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(Reality Micro Novel by Mustafa Erdogan Surat/SOLZHENITSYN08/PRO-WEST Islamic Columnist and Leader)

Since every mixture of red or black fascist terror must have had a Source from which it sprung, so this last bridle of a little yet effective terrorist gang in Palestine, must like all others have had its originating cause instead of great majority of peaceful Palestinians. Accepted neither by Jews nor Christians, many terrorizing treatment against both Israeli and Palestinian natives have been observed to write it. These have been described by Moslems brutality in such observations as the “anti imperialist masked atheism” or “radical evilness”; but unfortunately the learning of the Radical Islamic Author-me, of these descriptions of that terror has not been unequal to my zeal as being in the cases of others. The Object of the present work is to investigate the various incredible, heart-rending tortures which have been put forward as to the origin of Palestinian Independence War. I first state briefly the above mentioned terrorist gang’s evil deeds, and then examine the claim of those who hold that terror in Middle-East has a human and not a brutality origin.
In this new endeavor, it has been my object, by God's help, to show from whence the horror has raised its foundation and origin, in other words, its unwritten brutality burning the Palestinians first. And I trusts that those who study the following pages, having learned the origin of the manly Hell, may not lose sight of those abominable tortures inflicting upon peaceful Palestinians whence has arisen the vast stream which has overflowed so many nations of the Middle-East like the massacre in Neve-Shalom in Istanbul.
Some paragraphs from CHAPTER 1.
The victims’ families hold that their children eyes uninstalled from their proper places and after being dried or mummified have sent directly from the Palestinian patriots to the families to persuade the parents in a very special way of converting the play lover lads into suicide bombers. The leadership focuses like Jihad center and all their militants were sent down to the earth by God to give anti-imperialist war especially against the USA and Israel and had their right to cut their own children legs and arms, fingers or to drill their corneas in making them blind before pastoral life while opening the inner eyes of the sacrificed youth about patriotism. Much of their faith is also built upon Tradition handed down by the Red Front's followers. But some Shiite terror agents like those of Hezbollah differ from the Sunni Jihad militants as to much that is told us by Tradition; and I, therefore, have based my reality stories mainly on the Palestinian War of Independence which is accepted as divine by every silly Westerners, and on such tradition as is comfortable thereto. As for the Independence War, it is held to be of Red Fascism origin, recorded behind the Iron Wall of Soviet Empire, and lying as it does there upon the "Preserved Table" of ancient Presidium! Thus anti-imperialism alone is held to be the "Source" of Good Terror; and if so, then all effort to find a human origin for any part of it must be in vain. Now, if we can trace the teaching of any part of it, to an earthly Source, or to human systems existing previous to the Al Qaida's age, then terrorizing torture at once falls to the ground.
It therefore behooves every true and earnest terrorist, with the utmost diligence to test whether this claim be true or not. If their opponents can bring to light human Source, they may contend that by admission Terror is indeed human; but if otherwise, they cannot but perceive what fatal conclusion must be drawn. Let us then test the assertions of those who hold to the existence of inhuman Sources, and see whether any portion of the doctrines and tenets of Terror can be traced to other Fascist crimes or Sources preceding the Al-Qaida's age, or existing at the time.
Some hold that the TORTURİNG METHODS are its initial Source of Independence War and Anti-Imperialist Struggle. When the desire arose in the mind of Al Jihad or Hezbollah leaders to draw their people from the peaceful relations with civilized world to that of Global TerrorismAlmighty; and when they remembered that their forefathers in the days of Abraham believed in the divine Unity; and further that they inherited many of the beliefs and customs of their pious forefathers; they were unwilling to force abandonment of them all, but desired rather to purify their faith, and to maintain such ancient practices to torture the enemy and their own people as they thought good and reasonable. And so we find this passage in the pamphlets of “Intifada”: Who is better than he that resigneth himself to Leader, and worketh righteousness, and followeth the Anti-Imperialist doctrine of Red Regimes? Say, the Leader speaketh truth; follow ye, therefore, the faith of Independence the righteous; for he was no traitor. And yet once more: Say, Verily my Leader hath directed me into the right way, the true faith, the war of Anti-Imperialist Front, and he was no dirty capitalist even he has some billion dollars!

Post-Operative Commentary of the Speech Therapy Agent:

Deciphering the tremendous cry of the officially slaughtered little girl’s DAD if there were no scientific consciousness with an expert who can make commentaries about the aftermaths of an operation, if at the speaking of all informational process between the operated-the client, and the expert himself lay only a wildly information sharing which zigzagging with obscurity may produce something that is successful and something that is slightly significant, what then would speech therapy be but irrational approach? If such were the case, if there were no rational way which united the client and the therapy agent, if one consideration arose after another like the peaceful armored carriers of the USA in the desert attacking dictators and trying to build up global democracy, if the one thought replaced the other like the numerals of a process in algebra, if the post-operational therapy agents passed through the words as the moss goes through the rivulets, like the arrow piercing nowhere through the wrong targets, a “thoughtless and fruitless activity”, if an method lacked performance was always chasing for its aimless result and there was no science strong enough to tear it from its absurdity, “how empty then and comfortless” social or medical post-operational process related social and medical work it would be! But therefore it is not thus, but as Global Democracy taught the client and his family, so too it fashioned the expert and the father or the child. The dead girl cannot do what that other does, she can only lie in her grave, be loved and missed. Yet she too is very dear and so much helpful, and not less so, for the therapy agent is as it were his better service, with which he is in his own discipline, rejoicing in the fact that this after all is not for himself, that his study can be solution. “He is the genius of recollection, can do nothing except call to mind what has been done, do nothing but admire what has been done; he contributes nothing of his own, but is jealous of the entrusted treasure”-THE CASE OF DEAD GIRL. He follows the option of his post-operational study, but when he has found what he sought, he writes down the reports of SPEECH THERAPY in the case of THE FATHER, that all may read the storied report as he does, be proud of the Europeans’ contribution as he is. This is his achievement, his humble work; this is his scientific service in the room of the speech therapy. If he thus remains true to his method, he strives day and night against the peril of oblivion which would trick humanity out of its HUMAN RIGHTS LEGENDARY, then he has completed his work, then he is gathered to the proto-type of successful expert, who has guided him just as scientifically, for the post-operative therapy is as it were the therapy agent’s better nature, powerless it may be as any method is, but also transfigured as a discipline is. “Hence no one shall be forgotten who was great, and though time tarries long, though a cloud of misunderstanding takes the hero away, his lover comes nevertheless, and the longer the time that has passed, the more faithfully will he cling to him.”
Yet, not anything shall be forgotten which was great or base in the world. But each was great or base in its own way, and each in proportion to the greatness or baseness of that which loved or disdained. For he who understands himself become well known by himself. And he who understood other men became by his faultless potentiality omnipotent to some extent, but he who deciphered the story of a social or medical case from the point of Post-Operational Phase behaved scholarly than all. Everyone shall be remembered, but each became memoir worthy in proportion to his expectation and the destination spoiled by the authorities. One became reasonable within his hopes by expecting the possible, another by expecting the best, but he who expected the impossible as the villager would wish his daughter to be dead for he should live became most irrational than all. Every case shall be remembered, but each was worth of deciphering in proportion to the greatness of that with which it represent like a high potential adventure. For he who strove with the gang state became great by overcoming the malice, and he who strove with deciphering the story became great by overcoming his ignorance, but he who strove with irrational became greater than all. So there was only “deciphering” in the world, man against man, one against a thousand, but he who deciphered the “irrational” cases was greater than all. So there was only hardness worth to be understood upon earth: there was some which overcame all by one’s power, and there was another which could be overcome by the expert’s potency. “There was one who relied upon himself and gained all, there was one who secure in his strength deciphers all, but he who believed in the scholar’s hard work was greater than all”. “There was one who was great by reason of his power, and one who was great by reason of his wisdom, and one who was great by reason of his hope, and one who was great by reason of his love of science and art; but the expert of this CASE would be greater than all, great by reason of his power whose strength is impotence along with hard work, great by reason of his wisdom whose base is energy, great by reason of his hope whose form is scholarship, great by reason of the love which is hatred of one’s own prejudice.


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