible so that "transform" reality after our pleasure. All we can be - seems to be the motto of virtuality. If the advantages of speaking at any time of day or night with your beloved, you could hear voices and even see it are irrefutable and is the result of technological evolution, relationships and of course the Internet presents many disadvantages.
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Distance between partners. Usually, the partners are far apart and the opportunity to actually meet in is rare. They are from different cities of different countries.
Differences of age, temperament, occupation. Other major differences between them are also very common such as differences in age, occupation, temperament, skills. Usually, there are couples who would not be formed because there never would have never met. That makes some of these relationships to be very artificial, forced, unnatural and not to have long life. In cases "happy", they manage to meet and form a real couple, very rarely. Following separation, regret, depression, disappointment, distrust.
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Personally I meet my love on the Internet, we are in a relationship about 2 years and more than that we decided to marry. We are very happy together and i hope we will be so all the rest of our life. You should not think that on the internet you can't find serious relations, contrarily it can be more seriously than it's happen when you meet a person in other circumstances.
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I am happy for you Lorry - that is nice to hear  uper
What worries me the most is language / cultural differences. I seem to get interest from Russian guys recently. :quoi Now, I can't speak Russian, and their English isn't great - so it's hard to understand when they are joking, or when they are being romantic or just friendly. I don't know how to ask them difficult questions (like "are you still married?" and "where does your money come from?" and "have you considered washing your hair?" :lol: ) Just suppose I met them and liked them - it would be a tremendous step to move to a remote town in another country, where the culture is very different. Just to visit some of these places would cost hundreds of Euros! Have any of you been in this position?
Also, I know that when I was younger I used to get asked out by African guys (from Angola, Sierra Leone, etc.) all the time. I used to love it :roll: Then I realised that they just wanted to marry a european girl so that they could stay in the country :evil: They could be really nasty about it :nonnon
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Oh, its my favourite topic 
So, 2 years ago when I came from Bulgaria, I got acquainted with a young, blonde guy on the Internet.
Some days later I understood that he was an uncle of my friend...
I think it was my destiny 
In August we will have a marriage.
We are happy
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What does this have to do with online dating? To me, Internet dating has always seemed like a more dangerous version of blind dating. I can see where it would be fun to browse through the take-out menu of profiles, find one that looks interesting, and try to hook up with that person. It also seems shallow. Are you likely to meet your soul mate this way? I don't see why not, but it seems more likely that you will bump into him/her as you browse for books. Call me old fashioned, but I think that eye contact and chemistry still matter.
My opinion about online dating sites changed recently. As it turns out, they have some pretty sophisticated tools to match people now. I have seen a couple of my friends wed who had always been... let's just say "free." Maybe this is just a coincidence, but they were both using the same Internet dating service. I don't think all the book stores in the world would have been enough to snare either one of these guys into marriage, but Internet dating did it.