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Water, a healthy ally for the body
Not only during the summer hydration is important, but and in the rest of the time. Most specialists recommended daily consumption of about 2 l of water. That's because a person adult loses on average, everyday, about a liter of water through respiration and sweat, without the added water needed in the process tract and that processed by the kidneys.
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The best way to ensure the needs for water is simply to drink water. But we can hydrate our body and through consumption of certain foods or beverages.
How much water, we must consume? The recommendations were changed over time, but most specialists agree that each person is different, and quantity of water that must to be consumed depends on the status of health or how actively is.
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
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Benefits water consumption
Our body is formed in large part of the water, representing about 60 percent of body weight. Water helps to eliminate toxins in the body and to transport of nutrients to cells. Dehydration, lack of the necessary quantity of water from the body, cause imminent fatigue, leaving us free of energy.
Also, water helps stomach to process food more quickly and efficiently. In addition, gives the sensation of satiety and so you can reduce the quantity of portions, if you want to get rid of kilograms. Never forget that water, unlike other drinks, contains no calories, which is beneficial for the figure.
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
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Daily, we, lose water through respiration and sweat, urine and the process of digestion. The body to function properly, must replace the quantity of water lost, through consuming liquids and food containing water.
We all know the Rule of 8 glasses of water per day (about 1.9 l). Also, this rule can be changed and in "consume 8 glasses of liquid a day", for that and other drinks can rely on the total quantity recommended.
Another recommendation comes from the Institute of medicine. According to this, men must consume about 3 l liquids a day, and women 2.2 l.
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
A really nice forum for Parisians

Who must consume more water?
During training or activities that make you sweat, you must drink a larger quantity of water. The quantity in more liquid, depends on the intensity of exercises, sweat and lasting activity.
High temperatures may make you to sweat more than usual and, for that reason, the quantity consumed of liquid must increase.
The pregnant women or those that breastfeeding, is another category that needs a surplus of liquids to maintain the hydration. Specialists recommend that pregnant women to consume 2,3 l liquids daily, and the women who breastfeeding - 3,1 l per day.
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
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Another factor which must lead to an increase in consumption of liquid is health. Foot, the state of vomiting and diarrhea causes an extra loss in liquids from the body. In these cases you need more liquids to prevent dehydration. Also, consume more water, if you confront with infections or stones at the kidneys. There are also infections of the liver or kidneys in which it is appropriate to reduce the consumption of liquids.
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
A really nice forum for Parisians

Sources of water

if you are scared of the thought that must drink 2 liters of water daily, find out that the water which you take from certain aliments also matters. The foods consumed daily give 20 percent of the total amount of water, and 80 percent comes from beverages. The vegetables and fruits bring a large part of the needs for water.
According to specialists is not a good idea to rely only on the sensation of thirst, for the consuming of the liquids. When the thirst arise, it is possible, already TO BE SLIGHTLY dehydrated.
Recommended is to:
* Drink a glass of water at every meal and between meals;
* hydrate yourself before, after and during exercise;
* Replace alcoholic drinks with water.
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
A really nice forum for Parisians

Water is necessary for a body but at the same time consumption of too much of water can prove to be dangerous. The more the water is ingested in your body the total blood volume increases in and this puts burden on your heart and blood vessels. If in short period of time too much water is consumed the kidney will suffer alot because it will struggle to eliminate too much of water. The blood circulatory system becomes diluted with excess water that can result in swelling in brain.
Medical alert system

water is very healthy for our body, water improve the digestion system and protect us from many diseases. water provide healthy and glowing skin. water help to reduce body fat fast.

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