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Bread is one of the oldest foods eaten by humans. Bread recipes date back thousands of years ago. However, in recent years, bread has been awarded not a very good reputation, though, say the experts, not all types of bread should be avoided.The truth is that more people consume protein energy bars. Why not try a slice of bread?
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French bakers have invented a type of bread very good for the body because it contains organic whole grains, purified water, pumpkin seeds, organic oat fiber, organic white flour, sesame seeds and sunflower, soybean and concentrated refined salt.
A slice of bread has about 100 calories and contains 5 grams of fiber, 8 grams protein, 11 grams carbohydrates and 13 types of vitamins and minerals.... A slice - is friend .... more than 4 per day - enemy
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Over time, the bread industry has seen spectacular steps. After nearly 100 years, Otto Rohwedder invented the bread slicing machine, and in 1930 Americans have added to the recipe many vitamins and minerals, and in 1941 added calcium. But now, read the label of packaged bread,and notes that are added preservatives, artificial sweeteners and gluten. Therefore, we do not know exactly which bread product to choose as not to harmful to our health.
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I hear black bread is better for our body because it contains more nutrients, is more nourishing and is indicated by little and to those who are on a diet to lose weight or to diet due to illnesse
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For me abviosly friend, cause i eat all most everything with bread. I know that is not good to eat much bread but without it I do not hold satisfied, also by my body constitution is not indicated to me missing bread, because I'm not willing to fattening
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ooooo my god...of corse is a friendly enemy...
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Bread is a high-calorie friend :roll:
I eat 2-4 slices of wholemeal bread (or equivalents like crisp bread) every day. Any more and I will gain weight! I avoid baguettes, pizzas, pittas, etc. with my meals, and eat pasta, potatoes or rice instead. I beleive it is most nutritious to have this kind of variety
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Big_Becka Wrote:Bread is a high-calorie friend :roll:
I eat 2-4 slices of wholemeal bread (or equivalents like crisp bread) every day. Any more and I will gain weight! I avoid baguettes, pizzas, pittas, etc. with my meals, and eat pasta, potatoes or rice instead. I beleive it is most nutritious to have this kind of variety 
and I, also try to avoid to eat bread, but when is fresh bread in the house I can not abstain not eat even one piece. But ...also do not eat pastries, pastry, pies etc. is a very dangerous food for my body... :banghead
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certainly is a friend ... has more calories that can form in fat rings around waist,but it is a necessary nutrient for the body...
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Quote:For me abviosly friend, cause i eat all most everything with bread. I know that is not good to eat much bread but without it I do not hold satisfied, also by my body constitution is not indicated to me missing bread, because I'm not willing to fattening
as if you had read my own thoughts and writing of my words  ... They, still, think the same :mrgreen: ... I say out loud for all :ouioui
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In conditions in which most women do in continuing problems that regard their weight, a nutrition from Israel developed a new diet, which involves use of sandwich every three hours. Diet developed by Olga Raz, nutritionist at the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, has already success among people who want to get rid of extra pounds. The program encourages people who want to lose weight often eat small amounts of foods such as bread, pasta and beans, along with vegetables, protein and fruit. 1.300-1.800 with a daily intake of calories, experts say that bread diet meet the standards imposed by diet approved by medical bodies.
So ladies go ahead with bread...
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The ingredients in bread have changed over time, and refined grain does not contain much nutrition (which is left in the refining process). Many people also reach on gluten (in some grain).
Malt might be used to "color" the bread - and in any case the color does not "prove" anything.
If it is ecological it does not contain pesticide, which of course is good - but again - same story.
In my case I can not eat much bread - my weight goes up (and up and up), so I am careful with food which has lots of starches (and refined carbohydrates in general).
Or said with other words: for my bread is an enemy.
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Nathan Wrote:So ladies go ahead with bread... 
thank u nathan but I prefer not to risk... ;-)
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Quote:The ingredients in bread have changed over time, and refined grain does not contain much nutrition
Food made from flour, water, salt and yeast, tormented, fermentation and baking in the oven (that is what i know). Bread is essentially a food rich in carbohydrates, but also bring proteins and approximately 30% water. In addition, bread contains minerals and fiber remain in Group B, in significant quantities in bread than white bread. The amount of energy per day is between 244 and 274 kilocalories per 100 grams. The average amount recommended for an adult is between 280 and 350 grams per day.
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Laurentine Wrote:Quote:The ingredients in bread have changed over time, and refined grain does not contain much nutrition
Food made from flour, water, salt and yeast, tormented, fermentation and baking in the oven (that is what i know). Bread is essentially a food rich in carbohydrates, but also bring proteins and approximately 30% water. In addition, bread contains minerals and fiber remain in Group B, in significant quantities in bread than white bread. The amount of energy per day is between 244 and 274 kilocalories per 100 grams. The average amount recommended for an adult is between 280 and 350 grams per day. I do distinguish between energy (calories) and nutrition, and there are better sources for fiber than bread.
With that large amount of carbohydrates you suggest, my weight would raise dramatically!
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Quote:I do distinguish between energy (calories) and nutrition, and there are better sources for fiber than bread.
With that large amount of carbohydrates you suggest, my weight would raise dramatically!
Do you follow a diet? Do you combine it with sport? may you post for me what includes your daily ration ? maybe I, and the rest of members will post some tips for you that you did not know...  uper
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Laurentine Wrote:Quote:I do distinguish between energy (calories) and nutrition, and there are better sources for fiber than bread.
With that large amount of carbohydrates you suggest, my weight would raise dramatically!
Do you follow a diet? Do you combine it with sport? may you post for me what includes your daily ration ? maybe I, and the rest of members will post some tips for you that you did not know... uper Thanks, Laurentine, this was a kind offer.
As different people have different metabolism, I have to follow mine. And that excludes starches, flowers and sugar. I eat a large variety of things (like seafood, meat, vegetables, egg, cheese, berries - but generally not processed food).
Exercise/sport alone is not enough for me to keep low weigh (I do interval for cardio and anaerobe for general muscular health). I learned from experience to swap starches with other nutrition.
Other people might have other experience, and surely different metabolism. For me, grain, corn, sugar (in any form), bread, flower, starches - leads to weight gain, while combination of seafood, meat and vegetables keeps me fit.
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No simple table and no lavish party is not figured without bread, rolls, Christmas. Our ancestors left us many options for using slices of bread dough as the cure.
- For example, the places affected by gangrene apply a mixture composed of dark rye bread well chewed in the mouth and salt.
- The painful blow apply a slice of bread well sprinkled with vinegar and sprinkled with baking soda. - To eliminate lower back pain ill apply the hot freshly baked bread and cut horizontally into 2 layers.
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Also for back pain and sciatica are successfully used yeast dough of rye flour. The dough is greased on a piece of thick paper (parchment) and apply for sick place (previously rubbed with turpentine and tincture of pepper). Above is covered with cotton or wool, knit tight and let time of 40-50 minutes after it is removed and instead compress delete ill with a dry cloth. After you drink 2.5 g sodium bicarbonate 150 ml warm milk. Store dough several days and is used even if a little musty. The procedure is repeated 3 days in a row.
- To hematoma, furunculosis, various inflammatory processes, elders used wheat flour, oat or rye mixed with honey and a raw egg or a teaspoon of salt. The dough obtained is applied to the sick place and change daily.
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in case of back pain is to get a grinder chestnut powder and mixed with camphor oil or melted lard. A thin layer of ointment to anoint the chestnuts on a slice of black bread and apply for sick place.
We also can use wealth grain of wheat not only for quench hunger, especially that of trade bread - white, tasty, soft - rather affects health, than to strengthen it...
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I found that we are able to eat bread that fit exactly in the famous statement of the parent of medicine, hypocrite who say "food be medicine and medicine be food", he premiere introduce a new variant of bread that can be prepared by any housewife or household at Home and can be used both as food and as an effective remedy for maintaining health and therapeutic problems:
- mixed with white flour, wheat bran, wheat or whole wheat flour in quantities of 10 parts or 5 parts of wheat bran, 5 parts white flour, wheat, mixed very well (to prevent formation of lumps the softening)
- sunflower oil cold pressed (obtained by pressing at room temperature without heating or roasting the seeds), in the amount of 2 parts
- cumin (fruit) powder made in quantities of 1 teaspoon of peak (or by taste).
Need to be prepared once. Vessels for measuring and cooking must be enamel or from glass, ceramics, and mixing is done with a wooden spoon right in size.
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in the dish for cooking (the dish should be slightly larger than the quantity of bread prepared once, so blending can be easy and not to the content around the sides of the vessel) to make whole wheat flour and a teaspoon the top of cumin, or the two components, flour and bran.
Mixed of white flour, wheat bran, wheat or whole wheat flour in quantities of 10 parts or 5 parts of wheat bran, 5 parts white flour, wheat, mixed very well (to prevent formation of lumps in softening )
- sunflower oil cold pressed (obtained by pressing at room temperature without heating or roasting the seeds), in the amount of 2 parts
- cumin (fruit) powder made in quantities of 1 teaspoon of peak (or to taste) .
To measure the components can be used a cup (a cup equal with a volume), a glass or other vessel depending on the quantity of bread ) plus cumin, all should be well mixed with a wooden spoon (so as not to form lumps of flour to softening). in the middle is a hole in which oil is poured and left "to rest" 10 minutes; later with wooden spoon to mix everything very well, so will not remain not softened oil mixture, then presses the surface, at the same level. Thus, bread is ready for consumption. Bon appetite!
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INDICATIONS: You can cook once a larger quantity of bread for a longer period of time, as well preserved because of oil which acts as evidence of softening, and as part of conservation together with cumin.
Storage does not require special conditions, is recommended to keep at room temperature and darkness, along with other food, but well covered. Time of storage in normal conditions is up to one months and for keeping the May long can use glass jars of 400 g or 800 g with screw cap, is wrapped in dark paper and stored in a dark and cool or in the refrigerator. It is also recommended in our own kitchen preparing bread, whole wheat flour and oil which are known origins, of this depending on their health.
Due to the low level of mechanical drive components and preparation at room temperature without the need for heat treatment of baking, the entire wealth of nutrients, enzymes, vitamins, the trace elements, etc.. (such as for wheat are many mineral salts and catalytic elements - calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chlorine, sulfur, silicon, zinc, manganese, cobalt, copper, iodine, arsenic, phosphorated fat, starch, vitamins A, Group B, E (the seeds), K, D, PP, ferment, diastase, sunflower oil cold pressed we unsaturated fatty acids (over 90%: unsaturates 1 / 3 oleic acid, approximately 30 96, 2 polyunsaturated / 3 linoleic acid, approximately 60%), saturated fatty acids (7-9%: 4% palmitic acid, stearic acid 3%, Arahal 0.6%, 0.40% lignoceric, insaponifiabili 1.2%) and vitamins, fosfatide, glycerides), is preserved intact in their natural state, full of life, most easily assimilated by the body, with minimum effort and energy to the consumer that kind of bread will benefit the most natural, the end result being a gradual naturalization, drop considerable weight with the general improvement in health status. Use bran is very important in terms of nutritional and therapeutic. shell bean contains wheat protein, vitamins, mineral salts, factors diastase various enzymes, catalysts for action, a large number of amino acids, trace elements, vitamins, especially from group B.
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Use bran will definitely help get rid of constipation and excess fluid because it has great possibilities for absorption. while bran absorbs water swell, food bowl to soften and remove from the body more easily with debris deposited over time. Clean intestines start to work better, disappear intoxication caused by constipation, is partially regulates metabolism. As our bread to be more rich in vitamins, can use leftovers that remain when you squeeze fruit juice fruit. Cellulose remaining dries in the sun or oven is rasneste, obtaining a powder that is added to bread. Element for conservation, cumin, has beneficial action on the body since oral hygiene, helping to cure bronchitis, dyspepsia (digestive disorders), anorexia, balonarii, abdominal colic, enterocolitica, hipogalactiei (dysfunction of the mammary glands), etc.. For seasoning you can use other spices. For example, in case of colitis, bloating or dill seeds add the grinders, in case of hypertension and diabetes added cinnamon etc.. together with spices you can add to composition and dried herbs.
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M.Helen Wrote:Also for back pain and sciatica are successfully used yeast dough of rye flour. I wounder if you know what sciatica is. But try with a chiropractor.