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As every loving beast the murderer in this case must had been to look out for a lady to be in love with; for a fake secular modern Turkish lad without love would be like a steel dagger without blood drops or broken muscle fibers which it has recently raked, or a suicide bomber without any Israeli or Kurdish siblings to target at. As he said to himself, "If, for my enmity against the Patrick Bartholomew of Istanbul, or by my true loyalty to the big Second Soviet-the sworn enemy of the West, I come across some giant hereabouts, a common occurrence with officially planned political murder, and overthrow my sweetheart in one onslaught, or cleave her asunder to the waist, or, in short, vanquish and subdue her, will it not be well to have the daughter of the Patrick Bartholomew’s cook I may send Turkey Vulture-the secret state to as a present, that she may come in and fall on her knees before our Turkish Red Generals, and in a humble, submissive voice say, 'I am the daughter of Patrick’s cook, vanquished in single combat by the never sufficiently extolled modern Turkish boy C.G of Istanbul, who has commanded me to present myself before your grace looking after the vengeance of Turkish Red Army on both the Russians and Americans’
Oh, how our good gentle butcher enjoyed the delivery of this Red KEMALIST speech, especially when he had thought of MUNAVVER to call his Lady Victim! There was, so the story goes, in a modern site near his own a very good-looking girl to be sacrificed with whom he had been at one time in love, though, so far as is known, she’s never known it nor gave a thought to the matter. Her name was MUNAVVER of whom one may find in the headlights of Turkish Press today, and upon her he thought very fit to confer the title of Lady of his Red Thoughts; and after some search for a name which should not be out of harmony with her own, and should suggest and indicate that of a death princess, he decided upon calling her big sacrifice of fake secular, and modern Second Soviet she being of condemned servant of the West- a name, to his toxicity** hit mind, brutal yet uncommon, and significantly KEMALIST, like all those he himself had already bestowed upon his mission and the things belonging to his ideology!

**Ted Generals used to use HALOPERIDOL as toxicant on their butchery candidates


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