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How many languages do you know?
How many languages do you know and what are they? What languages do you want to know?
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I know several languages - English, French, Russian, Romanian. I wanna learn Chinese and German - Chinese because together with their language I can learn about their old history.
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That's really impressive! Confusedhock: Most people in the UK learn French and one other language (usually Spanish, German or Latin) during Secondary School. I'm terrible at French - most French people just get annoyed and speak to me in English :haha But I enjoy German - I carried on doing courses from time to time, and now I can get by in Germany with few problems.

I would love to learn Russian but it is so difficult! I once spent a whole evening learning to say "hello" in Russian, and still couldn't get it right or remember the cyrillic spelling! :roll: I'm hoping I will have the opportunity to take a course in basic Russian in the next year Smile I know I will never be fluent, but it would be nice to visit Russia and be able to read road signs, buy a sandwich, etc.

Quote:I know I will never be fluent, but it would be nice to visit Russia and be able to read road signs, buy a sandwich, etc.
Well, it is not so difficult as it seems Smile. You just have to be patient and persistent. If you spend some months in Russia, I'm sure you will be able to understand some of their speech Smile. I know a girl from Germany, she spend 3 years in Ucraine, and Russia, and learned it quite well, was speaking almost without mistakes.
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Not many, just English, French and German Smile. I have not got such a gift to easily learn languages, but I'm trying as hard as I can.

I like very much foreign languages and more than, I like a foreigner speaking in another language, eg the Greeks in Italian or Russian, is very funny! I would like to learn Greek, Japanese, Chinese, Turkish because language as the general international English and French I already know! So who can help me with the lessons are welcome :-P

I know English, Portuguese, Russian and Romanian, a little Italian. I want very much to learn German and French, I know that it's difficult but it is very good to know more languages, because your vocabulary enriches and whatever you will go you will be able to understand everything you hear around, besides when learning a foreign language you learn it's native traditions and culture of this native country. it's amazing!

The languages I know are italian, English, tagalog and a little Indonesian but I wanted to study French and Japanese. It is always fun learning new languages.

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