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My dears, not having what to do before the holidays, I decided to make a list about the differences between men and women. Of course, this is my opinion, and all of you are welcome to post opinions and ideas, or your own list on this topic...So let's go...
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• Women have a highly developed ability to observe any detail and changes of the aspect or behavior of others, no matter how small they are. Do not try to hide something from your wife, 'cause it won't work! ... They have a wider peripheral perception. To women, peripheral orientation reach to 180 degrees, while the man has a type of brain set up for a perception as in a tunnel, for long distance, as if they have a binoculars.
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• When the man's brain rests, at least 70% of electrical activity is blocked. For women, the scanner shows that 90% is active during a similar condition, confirming that women get and keep under review information from the environment.
• Women describe colors in more details than men because they have two X chromosomes that provide greater variety of cone cells, which refer to color shades. They have the white part of eyes bigger than men's.
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• When a man is sent to find butter in the refrigerator he won't find it, even after looking twice, meanwhile a woman finds it with the eyes closed. Hormones estrogen enable them identify objects in the room and remember them later.
• When a man enters with his wife in a house, he identifies technical details (inputs, things to be repaired), while women examines faces and knows exactly who's with who.
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Women hear better than men and are entitled in distinguishing high sounds. Women's brain is programmed to hear how a child cries at night, while father is still sleeping and is unshakable, emanating a soundtrack by snoring in different intensities  .
• If women are more skilled in differentiating sounds, men can can identify easier where they come from.
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• No question, women's skin is more sensitive than men's. It's not a secret that women, having receptors of ten times more sensitive than men's, she will pay more attention to the consolations of men. When a woman has emotional problems or is very mad on a man, most likely will say: "Do not touch me!"
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• Women have the capacity to be careful in one conversation and at the same time seeking another conversation, while man can focus only on one activity. If the phone rings, the man will ask others to stay calm, because otherwise he can not concentrate. She, in turn, is ready to respond, regardless of how many stress factors are around them.
• The woman's taste and smell are far superior to men's. Men are more effective in distinguishing salty and bitter tastes, while women prefer sweets.
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• Men are not quite sensitive when a woman suffers because of pain. However they become sensitive to a football game or other more aggressive programs 
• And we must recognize that women are significantly higher in the sense of perception: they are skilled in detecting fine nuances within body-language They can even read the reactions and feelings of animals.
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We know that the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the creativity and is more developed at women, and left hemisphere is responsible for logic control and reasoning and is more developed at men.
• Using the tomography with magnetic resonance, the scanner showed that men, mostly use the left side of brain when talking to somebody, while women use both the left and the right. This is where their desire of talking much emerge.
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• Left and right brain hemispheres are connected by a number of nerves which are called calos body. This cable makes the parts of the brain communicate well with each other, allowing information exchange. Women's calos body is thicker than men's, with over 30% more connections between hemispheres. Therefore, women's speech is fluent, and this explains the ability of women to perform more things without apparent connection between them. This is where female intuition emerges from.
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• For a stronger suggestion, we can say that the brain of man is mono, while the woman is stereo. And, as if
not enough, it was found that women's brains have more gray, although smaller in size.
• Because she uses both parts of the brain at once, for women it is difficult to distinguish between right and left.
• I think I must score points and for men as well  . Their orientation is much better. Although women see a tiny stain on clothes from 30 meters, they women are failing to park the car normally, hitting always the garage door :lol: .
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• A man's brain filters the information by placing it into folders. Women don't store information. It's somehow "unstable".
• A man doesn't see anything good in expressing feelings. For example, when, after a day of work with all sorts of events, woman asks her husband how it was he would laconic reply: "good! As yesterday. Nothing new!" Efforts of expression are much lower.
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• For women, speech still has a specific purpose: creating new relationships and making friends. For men, speaking means, strictly reference to facts.
• Men speak more in their mind. When she notices him sitting near a window, she thinks he is bored or lazy and tries to talk and to and make him do something: "Because you still do not do anything, go and wash the floor in the kitchen dear! "  (i guess all men heard that)
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• Men need to understand that women's speech are emotions rather than concrete facts. You know the joke: "I have not talked with my wife for six months, and I still don't want to interrupt her! "
• Even the word itself, has a meaning different meaning for both genders.
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• When a man is reading a book, he looks eager to see how many pages are to the end of a chapter, while women is not so sequential as men, seeking the end. She likes using imagination, she invents scenarios, and she will never want to face the end earlier than she should.
• If the husband is busy with reading, writing an article or a paper, his wife will leave the door open, as a reflex meaning not to close the communication.
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• Men use language to compete with each other, therefore the meaning of words is more important. To women, the vocabulary is not their strengths point, so the definition and meaning of words does not matter so much, because they rely on more accurate voice tone for an expression , but also body language, to give emotional content. You should know that once a woman talks a lot to you, she really likes you. If she doesn't - you're screwed up
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• Speaking "roundaboutly" is a "specialty" for women and aims to gather relationship, but often it won't work for men, because they do not understand this game. Women's brains is focused on processing, while men consider it a failure structuring. He wants to be told concisely and directly. .
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A woman involves feelings in what she says, while a man only expresses himself . Once vocabulary is not exactly the strength of female brain, they do not consider the precise definition of the words as relevant. But men will interpret every word that she will tell them and will react respectively. For a "successful" fight, men need to understand that she uses words not in compiance with their definitions.
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• Women use an average of six facial expressions in ten seconds, thereby responding to the emotions of listener. Usually, the man remains unmoved when listening, in order not to betray emotion, but that does not mean that he has no emotions. Brain scan shows, that men react emotionally as strong as women, but avoid to show it.
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Most women show limited orientation, while men, on the contrary, can easily handle that. Studies show, that man's mind, measure the distance and speed, to know exactly when to change direction. If you give a tourist map or a road map to a woman, barely possible she can find easily her position.
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• Women excel in creative areas such as art performance, education, human resources and literature, all
these are abstract areas, where logics is not paramount
• Men deepens himself into work, while she is focused in the details of life and the multitude of relations.
I wish you good health and I invite you to explain these things to others. It is a must to know such differences and to accept them
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Faw_Peter Wrote:• Women excel in creative areas such as art performance, education, human resources and literature, all
these are abstract areas, where logics is not paramount
• Men deepens himself into work, while she is focused in the details of life and the multitude of relations. This theory was disproved many years ago. There is no evidence to suggest that womens brains are physically more inclined to creative arts than logic. In addition, statistically many jobs requiring a high level of logic, like medicine and materials science, attract relatively high numbers of women.
Women are encouraged and conditioned by society to study the creative areas and socialise with other people, and to doubt their logical abilities. Women who do not conform to this norm are often considered unusual and unfeminine. :nonnon
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We should not seek who is the best men or women but we should try to find some ways how we can understand better each other, problems which appear in the conversation and many other facts that permit to be more closer to each other.
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Thanks To All OF You Friends For Sharing such a Great posts With us
about the Difference,Well Really in Every Way There are Lots OF Difference Between Men and Woman Physically as Well as Mentally.
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Wow that is a lot to chew on lol. There are differences true..but they complement each other.